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Thread: Indecision 2012

  1. #781
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  2. #782
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    Mittens really fucked himself this time.

  3. #783
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    How the fuck can you even run for president saying this kind of shit? "Hmmm 50% of my future constituents are just whiny babies whom don't think at all, and don't give a shit about personal responsibility." WHAT?! Its like he thinks hes only going to be president of the people who vote for him. You don't see Obama walking around taking shit about the tea party or any Romney supporters for that matter. His criticism (since they are running to represent the people whom vote against them as well) stays within the boundaries of other politicians. Wow I can't even.

    That's not even going into the implications of his statements ahahhaahhaa like just the IDEA is horrible. But once you get into what hes actually saying it just becomes impossibly batshit. Like pinch me.


    "Wal-Mart heirs worth as much as bottom 41.5% of American families"

    How can anyone even defend the existence of this kind of disparity. You do not have to want socialism in order to admit this is not only immoral, but also an insanely unstable and irresponsible trend. You cannot advocate for this bullshit AND the middle class. If you defend this kind of bullshit you are literally saying that their right to accumulate this kind of wealth is more important than the poverty, death, education, shelter, and resources of millions of other living breathing human beings. What the WHAT
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 09-17-2012 at 06:07 PM.

  4. #784
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    He's just saying it like it is, I wish he would do this openly, not just behind closed doors.

  5. #785
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    Please outline the evidence which support his statements as fact.

  6. #786
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    He's just saying it like it is, I wish he would do this openly, not just behind closed doors.
    I openly welcome Mitt Romney to go on public record with the notion that 47% of Americans "believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it." Yeah, that's connecting with reality there buddy. I'm voting for Obama because I feel victimized, and because I am entitled! It shouldn't surprise me that Mitt "Stop hitting me" Romney has fallen to projecting his own issues. It just surprises me that people hear this and continue to stand behind him.

    At the dinner, Romney also said that the campaign purposefully was using Ann Romney "sparingly…so that people don't get tired of her."
    Yes, tell us all about how you use Ann Romney sparingly so that people don't get tired of her.

    What a complete sociopath.

    Quote Originally Posted by halloween
    i don't understand this man at. all.
    And he doesn't understand us.

  7. #787
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    You know who else didn't pay income taxes? The unemployed...I guess they don't care about themselves either.

    Then he has the audacity to say he wasn't privileged! That's the part that bothers me.

  8. #788
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    He and his kind are the ones not paying their fare share of taxes.

  9. #789
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    I forgot...people in the military also don't pay income tax. Fuck him.

    The privilege lie really pisses me off.

  10. #790
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    The notion that the rich aren't paying their fair share is just ridiculous, the top 10% of the country pay around 70% of the income tax, the bottom 50% pay around 2%, but the rich aren't paying their fair share. What do you want? The rich to pay 100%? Even more than that? Why don't we just redistribute everyone's wealth so we're all at the same level, I'm sure some here would be down with that.

    As for entitlement, he's pretty much dead on, we are an entitled as fuck country. We have Occupy out there saying the rich should pay their bills, pay for them to go to school and all kinds of other ridiculous hypocritical garbage. Kids coming out of college have, at large, a massive entitlement issue, and why shouldn't they? They're being sold free everything by the Democrats, free healthcare, free food, welfare welfare welfare, missed your mortgage payments, don't worry we'll make the responsible people dig you out. The unions are knee deep in it too, between the teachers striking in Obama's broken home city and the NFL refs screaming for pensions I'm sick of organized labor and it's incessant whining and demands as if Obama's broken economy shouldn't mean that they have to tighten their belts like the rest of us. So ya, Romney should be out there shouting this from the mountaintops, telling it like it is.

  11. #791
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    You really do live in your own little world, Phantom.

  12. #792
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    I agree that we're very whiney people, but when you say you weren't handed anything...come on. And is he going to cut spending? Fuck no, he's just as fraudulent on cutting defense and entitlements like most of the GOP and taking rights via social conservative ideals. So fuck him.

    You have to find solutions for the people who are struggling and are working their ass off, with a plan for some type of cost reduction for health care especially.

  13. #793
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    You really do live in your own little world, Phantom.
    No, I just don't see the world through your hyper idealistic rose-tinted glasses.

  14. #794
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    No, I just don't see the world through your hyper idealistic rose-tinted glasses.
    No, you just see the world through your ultra-skewed, Fox colored glasses.

