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Thread: The Relationship Thread

  1. #2791
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Yeah, no question about it.

    The one who leaves knows the whys and hows of the situation, they know where they stand and are taking control of their life. They have weighted their decision and concluded that the only solution was breaking it up.

    The one who's left has to deal with a lot of unanswered/unanswerable questions, their life is unexpectedly questioned, they suddenly have to make plans and figure out their next move. They're in a position of damage control and often have a hard time not taking the situation deeply personally, questioning their worth in the process.

    Dumping is hard, but at least you know where you stand, and have a more serene outlook on the situation in general.
    oh, sure, say what i said more eloquently and get complimented. AND you're way hotter than me. c'est la vie, no?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Khrz ^ Le resident French Philosopher!

    Have you been reincarnated from Sartre? xoxo

  2. #2792
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    oh, sure, say what i said more eloquently and get complimented. AND you're way hotter than me. c'est la vie, no?

    Guys. Either I'm the reincarnation of Sartre, Or I'm hot. Can't have both :

    Your best bet is the classic pompous french philosophe de café with nothing better to do than ogle girls that are way too young and pontificate on the decline of modern society, merde, quoi ?
    Who also happens to plagiarize @eversonpoe .

  3. #2793
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    When I saw that pic of him on Google I felt kinda bad for making the comparison.

  4. #2794
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I'm hot.

    (And yeah, I'd say being dumped.)

  5. #2795
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    Thanks for the feedback as usual. Having being dumped last year and experiencing the uncertainty, I have to agree. I only asked because I had to let down a girl yesterday and it was fucking brutal. But in the end I did it because there was someone else I care about who really makes me happy, but it makes me feel shitty for being happy while who the hell knows what's going on in the other girl's head.

  6. #2796
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    I've never been properly dumped and my mutual/being the dumper experiences also sucked more often than not, but being dumped seems way worse.

  7. #2797
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    I've dumped and been the dumpee - doing is better than receiving. Unless you have empathy issues and then you act like an ass until you get dumped so as to avoid the whole initiating the dumping. I've NEVER done that.

  8. #2798
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    and your heart is broken
    cause i walked away
    show me your scars
    and i won't walk away
    and i know i promised that i couldn't stay
    every promise don't work out that way

  9. #2799
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    I don't know what to do. My girlfriend mentioned moving out of her apartment and then I suggested to her that we could live together (even though I felt it didn't feel completely right to say so) and then she said that it's a good idea. since then we've been making plans about it... but tonight i told her i'm scared. i've lived alone for a long time. and i'm worried it will change ou relationship for the worse.

  10. #2800
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:34 PM.

  11. #2801
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    So, I just added a profile to local dating website (just text), and I am quite satisfied how it sounds - definitely most people won't understand it, but SHE could (e.g. I included reference to Douglas Adams, heh). I checked some men profiles and they (the profiles) looked somewhat dull and generic. Anyway, I tried this route before and nothing ever worked, so not expecting anything.

    Also - at work, there are so many interesting girls, but as I jokingly - almost - said, the ones potentially available for relationship should e.g. wear some kind of flashing yellow light or something. ;-) Either I find out she is unavailable, or I convince myself I would be too old for her and she is just being friendly (I decided that I do not have the energy for temporary "solutions", either she will be the final one, or nothing), or in general how does one sell himself? And where else than at work, where she can see I am not completely stupid etc. :-) Damn I have no idea how these things work. :-( I probably can't read the signals AT ALL. I worry e.g. how many times I walked out of the coffee kitchen away from nice conversation pretending everything is cool, we are just random coworkers and I never even thinked about her in any other way, while in fact there maybe was some interest... damn. And maybe I already wrote something similar here, I am getting nowhere. ("she" here doesn't mean one specific woman) I like to think three of my important relationships, it was not easy for them to get (to) me, but I have a special place in their hearts (sounds arrogant maybe?), as they have for me.

    Okay, looks like I used all my words for the profile, this post doesn't make any sense, sorry. :-)

    Update: Maybe I really am desperate and trying to hide it makes it even worse and off-putting? :-) So, being desperate for love is unacceptable, right?
    Last edited by Substance242; 07-09-2016 at 06:18 PM.

