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Thread: The Relationship Thread

  1. #931
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I recently had an honest convo with a friend that she should probably stop watching The Bachelor/bachelorette crap on TV, it's not good for her marriage.
    My last ex used to watch that stuff all of the time and to put it simply, she didn't seem like the kind of lady to watch that crap. Anyway, she would always talk about the stuff going on and I would sit there and nod and say "ok. yep. that's not great." But it got to the point where I was just tired of hearing about stupid people doing stupid things and acting like they are in love.
    Last edited by REPLICA; 07-24-2013 at 08:34 PM.

  2. #932
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Went on a date with a girl once, I chose American Psycho, which i had never seen. That combined with my offhanded prison remark (never been) i don't think sat too well.
    I went on a date with a guy to see that Halloween remake when it came out. I loudly proclaimed "That's not how you gut someone! They're doing it all wrong" during it. Needless to say, he made his excuses when I suggested going to the bar afterwards.

  3. #933
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    My first "date" with my ex wife (way back when) included a viewing of Closure. Boy that was a tense date. What a fantastic start!

  4. #934
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    My first "date" with my ex wife (way back when) included a viewing of Closure. Boy that was a tense date. What a fantastic start!
    Yeah, and we all know well how THAT turned out! :-)

    My first date with my now-husband was at an Iggy Pop show at the Metro in Chicago. He said he knew I was the "one" when I knew who GG Allin was.

  5. #935
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    Had a nice "date" tonight. She says she not looking for relationships right now (she's too fussy I guess). But it looks like a good friendship has sparked. She did actually give me her number and wanted to see again. She wasn't ready to give her number before. I guess that's a good start.

  6. #936
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    The Relationship Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Had a nice "date" tonight. She says she not looking for relationships right now (she's too fussy I guess). But it looks like a good friendship has sparked. She did actually give me her number and wanted to see again. She wasn't ready to give her number before. I guess that's a good start.
    Work on your aloof look.

  7. #937
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    I went out with one of the most beautiful girls I think I've ever seen last night,
    we laughed and had a great time, and then we pull into a gas station
    where there's a bunch of black people around and she tells me to stay in the
    car so her purse doesn't get stolen, and then on the way home tells me she
    isn't at all attracted to black people..

    Ugh, racism really ruins otherwise pretty great people.

  8. #938
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    Another date with someone else slated for this Saturday night after her shift at the hospital. Traded several emails, she seems to be a great, fun girl. I think it should go well. So starts the "dating juggle". Cue the carnival music.

  9. #939
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    I haven't been on a date since early January... It's hard for me to meet girls in general and damn near impossible to meet any who would actually be interested in me. I try to stay positive, though, but it gets a little disheartening after a while.

  10. #940
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    The Relationship Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    I haven't been on a date since early January... It's hard for me to meet girls in general and damn near impossible to meet any who would actually be interested in me. I try to stay positive, though, but it gets a little disheartening after a while.
    With a SN name like that, I'm not surprised. Positive attitude goes along way.

  11. #941
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    Getting married in exactly a month. It'll basically be a giant cookout on a lake at the Girl Scouts camp my gal went to as a child. Everyone gets to stay for free in the cabins. This will be fun.

  12. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    I haven't been on a date since early January... It's hard for me to meet girls in general and damn near impossible to meet any who would actually be interested in me. I try to stay positive, though, but it gets a little disheartening after a while.
    Have you tried online dating? I'm sure it will help you meet people.

    I deactivated my accounts after a while. It was fun while it lasted and I met some great guys, but I'm so tired of it all at this point. Maybe I'll reactivate in a few months.

  13. #943
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    With a SN name like that, I'm not surprised. Positive attitude goes along way.
    I just kept the name from the forums so any friends I had there would easily recognize me, and I don't use it anywhere else. Good point, though

  14. #944
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaSarahS View Post
    Have you tried online dating? I'm sure it will help you meet people.

    I deactivated my accounts after a while. It was fun while it lasted and I met some great guys, but I'm so tired of it all at this point. Maybe I'll reactivate in a few months.
    I'm on several dating sites, actually. The ongoing joke is that now I can have girls not talk to me online as well as in real life :P
    I've met two girls from dating sites; one I went out with for six months (it was a horrible relationship and I had to end it... She wasn't happy, to say the least), and I went out on one date with another girl, but it never went anywhere. And my friends can't introduce me to anyone because all the girls they know are in relationships, engaged, married, pregnant, have kids or some combination thereof.

  15. #945
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    I'm on several dating sites, actually. The ongoing joke is that now I can have girls not talk to me online as well as in real life :P
    I've met two girls from dating sites; one I went out with for six months (it was a horrible relationship and I had to end it... She wasn't happy, to say the least), and I went out on one date with another girl, but it never went anywhere. And my friends can't introduce me to anyone because all the girls they know are in relationships, engaged, married, pregnant, have kids or some combination thereof.
    I think online dating is more difficult for guys than girls. Girls get so many messages in comparison. But larger numbers doesn't always mean quality dates, hence my break.

  16. #946
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    Tips for guys on dating sites:

    Nobody really gives a shit how old you are, how tall you are, what you do for a living, or what race you are.
    Everyone is here looking for "fun". Nobody is looking for boredom. Stop saying that.
    Make sure your photo is of you at your best. Not with your unmade bed/20 pizza boxes in the background.
    You know what you do when you apply for jobs? You read the ad, and apply how you are relevant to that. Do that.
    If it turns out you have nothing in common, leave her alone. Don't suddenly change your interests or get defensive. She's not the only woman in the world.
    Lead the conversation forward. You're the one that started it, after all.

