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Thread: The Relationship Thread

  1. #361
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    ^^^ You wanna go to Benihana with us? We can drink fruity liquor drinks out of Buddha's belly? And I have CHOCOLATE!!!!

    here's a nice doily Valentine's Day card for you (and for everybody else):

    Last edited by allegro; 02-14-2012 at 01:54 PM.

  2. #362
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    My god that Buddha belly cup is the greatest thing I have ever seen.

  3. #363
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    thats it, fruity drinks and chocolate are my valentine this year, screw the boys who never do anything

  4. #364
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    Long story short, ex boyfriend broke up with me about 8 weeks ago. Made me feel really shit because I really liked him. But whatever, life goes on. He continues to treat me shitty for the following 4 weeks. Whatever, cut him out. TONIGHT, bump into him on Valentine's Day, with a date. He ditches the date and tries to make a move on me. He lunges in for a kiss, and I deny him. Then I ask him to leave. FEEL AMAZING.

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    thats it, fruity drinks and chocolate are my valentine this year, screw the boys who never do anything
    Whoooooo yeah chocolate and Buddha fruity liquor drinks and doily Valentine for you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Christo View Post
    Whooooooo yeah chocolate and Buddha fruity liquor drinks and doily Valentine for you, too!

    Last edited by allegro; 02-14-2012 at 09:54 PM.

  6. #366
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    So, girl who I was talking about recently who is a friend of my new roommate? Ran into her tonight, along with my roommate and some of their other friends. My roommate has done absolutely nothing to include me in any of their outings, so that's frustrating enough as it is. But then the girl says something like "you know the worst part about being single? Going to bed. Every night. Alone." My roommate - recently divorced, just gives her shit about it. Meanwhile, I want nothing more than to make her realize that I feel the same way. But of course, being pushed out of the group entirely, I couldn't get a word in even if it wouldn't have been awkward.

    One of these days. Oy.

  7. #367
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    Take the plunge and ask her if she'd be up for hanging out some time, just the two of you?

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Take the plunge and ask her if she'd be up for hanging out some time, just the two of you?
    I echo this advice. Any type of inclusion you'll have to evidently make yourself involved with. If you'd like to voice your opinions, sentiments and enjoy time with her then asking for a duo meet up together would do better than being with a crowd (don't take this bad towards your friends) that's rude enough to never invite you to anything. Best of luck.

  9. #369
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    Oh believe me, I want to ask her out - the problem is I've yet to actually see her outside of the rest of the group. I'm all for taking the risk of asking her if I can have a minute alone with her, but at a table with several other people who she's really close with? Not so much.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Oh believe me, I want to ask her out - the problem is I've yet to actually see her outside of the rest of the group. I'm all for taking the risk of asking her if I can have a minute alone with her, but at a table with several other people who she's really close with? Not so much.
    Why don't you ask one of your friends for her phone number? If they ask why, just tell them it's because you like her and wanted to call her and ask her out. You just have to brass-neck it. Seriously, it's a risk / reward set up, and it's good experience.
    Last edited by DF118; 02-15-2012 at 05:13 PM.

  11. #371
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    The only person I'm close to who could do that is my roommate - the one who has very deliberately been excluding me from everything that the rest of the group does together. I don't see him coughing up one of their numbers for me, especially when Mr. Recently Divorced And Telling Everyone To Be Single won't so much as invite me to the pub with the gang (and yes, I've told him several times I'd like to get out more and get to know the group).

  12. #372
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    I'm not feeling 100% right now, so I don't know if my advice is any good- but you don't know until you try. What's the worst that can happen? He tells you he wont give you her number? If he refuses, he'll likely tell her you asked, and that you told him you liked her. That's... what you want here, brass-necking it and all. You'll know if he did. Then she'll either make it clear she'd welcome an advance- which is good, or she'll make it clear she's not interested. Which is also good- at least you know. Or she'll rip the piss out of you, string you along and let you embarrass yourself and feign ignorance, in which case she can get fucked.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The only person I'm close to who could do that is my roommate - the one who has very deliberately been excluding me from everything that the rest of the group does together. I don't see him coughing up one of their numbers for me, especially when Mr. Recently Divorced And Telling Everyone To Be Single won't so much as invite me to the pub with the gang (and yes, I've told him several times I'd like to get out more and get to know the group).
    Dude, next time just invite yourself. Sounds to me like you're being way too polite / self-conscious about it.