  12. #2802
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    Reconnected with an old high school friend in hopes of a little summer action. It was instant attraction and he can't keep his hands off me when we are togther, which i find sexy as hell. We seem to have gotten really close and i have the feeling that this could be something more than just a fling.
    Of course i go back to uni in 3 weeks and really wish we had more time together. A long distance relationship is better than no relationship I guess.

  13. #2803
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    After my recent break up I've been trying to deal with it by trying to get more female friends. It's not going so great. I started talking to a girl that went to my high school and we spoke and had some time getting to know each other. She said she enjoyed talking and to message anytime. So, naturally, I did. We spoke for a brief bit and I asked her about her current job to which she answers. I then went off topic and just did some random small talk to string together a new topic of conversation. She didn't reply. The message is still marked as unread so yeah. Unsure what to think. This isn't even a relationship thing, I just wanted to get to know her as a friend. She digs Harley Quinn and dressed as her last year for Halloween so I was going to work up courage after getting to know her to see if she wanted to go see Suicide Squad next month to meet up in person. I have no intentions to date her but if things happen in the future they happen but I'm still pretty tore up about my last breakup. So hooking up with the new acquaintance isn't a real objective right now. I just don't want to seem overbearing and strange. Long absences on talk drive me up a wall. No reply to a simple question has me wracking my brain extensively if I fucked up talking or she's just busy? If she isn't interested in getting to know me better or become friends to hang then I'd gladly just take that rejection up front than having my brain wander. Not fun. Bleh.

    No solutions needed, just venting I guess. No one to talk to really. My best friend wouldn't give a shit anyways or would chastise me so I'm not interested. When it came to dating and relationships we don't see eye to eye and never have.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-17-2016 at 01:44 PM.

  14. #2804
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    she's just busy?
    I'd say the safest thing 9 times out of 10 is to assume this and just wait a little while before shooting a follow up (something like "Hey, I know you're busy, but I just was making plans and realized I still hadn't heard back about that yet, and it'd really help to know in advance whenever you can respond") and if they still don't get back, then, well, hey -- you tried, you weren't an asshole and you never acted like one.

    Not being straight makes having female friends immensely easier since even though I might be into them, girls find me "gay enough" (someone else's description, not mine) that I never seem inherently threatening or flirtatious, but even then, that's it's own barrier -- if I actually am interested in a woman, it can be kinda hard for them to realize that, and if I just am forward about it, it can get a weird reaction. Unfortunately a lot of women I've met seem to still believe in the "gay best friend" stereotype so strongly that they outright ignore the fact that being bi/pan/omni/whatever-not-binary-sexual means you're attracted to any gender and that does, in fact, include women if they're your type. Flirting with guys is zero issue for me yet it also is a lot harder to be friends with them because they also tend to make assumptions. It's weird, to say the least.

    Anyway though, I've always been someone who gets anxious over unread messages (and it's infinitely worse if they are seen and not replied to) but over time I've just had so many cases of accidentally doing the same to others and always seeming to have it result in a "Oh sorry, I was busy! So, anyway ..." that I just don't let that voice in my head get to me, most of the time. It can be a real bitch though. I can't even imagine what it must've been like for people writing letters.

  15. #2805
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I'd say the safest thing 9 times out of 10 is to assume this and just wait a little while before shooting a follow up (something like "Hey, I know you're busy, but I just was making plans and realized I still hadn't heard back about that yet, and it'd really help to know in advance whenever you can respond") and if they still don't get back, then, well, hey -- you tried, you weren't an asshole and you never acted like one.

    Not being straight makes having female friends immensely easier since even though I might be into them, girls find me "gay enough" (someone else's description, not mine) that I never seem inherently threatening or flirtatious, but even then, that's it's own barrier -- if I actually am interested in a woman, it can be kinda hard for them to realize that, and if I just am forward about it, it can get a weird reaction. Unfortunately a lot of women I've met seem to still believe in the "gay best friend" stereotype so strongly that they outright ignore the fact that being bi/pan/omni/whatever-not-binary-sexual means you're attracted to any gender and that does, in fact, include women if they're your type. Flirting with guys is zero issue for me yet it also is a lot harder to be friends with them because they also tend to make assumptions. It's weird, to say the least.

