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Thread: Gone Girl

  1. #31
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    Im thinking THIS PHOTO…solidifies that there might be a bonus feature on the making of the score on the Gone Girl blu-ray...

    Since there is a cameraman to the left of AR&TR

  2. #32
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    Cross-posted from NIN Spotting...

    Ben Affleck did a Gone Girl facebook Q&A which I missed, otherwise I would've asked if he'd consider asking Trent and/or Atticus to score one of his movies as director. The whole thing's a great read.

    BUT there was this...

    Quote Originally Posted by facebook
    Q: Hey Ben. Did you hear any of Trent Reznor's work scoring the film coinciding with your filming and did it influence your portrayal of Nick Dunne in any way?

    A: No, I wish. Trent's score of Social Network is magnificent. On this movie? They're doing stuff never been done before. It's like checkers or chess. Really unusual and people are responding because it's so good.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    Im thinking THIS PHOTO…solidifies that there might be a bonus feature on the making of the score on the Gone Girl blu-ray...

    Since there is a cameraman to the left of AR&TR
    There will definitely be a special feature on the Blu-Ray. If you haven't seen any of David Fincher's other films on blu-ray, they all feature Making Of documentaries that are all for the most part longer than the actual film. They're all extremely well made. The Dragon Tattoo one even had Trent Reznor as part of the talking head segments. So yeah, definitely count on there being PLENTY of coverage for the soundtrack on the home video release.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    There will definitely be a special feature on the Blu-Ray. If you haven't seen any of David Fincher's other films on blu-ray, they all feature Making Of documentaries that are all for the most part longer than the actual film. They're all extremely well made. The Dragon Tattoo one even had Trent Reznor as part of the talking head segments. So yeah, definitely count on there being PLENTY of coverage for the soundtrack on the home video release.
    I own every Fincher film on blu and I was stating this because as I know there are usually feature length documentaries, TGWTDT was lacking quite a bit in the TR&AR department.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post

    - Sorry to say to people who've read the book and were iffy on the ending, but the ending in the film is NOT new, as has been stated. Just expanded upon. Granted, the ending of the story now feels a little more... natural, and less "I ran out of ideas", and within context to David Fincher's gloomy style, it actually works a lot better on screen than on page.

    Spoiler: Im glad! I honestly am at a loss at how anyone can view the ending that way...In this story Amazing Amy had to win. In order to win she couldn't just live or avoid jail she had to get exactly what she wanted at that point, which is a marriage with Nick forever. To me its so essential an ending that people who complain are basically saying they are unhappy that she completely wins in the end (apart from having to exist as herself of course) which is why his one line is so awesome. Im really happy that its only expanded upon. I can handle people saying they didn't like the ending, but I think the reasoning is that she ran out of ideas or something is actually like just plain wrong. It completes the story arc of that character being unbeatable and it progresses towards that the entire book and I assume movie.

    Im so flippin excited yall. 10 pm tommorow :3.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 10-01-2014 at 05:19 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    Spoiler: Im glad! I honestly am at a loss at how anyone can view the ending that way...In this story Amazing Amy had to win. In order to win she couldn't just live or avoid jail she had to get exactly what she wanted at that point, which is a marriage with Nick forever. To me its so essential an ending that people who complain are basically saying they are unhappy that she completely wins in the end (apart from having to exist as herself of course) which is why his one line is so awesome. Im really happy that its only expanded upon. I can handle people saying they didn't like the ending, but I think the reasoning is that she ran out of ideas or something is actually like just plain wrong. It completes the story arc of that character being unbeatable and it progresses towards that the entire book and I assume movie.

    Im so flippin excited yall. 10 pm tommorow :3.
    I think that most people's issues initially with the ending, and I certainly can see where they are coming from is that Spoiler: there is just a non-typical lack of resolution. Any other story she'd go to jail or she'd die, but this time around it's flipped on it's head, she cons him into staying together and everything that preceded that moment feels like it was all for nothing.

    I was one of those people who wasn't satisfied with the ending, but now that I've seen it on the screen, I can positively say that I actually think it's quite fucking brilliant to end it that way.

  7. #37
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    holy. fucking. shit.

    i saw it with my friend alex (who, like me, hasn't read the book, but unlike me, didn't know about it until a few days ago when i asked him to join me since he's a huge trent fan) and ran into/sat with two friends who HAVE read the book, so it was a great dynamic. and a packed theater made it such an awesome experience.
    all of the great, dark humor had people laughing pretty hard, and the whole theater collectively gasped and (i'm fairly certain) covered their mouths at one point.

    now i'm probably going to stay up all night reading the book (while listening to the score).

    also, david fincher was already edging into my favorite director spot and has now secured that position.

  8. #38
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    Saw a 10pm Thursday show with my brother, and I'm wired by this fucking movie. I read the book, which I really liked, and the movie flew by, and it had my jaw on the floor. I've never been so angry to leave to take a piss.