  15. #795
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    Ya, I don't watch Fox...

  16. #796
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    And I totally believe you.

    Anyway, I'd say that's pretty much it for Romney. We always suspected he was an asshole, but now we know for sure.

  17. #797
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    Ya, I don't think so, an ambassador in Libya is dead because Obama yet again mishandled the situation, the job numbers are still bad, the teachers union in his own city striking looks bad on him, and almost all the polls he's leading are skewed towards Democrats, not to mention outside of this liberal echo chamber I believe reasonable people will find a lot to agree with on what Romney said.

  18. #798
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Ya, I don't think so, an ambassador in Libya is dead because Obama yet again mishandled the situation
    How the fuck do you figure that? You're ridiculous.

  19. #799
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    The notion that the rich aren't paying their fair share is just ridiculous, the top 10% of the country pay around 70% of the income tax, the bottom 50% pay around 2%, but the rich aren't paying their fair share. What do you want? The rich to pay 100%? Even more than that? Why don't we just redistribute everyone's wealth so we're all at the same level, I'm sure some here would be down with that.
    First of all, the higher taxes are for the wealthiest's top dollars, not their entire income. They pay the same exact amount percentage wise for the lower bracket of their income, as the rest of the population. Second of all, you don't have to redistribute wealth in order to slow a trend which has led to having the top 400 earners in the country amount to the bottom 150 million......Even if you don't want to acknowledge the moral aspect of this reality, the other reality is that this kind of economy is simply unstable. We are not in the same capitalist world in which there is an inherent high risk to investments. The fact is the middle class is becoming smaller, and the amount in poverty is increasing. Another fact is that the top 10% has more wealth now than they have ever had in American history. So with these two facts we can take away that the success of those with the most income is not dependent on the success of those with lower income and vise versa and in fact, the richest can actually benefit the most when the middle class and poor are suffering. This is not about whether their share is "fair" but whether it is sane, and pragmatic to let such a small percentage of people control the economy. (ala the economic collapse which did have a little something to do with lack of regulation)

    Taxes on the richest's top dollars have been up to 80% and 90% in the 50s and 60s. Were we a socialist nation back then? Essentially every time you lower taxes you are promoting freedom and every time you raise them you are "committing" a socialist act. So now if you raise taxes from 35% to 39% you are inherently socialist and want to redistribute all the wealth ever, regardless of the fact that taxes have been lowered by 50% over the last few decades. How is this logical?

    The wealth disparity DOES have something to do with unemployment, it DOES have something to do with the shrinking middle class. Also your outline of entitlement issues does not go into any specifics whats so ever. You can't argue policy with such broad and non quantifiable claims. All those college graduates who go straight on food stamps!!! What the what?

    Also the reality of entitlement does not make his claims truthful....he just explained a statistic with anecdotal evidence. That is not being truthful!

    I just can't understand your point of view in actually thinking people who can't afford health care deserve to remain sick and/or dying. The question is simple how do you expect one to pay for medicine they can't afford? Surely not all sick people whom can't afford healthcare are filthy leeches whom shouldn't have access to treatment. (TREATMENT not a visit to the ER) A manipulation of the market to create more competition and drive down costs cannot be done overnight, but people needed coverage that direly. What is your proposition for this and the fact that 26,000 people die a year just from not being insured? Is your answer truly "sucks to suck"?

  20. #800
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    Oh I don't know, maybe because there was a warning of such events occurring three days beforehand and nothing was done about it. The fact the embassies weren't put on some sort of extra alert on September 11th is on it's own kind of ridiculous.

  21. #801
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    Well yes, the richest people in the country pay the lions share of taxes, but the reason for that is simple: they have all the money.

    As was mentioned, 400 people have more wealth than a combined 150 MILLION. That fact is simply stunning. But to add insult to injury it seems that those 400 people would like to blame the poor for the economic woes of the country. I'm a guy who works 80 hours a week average trying to improve my income/life/career and I'm dirt poor. I'm going to school, and last year I didn't pay any taxes. My case is hardly unique.

    Romney just gave a big FUCK YOU to every person out there like me who is working their guts out, but hasn't made it there yet. According to him I'm a leech.

    I'm happy about these videos, they reveal his true character in his own words. It simplifies everything.

  22. #802
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Oh I don't know, maybe because there was a warning of such events occurring three days beforehand and nothing was done about it. The fact the embassies weren't put on some sort of extra alert on September 11th is on it's own kind of ridiculous.
    I know another president who got warning about an attack on American interests, and when that went down, the country banded together, instead of getting bogged down in pissy infighting.

