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Thread: Indecision 2012

  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    See I don't see the same kind of connection between gay marriage and what African Americans went through during the civil rights movement as you do. In fact I think it dilutes the true evil of segregation and racism. You aren't being asked to sit somewhere else, to drink out of a different water fountain, use a different bathroom, go to a different church and school, etc.

    Believing that marriage is between a man and a woman is not nearly on the same level by any means as burning a cross on a front yard or blowing up a church.
    Oh, so THAT makes it ok. Alright. By that logic, if black people weren't allowed to get married (or interracial couples, taking it out of the hypothetical), then THAT would be ok. They're not hurting black people, just saying they shouldn't be allowed to get married to each other. I get it now. Thanks for clarifying.

    And by the way, apparently you've never heard of someone being beaten up for being gay. Maybe you should check the newspaper every now and again.

    It's not the amount of hatred one group experiences (although, in the case of the gay community, they have certainly experienced a LOT of it) or the amount of hate crimes committed against them (though, again...) but the fact that you are singling out a single group of people and denying them equal rights. And you're defending that. Jesus.

  2. #422
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    Oh for fuck's sake, shut the fuck up already, I already said I'm not opposed to gay marriage. In your fucking closed little mind it's obviously impossible to understand how anyone could think differently then you though ruiner, if you're not of a certain religious or moral belief than fucking no one else should be right? I guess Obama is totally cool with hatred too since, again, other than policy he has never personally committed to being for same sex marriage.

  3. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    See I don't see the same kind of connection between gay marriage and what African Americans went through during the civil rights movement as you do. In fact I think it dilutes the true evil of segregation and racism. You aren't being asked to sit somewhere else, to drink out of a different water fountain, use a different bathroom, go to a different church and school, etc.

    Believing that marriage is between a man and a woman is not nearly on the same level by any means as burning a cross on a front yard or blowing up a church.
    Yeah, no connection whatsoever.

  4. #424
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    I don't read Huffington Post, it's trash.

    There are examples of all kinds of horrible things happening to all kinds of people based on attributes that would place them in a group. No one seems to be truly exempt, but the scope of hatred and racism during the civil rights movement can't be compared to the fight for gay marriage in my opinion.

  5. #425
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    Fine, here's the same damn story from another source.

  6. #426
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    My response is still the same. A white teen was just lit on fire by two black teens, horrible things can happen to anyone and be influenced by hatred. I'm certainly not going to deny horrible things haven't happened to the gay community, but I still can't put the struggle for gay marriage in the same realm as the overall fight for civil rights, where things like these happened all the time and on much more extreme scales and everyday life was drastically and mercilessly altered.

  7. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I still can't put the struggle for gay marriage in the same realm as the overall fight for civil rights
    Because to you the right to wed the person you love doesn't fall under the category of "overall fight for civil rights"?

  8. #428
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    I was speaking about the overall civil rights fight of the African Americans. Sorry, should've been more clear.

  9. #429
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    My bad then.

  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Oh for fuck's sake, shut the fuck up already, I already said I'm not opposed to gay marriage. In your fucking closed little mind it's obviously impossible to understand how anyone could think differently then you though ruiner, if you're not of a certain religious or moral belief than fucking no one else should be right? I guess Obama is totally cool with hatred too since, again, other than policy he has never personally committed to being for same sex marriage.
    Oh, did I strike a nerve? Interesting.

    See, here's the thing- I'm cool with other people having different opinions. What I'm not cool with is bigotry. So, if you're a bigot, I'm going to call you one. If you're against gay marriage, I'm going to call you out on that, too. And since you're defending these idiots who are against gay marriage, that doesn't make you much better, 50 Volt. And acting indifferent toward it is just as fucking bad. And not seeing it for the giant civil rights issue that it is is pretty bad, too.

    Of course, by your logic, if someone says, "African Americans shouldn't have the same rights as whites," those people just have different opinions, and the rest of us, who rightfully call that what it is, are in the wrong for calling them on it. Do I have that right, 50 Volt?

    And way to not counter any of my arguments, by the way.