    I find myself comparing it to Fincher's Dragon Tattoo because it was his last movie and because there are surface similarities. However, Dragon Tattoo (pitch dark as it is), is ultimately a very melancholy movie to me. The ending comes and it punches me in the feels. Gone Girl, on the other hand, has a convincingly darker heart, and the ending seemed to plant this sinister cinematic seed in me, despite the smaller body count. There's just the right amount of ambiguity... and it's fucking chilling. I don't know how to interpret my feelings or the narrative or the "message" quite yet, but I'm thrilled to be able to start the conversation, and I can't wait to see it again and again and again. I've been thoroughly rattled and that's exactly what I was hoping for.

    Lastly, it was sort of fascinating listening to what the audience laughed at and reacted to the most - in part because it's such serious (if slightly absurd) material and certainly not an outright comedy. The audience almost exploded during lines that I found terrifying, which had me wondering 'how many people find this genuinely funny? how many are laughing due to nerves? for how many is it both?'

    A girl on my left was very vocal about her mind being blown towards the end and her hatred of the male leads. Girl behind me sitting through the credits noted incoming "nightmares" due to this movie. I'm very curious about the variety of reactions that we'll see...

    I'll be back, but those are my initial thoughts
    Last edited by Deadpool; 10-03-2014 at 02:07 AM.

  9. #39
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    Pike was a goddamn revelation. Those be old hollywood chops.

  10. #40
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    I'm going to see it tomorrow. Pretty excited!

  11. #41
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    Yeah guys, I saw it second time last night and it is a fucking blast seeing it in a packed theater full of older white women, and not a theater packed full of stuffy film critics. Hearing people's reactions to the plot twists was so fun.

    My theater fucking EXPLODED on the bit towards the end when Spoiler: Amy shows back up and Nick whispers "you fucking bitch" into her ear and she dramatically collapses in his arms. It was pretty awesome. And yeah the big reveal, endless amounts of gasps and you could hear hands clapping to mouths, people shuffling, and asking their friends "WHAT THE FUCK, IS THIS REAL!?"

    So fun. Will absolutely be seeing a third time.

  12. #42
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    Sitting at a 79 on Metacritic at the moment. While I don't usually care about such things, I thought it was a good sign that Richard Roeper gave it an 88, as did Peter Travers from Rolling Stone (heh).

    My wife absolutely loved this movie. She was teasing me after leaving the theater, wondering why I didn't "force" her to read the book. Planning on going with my father either tomorrow or Monday; he's been wanting to see the film as well (he's 63!).

  13. #43
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    Just seen it, want to walk back in there and watch it again. Hearing the gasps of amazement all around me as the plot unfolded. A big well done to all involved in the film!! (and apologies to the dude who wanted to come in and sweep the floor but couldn't because I wanted to hear the score to the end - he did smile understandingly)

  14. #44
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    This movie is fucking insane.

  15. #45
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    saw this today, haven't read the book so I had no idea what to expect from the plot. which was really my only gripe with the film. For me the film didn't do enough to earn that as the ending and was having a lot of trouble justifying the various motivations. for the sake of spoilers I'll just say that the sister was making a whole lot of sense.

    I'll admit at times I wasn't keeping up with the "times" in the lower corner, so a few events seemed to have more "movie" time between them than the stated time lapse between but that's a super minor gripe.

  16. #46
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    I saw the film today. I didn't read the book so I had no idea what to expect. Holy shit, Batman. It was good. Like, really really good. In context, the score creeped me out and the cinematography was great as well. My only complaint was some people in the audience chuckling at Neil Patrick Harris in that one scene. I thought it was a bit rude. I'm glad I took myself on a date and watched it.

  17. #47
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    I really liked it. It's marriage turned up to 11. Tyler Perry kills it in this, stealing every scene he's in. All the performances were great. The "vinyl hipsters" line was hilarious (I felt many ETSers getting butthurt).
    The score fit perfectly.
    Last edited by Swykk; 10-04-2014 at 11:18 PM.

  18. #48
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    Can somebody please help me out? I have two questions:

    Spoiler: Okay, so we find out that her diary entries are [all?] staged and written for the police to read. So the diary entry in which Nick is going down the stairs and about to leave the house but they get into the argument and he punches her in the face (and her head hits the banister), did that actually happen? Or is that one of the lies she wrote about (thus, when Nick is in the police station and saying "absolutely not i never touched her", he's 100% telling the truth)? It's confusing because at the very end of the film, he does in fact get rough with her/slam her head against the wall.....hinting at him in fact being violent. So yeah, did that diary entry where he knocks her out actually happen??

    Spoiler: Amy tells Nick she's pregnent, and he tells her "no way, i never even touched you." Yet, clearly by his decision at the end of the film to decide to take care of his child...she's indeed pregnant. How, if he said himself he never even touched her (meaning they didn't have sex)????

