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Thread: Gone Girl

  1. #151
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    What a BS ending, but otherwise pretty good. Spoiler: What a chump! He deserves that bitch.

    edit: Strangers On a Train/Fincher lol, wut?
    Last edited by green; 01-13-2015 at 07:16 PM.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by green View Post
    Spoiler: What a chump! He deserves that bitch.
    Spoiler: that's the point of the entire story. they're both terrible people, to slightly different extents, and in that, they realized that they're truly perfect for each other. he's not a chump, he's a masochist and only found true meaning in himself, in his life, by being confronted with all of her horribleness and seeing it reflected back at himself.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    Spoiler: that's the point of the entire story. they're both terrible people, to slightly different extents, and in that, they realized that they're truly perfect for each other. he's not a chump, he's a masochist and only found true meaning in himself, in his life, by being confronted with all of her horribleness and seeing it reflected back at himself.
    Spoiler: man, I've seen that reading a lot, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the equivocation that's being done there. I don't think the story needs a "point" -- it's not a fable. I think the story works best by simply being pulpy, but giving us a female villain with agency who isn't a harpie shrew, and by giving us an unlikable protagonist. I would say he's a terrible person to a WAY different extent than her and frankly I don't think either of them is good for anyone.

  4. #154
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    There's some more in-depth discussion of what you guys are talking about here via an essay by FilmCritHulk

    Definitely worth a read.

    While I almost completely disagree with him on his assessment of Fincher, the stuff regarding Flynn, her stance, and Gone Girl itself is all very interesting and valid.

    RE: Fincher though: there's seems to be a bit of an argument in the above article & in the subsequent comments that Finch is too much of a nihilist and offers no solution to the many things he indicts in the movie. I'm of the mind that a storyteller has no obligation to present hope or light, especially when their craft is second-to-none (like Fincher's is) and when their POV is strong & meaningful (like Fincher's is).


  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    RE: Fincher though: there's seems to be a bit of an argument in the above article & in the subsequent comments that Finch is too much of a nihilist and offers no solution to the many things he indicts in the movie. I'm of the mind that a storyteller has no obligation to present hope or light, especially when their craft is second-to-none (like Fincher's is) and when their POV is strong & meaningful (like Fincher's is).

    That's part of why I like Fincher's films. His endings may sting, but they're honest. He doesn't chicken out when it comes to the inevitable.

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    RE: Fincher though: there's seems to be a bit of an argument in the above article & in the subsequent comments that Finch is too much of a nihilist and offers no solution to the many things he indicts in the movie. I'm of the mind that a storyteller has no obligation to present hope or light, especially when their craft is second-to-none (like Fincher's is) and when their POV is strong & meaningful (like Fincher's is).

    Just talking Gone Girl, the source material is exactly like that and the author of the novel adapted it for the screen as well. If anything that's a success on Fincher's part, because the entire book has a lack of hope/positivity and definitely feeds into that mentality. If they want to bring up his other work, fine, sure, but even then, Dragon Tattoo is an adaptation as well, and again, that dark tone is in the source material. I'm not saying he doesn't seem to have a dark or bleak worldview present in his filmography, he absolutely does, and I think it's a reason why he's so often attached and attracted to these adaptations like Gone Girl or Fight Club, but even then it's not a bad thing. There's plenty of movies that are "feel-good" films, it's nice sometimes to have a major Hollywood director offering something different.

  7. #157
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    my wife didn't dislike the movie, and she definitely seemed to enjoy it (laughed at all the funny parts), but i think i tried to hard to sell it as a "dark comedy" and had forgotten just how dark it is. i also wish she didn't know that there was a twist, because she said she figured it was coming. oh well.

  8. #158
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    So only 1 Oscar nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
    Nothing for score, directing and screen play
    Oh well ...