    Anyway though, I've always been someone who gets anxious over unread messages (and it's infinitely worse if they are seen and not replied to) but over time I've just had so many cases of accidentally doing the same to others and always seeming to have it result in a "Oh sorry, I was busy! So, anyway ..." that I just don't let that voice in my head get to me, most of the time. It can be a real bitch though. I can't even imagine what it must've been like for people writing letters.
    Thanks for the reply and my last question to her wasn't even a bad one. The question was simple but maybe sounds desperate or removed? I asked her if when she is around or less busy to send messages as she works at a restaurant as a manager and I don't wanna shoot a random message to her phone when she's working you know? That was my train of thought, not to boggle down on her schedule like some obsessive creep haha.

    As for her and I, we don't have much history. Always were just kinda there. I never spoke to her and vice verse and I don't know why. Minus music we seem to have a good bit in common and as far as her style, attire and life style we click as it's stuff I'm into as well as what I'm into for the opposite sex. She dated a friend of mine I had ages ago and we had a laugh about how much of a hypocrite he had become after marrying his current wife...anyways. We spoke about our jobs and current life style and choices. Nothing fairly deep but good stuff for foundations of mutual talk and friendship. I got some laughs out of her too so always a plus. My brain just has this thing with silence that makes me feel like I'm responsible or its my fault. Only thing that unsettles me is I know she was around yesterday after I sent the message and she could've answered. Maybe no notification? Who knows.

    As for a future, she's someone I could see myself getting involved with romantically but it's not the current objective. I just want to be friends. This whole thing is my way to get over the past and start anew. I got a new, great paying job after the breakup and have been being more adventurous socially. This was the next step, I just wish I wasn't a nervous wreck every time I speak to new people. Her being female isn't even making me wig out it's just getting to know someone new!
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-17-2016 at 03:09 PM. Reason: grammar and auto correct evil

  16. #2806
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    @Space Suicide it sounds like you're going about things in an extremely healthy, productive and growing way and that's awesome. That sounds like a great message to send; it's way too easy to end up seeming like an obsessive creep even if you're not at all and often the less said, the better when waiting like that. I definitely have that same issue -- always thinking it's my fault for whatever I'm imagining is happening -- but just knowing the difference between what you concretely know and what you're head is really just assuming goes a long, long way to making that train of thought hold way less power. At least for me it helps a lot.

    Good luck, though! A lot of the best friends in my life have been women and platonic friendship is a fantastic thing too few people seem to even experience a lot.

  17. #2807
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @Space Suicide it sounds like you're going about things in an extremely healthy, productive and growing way and that's awesome. That sounds like a great message to send; it's way too easy to end up seeming like an obsessive creep even if you're not at all and often the less said, the better when waiting like that. I definitely have that same issue -- always thinking it's my fault for whatever I'm imagining is happening -- but just knowing the difference between what you concretely know and what you're head is really just assuming goes a long, long way to making that train of thought hold way less power. At least for me it helps a lot.

    Good luck, though! A lot of the best friends in my life have been women and platonic friendship is a fantastic thing too few people seem to even experience a lot.

    Thanks! Lots of positive encouragement and help.

    She LITERALLY just read my message now.

    *Sounds the Twilight zone theme*

  18. #2808
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    Her Facebook is listed as single and her profile and instagram has no photo of a boyfriend but she mentioned having one and him being in Nashville on work duties. Soooooo, regardless if true or not I got the message loud and clear. I have no intent to be a friend if she didn't bring it up front, not that it's any of my business anyways. Even me being a friend and wanting to hang out would be awkward. I'll eventually talk less and less to her and then eventually fuck off entirely. Whatever. Was a shitty past few days but at least I didn't invest too much time.

    Edit: Legit boyfriend. She spoke about him for a bit. I'll be a friend as long as she initiates talk after tonight, if not I'm done.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-18-2016 at 07:43 PM.

  19. #2809
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Her Facebook is listed as single and her profile and instagram has no photo of a boyfriend but she mentioned having one and him being in Nashville on work duties. Soooooo, regardless if true or not I got the message loud and clear. I have no intent to be a friend if she didn't bring it up front, not that it's any of my business anyways. Even me being a friend and wanting to hang out would be awkward. I'll eventually talk less and less to her and then eventually fuck off entirely. Whatever. Was a shitty past few days but at least I didn't invest too much time.

