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Thread: Indecision 2012

  1. #751
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    I love Phantom, it's finally a chance to interact with one of the batshit insane neo-cons I've heard so much about.

  2. #752
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    That Phantom fella gets an idea fixed in his head, and by god NOTHING is gonna change that motherfucker.

    On to more relevant stuff: Obama's speech fell flat.

  3. #753
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    ^^^^^ Wrong.

  4. #754
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    Quote Originally Posted by joplinpicasso View Post
    ^^^^^^ Wrong.
    My fave thing has to be realizing that the man is actually socially conscious and actually gives a damn about inequality. I think he mentioned little girls and science 5 times or something. *tears MY PRESIDENT ADMITS SYSTEMS OF DOMINANCE EXIST! I know I shouldn't be jumping in the air over this but really who am I kidding. Did ya'll see the RNC -_-
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 09-06-2012 at 10:17 PM.

  5. #755
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    So one totally biased source and two questionable ones, I'll stick with Breitbart.
    You can't be for real. Are you for real? That's some base level trolling right there.

  6. #756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I'm pretty sure they blamed [Reagan] on Carter.
    Again, they were either not born yet or are senile.

    Obama's speech was good, but I liked Bubba's better.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-06-2012 at 10:39 PM.

  7. #757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    You can't be for real. Are you for real? That's some base level trolling right there.
    What is so shocking? ABC doesn't even seem to try to hide their biased agenda anymore, factcheck is in the company of liberals, and politifact is run by them.

  8. #758
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    What is so shocking? ABC doesn't even seem to try to hide their biased agenda anymore, factcheck is in the company of liberals, and politifact is run by them.
    You're misconstruing my reaction as shock, and giving yourself too much credit.

    Tell me with a straight face that Breitbart is not biased. Do it again when you say that Breitbart is less biased than any of the above mentioned organizations. How biased can fact-checking be? You take a statement, compare it to cited factual evidence, and the statement is judged as either consistent with recorded facts, or inconsistent. The majority of the Breitbart citations in their fact check point to lobbying organizations and so-called 'think tanks' - which by definition are wholly biased.

    I don't think you're shocking. I think you're pretty pedestrian, actually. I normally don't dip my toe in political threads on ETS - more often I like bantering with a Republican lobbyist friend of mine from central Pennsylvania. I disagree with just about everything he says, but you don't have to peel away too much before he's showing that he at least thinks about what he's saying, and has no bones conceding his own agenda, along with why he pushes it. Those kinds of discussions are far more important to me than getting into circle jerks with people who think the same way I do, but even that kind of circle jerk is better than interacting with a useful idiot who spouts off the latest talking points that trickle down from the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and the ghost of Andrew Breitbart.

    There is absolutely nothing shocking about some random dude on the internet perpetuating ignorance. You are the norm, buddy. If anything's shocking, it's that you've got over 150 posts on here and don't have that much to show for it. You appear to live with perpetual tunnel vision. I wonder if you even bother to read the links that people have posted here, or if you've already written them off because you're only allowed to trust your sources, because they tell you over and over again that they are correct, right even, and everything else is a lie.

    There's a great big internet out there. I'm unabashedly liberal, but the badges Google News shows me are for Republican, Romney and Tea Party, and I stop by the Drudge Report every day, several times a day. If you're only reading one angle, you're rendering yourself effectively blind.

  9. #759
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    ABC doesn't even seem to try to hide their biased agenda anymore, factcheck is in the company of liberals, and politifact is run by them.
    I can just see the new RNC ads now: Facts: Part of the liberal agenda.

  10. #760
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    I can just see the new RNC ads now: Facts: Part of the liberal agenda.
    Fact Check: PANTS ON FIRE.

    The actual Romney pollster quote was "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers"

    I can't wait for this election to be over, but I'm kind of scared about what 2016 will be like.

