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Thread: 2014.03.07 - Sydney, Australia @ Entertainment Centre

  1. #1
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    2014.03.07 - Sydney, Australia @ Entertainment Centre

    Sydney night 2

  2. #2
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    So.... Queens played "Kalopsia"....
    ...without Trent.
    Really weird and disappointing, but still sounded good.
    Hope we get them both together on the song (and/or "Era Vulgaris") in Newcastle tomorrow night.

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    I know Australia is a totalitarian dictatorship now, but has "public safety" gone too far? The (in)Security have been jumping on people for showing any vigour or extra enthusiasm...times sure have changed. Next they'll want people to stand perfectly still with their hands by their sides half a metre apart. I'm not saying I want people to knock each other's teeth out, but a little bit of 'liveliness' should be allowed in a pit.

  5. #5
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    Main points:

    - Absolutely a million times better than last night

    - Mariqueen sounded beautiful

    - Tapped Rob on the shoulder and he said hey

    - the security were assholes so I didn't bother recording tonight, just wanted to enjoy the show. They filmed lots of stuff though and the crowd so I don't care really

    - Got 2 picks and set list:

  6. #6
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    Wow, Wow, got to talk to Rob and Sharlotte( she is out for the tour) then just an awesome show! I called out to Sharlotte and she spun around to look back stage, I was at the rail on the right hand side, she turned around and I called to her again and she came over and we had a chat. Trent invited her to AUS for the 3 week tour. I spoke to her for a couple of minutes Lisa was here too, she gave me a kiss then went to watctj the show from the seats. Also got to speak to Rob asked if the Euro tour would be different from this one and he said its up to Trent and he hasn't told him what he wants him to do yet

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    I wasn't going tonight then I just happened to stumble onto a "FREE" ticket. Decided to go up close and personal tonight and test my weathered bones. Awesome show, 3 bands for the price of free B-) caught audio for the whole set, not sure on quality yet as I seemed to be surrounded in people that likened their voice to Trends. will update down the line, no video tonight as I was in a rather awkward position with both hands on the camera bag trying to protect it from being crushed.
    Last edited by Dan_NIИ_77; 03-07-2014 at 08:02 AM. Reason: Listened to audio and is bad when jumping around as it was just loose in my pocket!!!! Hope someone got it???

  8. #8
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    2014.03.07 - Sydney, Australia @ Entertainment Centre

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Main points:

    - Absolutely a million times better than last night

    - Mariqueen sounded beautiful
    Agreed. As for Rob, he was almost within arms reach a couple of times for me, but I couldn't quite get to do the tap on the should/"hi" thing. Took a couple of photos of him though.

    Apart from the amazing HtDA stuff, highlights for me included "All Time Low" and "The Big Comedown". Everything that was played last night was played way better. Glad they didn't play "1,000,000" and "Letting You" (especially the later), they really aren't needed at all. I'm sure other people feel the same way about "Burn" and "Only" and while I enjoyed both of those last night, I didn't miss their absence from the set tonight. Pretty fucking good set list this time. The whole band was a lot tighter and was straight from the moment TR appeared out of the smoke with the lights out.

    PS: "The Warning" was another great addition to the set. Year Zero stuff works well with this line up. "The Frail" / "The Wretched" is always welcome too.
    Last edited by Flashheart; 03-07-2014 at 07:28 AM.

  9. #9
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    Speaking of "The Frail", I like the little melody TRez did with the keys before going into it.

  10. #10
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    It is worth noting that Reznorator didn't go down into the audience during "Piggy" this time, which I guess would be disappointing to anyone who was hoping he'd do that again...but I imagine that would be one of the few complaints about the show for most people.

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    Ended up next to Ryan on the barrier tonight who reminded me of this place; were ETS accounts reset a while ago or something? My account from 2005 (?) or earlier doesn't seem to exist anymore...

    Bloody incredible show, I was pretty blown away yesterday but tonight was even better; enjoyed the setlist, the two HTDA songs, and the crowd were way more into it. I'm one of these rabid fanboys who ends up buying multiple city tickets each tour when they go on sale then wonders whether it will be worth it; hell yes. NIN's energy live is unparalleled.

    Rob didn't seem too interested in speaking with anybody...

    Regarding security; most of them actually seemed pretty allright, it was just one megalomaniac dude who was being a jerk (who Josh told off during QOTSA, lols).

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfxf View Post
    were ETS accounts reset a while ago or something?
    Yeah, three years ago already. Old ETS servers crashed (physically) and we had to start from the scratch.

  13. #13
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    I actually got to appreciate the light show this time around as I had seated tickets. More than happy with the set they played, tight as hell and the fact I finally heard 'All Time Low' and 'The Wretched' along with the HTDA songs was just awesome.

    I don't think I can compare it to last night's show. Both nights had their own highlights for me that made it all amazing.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nothing8 View Post
    I actually got to appreciate the light show this time around as I had seated tickets. More than happy with the set they played, tight as hell and the fact I finally heard 'All Time Low' and 'The Wretched' along with the HTDA songs was just awesome.

    I don't think I can compare it to last night's show. Both nights had their own highlights for me that made it all amazing.
    Completely agree with you there. My bruises had a chance to heal, although I suspect I pissed off the people near me with my seat dancing. But fuck it, I didn't travel 10,000 miles to sit and do a crossword.