    Hey presto, cunt.

  17. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaSarahS View Post
    I think online dating is more difficult for guys than girls. Girls get so many messages in comparison. But larger numbers doesn't always mean quality dates, hence my break.
    Very true. If a girl messages a guy, he's naturally excited about it at first, regardless of who the girl actually is. I got a message from a girl in fucking Kenya and I still lost my mind over the fact that someone actually messaged me. Girls, it seems, get a message and her first thought is always "a random guy that I don't know is trying to talk to me... He's obviously going to rape me and leave my dead body behind a dumpster in an alley... Pass".
    At least one would get that impression after a while if no one ever writes back.

  18. #948
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Tips for guys on dating sites:

    Nobody really gives a shit how old you are, how tall you are, what you do for a living, or what race you are.
    Everyone is here looking for "fun". Nobody is looking for boredom. Stop saying that.
    Make sure your photo is of you at your best. Not with your unmade bed/20 pizza boxes in the background.
    You know what you do when you apply for jobs? You read the ad, and apply how you are relevant to that. Do that.
    If it turns out you have nothing in common, leave her alone. Don't suddenly change your interests or get defensive. She's not the only woman in the world.
    Lead the conversation forward. You're the one that started it, after all.

    Hey presto, cunt.
    Believe it or not, it's not that simple. When I send a message, I never just immediately ask her if she wants to go on a date. I introduce myself and try and engage her in a conversation by mentioning something on her profile or asking questions about her interests (music, books, hobbies, etc...), and I almost never get a response. If I do, it's usually very short, only answers to one part of my original message (if I'm lucky), and I never hear another word after that.

    So no, it's not just "send a message and hey, presto". Women are usually more wary of men because why wouldn't they be?

  19. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    Girls, it seems, get a message and her first thought is always "a random guy that I don't know is trying to talk to me... He's obviously going to rape me and leave my dead body behind a dumpster in an alley... Pass".
    At least one would get that impression after a while if no one ever writes back.
    Perhaps, if you had just randomly emailed her after looking her email address up on her company's website, or something. But this is a dating site, yes? Instead of blaming the women on it for thinking you're a serial rapist automatically, maybe have a look at your profile and see what might be turning them off. Better yet, have a FRIEND look at your profile.

  20. #950
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    Ugh, God, I am SO glad I"m not dating. If G died and I ever decided to date again, I'd go hang out at the senior center and find some smart interesting Dr. with one foot in the grave and a large bank account who is funny and smart and likes to travel. If that didn't work, I'd go hang out at the JCC. Even though I'm not Jewish. But I think I'd rather be celibate and alone for life than do online dating.

  21. #951
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    I'm pretty weary of online dating. Lots of crazies here. Plus, it makes me feel dirty to pay for that. Not sure why.

  22. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Perhaps, if you had just randomly emailed her after looking her email address up on her company's website, or something. But this is a dating site, yes? Instead of blaming the women on it for thinking you're a serial rapist automatically, maybe have a look at your profile and see what might be turning them off. Better yet, have a FRIEND look at your profile.
    I have had friends look at my profiles, and I've gotten the seal of approval from all of them. All females, by the way. I have no idea what the issue is. Other than the fact that I bitch too much about it because it helps me blow off the steam of being single :P
    Believe me, I know full and well that it's more than likely something that I'm doing (whether it be something in my profile, my messages, or just the fact that I look the way I look) and that the girls are not, in fact, stuck up and picky or anything like that. I just still don't know how to approach them without turning them off.

  23. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    Believe it or not, it's not that simple. When I send a message, I never just immediately ask her if she wants to go on a date.

    So no, it's not just "send a message and hey, presto".
    Yeah, I didn't say either of those things. Probably case in point of what I was trying to say.

  24. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    But I think I'd rather be celibate and alone for life than do online dating.
    Word. My profiles are still up, but I've long given up *finding* someone there. Mind you, all of the old dudes I'm seeing are from those sites, so there are success stories, but seeing as I only get to see them about once a month, I'm happy enough being a catwhore (cats seem to be replacing this "local boyfriend" I was trying to find last year) and being snooty with my friends the rest of the time. The websites are now more for social networking (and showing people like @Fixer808 my tits every now and then)

  25. #955
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    A solid nod of approval you receive.

    Also, I'm half done with dating sites and I'm back to "go out and meet someone" mode. Saturday is fetish night. Where's my handcuffs and pleather vest...?

  26. #956
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    Awesome date tonight. She wants to get back together soon. Yay!

  27. #957
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Awesome date tonight. She wants to get back together soon. Yay!
    Congratulations! Let us know how it went.

  28. #958
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    It was awesome. We ended the evening on a very physical note.

  29. #959
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    Speaking of online dating.
    I met a girl online, and we've been talking quite a bit in the last couple of days,
    she seems nice and all. Today she sends me a message saying that she's
    Bipolar, and on meds..she also explained that there's 3 letters after her bipolar diagnosis
    that she can't remember..

    So, the question is.. What do I do now?
    Would you date a Bipolar girl?

  30. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Yeah, I didn't say either of those things. Probably case in point of what I was trying to say.
    My apologies. I have no idea why I'm ranting so hard about it. It accomplishes nothing other than making me look like an asshole and an idiot. I've just been upset and sickeningly envious of all my friends and their wonderful relationships lately, and it's not been good for me. I just need to focus on the things that actually do make me happy, like my music, and just let whatever happens, happen.

    Please accept my apology, I swear I'm not as big of an annoying asshat as I know I made myself look in here

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