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Thank you. She is awesome, and there were a LOT more people battling the EEOC over that fucking ridiculous statute of limitations. McCain was TOTALLY against the Lilly Ledbetter Act because big business' dick is so far up his ass, he's a ventriloquist act. We still have a LONG way to go, but ...

    Everybody should read this article:
    Last edited by allegro; 03-18-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I was speaking about the overall civil rights fight of the African Americans. Sorry, should've been more clear.

    You don't think people were lynched for being gay? You don't think the openly gay were just as unwelcome in public spaces? You really have some self educating to do. As an African American I am horrified at this kind of mentality. You cannot rank oppression. Let's put it this way, would you rather get beaten for being gay or being black? Would you rather be denied marriage rights for being of a certain race or because someone is bigoted against your sexuality? People were put in jail for being gay, people were hung for being gay, people are STILL fired for being gay. Civil Rights are civil rights. Unless you want to come up with every individual atrocity ever committed against a black person and rank it against every single atrocity ever committed against a homosexual throughout history, I suggest you stop with this nonsense.

    That being said back to sexism and politics. I recommend everyone read "Notes from the Cracked Ceiling" . It will give any liberal or conservative whose not evil a boner as it talks about both Hillary's and Palin's unique experience in this horrible sexist political climate.

  13. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I already said I'm not opposed to gay marriage.
    Then, reconsider your politics.

    And even if you win the argument and everyone agrees that one or another group had it better or worse, it won't change that current conditions aren't acceptable.

    As for birth control, comments made by whom, about whom, are also largely irrelevant (save that it exposes underlying attitudes). The issue is that under our current health care system, paying customers can be denied coverage for their birth control, which everyone knows is ridiculous and should change. The idea that we should solve the problem with some kind of mass exodus of employees from offending companies is silly. If that type of thing were practical or possible they wouldn't have taken the job and submitted to that treatment in the first place. No need to vote with our dollars when we can vote with our votes. There's no crime in telling employers that they're not permitted to force their beliefs onto their employees, as there is no justification for it in the first place.
    Last edited by Deus Ex Machina; 03-09-2012 at 10:18 AM.

  14. #434
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    Dr. Paul finally won a state, The Virgin islands. You guys probably didn't know cause msm announced Romney the winner anyway because he won the most delegates. BUT if we're deciding who wins based on delegates Paul is very likely to win many more.,_2012

    More on the actual delegate count

    PS. I had never heard of Lilly Ledbetter simply because I don't live in America. I just love the ridiculousness of your elections. and as Canadian politics are currently completely dominated by Harper.(I get the sudden urge to kill when I see that man)
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 03-11-2012 at 06:32 PM.

  15. #435
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    Porn titans not worried about Rick Santorum banning their business. Gotta love that there's at least one gay Republican who's honest about it.

  16. #436
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    Blatant Delegate fraud against Ron Paul.

    It's now painfully obvious. If you support Paul or not, if you're Republican or Democrat, you cannot ignore this.

  17. #437
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    Funny, I just did.

  18. #438
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    Rick Santorum promises to wage war against pornography.

    God, could he be any more of a complete fucking idiot? Honestly, how stupid is this guy?

  19. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Rick Santorum promises to wage war against pornography.

    God, could he be any more of a complete fucking idiot? Honestly, how stupid is this guy?
    Yeah, I don't get this guy. I appreciate faith, and someone who is faithful, but the guy slept with his dead baby - that's just sort of creepy.

  20. #440
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    "Hi guys, my name is Rick Santorum, and I want to be President of the United States of America. Now, let me tell you a little about myself. I don't like sex. I mean, it's not that I'm all like, 'I don't like sex!' I do like sex. But I don't like sex. Sex is a sin; God says sex is a sin. I know, because I read it in The Bible, which is a book that I really, really like, and I think you should also read and follow it. Sex should only occur privately in a closed bedroom between one man atop one woman, each of whom is of legal age, and only within the confines of a legal marriage before God. Sex should be immediately followed by cold showers and remorseful groveling before the Lord, pleading forgiveness for the awful sexy sin you have committed. And don't you dare use any form of contraception: these are a sin, too, because sex that isn't intended to produce a child is a super-sin. It's like, if sex is a coin in Super Mario Bros., then sex with contraception is a 1-up. But it doesn't give you an extra life: it sends you to Hell, to burn for eternity. Sex using contraception 'is a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be', as I always say [(actual quote!)]. And I know how things are supposed to be because I read it in The Bible, which is a book that I really, really like, even more than 'Twilight', and I think that you should read and follow the life directions in The Bible, about which there may be no argument or debate, and no reasonable doubt, and which may be very clearly read and interpreted in the very specific way that agrees with my own beliefs, too."