  11. #761
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    I think it should be decided by the entertainment those two parties had. Eva Longoria looking beautiful and talking sense vs dishevelled Clint Eastwood shouting at a chair.


  12. #762
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    50 Volt Phantom is a 27-percenter:

    27% voted for Alan Keyes instead of Barack Obama, 27% doubt Obama`s citizenship, Bill Clinton`s unfavorable rating is 27%, Michelle Obama`s unfavorable rating is 27%. These are the people who, after the Deepwater Horizon spill, said they now were even more in favor of offshore drilling than before. These people cannot be argued with, they have completely disconnected themselves from a world of cause and effect.

  13. #763
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    I don't understand how anyone could dislike Michelle Obama.

  14. #764
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    to see Gabrielle Giffords make that appearance to show how much she recovered was a great non-partisan moment that should have been a little inspiring for everyone.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-07-2012 at 05:44 AM.

  15. #765
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    50 Volt Phantom is a 27-percenter:

    27% voted for Alan Keyes instead of Barack Obama, 27% doubt Obama`s citizenship, Bill Clinton`s unfavorable rating is 27%, Michelle Obama`s unfavorable rating is 27%. These are the people who, after the Deepwater Horizon spill, said they now were even more in favor of offshore drilling than before. These people cannot be argued with, they have completely disconnected themselves from a world of cause and effect.
    27% of America is Mikey Liz.

  16. #766
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    Breitbart is probably one of the most biased sites I've ever read. He was a twister of facts that loved controversy and attention more than truth. If you search twitter for his name, there are actual tweets that blame Obama for his death. My favorite big government reoccurring story is the obama birther topic. The site pretends to not support birtherism while still pushing the myth that Obama was born in Kenya.

    anyway, depending on what you read this morning, obama's speech was great or uninspiring. yay for partisanship!

  17. #767
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  18. #768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    You're misconstruing my reaction as shock, and giving yourself too much credit.

    Tell me with a straight face that Breitbart is not biased. Do it again when you say that Breitbart is less biased than any of the above mentioned organizations. How biased can fact-checking be? You take a statement, compare it to cited factual evidence, and the statement is judged as either consistent with recorded facts, or inconsistent. The majority of the Breitbart citations in their fact check point to lobbying organizations and so-called 'think tanks' - which by definition are wholly biased.

    I don't think you're shocking. I think you're pretty pedestrian, actually. I normally don't dip my toe in political threads on ETS - more often I like bantering with a Republican lobbyist friend of mine from central Pennsylvania. I disagree with just about everything he says, but you don't have to peel away too much before he's showing that he at least thinks about what he's saying, and has no bones conceding his own agenda, along with why he pushes it. Those kinds of discussions are far more important to me than getting into circle jerks with people who think the same way I do, but even that kind of circle jerk is better than interacting with a useful idiot who spouts off the latest talking points that trickle down from the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and the ghost of Andrew Breitbart.

    There is absolutely nothing shocking about some random dude on the internet perpetuating ignorance. You are the norm, buddy. If anything's shocking, it's that you've got over 150 posts on here and don't have that much to show for it. You appear to live with perpetual tunnel vision. I wonder if you even bother to read the links that people have posted here, or if you've already written them off because you're only allowed to trust your sources, because they tell you over and over again that they are correct, right even, and everything else is a lie.