    The thing that has helped me deal with my terrible shyness in large groups is to act like I have a very old woman who doesn't give a shit in my head. I call her Agnes and she's been know to give very wise and crone-ish advise whilst intoxicated.

  14. #374
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    Well, maybe I am just too damn polite then. But I still generally live by the golden rule. If I was going out with a group and wanted to invite my roommate along, I'd ask. If I didn't ask, and he just showed up anyway, I'd be a bit pissed. Last night was just a strange coincidence that we ended up in the same place - we both started at other locations, and both ended up at the same pub afterwards. But you know what? Screw it. If no one else in the group is willing to stick up and make any effort to include me, then maybe it's not a group of people I really want to get involved with in the first place.

  15. #375
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    Since you seem adamant no one will help, what if next time she's around with all her friends you simply just said to her "hey, can I talk to you for a second?" and give one of those head motions indicating away from the rest of the group? Yeah, that's a bold approach and everyone will notice, but I'd bet there's a decent shot you'd get your moment alone. And what do you have to lose when it sounds like you're already moving towards writing the group of them off anyways.

  16. #376
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    Head motions? Totally. Next thing you should do is (without breaking eye contact) start slowly rubbing your nipple.

  17. #377
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    Exactly. Everyone definitely wouldn't be like: "What the fuck were you two talking about? Seriously? What a fucking weirdo".

  18. #378
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    Been in an awesome relationship with a girl named Rachel for about a year now, and have known her for two. I am deeply in love.

  19. #379
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    Started seeing this new girl ago a week ago and things are clicking really well. Pretty excited about it!

    Sent from my iPhone using tapatalk

  20. #380
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    Found out by slip of the tongue from a mutual friend of my ex that he's been dating this one chick who lives on campus. Problem I have is it started about a month after the lovely text message break up and five minute irl talk outside of a subway station. Back before all of this my ex and I were told that she was a lesbian by her best friend and I was the most supportive. I have no idea what is going on in his head. We were together for almost 2 years and he got all weird. I wasn't the one who stopped all contact, even though how can you after that? He erased me everywhere and I don't exist. All of his friends who hang out with me more now despise him after finding out I didn't know and how soon it happened. Paranoia in me is worried he was fucking cheating on me while we were still sexually active for fucks sake. The girl has a personality of a shell and dresses like a man, constantly. I was "friends" with her before this went down and now I'm just confused. I just wish I could stop loving him because this is so fucked up. Like he can barely handle work and school, because he needs some seriously mental health help, but I was always there for him. I honestly asked a friend, sincerely, if he's happy with her and he said he seems like it, but not like with me. I feel like I wasted all this time, every part of me, and also my mental health. This whole situation is getting more shitty for me and also his/my friends. We don't know who he is anymore. I'm sorry that I'm upset and writing this now, but go easy on me please. Tonight was awful.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by lady weetly View Post
    Found out by slip of the tongue from a mutual friend of my ex that he's been dating this one chick who lives on campus. Problem I have is it started about a month after the lovely text message break up and five minute irl talk outside of a subway station. Back before all of this my ex and I were told that she was a lesbian by her best friend and I was the most supportive. I have no idea what is going on in his head. We were together for almost 2 years and he got all weird. I wasn't the one who stopped all contact, even though how can you after that? He erased me everywhere and I don't exist. All of his friends who hang out with me more now despise him after finding out I didn't know and how soon it happened. Paranoia in me is worried he was fucking cheating on me while we were still sexually active for fucks sake. The girl has a personality of a shell and dresses like a man, constantly. I was "friends" with her before this went down and now I'm just confused. I just wish I could stop loving him because this is so fucked up. Like he can barely handle work and school, because he needs some seriously mental health help, but I was always there for him. I honestly asked a friend, sincerely, if he's happy with her and he said he seems like it, but not like with me. I feel like I wasted all this time, every part of me, and also my mental health. This whole situation is getting more shitty for me and also his/my friends. We don't know who he is anymore. I'm sorry that I'm upset and writing this now, but go easy on me please. Tonight was awful.
    Don't take this as being harsh, but move on. Be sad for awhile, it's fair to grieve the end of a relationship no matter how to happened, but enjoy your time alone until you feel like you can open your heart to someone new, then do that.