    Anyone else hang around after? I was somewhat disappointed that none of the NINfolk were up for autographs / photos after; I know Robin had his wife and kid there but I was desperate just to say hello!

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    talking about bruises, ahmygod. i forgot how sore one gets crushed against the barrier... feeling it this morning!

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    Here's the couple of photos I took of Rob. Actually thought he might have performed on stage for the HtDA songs, but he continued doing camera work.

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    This is the only photo I took of NIN. I thought there wasn't much point of taking more since so many better photos were being taken and my iPhone has limited capabilities.

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    Personally I thought security weren't to bad, seemed they would check with Trent's personal security (big guy in black) before taking action. He seemed to be the one enjoying cooling people off when it was getting a little pushy, then again that was just where I was.

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    My ribs are aching today bad!

  20. #20
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    - Was a bit disappointed this when I finally woke up today because I'm not going to see that again. Wish I had tickets for Newcastle so I could drive up today.

    - Both sets were excellent. Really nicely paced, varied NIN set - a little more reminiscent of the Festival dates from last year but so much more refined and polished, like they were in full flight. The HTDA songs in the middle were a nice set up for the last push of aggression down the back end of the set, and I loved Robin and Alessandro's backing vocals on All Time Low.

    - Can't speak for the security guys myself, I was up in a seated section to the left of stage so I had no interactions with them, nor was I paying attention to them. Josh did tell one of them to back off pretty early in the Queens set, though.

    - For people who liked those videos Robs shot from on stage back in 2009, he was up there shooting another one during The Big Come Down. At least I assume it was him, it looked like him at least from my vantage point. There also appeared to be some filming going on from the front of the stage during Gave Up.

    - How many people showed up late? The floor was packed tight from the start, but up in the seated areas a LOT of people were sauntering in and moving at an absolute glacial pace in getting to their seats. This was happening even five songs into QOTSA's set. Plus, in my section at least, a select group of about seven or eight people felt the need to get up and leave every four songs, then come back and once again, take their sweet, sweet time to sit back down.

    - If absolutely had to point out a downside to the show itself, there was a bit too much smoke machine going on. Maybe it was different for people in front of stage where they were backlit by the lighting behind them, but where I was off to the left, I could barely see Robin for the majority of the show (saw him when he hopped off the stage, though), and could only see Ilan for a sum total of a few minutes, mostly when he was up front playing guitar. The rest of the time they were enveloped in smoke. Also, Alessandro's guitar maybe could have been cranked up a notch, but that might just be me. Could be exacerbated by the fact that Queens played first and were loud as fuuuck. In a good way, of course.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan_NIИ_77 View Post
    Personally I thought security weren't to bad, seemed they would check with Trent's personal security (big guy in black) before taking action. He seemed to be the one enjoying cooling people off when it was getting a little pushy, then again that was just where I was.
    Aww man, that guy is awesome. At the stage door after everyone had left the building I was chatting with a Korean girl who had been desperate to meet Trent. Security dude comes over and starts chatting to her, turns out she had money problems and hadn't been able to get a ticket yadda yadda yadda, so he hands her his card and says "when you get to the venue contact me and I'll bring you in as my guest"
    What a cool dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cherry Black View Post
    Aww man, that guy is awesome. At the stage door after everyone had left the building I was chatting with a Korean girl who had been desperate to meet Trent. Security dude comes over and starts chatting to her, turns out she had money problems and hadn't been able to get a ticket yadda yadda yadda, so he hands her his card and says "when you get to the venue contact me and I'll bring you in as my guest"
    What a cool dude.
    I met him in the Philippines in 09, I stayed at the same hotel as the NIN crew and got the chance to meet most of them. Can pretty much say they are all a great bunch and happy to have a chat as long as they have time, pity I couldn't speak when I met Trent :-D

    Edit: I have reviewed my audio from Fridays show and most is pretty much unusable due to noise and voices, at least I had fun up the front after a relaxing night in the seats on Thursday.

    P.S I have uploaded a video on Thursdays show page.
    Last edited by Dan_NIИ_77; 03-09-2014 at 12:59 AM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Tapped Rob on the shoulder and he said hey
    Oh, I saw you tap him on the shoulder and say hi! It was just before NIN started, right?

    I took a robception photo and put it on instagram that he liked - http://i.imgur.com/n8Z6zTh.jpg

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

    - Got 2 picks and set list:
    I have the lighting desk setlist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ophelia_ View Post
    Oh, I saw you tap him on the shoulder and say hi! It was just before NIN started, right?

    I took a robception photo and put it on instagram that he liked - http://i.imgur.com/n8Z6zTh.jpg
    Naw it was during the show.

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    Nine Inch Nails: BBB - Sydney 07/03/14

    Someone walks past as the lyrics say: "Sit back down".
    Last edited by timdotexe; 03-10-2014 at 03:12 AM.

  27. #27
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    She stood up when told but wouldn't sit..... Been waiting to see some good footage from Friday night, do you have any more? Are you interested in taking part in this? http://www.echoingthesound.org/commu...307#post171307

  28. #28
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    Yeah sure. Only took a few clips at second gig. Nothing at first sydney or Newcastle. But I will send what I have for the project.

  29. #29
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    Just seen the NIN tweet, did anyone get a signed poster? https://twitter.com/nineinchnails/st...459584/photo/1

  30. #30
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    oh wth, I got all three but none signed, didnt see any signed either

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