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Thread: Indecision 2012

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I wanted to punch Santorum in the face this morning when he said this to Stephanoupolous:

    WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!?
    What a fucking hypocrite. If it were say, Iranians, burning copies of the Bible, the GOP would be livid.

  2. #362
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    Romney can’t draw a crowd: Just 1,250 turn out to hear him speak in stadium with 60,000 capacity

  3. #363
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    ^^ Ford Field has 80,000+ capacity, actually. They clearly didn't intend to fill it, but it sure looks kinda dumb down there in that empty field.

    Romney didn't want the auto bailout, said "let [Chrysler and GM] go bankrupt." Romney's dad was governor of Michigan but that was in the 60s, and Mitt (he's allegedly named for the "mitten" shape of Michigan's lower penninsula) hasn't lived in Michigan since he was in high school, but he's been in Michigan touting himself as a "hometown boy" -- and Detroit ain't liking that, even lots of Repugs are calling him a turncoat.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-27-2012 at 03:47 PM.

  4. #364
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    Mitt blows with the wind. At this point, Obama could just not saying another word until November and get himself re-elected. Just keep gas prices down Barry and you're a shoe-in. That ticks off Americans more than any war. Selfish lot.

  5. #365
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    The gas prices aren't down actually. I saw a graphic on CNN, that the average was something like 3.70 a gallon.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    Romney can’t draw a crowd: Just 1,250 turn out to hear him speak in stadium with 60,000 capacity

    Mean while, Ron Paul's crowd @ MSU

    Also on CNNs front page is an article called "America quit whining about gas prices." It's says that prices are much much higher in Europe which seems to help the argument that prices are high because of inflation and the destruction of the Euro/Dollar.
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 02-28-2012 at 12:41 PM.

  7. #367
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    This is awesome:

    re gas: Oil is a commodity and we're now part of a global market. Americans have to realize that (and stop listening to these idiots claiming that the Keystone Pipeline will fix all our problems).

    Obama Denver 2008:
    Last edited by allegro; 02-28-2012 at 12:50 PM.

  8. #368
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    ^How many people do you think there were there for The First Black President and how many were there for Change?
    Either way I don't think we'll see a crowd like that for a long time.

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    ^How many people do you think there were there for The First Black President and how many were there for Change?
    Dunno, but I drove past Grant Park the night he won here in Chicago, and it made me cry. It was awesome.

    (p.s. A brother in the White House = Big Fucking Change. I got pulled out of school during the Detroit race riots in 1967, TANKS were rolling down streets. I've never seen a bigger "change" than a black dude in the White House, not TOO long after black Motown artists on tour weren't even allowed to go in the front doors of most hotels. Next big "Change" we need is a female in the White House.)
    Last edited by allegro; 02-28-2012 at 01:08 PM.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    (p.s. A brother in the White House = Big Fucking Change. I got pulled out of school during the Detroit race riots in 1967, TANKS were rolling down streets. I've never seen a bigger "change" than a black dude in the White House, not TOO long after black Motown artists on tour weren't even allowed to go in the front doors of most hotels. Next big "Change" we need is a female in the White House.)
    It's sad that the skin color was the only real change.

  11. #371
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    To be fair, you can't really compare attendance of the convention and election night with primary rallies. That being said, Romney's decision to hold a speech for a small economic club at a huge stadium just screams 1%. Every day brings a new gaffe from him. Sunday, at the Daytona 500 when asked if he followed NASCAR, he said, "Not as much as some, but some of my best friends are NASCAR team owners".
    Romney's 9 Worst Rich-Man Gaffes

    Regarding oil, here's an interesting article analyzing the effects oil prices have on U.S. elections. It basically says that as gas prices continue to rise, we can expect more political unrest. Not a shocker I know, but its interesting to see the two graphed out over the last few decades. Carter tried to reason with the American public after the oil embargoes of the 70's. The Republicans painted him as a pussy and he got crushed in the election, and Americans, aided by the GOP, have been asleep ever since. It's far too late to prevent a major shock when the effects of peak oil start to sink in, which unfortunately, by all accounts, will be within the next few years. .
    Last edited by chris; 02-28-2012 at 02:17 PM.

  12. #372
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    Yep: as Republicans yell about Obama’s deficits and cry that we’re turning into Greece, Greece I tell you, all of them, all of them, propose making the deficit bigger.
    Not that I'm arguing that our deficit is our biggest problem, far from it, we need stimulus and infrastructure . . . just pointing out the sheer madness of the conservative propaganda machine.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    It's sad that the skin color was the only real change.
    That was my point. The people who were there for his message, Change, didn't exactly get what they all.
    So whose the only candidate right now who offer's something different, Dr. Paul.
    Chris is right, Obama had it in the bag by then, primary season is still in full swing and the republican base is extremely fractured that's why it's surprising for Paul to turn out such good numbers even when the media says he can't win.

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    It's sad that the skin color was the only real change.
    We have a two-party system and a balance of power. Change is a relative term. No President will EVER effect real change. If a Green Party Libertarian were elected as President this year, the House and Senate would shut down him/her down at every turn.

    Which is exactly what neutered Obama.

    Although, second terms often result in more change than first terms.

    Obama DID effect quite a bit of significant change this term.

    Last edited by allegro; 02-28-2012 at 07:25 PM.