  21. #441
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    I was just talking about how its getting harder and harder to make fun of this guy b/c everytime someone makes something up as a joke it ends up being his next proposed policy...I think people were literally joking about him wanting to ban porn a few months ago and now its real.

  22. #442
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    FUCK YOU RICK SANTORUM! You do NOT come between a man and his porn. It's war motherfucker!

  23. #443
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    This is the best thing I've ever seen.

  24. #444
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    Well, with a win in Illinois and Jeb Bush’s endorsement, Romney continues his lurch towards buying the nomination. I’m rooting for Santorum and anyone else who can continue to challenge Romney, because it only heightens the contrasting interests that are barely holding together in what passes for the modern GOP. Right now, that means wishing Gingrich (and ideally Paul as well) would get out and combine the anti-Romney vote. That's the only way this drags out any longer.

    Romney spokesman compares their campaign messaging to an etch-a-sketch.

    Illinois primary turnout ‘extremely low’

  25. #445
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    Wait, they're waving around Etcha A Sketch Toys?

    Honestly? Good lord these people want power.

    I can't wait until I can vote here. I can't believe that a pundit in one of those videos feels he has to explain why that's embarrassing.

    Edit: Also, this might be a little off topic, but Piers Morgan is a slug.
    Last edited by DF118; 03-22-2012 at 04:59 PM.

  26. #446
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    I know this is a double post, but Santorum just called Obama a "nig" during a speech at Janesville.

    He's so fucked.

  27. #447
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    Edit: Ok, the more I think about it, the less likely it seems that he was about to say something else. It specifically does sound like "nig." As much as I hate Santorum, and I really, really hate that guy, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt a little bit. But that really does sound bad.

    Edit again: Ok, is it possible he was trying to say 'negotiator'? It still doesn't make much sense, but I could see him starting to say that, then lose his train of thought and jump to something else, not realizing how bad it sounded, or maybe realizing it too late.
    Last edited by theruiner; 03-30-2012 at 03:44 AM.

  28. #448
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    Nope, don't think so. You're right, "negotiator" wouldn't make any sense in the context, but that wouldn't be enough to stop him saying it half way through. Also there's no way he started saying "negotiator" then thought "oops this could be misheard" so stopped. It's too big a reach and someone isn't that self aware that quickly. Unless he was actually going to say the N word before his brain kicked in and stopped him. Plus (not sure if his accent would render this moot) he said "nig" and not "neg".

    They should call tomorrow's shitstorm Negotiate-Gate though.

  29. #449
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    Honestly, I've heard a lot of people pronounce 'negotiate' as if it was an i instead of an e. I don't know why. I think it's one of those words where, once someone points it out to you, you go, hey, why have I been saying it like it's got an 'i' this whole time? That's a damn 'e.' I can't think of any other examples, but I know I've come across words like that where I just got in the habit of pronouncing it wrong.

    So, yes, he could have just lost track of what he was saying and switched gears at the absolutely wrong moment. Maybe. It's a big maybe, to be sure. But yeah, it's definitely suspicious, to say the least. And it wouldn't shock me. Dude is a homophobe and a sexist, being a racist isn't much of a stretch.

    Edit: You know what, I think you're right. I'm going over it again in my head, and 'anti-government negotiator' makes no damn sense at all. Not unless you really do mental gymnastics to put it in a different context.
    Last edited by theruiner; 03-30-2012 at 06:47 AM.

  30. #450
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    It just sounds like a flub—a real flub, a "I was stumbling over my own words and almost said something like 'grlanarhg'" kind of flub, where looking for whichever word it may actually have been is fruitless because he was only producing noise.

    It happens.

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