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Thread: The Marathon Thread - been bitten by the running bug or just crazy?

  1. #181
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    yeah, I'm supposed to be training for the rock and roll marathon in DC in March, but with all the holidays, travel, and now this weather i've barely had a chance to run. something tells me it may not happen

  2. #182
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    I've wanted to do one of the rock and roll races since I started running a few years ago, but the ones I'm interested in/close to me never are good for my schedule. They look like a lot of fun!

  3. #183
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    So... two months ago I decided to get back into running. I never fully stopped, but my interest dwindled and I ran maybe once a week, sometimes every other week.

    To my surprise I was still in reasonably good shape, and this morning I ran 13 miles without any issues! I loved every minute of it!

    There is a marathon on December 18th that I will try to run. Today's half marathon distance was my test run: I knew that I can comfortably run 6-8 miles, several times a week, but I wanted to see if I can push the distance higher. With at least 6 weeks till the race I can probably get up to 20-22 miles, which is a good peak to reach before the run.

    I think I can do this!
    Last edited by hellospaceboy; 10-27-2016 at 04:48 PM.

  4. #184
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    I registered, so it's official: I will be at the start line on December 18!

  5. #185
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    Woo, nice one! On the opposite side of that, I gave up running for a while for a number of reasons, some of which stemmed from it causing me a deal of pain. Yay, crappy joints. Well, I tried a short jog the other day, and it turns out my stamina is pretty much gone. Usually I feel good after a workout, even if it doesn't go so great. This? This left me feeling pretty bad. Gonna have to find a way to get back in shape.

  6. #186
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    I did it! I just ran my 3rd marathon!

    I started out really strong, the first 13 miles I was pacing very evenly and I was set to finish under 4 hours. I lost a little steam after that, but by mile 18 my legs were on fire. They weren't cramping or anything, they were just burning. Made it very difficult to run for more than 5 minutes without slowing down to a walk.

    So I decided not to worry about my time. I had to just forget about the numbers and enjoy the run as much as I could. So I finished in a wonderful mood, and I never even came close to hitting the wall. I strolled in at 4 hours 38 minutes.

    This is my worst time yet, but I had a blast, and I'm very happy with my achievement. I could definitely feel the difference between running when I was 29 and now that I'm 34. I'm also about 15 pounds heavier than what I was when I ran my first marathon.

  7. #187
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    I keep a log of all of my runs, and I find it very rewarding to do a summary at the end of each year. So, her it comes...
    In 2016, I ran 110 times, and a total of 450.8 miles (or 725.5 km)!

    This is a good booster for me throughout the year, as soon as I start slacking I notice the gap in my little log book that I keep on the kitchen counter. I use mapmyrun to measure my distances (although most of my runs go on one of my pre-determined routes, but sometimes I go explore).

  8. #188
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    I run but mostly just on the treadmill. I also cycle and lift weights.

  9. #189
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    I work out really hard for an hour every day. It doesn't seem to be giving me the results I want. I think my metabolism is fucked. Maybe I have a thyroid problem like my brother does.

  10. #190
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    i did one of these once for a fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
    i need to get back into running again.
    thanks for giving new life to this thread!

  11. #191
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    As I do most years, I kept a log of my runs in 2020 too, and here are the numbers:

    I ran 379.25 miles, and I went running 103 times.

    This isn't my best year, by far, but it's not the worst either. My initial plans were to run a marathon in 2020, but 2020 had other plans
    Now, I highly doubt that 2021 will allow us to have organized mass events like this, and I don't think I could pull off a full marathon on my own, but I want to hit the 18-20 mile mark sometime in the summer. (18 miles was the highest ever I ran on my own).

    Any of you figured out a way to run in the winder with all the gyms closed?

  12. #192
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    It's been a while, but I had some spikes on a rubber thingy that went over my running shoes to dig into any ice and help me grip properly.

    A layer of tights, then my normal running clothes, then a layer of sweats, all with gloves and a toque. It's bearable, as long as it's not raining.

    I used to go out for around an hour in -15 and snowing. Honestly, that feels far better than +3 and raining. The rain soaks right through you, the snow just builds up on your outsides and actually acts like insulation.

    The first 10 minutes or so, your hands will feel awful, and numb, but it passes, and you don't feel any pain about 15 minutes in.