    And then during that presidency, US embassies around the world were attacked more often than during any other presidency since Ronald Reagan. Let's see how the standard bearer of the GOP handled this:

    Oh, hey, Republicans aren't any better at this shit.

    You're ignoring reality if you believe otherwise. But that's the conservative mindset: Create your own reality, and force the world to fit into it. Just ask Karl Rove:

    "That's not the way the world really works anymore." He continued "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
    Yeah, that fucking worked. History will be the judge, indeed. I don't think they'll come to the findings Rove has in mind.

  23. #803
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    That image is funny, there's no doubt that both parties have some tarnishes, but 9/11 was made possible in part by Clinton fumbling some stuff, and if you can't lock up your embassy with three days warning then you mishandled it. Team Obama trying to pin this on a filmmaker is just sad.

  24. #804
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Team Obama trying to pin this on a filmmaker is just sad.
    To use my current catchphrase:

    ​OH. PET.

  25. #805
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  26. #806
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    That image is funny, there's no doubt that both parties have some tarnishes, but 9/11 was made possible in part by Clinton fumbling some stuff, and if you can't lock up your embassy with three days warning then you mishandled it. Team Obama trying to pin this on a filmmaker is just sad.
    There's no doubt they both have tarnishes, but none of the serious ones are Republican and you are totally not brainwashed or Mikey Liz'd.

  27. #807
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    Good, he's not backing down like foolish "let's all be nice" McCain would have.

  28. #808
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Good, he's not backing down like foolish "let's all be nice" McCain would have.
    Exactly. McCain was a half liberal pussy. Stupid nice people.

  29. #809
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Good, he's not backing down like foolish "let's all be nice" McCain would have.

    Romney acted as though he believed everyone in his state was entitled to healthcare and granted it to them. He then wrote an editorial explaining why Obama should abandon the public option and do the same. When he did Romney decided it was the devil b/c of his hijacked base. You think all this nonsense is coming from the man's heart? He has none. He will say ANYTHING to appease people whom are factually ignorant. ie. Saying things like "when you need big things done you need an American" at the RNC. It's why at a rally he said "no one ever asked for my birth certificate, they know I'm American." I'm sorry is someone from another country running? He says that because he knows 41% of Republicans still doubt the birthplace of Obama. That statistic is a disgrace. He literally uses the mania and racism (yes if you are a birther still you are racist) of the modern republican party to his advantage. Even this video is from a fundraiser, full of people who are so out of reality they believe this shit themselves. My guess is he wasn't caught saying what he actually thinks, he was caught making shit up to appease people who believe made up shit. How can you even say there's truth in his statements when the math doesn't even make sense? Everyone on welfare who doesn't pay federal tax is for Obama? What? Most welfare recipients are poor whites. Idk if you knew, but poor whites aren't exactly Obama's voting demographic. There's also the fact that you know, most welfare recipients DONT EVEN VOTE.

    Romney's a moderate governor because he is a convictionless pragmatist. You will only get this kind of chatter from him for as long as he desperately needs it. Don't think for a second that he is fighting for your point of view with a passion in his belly. It's laughable.

    Also god fucking dammit its high time conservatives admit that the unemployed and people on welfare are the same fucking people. All you do is bitch about unemployment and then you do a 180 and condemn the same fucking people for being on welfare. The people "sucking the system dry" are not the majority of welfare recipients. How can there not be enough jobs b/c Obama is the worst, but also everyone who isn't working is a leech and ass hole who will probably vote for Obama because he's doing them a favor? How do you reconcile this shit in your thinking??? HOW?!

    // The top 10% earners in America have 75.4% of the nations how is it unfair they are paying 70% of taxes?
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 09-17-2012 at 11:13 PM.

  30. #810
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    [QUOTE=Magtig;47528]Exactly. McCain was a half liberal pussy. Stupid nice people.[/]
    McCain believed in bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle, little did he know that being a pushover simply allowed the jerk he was running against to walk all over him. I think afterwards when he received the pompous "I won" attitude from Obama he realized what a fool he was. Liberalism also does not automatically equal niceness.

    Littlemonkey, I believe Obama was born in the US, but he has himself to blame for the murkiness of his citizenship, I also don't see racism involved at all in the issue, but it's not shocking that liberals would somehow argue that there is.

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