    My soon to be x keeps showing up to events we are both attending with his new gf. It's a bit odd. She looks like me. Ewww for her.

  22. #382
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    Well, at least he's up front about it. My wife is still carrying on with all kinds of subterfuge over phone calls she gets and doesn't answer. (can you hear my eyes rolling?)

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Well, at least he's up front about it. My wife is still carrying on with all kinds of subterfuge over phone calls she gets and doesn't answer. (can you hear my eyes rolling?)
    It's quite amazing how people assuming when one becomes untangled from a long term marriage that they want to date and fuck like bunnies. I'm beating them back with a stick.

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Don't take this as being harsh, but move on. Be sad for awhile, it's fair to grieve the end of a relationship no matter how to happened, but enjoy your time alone until you feel like you can open your heart to someone new, then do that.

    My soon to be x keeps showing up to events we are both attending with his new gf. It's a bit odd. She looks like me. Ewww for her.
    I know, I've really been trying. This just kind of hit me out of nowhere. We're going to some same events in April and June, so this will be awkward as fuck. Not looking forward to it.

  25. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I'm beating them back with a stick.
    I'm just beating my stick

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    She looks like me. Ewww for her.
    Aaagh, gross

  27. #387
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    Long story short: I somehow managed to finagle dates with two different women in the last few days. Pretty all right, right?


    This is not the part of the country that a liberal agnostic should be living in. Especially if they're looking for someone to settle down with. Oog. I don't have a problem dating someone who calls themselves "Christian" or "Catholic" or whatever just because it's how they were raised. But so far, I'm 2/2 on people who attend weekly (sometimes even more) services, and identify their faith as a larger part of their life than they initially let on. Alas, the search continues.

  28. #388
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    What, you don't go to Thursday 11:23am Mass every week?

  29. #389
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    I have gotten myself into a romantic pickle the likes of which I personally have never seen. It started back in January when my ex confessed that he still had feelings for me. I've spent a long time being single (longer than I care to admit), and this guy is the only ex-boyfriend that I've considered getting back with, so when he told me how he felt, I offered him another chance (after mulling the idea over for a few weeks. That's probably the first red flag). Anyway, he and I talk it over and decide that we should wait and see how things go. He's no longer in town, so in order to gauge how this is going to work, I have to wait until he comes back for a visit because I agreed that we should meet in person to determine if getting back together is a good idea. I was good with this until the Universe went and fucked it all up. Not long after I make the decision to try to get back with my ex, one of the trainers at work set his sights on me (side note: this guy is not my immediate supervisor, and workplace relationships aren't frowned upon as long as HR is made aware). The last week or so has been a nonstop flirtfest between me and him complete with witty banter, him saying stupid stuff and making me mad and then making me laugh so I'll stop being mad at him. So yeah, having the pants charmed off of me (figuratively speaking, of course) on a daily basis for about a week has left me very confused. Do I try to make things work with the ex (who is only now putting in an effort to communicate; for a while I was the one initiating contact), or do I choose the new guy who gives me a lot of attention and hardly ever takes his eyes off me when we're not flirting?

    Why is johnbron tagged in this thread?
    Last edited by Eos; 03-03-2012 at 02:24 AM. Reason: afterthought

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    What, you don't go to Thursday 11:23am Mass every week?
    Hurry or we'll have to catch the 11:25!

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