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Thread: The Relationship Thread

  1. #1711
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    Fetish, is that what it is? Sheesh. These "dating" sites are kinda gross, aren't they? If you're looking for a real relationship, anyway; it's filled with poon-hounds.

    I met a lot less poon-hounds at the bar. At least, at a bar, you can get the "are you a poon-hound?" issue out of the way a lot faster.

    Maybe you should pretend you're Jewish (unless you really are) and do J-Date.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-28-2014 at 08:32 PM.

  2. #1712
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    @Sarah K So, my therapist told me about I'm in if you're in.

    Also, single men, etc (?): So now you know that I'm a chubby Hispanic girl who does the whole no pubes thing. Get at me....???? lol

  3. #1713
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    Hahaha. WORTH A SHOT. Wanna split a sugar daddy?! I had one once upon a time. But he just kinda fell into my lap. Let me know if you plan on traveling to Milwaukee. I can hook you up.

    Like I told someone here earlier tonight... at this point, I would be content with someone just treating me like a person for a short while.

  4. #1714
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Jesus fucking christ.
    I don't think I could have said it better than that. That said, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, buddy.

  5. #1715
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    It is a recurring theme in my life lately.

    If I wasnt allergic, I would have a few cat by now.

  6. #1716
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    If I wasnt allergic, I would have a few cat by now.
    I seriously pissed on myself laughing. I'm allergic to cats too.

  7. #1717
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    We can meet in the middle and start a dog farm.

  8. #1718
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    Okay, my fiancee and i have worked things out annnnd......


    I am so fucking happy. She is brilliant and beautiful and everything i've ever wanted. She started getting mental health help for the abusive bullshit and we have worked through it.
    We have pretty much fallen in love all over again, two years in.
    We aren't going to have any sort of big wedding...we are just going to get the license and have the local disciples of christ minister marry us.
    I can't fucking believe it. I am SO happy.
    I'm attractive, but i've always been the kind of guy girls like to bring home for one night, or with whom a girl wanting a "bad boy" might have a fling.

    But Lorien (as in Lothlorien from LOTR) sees ME. The REAL me...not just the long hair and guitar and piercings and whatnot.

    Yes, i am really getting married, ASAP!!!!!!!

  9. #1719
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    my fiancee and i went out for our third anniversary last night. there's a place here in chicago called Three Dots & A Dash that's basically a 1950s-style tiki bar. we had only been once before for her birthday back in december. it's expensive but it is SO worth it because the drinks are delicious and get you very pleasantly drunk. we had so much fun and i can't wait til we have another special occasion/excuse to go back.

  10. #1720
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    It'll be 3 years for us in July. It's still strange to me to have been in a relationship/whatever for this long. It was my first proper committed thing, and we didn't start hooking up til I was 22.

  11. #1721
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But Lorien (as in Lothlorien from LOTR)
    I had to check your location, my sister-in-law's name is Lorien! Her brother (my sister's husband) has Rohan as a middle name, and THEIR sister named her daughter Arwen.

  12. #1722
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I had to check your location, my sister-in-law's name is Lorien! Her brother (my sister's husband) has Rohan as a middle name, and THEIR sister named her daughter Arwen.
    That is so dope. I LOOOOVE Lorien's name.
    What sucks is NO ONE can pronounce it. They all call her Low-reen or Low-rain or some such redneck bullshit.
    Of course, we live in Texas, so go figure.
    I fucking LOVE texas, but there are a lot of things i don't like about it.
    For instance, sorry for George W Bush.

  13. #1723
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    I went on a date last night. I ordered a drink but had to send it back because I realized that I didn't have any money on me. My date didn't pick up the tab. Was I wrong to order the drink in the first place? Or should a guy always pay, especially on the first date? Why am I striking out on these dates? Why can't I date Ilan Rubin? I bet he would pay on the first date.....

  14. #1724
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    I think ordering a drink is okay.

    I think the paying depends on who asked out who. If I ask someone out, I am willing to pay. Or, I'm a big fan of splitting stuff now. It just gives them one less thing to hold over my head later.

    Can we share Ilan?

  15. #1725
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    I think any expectation for a man to pay because he's the man is incredibly sexist.

    Unless this is clearly the dynamic you seek out in relationships... some people dig gender roles. But that's a way of life... not just the norm.

    I agree that the date asker should typically be willing to pay... but I'm used to going dutch.

  16. #1726
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I think any expectation for a man to pay because he's the man is incredibly sexist.
    That's fine. I can't tell you how many times I picked up the tab when I've been out on dates and such (the last time was last Sunday). But after all these times where I have picked up the tab, I feel that I should be treated once in a while. I deserve it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Can we share Ilan?
    No!!! Lol

  17. #1727
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    Well, that's vastly different than being like GUYS NEED TO PAY

  18. #1728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    I went on a date last night. I ordered a drink but had to send it back because I realized that I didn't have any money on me. My date didn't pick up the tab. Was I wrong to order the drink in the first place? Or should a guy always pay, especially on the first date? Why am I striking out on these dates? Why can't I date Ilan Rubin? I bet he would pay on the first date.....
    I'm old school. I always pay, and like you said, especially on the first date.
    And jesus, he didn't offer to get it for you once he saw you sending that shit back?
    You can do better!

  19. #1729
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Okay, my fiancee and i have worked things out annnnd......

    Pre-nup, dude. Seriously.

  20. #1730
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Pre-nup, dude. Seriously.
    i know, right? we have already taken care of this in another way, when my brother got married earlier in the year.
    Our inheritance can never be owned by wives under any circumstances.
    I'm not sure EXACTLY how they drew it up, but i feel quite certain that the lawyer did it right.