    Edit: Legit boyfriend. She spoke about him for a bit. I'll be a friend as long as she initiates talk after tonight, if not I'm done.
    wait, i'm confused. i thought you said you weren't trying to pursue a relationship beyond why can't you just be friends?

  20. #2810
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    wait, i'm confused. i thought you said you weren't trying to pursue a relationship beyond why can't you just be friends?
    Bad experiences in the past with females involving the boyfriend they're with up in my shit about being friends. So between her not mentioning it sooner along with her vague interest (aka she won't instigate conversation first based on the past week) with a semi-absent bf I don't want drama. I can name the amount of female friendships I've had where the bf wasn't an asshole to me on one hand.

    I had intent to be friends for starters but would be willing to try to be something more in the future. Past posts probably didn't illustrate it as much as it could've so that's the reason for confusion.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-19-2016 at 02:20 PM.

  21. #2811
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Bad experiences in the past with females involving the boyfriend they're with up in my shit about being friends. So between her not mentioning it sooner along with her vague interest (aka she won't instigate conversation first based on the past week) with a semi-absent bf I don't want drama. I can name the amount of female friendships I've had where the bf wasn't an asshole to me on one hand.

    I had intent to be friends for starters but would be willing to try to be something more in the future. Past posts probably didn't illustrate it as much as it could've so that's the reason for confusion.
    it's unfortunate that you've had bad experiences with that. i think that if a guy is dating a girl and is insecure about her having male friends, then he shouldn't be in a relationship with her, because he clearly doesn't trust her.

    hope things sort themselves out. glad to know you're not being a dick haha

  22. #2812
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    it's unfortunate that you've had bad experiences with that. i think that if a guy is dating a girl and is insecure about her having male friends, then he shouldn't be in a relationship with her, because he clearly doesn't trust her.

    hope things sort themselves out. glad to know you're not being a dick haha
    yeah it's not fun. I get the defensive nature but it's like calm down.

    I never try to be a dick and I'm just cutting my losses now about it. Not hugely time invested so it works.

    thanks. I hope so too. Been feeling lost and solitary since my breakup last month. It's been a whirlwind. Sigh.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-19-2016 at 02:48 PM.

  23. #2813
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    Reconnected with an old high school friend in hopes of a little summer action. It was instant attraction and he can't keep his hands off me when we are togther, which i find sexy as hell. We seem to have gotten really close and i have the feeling that this could be something more than just a fling.
    Of course i go back to uni in 3 weeks and really wish we had more time together. A long distance relationship is better than no relationship I guess.
    I might be in a similar situation as you actually...
    I swore I would never in my life ever do a Long Distance relationship. Ever. I heard the horror stories. Never knew anyone who's had one end well.

    Well, I went on vacation recently and met a girl out in Montreal while there. We seem to share mutual feelings for one another.
    She couldn't take me to the airport the day I left before she had to work, but she stayed the night at my hotel and I walked her to the train station in the morning.
    As we were hugging goodbye she said "I need to go before I start crying". It's odd, I mean it was a short time together, but everything just seems right.

    I'm not sure what to do, because on one hand, I said I never wanted to do a LD relationship. But on the other hand, as @millionmilesaway just said, a LD relationship is better than no relationship... right?

    I was really heavily thinking it over these last few days if this is something I want to even attempt. We've been texting each other nonstop back and forth for the last two days. The feeling is defiantly mutual. I just know for a fact I do not want to leave Vancouver. I love it here. I have a great job that pays good with fantastic benefits and vacation time. I have friends that moved here for me from elsewhere in the country. I don't want to leave them. I know she doesn't want to leave Montreal either. I think that's what's holding me back...

    But you know what? I think I'm going to give it a go. What's the worst that can happen? It could be a learning experience. I could learn something about myself out of this.
    I'm tied down to a 1 year lease in Vancouver til next Summer anyway. I could sit here and be single for the next year and continue to play the dating game (which fucking sucks) or, I can do this and see where it goes. I think I'm gonna do this! When a door opens with an opportunity, you should take it. You never know what will come of it.

