Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
See I don't see the same kind of connection between gay marriage and what African Americans went through during the civil rights movement as you do. In fact I think it dilutes the true evil of segregation and racism. You aren't being asked to sit somewhere else, to drink out of a different water fountain, use a different bathroom, go to a different church and school, etc.

Believing that marriage is between a man and a woman is not nearly on the same level by any means as burning a cross on a front yard or blowing up a church.
Oh, so THAT makes it ok. Alright. By that logic, if black people weren't allowed to get married (or interracial couples, taking it out of the hypothetical), then THAT would be ok. They're not hurting black people, just saying they shouldn't be allowed to get married to each other. I get it now. Thanks for clarifying.

And by the way, apparently you've never heard of someone being beaten up for being gay. Maybe you should check the newspaper every now and again.

It's not the amount of hatred one group experiences (although, in the case of the gay community, they have certainly experienced a LOT of it) or the amount of hate crimes committed against them (though, again...) but the fact that you are singling out a single group of people and denying them equal rights. And you're defending that. Jesus.