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Thread: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (No spoilers)

  1. #1
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (No spoilers)

    This game is wonderful.

  2. #2
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    Agreed. There is so much to do. I can't believe how big it is. I've spent hours just wondering around and pwning Ice Trolls with my Fire spells without even touching the main story. Also Giants suck.

  3. #3
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    49 hours so far. JFC.

  4. #4
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    Can't wait to get my hands on this for Christmas. The plan is to be a ranger/rouge werewolf.

  5. #5
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    Yeah this game is endless and I love it. I've got mastery in Conjuration and Illusion and I'm working on destruction. Lots of Fun ways to play. probably 50-100 hours and I haven't even gotten into the main quest yet. They really did it perfectly. The flavor of everything, the powers, weapons, settings.

    My only qualm is with the perk system, which everyone else seems to love. The perk system seems to render leleling up skills to totally useless. It doesn't totally matter that I'm a level 100 Conjurist, it's the perks that count. And since you can't get perks without leveling up, the game eventually slows to a crawl as far as powering up goes. Leveling and becoming more powerful is the fuel and motivation for exploration in this game, so once that essentially becomes very rare or impossible, I've started to lose interest in the game.

  6. #6
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    Welp. The 1.2 patch broke the main menu for me. No text loads, so I can't do anything.

    Solved. Val's Crafting Meltdown causes the bug.
    Last edited by heroicraptor; 11-30-2011 at 03:33 PM.

  7. #7
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    I'd put about 31 hours in on PS3, and then I travelled far away for Thanksgiving. I stayed with a friend and played it on PC. Now it's really hard to play it on console.

  8. #8
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    ^^^ yeah, I was getting the serious lag issues on PS3.

    I bust out the game to show my friend get the patch, then go into a cave to show him how awesome it's been to. The cave is filled with bears. They each start fighting the walls? and then one by one get sucked into the cieling.

    It was fucking crazy.

    New patch makes the game glitchier somehow.

  9. #9
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    I love Bethesda games because the glitches are always hilarious and almost always stupid. I live for moments like that.

  10. #10
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    ^^^ This made me lose it:

  11. #11
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    Apart from the weird menu interface and some annoying glitches (fucking don't sell your Thieves Guild armour or the fucking questline will fucking break just before completion after fucking doing fucking hours of fucking thief jobs GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) this game is divine and among the defining moments of this generation.

    About 60 hours in:
    -Level 31, Heavy Armour, One-Handed dual-wielding specialist
    -College Questline done
    -Companions Questline done
    -Thief Guild Questline literally one broken objective away from being done
    -Mid-way through Civil War Questline
    -Main Story barely touched (waiting for my wife to finish it first since I promised her first playthrough)

    I've spent most of the time faffing around exploring though. Adore the scenery in this game!

  12. #12
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    Haven't played since the 1.2 patch, went back to GoW3 but luckily I didn't have any glitches or texture issues at all. Currently Level 51, finished the main storyline and 3 achievements away from getting them all. Can't wait for some DLC!

    The one thing I found kinda weird was how easy it was to get full Daedric armor and how easy that made the game, I had to tweak the difficulty up a bit. Get all Daedric armor, enchant some of your gear to heal and some to do extra damage (i chose fire), sword in one hand, heals in the other...couldn't be beat.

  13. #13
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    Played this game for about 35 hours before my PC broke down last week (right after I bought Arkham City on Steam -.-). Needless to say, it's amazing, but still has a lot of "filler" stuff that has no substance at all. But this time (as opposed to Oblivion) you can actually discover new things if you try to explore, which is really what this game is about for me.

    This also marks another game in the Bethesda games series (from Morrowind on through every game now up to Skyrim) that hasn't shown me any sign of serious bugs (of course I still get the things like the baseball-with-your-body giants, but it's arguable if this is a bug - I think they left it in intentionally, or at least they gave fixing this a very, very low priority during development) even though the whole internet is complaining about it. I think I went into this a bit more in depth in the Fallout 3 thread in the old forum.

    I'm looking forward to DLC for this game. As of right now, most of the landscape is pretty filled with dungeons and locations to explore, so they probably won't have very much space to just put in new quests or something in the old world, which means that we'll probably get to see new regions in DLCs.

  14. #14
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    Being at level 41 witg 100 skill in illusion and conjuration is pretty ridiculous. I walk around with two storm atronarchs, a dog, a horse, and a fucking dragon. Nothing even gets to me any more. If shit hits the fan, harmony stops everything the room from wanting to attack you. And then mayhem turns them all against each other. And thats if the enemy dpesnt get sucked into the sky. Which they will.

  15. #15
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    Yeah exactly, there are so many combos that can make you massive OP'ed. Also they made it too easy to level, but of course it's a Bethesda game...there are going to be easily exploitable things. That combo you're rocking sounds absurd. One thing I found that made leveling so incredibly easy was smithing iron daggers (easy materials, levels you up too quickly lol) and getting Equilibrium and Healing....spam Equilibrium...spam Healing...rinse and repeat.

    Oh and for the DLC there's some video I saw on YouTube of the NE edge of the map, there's a giant stone archway and you can see beyond it though you can't go through...seems like you're right that it'll just be an expansion to another part of the larger map.

