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Thread: The Marathon Thread - been bitten by the running bug or just crazy?

  1. #31
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    good luck with the training!

    i'm so glad i'm skipping the spring race season. quite frankly right now i have no interest in running more than 8 miles. did that last Saturday, the first time in nearly 6 months. felt good!

  2. #32
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    Anyone who is even remotely interested in running needs to buy (or find a library with) Born to Run. I never thought I would say "wow, this book about running is fascinating" - but damn. Just...go find a copy.

  3. #33
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    ^^I saw the author being interviewed on The Daily Show awhile back. Really fascinating stuff.

  4. #34
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    Sadly, the only marathon I'm doing right now is six seasons of Lost in as little time as I can possibly manage it. My friend is training for 13.1 though, she's up to the 3-5-3 week I believe.

  5. #35
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    Two weeks to go until my half and I've started to get blisters on the arches of my feet

  6. #36
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    Moleskin the heck out of those (as comfortably as you can) and be sure you're not running in cotton socks (stick to the synthetics ONLY). My best to you!

  7. #37
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    Just registered for this year's Vermont City Marathon (finally). It'll be my 5 run of it but I hope to do well with my current training plan. I'm in week 4 of training and it's going so very well despite the new snow which hit this week. On that subject, I'm convinced that Icebugs are the greatest running shoes for this weather I've ever used. I confidently ran this morning over the icy shoulders, tire tracks through snow and mud last week without a single slip or wet sock.

  8. #38
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    Bored with interval training? Try this: https://www.zombiesrungame.com/

  9. #39
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    Got a 5 miler here in a little bit. I also got signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon this year, that thing sold out within 3 hours... I think it was 2:41, I hear it was the fastest marathon to sell out in the USA.

  10. #40
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    Congrats getting in MCM! I lost a week of running (training) due to the flu this week. Ugh!

  11. #41
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    Thanks, I appreciate it. - I actually met a guy at the 5 miler yesterday that said his connection kept getting dropped and that after 15 minutes of trying he finally made it in. I remember when I registered for the 34th and 35th MCMs, it wasn't this bad. I guess after the 35th year people finally took note of it. The 34th registration was open for a good while before it filled and the 35th had a few days that it was open. It's crazy stuff...

    Hope you get over that flu, the weather is starting to get nice (at least where I'm at) so that might help too.

  12. #42
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    Going to Knoxville, TN next weekend to participate in a 4 person relay for the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. I was originally signed up for the full marathon but I got injured last Nov. Looking forward to running Knoxville again.

  13. #43
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    Relays are so much fun. I'm hoping to register for our yearly 6 person 100 miler here but not sure about expenses. I'll likely just do the typical register and scrape up all I can to make it happen.

  14. #44
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    I ran this relay last year, and it turned out great. I had the first leg of it, a good 10k.

    Just found out I'll be running 8 miles - the third leg of our relay next week. I'm nervous about it now....
    Last edited by REPLICA; 03-22-2012 at 08:47 PM. Reason: SOO HUNGRY.

  15. #45
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    Not a marathon runner, but a casual runner, I run maybe 2-3 miles about 3 times a week but looking to build on that this spring/summer. At peak I was running about 5 miles, but that was a few years ago. My last run was mostly pain free but I usually have trouble with my ankles, and I am hoping switching to a better shoe will fix that. I've been using minimal shoes for the last couple years (ran in the Vibrams for a while, then I hurt my ankle and when it recovered I switched to a minimalist Under Armour shoe) but think I want to switch to "real" running shoes. I've been looking at these Brooks and was wondering if anyone had any preference. The description says for people looking to switch to minimal shoes without sacraficing comfort, so I didn't know if that would work the opposite direction as well for people looking to get out of minimal shoes. The reviews look great but was wondering if anyone else had any opinions?
    Last edited by Mech; 03-23-2012 at 10:31 AM.

  16. #46
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    I would recommend if you're going from minimalist to full-support you look for the LIGHTEST ones they make. I'm in ASICs which tend on the heavier side but still very comfortable to me but I'm used to running in support. I've never heard a bad thing about Brooks but like I said you'll find the transition easiest if you go light. Otherwise you'll note the lead sinkers you lace up to your feet for every run. Best of luck and let us know how you come out.

  17. #47
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    I committed to doing a half marathon with my friend. That's 13.1m for the uninformed. Scary! I like to run but it is so hard pushing past that threshold of "I hate my life and want to die/vomit" before my body warms up and I get somewhat of a second wind. I got special shoes and everything, very legit. We'll see how my progress improves. So far the most I've run is 2.5m, but that distance definitely needs to increase at this point. Some days I end up just wimping out and going an extra mile on the elliptical machine to justify my laziness. Lame.

    Does anyone know any good food that will pump me up and give me energy before my run? Like for lunch or a snack. I really don't know anything about food except there is a thing called a carb. It is all still a mystery to me.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post
    Does anyone know any good food that will pump me up and give me energy before my run? Like for lunch or a snack. I really don't know anything about food except there is a thing called a carb. It is all still a mystery to me.
    Before I run I usually eat salted cashews, chex mix (sometimes) and if I want to be unhealthy about it - pop tarts. I hear that chocolate coffee beans can give runners good pep before the outing - I haven't tried them though.

  19. #49
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    8 miles of hill repeats today...likely in the rain. I'm also having to take a half day of vacation from work to fit it in. Yeah, I'm crazy.