  21. #1731
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ummmm ... That sounds fishy ... Maybe it's a trust, not an inheritance. You're what we call a TFB. Trust Fund Baby.
    I COULD be a trust fund baby, lol, but i've spent most of my adult life in bad neighborhoods in dallas.
    I've just been here for a couple of years.
    My grandfather was a very successful land and cattle man. So there is a huge house out here in this small town that is currently owned by my mother and her sister.
    Once my mother dies, (which is NOT something i'm looking forward to,) i will get 1/4 of the farmland and farm income and whatnot, plus a bunch of stocks and gold and such, and will also be part owner of the house.
    So basically, i'm not rich, there is just enough family money to where i don't have to work if i don't want to, and once my mom is gone i will probably get 20-30 grand a year, which will be a big help...but it doesn't make me a TFB.

  22. #1732
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Um ... Not literally. You said a spouse couldn't touch your "inheritance." Only a trust ... Fuck it, never mind ...
    Ok ok, maybe i am a "trust fund baby."
    I just don't want you guys to think of me as rich and pampered.
    Up until the past couple of years, i've worked my ass off.
    I've lived in rough neighborhoods because it was cheap.
    I didn't even have a car...i took the bus and the train.
    I've always known i had the life i'm living now to fall back on, and i am VERY grateful for it.
    But i am going to strike out on my own yet again before too much longer, when Lorien and i move to TN. And yes, i will have a few thousand dollars from the family to help me, but i'm currently trying to find a job to save my own money to help us too.

    I just don't want you guys to think that i've never worked or been poor...just because the money was there doesn't mean that i've taken it. Hell, i've gone to food banks in my day, and bounced around from place to place quite a bit.

    For instance, when i came here this time around it was because i was strung out on drugs and more or less homeless.

  23. #1733
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    @elevenism - Since allegro says it sounds fishy, I would urge you EVEN MORE to get a pre-nup. For yourself.

  24. #1734
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think anybody gives a rat's ass. The only reason it was mentioned was related to pre-nup due to your gf's history of clocking you with a coffee cup. And your odds ain't so good. But, that's your business. If people here hated rich people (which clearly isn't you), they'd hate Trent Reznor.
    lol. It IS scary.

  25. #1735
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    Sorry for the double post, but Lorien has decided to see what all of my 700 or so ets new board posts say.
    Maybe we won't be getting married after all.
    I told her to just join herself...
    if she does, can we run her off?
    I like to have a TINY bit of privacy, for fucks sake.
    And i have been here for seven fucking years.
    I tried to explain to her that it is MY shit, my PERSONAL shit, you feel me?

  26. #1736
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    This is sure to end well.

  27. #1737
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I tried to explain to her that it is MY shit, my PERSONAL shit, you feel me?

    Except it isn't. This isn't your fuckin diary. This is public record. You may or may not even be using her real name, with real life references to who she is. How do people not get this? It's no mystery to me why so many people that post in this thread are so dysfunctional, they come here to bitch about every little thing, well if my significant other was doing the same I'd be pretty pissed off. You're getting married dude. Every single thing you write on the internet should be considered in the "if my wife reads this, what would she think" category. And if you don't like that, don't get fuckin married. Now I've never met this girl, but from what you've written, she seems like a psychotic bitch with huge deep seeded issues that I would sprint away from as fast as I could. But whether she is or she isn't is irrelevant to you two, because if she's reading that, she has every right to lose her shit since her partner doesn't really have the right to throw her under the bus to the peanut gallery on the internet. Even if your just venting, it's your process, whatever the fuck. It's not about privacy, it's about respect. Do it in your head on a walk, do it through a conversation with her, do it with a therapist, but posting every single thought and feeling you might have on the internet is not your relationship right if you want to have a functioning marriage.

  28. #1738
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Sorry for the double post, but Lorien has decided to see what all of my 700 or so ets new board posts say.
    Maybe we won't be getting married after all.
    I told her to just join herself...
    if she does, can we run her off?
    I like to have a TINY bit of privacy, for fucks sake.
    And i have been here for seven fucking years.
    I tried to explain to her that it is MY shit, my PERSONAL shit, you feel me?
    It seems like the only way this could possible work would be if you both agreed to be open and honest with what you post here, along with having her in here to directly speak to you so she wouldn't be out of the loop from you. At least you invited her in here, so it's not like you're trying to hide everything from her, but yeah, trying to hide anything on a forum, with the exception of deleting it on time if you could, is just flat-out impossible. And even if the section or entire forum was hidden, she could just join it if she knew where you were posting. Your only hope is that you haven't written anything far too incriminating to stop being on good terms again.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-05-2014 at 01:31 PM.

  29. #1739
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    Meh. Talking to people on the internet about relationship stuff is no different/better/worse than discussing it with friends. It's good to discuss things, and get an outside/unbiased perspective.


  30. #1740
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    Not really, its similar, but words spoken can float away in the wind, words posted online are etched in time forever. So it is a bit different. But at the end of the day, whether its talking with friends, online, or anything else, so long as you abide by the rule of would my SO be ok (or at least understand) with what I'm saying, typing, etc if he or she was to over hear, read it, etc; if not its probably not a good idea to put it out there in the world, in any form, unless you don't care if it comes back (in which case you probably shouldn't be with a person you are ok with hurting). It's one thing to talk to people for your own mental health, it's another thing to be disrespectful, whether it be divulging private info, or through insults, or by breaking the sanctity of the bond you've supposedly built.

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