  13. #193
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    So... Here in western NC, we've been getting a lot of rain and snow this year. I've enjoyed it, don't get me wrong. The only problem is the local hiking/mountain biking trails are closed to reduce the damage from freezing, thawing and rain. Well paired with the National Park closing every time a forecast for snow hits, I've been reduced to running/walking around my house. So in the past week, I've been diving back into my base building after not being active since early January. My friends and I are planning a marathon for next year but who knows with the current health climate. And being a road run, I'm sure I'd have to adapt since I've been off road. Anyway, I'm planning a 24 hour walk/run around my house in the next few weeks. I have to pick a day where the forecast looks like I won't freeze to death. So... Yeah. We'll see how this goes. I'm finishing up a virtual challenge this week and it's been a good motivator.
    Last edited by REPLICA; 02-07-2021 at 12:44 PM.

  14. #194
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    I run about six miles a day. Not so much fun in the winter.

  15. #195
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    I took up running two years ago and ran my first 5k and was working on my 10k right before Covid hit. So of course I lost all of my progress from months of sitting indoors and stress eating.

    My hope is that as it warms up next month I can start over again. My big time goal would be a half marathon, but it’s gonna be a struggle to even run a mile now lol. One thing I was amazed by is how quickly I got up to 5k and then 10k after years of not being able to run more than 60 seconds straight, so maybe it’s not as ludicrous of a goal as I’m thinking.

    The cold running doesn’t bother me, it’s more that I’m ridiculously clumsy and fall easily, so hitting a patch of ice and falling gives me a panic attack to even think about lol.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #196
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    Tomorrow morning, I'll finish up my virtual 46 mile challenge. I'm still base building and I know it'll be something tough to get back into the shape I want. On trails, I'd like to get down to about 13-15 minute miles and on road (which I haven't gotten back on) I'd like to get down to about 10-12 minute miles. In my life, I've only ran a 7:15 mile once and a 23:40 5k once, it was the same race - cross country invitational at UNC. But I've seen people in worse shape than me get after it. Also, my friend chose me to be his BEST MAN!! YO! ...SO, I'll be looking to slim down over the next few months and that should get my faster!

  17. #197
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    I miss running so much. Because of COVID, I obviously cancelled my membership to the gym. There's a track at the local high school, but the school is being strict with only allowing it's students to use it. There's also a trail near my house, but it's always muddy and I don't want to mess up my knees either. We don't have sidewalks where I live, so I can't run in the street - plus being a woman, I'm just paranoid of running in the street regardless.

  18. #198
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    Hope everyone’s doing well!

    I went out on Friday and some of Saturday and did a 24 hour walk/run. I was able to get in a 100k (62.3 miles). A majority of it was walking. And boy, it was cold out there too. During the day, sitting at 45. In the dark, right around 21. I burned 6440 calories. Nutrition included a McDonald’s cheeseburger, strawberries, bananas, Oreos, sour patch kids, potato chips and Powerade.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by REPLICA View Post
    Hope everyone’s doing well!

    I went out on Friday and some of Saturday and did a 24 hour walk/run. I was able to get in a 100k (62.3 miles). A majority of it was walking. And boy, it was cold out there too. During the day, sitting at 45. In the dark, right around 21. I burned 6440 calories. Nutrition included a McDonald’s cheeseburger, strawberries, bananas, Oreos, sour patch kids, potato chips and Powerade.
    I was wondering how it went! Such a cool concept, huge kudos for you, I might have to try this sometimes!

    On related news, I just registered for a marathon in September. I'm cautiously optimistic about it actually happening, and I'm excited to get ready for it. 140 days to go

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post

    On related news, I just registered for a marathon in September.
    LOL, NIN concert in Cleveland 4 days after my marathon I'm already sore just thinking about it!

  21. #201
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    I am a very slow runner - 10 minute mile is my time right now - but I am going to start doing it more because my son is joining the cross country team this year. I can't wait to hear him make fun of me, woo.

  22. #202
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    Due to pandemic concerns, I opted to do my Sept 19th marathon virtually... Kind of excited to do it, my wife volunteered to drive around and wait for me with water in different parts of my route. I can do this!

  23. #203
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    good luck!

  24. #204
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    I ran my "virtual" marathon today, and I finished it in 5:12:30...
    ...which is easily my worst time yet, but I don't mind, especially since I ran it on my own and had to wait for red lights and cars and all that stuff. My wife drove around and handed me water every 2 miles for the last 10 miles. My legs were DONE after 24 miles but I pushed through. All in all, I'm super happy that I finished it, I was meant to do this in 2020 but pandemic depression really messed up my training, it's great to be back at this!

    I accidentally stopped my app at 26.02 instead of 26.2, but I can live with it I did finish the last 0.17 miles I swear!
    Last edited by hellospaceboy; 09-19-2021 at 06:19 PM.

  25. #205
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    Time for another year's end summary: in 2021, I ran 518 miles (a little over 833 km) and went running 108 times.

    That's more than a 100 miles over 2020, so I'm very happy!

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