  24. #2814
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    A long distance relationship is NOT better than no relationship. Dear god, just don't do it. I spent YEARS under unbelievable stress and immense frustration. Unless you have a specific and definite plan for the future (or live, like 3 hours within each other) so you know what you are waiting for, you're in for absolute torture. It will be fun at the beginning and it will be so sweet when you skype and tell each other how much you miss each other, or get naked and cyber, but all of that gets old after a while.. Especially with no clear goal in sight.
    Honestly, it's the worst of both can't be with other people because you're in a "relationship" but you don't get laid either. Unless it's an open type of relationship which I also can't see working for a long time, especially if the primary relationship hasn't had that much time to develop.
    Last edited by Nyx; 07-22-2016 at 01:53 AM.

  25. #2815
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    we just had our two year wedding anniversary, and 4 years of living together.
    and yes, this IS the girl that everyone on ets told me to get away from.

    We got through all the bullshit and we haven't had so much as an argument in like 2 years.
    Seriously, we learned to respect and take care of each other and it's fucking amazing.

  26. #2816
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    Well, I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Got myself involved in the Long Distance relationship. But, I'm feeling good about this. This is EXACTLY what I need right now in my life. And you know what? I'm feeling better than EVER.

    I'm not sure if it was meeting this girl, or changing departments at my job literally right before going on vacation, but now that I'm back to "reality" now, I'm feeling fantastic!
    Like I said, it could have just been the job change, or meeting the girl or a combination of both, or maybe other factors, but I generally feel.... dare I say it... happy for the first time in YEARS!

    This is exactly what I need in my life right now. My friends seem supportive as well. I thought they were all going to rag on me and say I was making the biggest mistake of my life, but they all super supportive. Well, no surprise... one of my good friends did the whole Long Distance relationship with his wife for a while, and they ended up getting married, and they were from different country's. He was from Canada and she the USA and they ended up in marriage.

    But I was so down in the dumps depressed before this vacation. It seems like 2016 was the year where absolutely everything was falling apart. I had hit rock bottom and then some. I cut down working to the bare minimum and would give all my shifts away. I hated the thought of going to work. I hated it. I complained about my job nonstop and was so depressed.

    Let's just say as soon as I got back to work last week from my vacation, I generally enjoy being there now. I've been adding shifts/hours as well to make more money because I have this "well, what the fuck else am I going to do mentality" If I make more money, then I can afford to fly out and see her more. That's my main motivation right now. I'm actually excited about going to work and keeping busy. I used to give shifts away and sit on the computer for days and not leave the house. I was in a deep dark place not too long ago. This way, I have something to look forward to and I don't have the distraction of having a girlfriend directly at my disposal all the time. If I had a local girlfriend, I would probably be giving all my shifts away to be with her anyway. Least I'm banking in the coin this way.

    I know I just started this, and you guys will probably be like "come back in 6 months and tell me how well you are handling this", haha. Guess we'll see as time goes on. But, so far... this is the best decision I made all year. Things can only go up from here.

  27. #2817
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I generally feel.... dare I say it... happy for the first time in YEARS!
    Yes! It's been so long since someone has genuinely made me smile I forgot how good it feels

    For me at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel with me finishing school in two years. We have talked visits, for this year at least he wants to visit me during my winter break in December and I am already planning to be back in the US in April. And since he just launched his own business he barely has the time or money for dating right now anyways.

    The lack of sexy times will suck but I've had more sex in the past 3 weeks than the past 3 years so for me this has been a major upgrade.
    Monogamy comes easy to me and is important so that will be the biggest challenge, trusting that he isn't following up with the phone numbers left in his tip jar at work (there have already been a couple) More talks need to be had for sure but for the time being I am enjoying his company and the thought of having someone there for me when I need to talk to someone other than my classmates.

  28. #2818
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    The Relationship Thread

    @ManBurning congratulations for taking the leap and making your happiness a priority. Completely agree with @playwithfire regarding setting boundaries and lines of communication. If you becoming a jealous type and worry about where she is and what she's doing when you aren't together, shit will go bad fast. That's really about trust. I remember when I just started my LD relationship, I didn't respond to a text or call one evening, normally I'm right on top of that stuff and he sort of freaked because he thought I was down at the neighborhood bar or dead in a dumpster. I was asleep in bed. We just had to learn to trust and understand each other a bit better. Note: we (I) definitely had a long term plan to move to his city, which I did two years in. We are now on year 4. Geeze, time flies.

