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Thread: The Relationship Thread

  1. #1081
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    She basically dumped me last night. I'm through. Thanks 2013, been one heck of a year.
    Sorry to hear that

  2. #1082
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    I just find myself thinking about love so much. To be love and be loved is one of those things I've never experienced yet. I suppose I'm sort of glad to know that I'm not so alone and crazy even though I sometimes feel that way. Whenever I've thought I've found that special somebody, it was such a heavenly feeling. It was undeniably and clearly very emotional, but still. It's like as if I was born for it. It even makes me feel like a kid again as if I didn't have a care in the world. Too bad it only lead me to Something I Can Never Have moments though.

    Oh and... @sentient02970 - That really came from left field. (As I was lurking, I observed the progress of your relationship. It seemed to be awesome at the time.) My head would've been spinning too. I know we haven't really spoken to each other before here, but I'd hope you'd find somebody just right for you next time. I'm also sorry to hear that, and it makes me also imagine how hard I'd take it if it were me.

  3. #1083
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    but I'd hope you'd find somebody just right for you next time. I'm also sorry to hear that, and it makes me also imagine how hard I'd take it if it were me.
    Thanks but as of now I'm not considering a "next time". I'm done. Yes it was going great and then wham she shut the door. Maybe she got scared, who knows. Cancer this year, I could handle. This? No way, I give up on this stuff.

  4. #1084
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    I was about to ask, and I see what you mean by that too. And for many obvious reasons, that's one of my biggest fears when it comes to falling in love.

  5. #1085
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Thanks but as of now I'm not considering a "next time". I'm done. Yes it was going great and then wham she shut the door. Maybe she got scared, who knows. Cancer this year, I could handle. This? No way, I give up on this stuff.
    :: hug :: i'm so, so sorry.

  6. #1086
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    Sorry to hear that too! That sucks big time and has happened to too many people. But experience told me that there is always a "next time" eventhough you don't want to give yourself into that right now. It's hard I know and it sucks beyond belief, but there actually ARE good people out there. And some you even happen to like/love eventually! Let it be for a while and get involved with other things and most important yourself. Do the things you love and then some more!

    But who am I to talk right now? I've been on brain-wanking mode for about 8 months now since things didn't work out the way they should have (IMHO that is :P ) mostly because I'm not fulfilled right now in other places aswell. Job's boring, my friends are tiring and my motivation level is below zero while she's busy with her career. But there you go: We are talking again after six months but it's not smooth enough for my taste and I don't know if I should pull through it. There's the fear of me being too obsessed with it and on the other hand not wanting to let it slip just because I'm too lazy for that. For once in my life I should fight for something I hold dear. I guess?

    Oh and I got a date on Saturday which I don't want to go to. Brain wanking deluxe! I'm actually laughing right now! Shit's ridiculous sometimes...

  7. #1087
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Thanks but as of now I'm not considering a "next time". I'm done. Yes it was going great and then wham she shut the door. Maybe she got scared, who knows. Cancer this year, I could handle. This? No way, I give up on this stuff.
    Oh, the amount of times I've gone "Fuck this shit, male spinsterhood is the way forwards" and then someone else comes along after a year or so. You'll be fine. Hope you're holding up okay .

  8. #1088
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Oh, the amount of times I've gone "Fuck this shit, male spinsterhood is the way forwards" and then someone else comes along after a year or so. You'll be fine. Hope you're holding up okay .
    well, you're also really cute

    (yes, i creeped on you in that live video of breathe underwater...)

    edit: why don't we have a friendly flirting thread on this board?

  9. #1089
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    Tricky question here which came up today and I can't wrap my mind around it:

    A good friend said that the city I (we) live in may be a problem and that it is easier to find someone elsewhere (of course you're a different person when in another city, but that's not what he meant). He was talking about the girls in our case which were raised up with a spoiled and pseudo sophisticated mindset since Bavaria is on the more prosper side of things within Germany and that people in other cities are taking things lighter.

    It might be an unhappy circumstance but the most awesome two girls I've been with were both from the north of Germany and on the other side I was most unlucky in love with two girls from the south. I don't like that believe and I think it is a very limiting one. What's your take on this guys and girls? Is there any substance to that?

    I'm talking cities and not states which I guess is a whole different level in the US where a state seems like another country (at least for me) but of course you Americans have to set me straight if I'm mistaken.

  10. #1090
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    well, you're also really cute

    (yes, i creeped on you in that live video of breathe underwater...)

    edit: why don't we have a friendly flirting thread on this board?
    I am such a mess on that DVD. That's what 40+ hours of queueing over three days does to you. I'm much prettier in the flesh!

  11. #1091
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    Thanks all. @Kris , sorry my response seemed a bit coarse. I'm sounding like a wounded animal lately. I'm very fragile when it comes to falling from this kind of height. I'm still picking up the pieces of me. Sure it heals with time but I am forever timid now about putting my feelings on the line like that. Not as open and carefree with it as I was before.

  12. #1092
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    No problem, as I could actually relate in some ways. I was even a bit nervous to ask, considering how touchy and deep such a topic is. What you said also describes me to a T in some ways too.

  13. #1093
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    @Kris . I do hope you don't ever have to go through this. But don't let the fear take away opportunity.

  14. #1094
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    @eversonpoe I forgot to say, merci for the compliments

  15. #1095
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    So I have the hots for a new cutie pie at work...but there's the rub - not only is it a work thing but I'm his BOSS. NOOOOOOO!