    There's a great big internet out there. I'm unabashedly liberal, but the badges Google News shows me are for Republican, Romney and Tea Party, and I stop by the Drudge Report every day, several times a day. If you're only reading one angle, you're rendering yourself effectively blind.
    Meh, I have 150 posts because I really only come here to browse music news and see if there's any new NIN or HTDA going-ons. For the most part I am a lurker who finds most of the personalities here grating but enjoys some of the information I can find. I do read the posted links in here, not all of them, but a good portion, but at the end of the day if I'm going to have to read biased articles, and let's face it, nothing is unbiased anymore, I tend to go with sources that match my beliefs. Which is exactly why I'd rather just go with Breitbart, who I don't think is comparable at all to Beck or Limbaugh, then ABC, Politifact, or Factcheck. Breitbart clearly has a conservative lean to it, but I find it to be more fair overall then some of the other well-known conservative sources, Andrew Breitbart was well-known for being glad that there were other viewpoints and happily debating them, after all he helped develop Huffington Post. As for your friend, I will concede that my discussion in these threads is limited and hit and run, but honestly, I find nothing fulfilling about taking on people that I fundamentally disagree knowing that we aren't changing anyone's mind, especially when instead of there being one, like your face to face conversations with your friend, there are over a dozen. I'd rather just come in, throw something out for thought and let the circle jerk continue.

    Anyway, I read about Gabrielle Gifford at the DNC, and that made me happy, what she had to overcome is remarkable. I didn't watch much of the DNC in all honesty, but heard that Clinton, whether he was factual or not depends on the source, was his usual captivating self. As for the RNC, Ann Romney's speech did absolutely nothing for me, Tim Pawlenty looked like a moron telling jokes, and Chris Christie, Condi Rice, and Paul Ryan were all pretty good, especially Rice. That's about all I watched from the conventions. I am now eagerly looking forward to the debates.

  19. #769
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    but heard that Clinton, whether he was factual or not depends on the source
    NO, whether he was factual or not depends on whether or not he was stating facts. Which he was.

  20. #770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    NO, whether he was factual or not depends on whether or not he was stating facts. Which he was.
    In a way...

  21. #771
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    So Idk if I'm really late with this or something but holy shit...
    This is an op. ed. that Mittens himself wrote in 2009 for USA Today....I kid you not people....It is in fact a plea to Obama to abandon the public option in favor of the healthcare that he implemented in his state.....In short Mitt Romney asked the president to do EXACTLY what he ended up doing. This is not flip flopping. You do not write editorials for issues you are on the fence about. You do not write editorials for things you will change your mind on in 3 years for no reason. I don't even know what to compare this to....
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 09-10-2012 at 05:26 AM.

  22. #772
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    So, Mitt Romney thinks 200k-250k is middle income. That explains some things...

  23. #773
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    That's pretty scary. Is it too late to bring back mccain?

  24. #774
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    Just read a transcript of the Stephanopoulos interview. Romney didn't watch the Clinton speech? Really? I mean, I'm not totally surprised when I say that's a fairly rookie move. I know it's hard to break out of the bubble you're thrust into when you take to the path of running for the presidency, but to ignore criticism hailed by many as the most resounding and well-received criticism of your campaign and party? What a fool. Obama took office and then hired a whole pile of people who ran against him. Putting on blinders to critique is a demonstrably terrible idea (citation: 2000-2008)

    I would love it if this election were a landslide for Obama. I like that 538 says it's a 70% chance Obama will win, but it's so disheartening to see that 47% of the votes will likely go to Romney. That this is the best guy the Republican Party could come up with. It should be embarrassing to be a Republican right now.

  25. #775
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    I'm not sure that I consider myself a Republican, but Romney is infinitely better than McCain, just as Ryan is infinitely better than Palin.

  26. #776
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I'm not sure that I consider myself a Republican, but Romney is infinitely better than McCain, just as Ryan is infinitely better than Palin.
    A rock is infinitely better than Palin.

  27. #777
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    The exhumed remains of Joe McCarthy is infinitely better than Palin.

  28. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    That's pretty scary. Is it too late to bring back mccain?
    You mean the John McCain who owns seven houses?

  29. #779
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    I didn't say he wasn't an out of touch posho, but he seemed a lot more rational than this mormon mandroid doing the rounds

  30. #780
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    I'm not typically a fan of the usual lame campaign ads but I am enjoying hearing the continued use of the sound bite: "borrow money from your parents if you have to".
    Last edited by sentient02970; 09-17-2012 at 12:32 PM. Reason: my speling not so good

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