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    I liked the last couple Fincher films, and this remake sounds intriguing, but I wish Fincher would do something more... I don't know, high-concept. Maybe a sci-fi film, along the lines of Neuromancer. Or a nutso Jacob's Ladder type of thing. Something that could really let him play visually and thematically. TR/AR could really do an incredible job on a film like that, too.
    He was going to direct a "Rendezvous with Rama" adaptation, I believe that project is dead now, but if he finally directed it, there would probably be too many comparisons with "Interstellar", but I don't care, I would love to see that movie with TR/AR's score.

    "20.000 Leagues" would have been very interesting too, I'll always wonder what kind of score they would have created for that film.

    It would also be interesting to see them work with a different director, hopefully one that was almost as good as Fincher, and it would also be interesting if they did scores for other different film genres.

    PS: I also remember reading that Duncan Jones wanted to do a movie that was inspired by "Blade Runner", and I immediatelly thought that it would be great if they worked with him in that project, maybe the Bowie connection could help. I certainly would prefer that to them working in BR2, that would be too risky and the comparisons with Vangelis' score wouldn't probably be very good even if they did a great job, BR2 could be either a massive artistic and commercial success or just a new "Prometheus" (even if Scott doesn't finally directs it like the last reports suggested).

    PS2: "Gone Girl" deserved several more oscar nominations.

  10. #160
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    @Vic, wheres that pic from? It looks purty kewl.

    Those suggestions are all good. I would like to see Fincher try something new, but I would also like to see TR/AR work with another director at some point, too. A scifi film, a Lynch film, or even an action film(just rewatched John Wick. I could definitely see them doing music for something like that) would be interesting for them to do.

    Also: to hell with the Oscars.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    my wife didn't dislike the movie, and she definitely seemed to enjoy it (laughed at all the funny parts), but i think i tried to hard to sell it as a "dark comedy" and had forgotten just how dark it is. i also wish she didn't know that there was a twist, because she said she figured it was coming. oh well.
    Never ever ever tell people there is a twist in a movie! I remember seeing Shutter Island after seeing all the TV spots claiming "you won't believe the twist!", leading me to guess the twist right away. If you know there is going to be a twist in a movie, you can't help but to try to figure out what its going to be, and then be disappointed when you were right.

  12. #162
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    I just finally got to watch Gone Girl. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Once all the twists and turns unfolded, I was attached immediately.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Never ever ever tell people there is a twist in a movie! I remember seeing Shutter Island after seeing all the TV spots claiming "you won't believe the twist!", leading me to guess the twist right away. If you know there is going to be a twist in a movie, you can't help but to try to figure out what its going to be, and then be disappointed when you were right.
    I still think everyone got the twist in Shutter Island wrong. The twist is that the twist wasn't a twist. He wasn't crazy. The end was him giving up and realizing he wasn't going to get out.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    @Vic, wheres that pic from? It looks purty kewl.
    It's from "Interstellar", I guess everybody has already watched it, but I'll use spoilers tags just in case:

    It's Cooper's Station, which is an O'neill cylinder:

    And it looks pretty much like the spacecraft from "Rendezvous With Rama", the film adaptation of a very famous Arthur C. Clark's ("2001: A Space Odissey") novel that Fincher was going to direct:

    That's why I said that if Fincher finally directed this film it would be inevitably compared to "Interstellar" even if I believe that he was attached to direct it way before "Interstellar" was announced/filmed, and even if "Interstellar" was obviously very influenced by Clarke's novels like "Rendezvous" or "2001" (and by Danny Boyle's "Sunshine", same way "Inception" was some kind of mix of "Matrix" and "Paprika").

  15. #165
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    Watching this tonight with the GF. I'm pumped. I love Fincher and I've been hearing great things. He doesnt seem to dissapoint either. Also TR and Atticus score Is awesome. Sugar Storm. ❤️

  16. #166
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    Just saw this last night. Really liked it! Thought the story was awesome and I thought the cast was excellent (even Tyler Perry). Ben Affleck and in particular Rosamund Pike killed it!

    Definitely worth watching if you haven't yet. Maybe I'll check out the novel now.

  17. #167
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