  16. #1096
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    Quote Originally Posted by pequena View Post
    So I have the hots for a new cutie pie at work...but there's the rub - not only is it a work thing but I'm his BOSS. NOOOOOOO!
    Wear a short skirt and ask him if he wants a promotion whilst in an isolated storeroom...

  17. #1097
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    Quote Originally Posted by pequena View Post
    So I have the hots for a new cutie pie at work...but there's the rub - not only is it a work thing but I'm his BOSS. NOOOOOOO!
    I've had nothing but trouble in the past when dating co-workers but I think you should go for it. (On-the-clock fucking)

  18. #1098
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Thanks all. @Kris , sorry my response seemed a bit coarse. I'm sounding like a wounded animal lately. I'm very fragile when it comes to falling from this kind of height. I'm still picking up the pieces of me. Sure it heals with time but I am forever timid now about putting my feelings on the line like that. Not as open and carefree with it as I was before.
    Dude, it was TOO SOON. You're not even divorced, yet! She probably saw the giant BEAMING SIGNALS shooting out of your head saying "Are you here to RESCUE me??" Don't take this too hard. It was a good thing because it served a purpose: It came along during a particularly hard period in your life, not too long after your wife told you she wanted out and right after you started battling cancer; it's nice to feel alive and with a pulse, again, even if it isn't meant to last. Each of these things are little steps forward, lessons we can use, all positive things. Don't focus too hard on the negative; it just wasn't good timing, and it wasn't meant to be, but it served a positive purpose. I'm glad she told you this NOW before waiting a lot longer. One step at a time, one girl at a time until you find "the one." Or maybe more than one, I dunno.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-16-2013 at 06:31 PM.

  19. #1099
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    @allegro - I REALLY needed that right now. Thank you for inadvertently reminding me to also not perceive such things that way too. I get that it can be easier said than done, and that the mind can play tricks with you, but what you said has also reminded me that it's still far better than being stuck with the wrong person in the long run. I still need to work on myself anyway. I've always heard that sometimes being productive and investing time in your interests can also help you recover. It's just so easy to forget sometimes though.

    (I've got to admit that I'm prone to feel like it's the end of the world too, especially from being single and lonely, but still. What you said was like a little indirect pep talk to me, and I really appreciate it.)

  20. #1100
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    Too soon?? Ive been separated from my wife for a year and a half. In that time she's celebrated a year anniversary with her boyfriend and I spent 6 months fighting my way out of cancer. I'm done watching life pass me by. This was the one good and solid thing in my life and then it dropped like an avalanche. Now I'm back to seeing life drip by. I'd rather have fucking cancer again than deal with this emotional bullshit. Divorce nor not. I'm done.
    Last edited by sentient02970; 09-13-2013 at 07:11 AM.

  21. #1101
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    The Relationship Thread

    Just 2 months ago you were online searching for dates. There is a process to this dating thing and it can include this kind of bullshit. I understand how you may wanna stay away from dating for a while, though; dating has some suck aspects to it. for sure. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs ...

    PLEASE, though, do NOT cite your estranged wife as an example of anything; she's a whole other story.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-13-2013 at 08:29 AM.

  22. #1102
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    So, she broke up with me... after giving me the cold shoulder for 3 weeks while only offering the occasional cold conversation, she called me today and basically said "Hey... I want to break up with you." I talked her into speaking with me in person so we could figure it out. Basically what she told me is that she started dating me because I made her feel comfortable, but now she said she feels uncomfortable in a relationship. Then she said she wanted to still be friends. After that, I just couldn't take it anymore. Basically I told her the truth: she's been distance for three weeks, treated me rather coldly and then calls me out of the blue just to break up with me, then she wants to still be friends? And in person, she was smiling the entire time while breaking up with me. I'm sorry, but there's no way in hell I could be friends after that. Maybe in time she'll realize how cruel she's being, but as for right now, I'd rather be alone.

  23. #1103
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    @Frozen Beach . I'm so sorry. I know how this feels. I didn't even get the face to face. Just a text and an email.

  24. #1104
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    Oh no, another bro I will be toasting to tonight! Sad to hear that guys, especially after you seemed so bright a few pages back!

  25. #1105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    So, she broke up with me...
    To be honest, you're probably better off without. If this girl really has just attempted suicide, that's a big responsibility for you to be under anyway- and by the sound of things you've been the last to know. There's only so much you can give to a relationship before it has a detrimental effect on your own health and for a relationship to work you both have to be ready allow support from the other.

    Unless she's just young and attention seeking, or acting out, in which case, can you really be bothered with that level of immaturity?

  26. #1106
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    Thanks everyone. The most fucked up part about this situation is this happened two days before my birthday, and she knew this. So, I guess my birthday is going to suck.

  27. #1107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Thanks everyone. The most fucked up part about this situation is this happened two days before my birthday, and she knew this. So, I guess my birthday is going to suck.
    you can still make your birthday wonderful. go do something you know you like with people who love you, and you will have a good time. stay strong. :: hug ::

  28. #1108
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    The Relationship Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Thanks everyone. The most fucked up part about this situation is this happened two days before my birthday, and she knew this. So, I guess my birthday is going to suck.
    All the more reason to get out and do something fun that you want to do for your birthday, your day. Don't spend it alone and moping.

  29. #1109
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    Re: The Relationship Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    All the more reason to get out and do something fun that you want to do for your birthday, your day. Don't spend it alone and moping.
    But if you do, do it right.

  30. #1110
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    The Relationship Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    I didn't even get the face to face. Just a text and an email.
    WHAT!?!? That's juvenile and gutless. She's a dumb cunt, you just dodged a bullet.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-15-2013 at 11:57 AM.

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