  15. #375
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    Obama speaks about the auto industry

    As Patton Oswalt put it (regarding this video): "Dear God, I want to see Romney or Santorum even TRY to debate him."

  16. #376
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    Sure take troops out of Iraq, start bombing Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, send troops to Uganda.

    The rest of stuff on that paper are just what he has said he believe, doubt any of them will actually happen.
    When you guys gunna realize he's just another politician.

  17. #377
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    Um...but those things have happened and are happening. DADT was repealed. That's not a promise, that's a fact. Health care reform is already happening and has already helped millions of people. And the job rate has been going up. So, no, it's not empty promises and yes, he has been doing a lot. No one's saying he's perfect, or even not a politician, but you can't argue with facts, and the fact is he's done a lot of really positive things in his first term.

  18. #378
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    Yup. Thanks to the Obamz I am covered for Health Insurance until I'm 26, and have incredibly low interest on my student loans in which he eliminated the middle man. These two things are a really really big deal for me and my family. And, like 95% of the country our taxes were cut. So yay!

    As for the other thing on that list, he came through with the birth control mandate, he already passed the act that helps make sure women get paid more equally (that was a long while ago too), in addition to DADT he made sexual orientation eligible for hate crime status, and stopped defending DOMA all together, and Extended Benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, and my favorite "Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured". Honestly (besides foreign policy things I disagree with) I think the guy is stellar.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 02-29-2012 at 04:22 PM.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Um...but those things have happened and are happening. DADT was repealed. That's not a promise, that's a fact. Health care reform is already happening and has already helped millions of people. And the job rate has been going up. So, no, it's not empty promises and yes, he has been doing a lot. No one's saying he's perfect, or even not a politician, but you can't argue with facts, and the fact is he's done a lot of really positive things in his first term.
    Lilly Ledbetter (#4) was signed the first week he was in office!!

    It was the ONLY thing I wanted from this President and I got it the first week.

    Poopoo: If you don't know what Lilly Ledbetter is, gtfo of this thread. <-- kidding, but you really should know what it is.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-29-2012 at 08:15 PM.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Lilly Ledbetter (#4) was signed the first week he was in office!!

    It was the ONLY thing I wanted from this President and I got it the first week.

    Poopoo: If you don't know what Lilly Ledbetter is, gtfo of this thread. <-- kidding, but you really should know what it is.

  21. #381
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    people who say that Obama is the same thing as Bush jr have very short and selective memories.

  22. #382
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    Wow, so Santorum won the Tennessee and Oklahoma primaries.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    people who say that Obama is the same thing as Bush jr have very short and selective memories.
    Very much this. If you ask me, the bulk of the "Both sides are bad" trope is a masterpiece of conservative meme generation: "Oh no, voters, don't look at the specifics of who served your interests (or at least attempted to serve your interests) and who didn't. Just know that you didn't get exactly what you want, and throw a temper tantrum instead of thinking about why."

    Horrifying, but brilliant.

  24. #384
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    I like how pretty much all Obama has to do is sit back and chuckle while the GOP decides which buttfuck crazy candidate they want to shove into the ring with him.

  25. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Ex Machina View Post
    Very much this. If you ask me, the bulk of the "Both sides are bad" trope is a masterpiece of conservative meme generation: "Oh no, voters, don't look at the specifics of who served your interests (or at least attempted to serve your interests) and who didn't. Just know that you didn't get exactly what you want, and throw a temper tantrum instead of thinking about why."

    Horrifying, but brilliant.
    Seriously. I hate when I ask people if they are voting and they go "it doesn't matter they are all the same". Oh yes Obama and Rick Santorum no difference there!
    It's a cop-out for the uninformed. People don't want to look at actual policy and specifics. Instead they buy whatever narrative is being come up with.

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Wow, so Santorum won the Tennessee and Oklahoma primaries.
    Yeah, but he doesn't really stand a chance, does he?

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I like how pretty much all Obama has to do is sit back and chuckle while the GOP decides which buttfuck crazy candidate they want to shove into the ring with him.
    Ya, things aren't that hard when the media and Hollywood does everything for you, the guy could be an absolute nitwit fucking failure and they'd still make sure to do as much possible to cover for him and try to get him elected. If news anchors and celebrities spent as much time gushing over me and not asking me tough questions I'd sit back and chuckle too.

  28. #388
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    I'd like to visit your world sometime.

  29. #389
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    I live in the real world, most liberals live in a fairy tale land of idealism, feel free to visit me anytime.

  30. #390
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    ^ If you mean an ideal world where everyone has birth control, women are actually paid equally, the LGBT community has equal rights and everyone has health insurance then yes.

    Really? We are fairytale idealists for not wanting to elect a party that is so outspokenly against women's interest and whom worships gender and sex binaries ? I WANT TO BE EQUAL. The Democrats have clearly shown that they are more up to the task. There's not much more to it.

    Santorum is a defender of patriarchy who does not even believe in women leadership within his own church. He believes you can choose to be gay and thinks homosexuality is sinful harmful and dangerous. Romney looked at Limbaugh's comments and said it wasn't the wording he would have used. And somehow you can't understand why I don't want these people to be president? If you are one of those people who doesn't think social issues are that important then YOU need to come back to reality. I refuse to accept that inequality and social injustice be seen as something of less importance.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 03-07-2012 at 11:02 PM.

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