  29. #2819
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    @ManBurning congratulations for taking the leap and making your happiness a priority. Completely agree with @playwithfire regarding setting boundaries and lines of communication. If you becoming a jealous type and worry about where she is and what she's doing when you aren't together, shit will go bad fast. That's really about trust. I remember when I just started my LD relationship, I didn't respond to a text or call one evening, normally I'm right on top of that stuff and he sort of freaked because he thought I was down at the neighborhood bar or dead in a dumpster. I was asleep in bed. We just had to learn to trust and understand each other a bit better. Note: we (I) definitely had a long term plan to move to his city, which I did two years in. We are now on year 4. Geeze, time flies.
    Oh wow, congrats! Your LD relationship actually worked out and you are together now? Awesome.

    To answer everyone's questions.

    1 -I am more monogamous than the meaning itself. I am the biggest sucker for this stuff. I'm way too much of a hopeless romantic for my own good. I put Robert Smith to shame.

    2 -Sexy Times are not an issue. I have had a few yearly dry spells before. After awhile, you tend to forget what sex feels like anyway. Plus, if you keep busy and keep your mind off of things, this isn't an issue. Since getting back from vacation (on the 19th), I haven't even masturbated. (I hope this isn't TMI... but the last time I ejaculated was the night before I left when we last had sex together (the 18th), So it's been over a week and I haven't even had the urge to masturbate. (Then again, I'm getting over an INSANE cold... so.... that could be part of the reason why I haven't been in the mood, lol). Plus, I look at it this way... if we only see each other once a season (Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall), That's already more sex that I would have gotten if I sat here single for the next year anyway (see the next point on more on why this won't be an issue. Here's a hint: It has to do with me being socially awkward).

    3 -Talking about "work crushes etc", this isn't an issue for me because I cannot talk to a real life girl in person to save my life. This was my Ex's favourite quality about me. She said "I know you would never cheat no matter what because you do not possess the skills to talk to other women" I don't know if this was a compliment or not, lol... On one hand, it's great having your significant other be able to trust you like that, but on the other hand... she's right... I have major social anxiety issues that I really need to work on. I have only even gotten girlfriends from the internet. When out and about I am never even tempted to talk to another girl. I don't even know how. I usually have headphones and sunglasses on anyway. I am the most unapproachable looking person in the world. So, once again no issue here for me. But yeah, I don't know how she is obviously. I just have to trust her that she will be faithful herself. As long as you don't show a jealous side, I think things should be fine. If you show you are OK when she talks about male co-workers and what-not, I think that will show your trust as well.

    4 -Communication - You guys couldn't be more right about this being more important now than ever before. And you know what? So far so good. We text each other all day throughout the day when we have time. We know when we are caught up at work etc so we respond to the texts when we can. I even fell asleep while we were texting the other day and woke up two hours later and apologized and she said she figured I feel asleep so it was all good. I know, like I said, still the very very early stages of this so, we will see what happens after a few months. But I'm not one for talking on the phone, actually... I hate it... I refuse to call anyone... and I have found myself WILLINGLY asking if I could call her two nights in a row. Even I was shocked... I was like "WTF... why would I want to talk on the phone... I hate this shit... but I donno, it seems natural with her. Dare I say, I actually enjoy talking on the phone?

    The only thing that worries me here actually is the fact that both of us do not want to ever move away from the city's we live in. We have both made that quite clear.
    That's the only thing I see causing a major problem here. So, I'm just a *tad* worried about that. I mean, could we do this LD relationship thing for the rest of our lives from different citys? That might be a little too much. I have way too much going for me here. I made a bunch of friends move out here for me, I'm not going to get up and take off after they moved here for me. I wouldn't survive in Montreal anyway, I don't know French. What is everyone's take on this? Should we just axe it now because both of us are too stubborn and want to hold our ground, or do you think one of us will cave in eventually if this relationship ends up going well?

  30. #2820
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    30 Post(s)
    I made this video of my girlfriend and I... it's not what you think. PM me if you want a link.

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