  16. #16
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    Have two characters. A lvl 13 Thief/assassin. And I started a heavy armor one-handed lvl. 5. Dragons are a pain at times. Some are super aggressive. Some fly around and a real pain to hit.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmd 5a View Post
    Apart from the weird menu interface and some annoying glitches (fucking don't sell your Thieves Guild armour or the fucking questline will fucking break just before completion after fucking doing fucking hours of fucking thief jobs GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!)
    WHAT?! Oh no...
    Do you mean the Nightingale Armor set, or just the thieves' boots etc?

    It's these kinds of things that are driving me nuts. Up until this mistake, I guess the broken questlines have been relatively minor. I can't do any more companion quests, because I already killed the animal for the Animal Extermination mission I'm on. I can't deliver the rare book to the guy in Winterhold, because I picked up the book earlier... which kind of sucks, because now I can't even drop it, I'm just carrying around this extra pound of broken questline. I can't talk to the fortune teller lady in Whiterun because I guess I must have sold the little gemstone that I was supposed to give her? Ogava's Token or something? It looks like a generic sapphire... Yeah, don't sell that either, because apparently it leads to a big side quest with a word wall at the end.

    It's a fantastic game. I love it. But still, some of these bugs are unacceptable. I guess I've been lucky with the PS3 version, because for the most part I haven't encountered the lag very often. Sucks for everyone else though.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-01-2011 at 02:57 PM.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    Haha! I saw that! I thought about it. But, I chose to just lvl up my sneak instead. If it didn't matter, oh yeah, absolutely. Maybe with my warrior, I will.

  20. #20
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    I am not really into rpg's.

    I picked this up for my girlfriend as a surprise. she forced me to make a character so I went along with it. By accident I made my nord look like arnold's conan. I am now hooked, which is odd since I couldnt even finish Oblivian.

    this game really is great and fun. Decapitating someone feels sooooooo good.

    Quick question though.

    Since I dont play rpgs, I am focusing on leveling up my two-handed and other combat categories. Should I spread the points out to magic and such as well?

  21. #21
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    Look at the trees and decide what youre into. Pick like 3 or 4 main ones. Focus your perks into those because leveling skills is meaningless witgout plugging perks into them. Figure you have about 37 perks before leveling slows to a complete crawl. You dont need magic. But its nice to have a projectile and or distraction option when dealing with dragons

  22. #22
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    That's a good point as seeing as some dragons dont land and my arrows dont do squat against them.

  23. #23
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    Game is amazeballs.

    I've been playing on PS3, and somehow my friend ended up accidentally overwriting my save after I had put about 20 hours into a warrior type character... needless to say, I was pissed. Good thing about this game though is that after I made another character, I decided to just ignore the quests I had already done as to not get bored, and so far I've already clocked around 45 hours. Went the way of a thief with some archery and illusion magic, and I'm enjoying it a lot more.

    ... and just imagine what Fallout 4 is going to be like.

  24. #24
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    Can I make more than one character without saving over my nord?

  25. #25
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    Yes. Just make a new save.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Can I make more than one character without saving over my nord?

    Shouldn't be a problem, just keep an eye on it and back your main save up. The saving system looks a lot better on the 360 than it is on the PS3. The auto-saves are limited to 3 slots and it just starts going over them, which has irked me a few times. Or is that the same as well?
    Last edited by exilajei; 12-01-2011 at 05:36 PM.

  27. #27
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    It's also limited to 3 auto saves on PC.

  28. #28
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    Couldn't stand Oblivion and was pretty disappointed with Fallout 3, but I'm hooked on this. Bethesda did a great job.

    About level 28 right now, maybe 60 hours in. Sneak skill's maxed out, including all the perks. Archery's getting close. Most of my play consists of sneaking around and backstabbing the shit out of people with that awesome X15 damage modifier, or catching them unawares with X3 plus my enhanced archery prowess at a distance.

    Last main quest item for me was to train with the Greybeards, which I did maybe 30, 40 hours ago? It's shocking how much exploring I've done, yet how much remains to be discovered. I haven't even touched almost half the map.

  29. #29
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    I couldn't get into Oblivion either, but this game is reminding me of why I loved Morrowind and then some.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    WHAT?! Oh no...
    Do you mean the Nightingale Armor set, or just the thieves' boots etc?
    The plain Thieves Guild Armour you're given at the start.

    Ran into a really weird bug with a dragon. It was flying erratically/backwards/hovering (as per video above) and when I was trying to kill it the game became a slideshow. The massive lag was only cured when I got far enough from the dragon to be able to fast travel. I did some quests elsewhere and turned the game off. When I turned it back on (assuming the problem would be solved) and fast-travelled to the area (in the Riften region) where I have to kill that dragon for a Bounty the game instantly started lagging again and the dragon was still acting screwy.

  30. #30
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    Maybe try questing in another area for a little while then try again? How random are the dragons supposed to be exactly? I had one quest, and it would always appear there after I fast-traveled. It wouldn't land, so I shrugged it off. Eventually went back and it was gone.

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