  20. #50
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    Extremely sad news in the running world today. This man is almost entirely responsible for me starting to run on a nearly daily basis. I may not be doing more than 2-3 miles at a time, but it's better than sitting on my ass and watching other people be active on a TV screen. A truly unique individual has been lost.

  21. #51
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    Yesterday my family and I arrived at Knoxville, we were going to run the Marathon Relay today. During the evening I decided to go the distance. Today, I ran the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. Time of 5:02:59. One of the only things that really bothered me was my footwear - the socks I wore were padded. Maybe my knee too but that only gave me trouble for a few midsection miles. I could have made a 4:30 today but I decided to walk a good deal after mile 20. I got a medal for the relay and for the full marathon.

  22. #52
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    Buying this today. I read the intro online and it spoke to me..loud and clear.

  23. #53
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    I ran only one marathon, an it was last November in St. Augustine, Florida, and my time was 4:31.

    I really want to run this year, too, but I did manage to injure my knee and my wife doesn't want me to do it without seeing a doctor first. (I have no insurance, of course) She has a good point, fucking up my knees for life because I got the marathon itch is not the smartest thing to do, but still... I'd like to go under 4:15 this time around

    The great thing about Florida is that it's really flat, and you don't need any incline training to run even major distances. The bad thing is the heat. Even in November, by the time 10 AM rolls around it's in the mid 70s and it's really easy to overheat. I was fighting the sun more than anything.

  24. #54
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    Best of luck with the injury and training this year spaceboy. Let us know how it goes for you.

    Got my 22 mile longest training run in today. Was a gorgeous day for it and had a great new running buddy for it as well. I feel great!

  25. #55
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    Wow, incredible, sentient! I can't wait till I get to that point.

    Last weekend was my first 5k, and I managed to do exactly my goal time - 35 minutes. They really hook you up after the run, they gave us bananas and little Jamba Juice samplers of some mango banana concoction, I guess for a sugar boost. I ran it with two friends, and we had a few other friends come to support us afterwards. Just standing around in the cool air, stretching and talking, with a hundred other people who'd just finished a 5k with me, was the happiest I remember feeling in a long time. It's like this weird runner's solidarity. (And also endorphins?) Although I do have to admit my ego was bruised a bit when an 8-year-old girl in what appeared to be a purple ballerina suit sans tutu managed to pass me up at the very end. I had no idea kids were allowed to do long distance runs and I'm not even sure that's healthy.

    This weekend I've got a 5 mile run with one of the friends who was at the 5k with me. Should be no problem, but I don't know what the terrain's gonna be like.

  26. #56
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    While I'm not doing marathon-specific training yet (I'll start that in July), I do my everyday running schedule based on the marathon model. This one: http://www.marathontraining.com/marathon/m_sch_2.html

    I keep repeating week 3, but with one less day off, and I keep pushing the Sunday run to 8-10 miles, depending on how much time I have.

    Anybody else uses this type schedule? What worked for you?

  27. #57
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    carpenoctem - Congrats on the 5K! Sounds like you've discovered the love that is social running! It's a great part of it in my mind. Hope you're hooked now.

    spaceboy - Looks like a good schedule to stick with. For me it looks to bounce between weekly mileage a bit too much but the 3 rest days on certain weeks might be nice too. I run the Bart Yasso Intermediate schedule. It did well by me for the Philly Marathon last year and I hope it can do well for me for this coming Vermont City one at the end of the month. The keys to it are the hill trainings on the front end and then transitioning into interval/speed trainings on the back end. It's a superb foundation of strengthening followed by speediness just before the race. I recommend it if you've done one or two marathons already and want to get faster (I beat my PR by at least 30 minutes on it):


  28. #58
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    Ugh. Just got back into running today. Gotta get back in shape for lifeguarding (which is like 3 weeks away). Up at 5:00, out the door at 5:20. 3.5 in about :28 minutes, which is pretty good. I've been playing indoor soccer all winter, which has helped me out pretty well.

  29. #59
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    "Just got back into running" = 3.5 in 28 minutes? I'm jelly.

    Just did my 5 mile this morning. It was by a lake, which was a nice change of scenery (even though the lake is surrounded by a huge urban area encompassing various unpleasant smells and sounds). It had rained a lot the night before so everything was nice and cool, and it was still really cloudy out so the sun wasn't a problem. All in all, perfect weather, and they had like twenty boxes of free shirts they needed to get rid of, so I have a bunch of new stuff to run in.

    Question: do any of you drink beer after your run? We came upon a table full of small cups of beer and my friend told me it's supposed to replenish carbs, but I think it's crazy and I'd rather have water.

  30. #60
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    I probably shouldn't be in this thread, but you all seem like a nice bunch:

    I actually hate to run because I'm just not that good at it right now. I would love to have the bug, but, I'm thoroughly convinced that I'm actually doing it wrong. I'd say I'm moderately in shape right now, so why does 800 meters just kill me? I think I've got the wrong gait. My lower back gets so tight. Help, is it heel-toe? Toe-heel?

    I end up getting on a rowing machine instead of running.

    Quote Originally Posted by carpenoctem View Post

    Question: do any of you drink beer after your run? We came upon a table full of small cups of beer and my friend told me it's supposed to replenish carbs, but I think it's crazy and I'd rather have water.
    Excellent question. I ran today and when I got back, I had a beer. Never done that before.

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