    Thanks in advance.

    I really feel like a woman having asked that second question. But w/e.
    Last edited by GoodSoldier333; 10-05-2014 at 12:27 AM.

  19. #49
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    Seems to be doing well beyond expectations in the box office in the US at least. Phew, I want to see this with my husband but the in-laws won't be able to babysit for another few weeks

  20. #50
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    I thought this was incredible. The pacing and editing was some of the best I've seen, Rosamund Pike deserves an Oscar for this.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodSoldier333 View Post
    Can somebody please help me out? I have two questions:

    Spoiler: Okay, so we find out that her diary entries are [all?] staged and written for the police to read. So the diary entry in which Nick is going down the stairs and about to leave the house but they get into the argument and he punches her in the face (and her head hits the banister), did that actually happen? Or is that one of the lies she wrote about (thus, when Nick is in the police station and saying "absolutely not i never touched her", he's 100% telling the truth)? It's confusing because at the very end of the film, he does in fact get rough with her/slam her head against the wall.....hinting at him in fact being violent. So yeah, did that diary entry where he knocks her out actually happen??

    Spoiler: Amy tells Nick she's pregnent, and he tells her "no way, i never even touched you." Yet, clearly by his decision at the end of the film to decide to take care of his child...she's indeed pregnant. How, if he said himself he never even touched her (meaning they didn't have sex)????

    Thanks in advance.

    I really feel like a woman having asked that second question. But w/e.
    For the first question: Spoiler: in the film it's implied that it never happened and she made it up. But in the book version he DOES actually do that but she exaggerates it in the diary to help her case.

    For the second question: Spoiler: He genuinely never did have sex with her after that. She got pregnant because she saved his supply of semen at the sperm bank and impregnated herself with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    Seems to be doing well beyond expectations in the box office in the US at least. Phew, I want to see this with my husband but the in-laws won't be able to babysit for another few weeks
    Yeah dude, I work at a movie theater and we've been SLAMMED all weekend over it, so far. Pretty much every single showing of it Friday and Yesterday were hella sold out. It's pretty awesome. I wanted this film to do well, but I had no idea it would do THIS well.
    Last edited by richardp; 10-05-2014 at 01:29 PM.

  22. #52
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    Yeah, just about everyone in line yesterday buying tickets was asking for Gone Girl.

  23. #53
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    I know that The Conjuring was very successful (over 300 million from a 20 million budget), but I can't believe Annabelle is doing so well.

    We'll see next weekend; I think Gone Girl will be a film people will be recommending for weeks.

  24. #54
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    This morning at work, our noon showing of Gone Girl sold out right off the bat. Over 100 people for a noon showing on a Saturday. This film has fuckin' legs. I love it.

  25. #55
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    I was supposed to see it today but because there's only one car in the family and my dad needed it, I'm going to wait a week. Probably for the best since there's a lot of people seeing it right now. That's kinda good despite having to wait another week.

  26. #56
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    It's just been coming up a lot as of late (2-3 posts out of my 358 somehow constitutes EVERY post now? You're kind of showing your hand). Yeah, it's kind of annoying and it was good to see that in a movie that clearly makes light of "appearances." It's just another affectation, not unlike ridiculous facial fair.
    I've said this before--I get it if you're a collector. That's perfectly okay (even if it's a dead medium). However, if you're one of those "it's just like a warmer sound, you wouldn't get it" types, well...not so much.
    Last edited by Swykk; 10-05-2014 at 03:23 PM.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    It's just been coming up a lot as of late (2-3 posts out of my 358 somehow constitutes EVERY post now? You're kind of showing your hand). Yeah, it's kind of annoying and it was good to see that in a movie that clearly makes light of "appearances." It's just another affectation, not unlike ridiculous facial fair.
    I've said this before--I get it if you're a collector. That's perfectly okay (even if it's a dead medium). However, if you're one of those "it's just like a warmer sound, you wouldn't get it" types, well...not so much.
    Wait, we're talking about the guy with the tux tee shirt and blazer, right? That's far from hipster in appearance, which is maybe the point since Nick isn't a good judge of it.

  28. #58
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    No, I think it's later, when Amy is in her junker car, narrating. She actually says it.

  29. #59
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    My god that was fucking creepy. I think I don't need to see any women in next couple of days. Rosamund Pike chilled me to the bone. I'm really getting shivers just thinking about it. It's one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen, it's absolute mindfuck in every sense of that word. If you planing to see it I encourage you to not read any spoilers and going to the cinema knowing as little as possible about the plot, because I guarantee you, you will be surprised where this all is heading.

  30. #60
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    It was ok, not great.

    I really appreciated its themes and ideas. I LOVED the way it played with perspective. Very interesting choices. Not my favorite TR score, but it was the most in service of the movie itself, and possibly the best of the three TR/Fincher collaborations.

    The movie sinks to 7-8 territory when it comes to the acting. Was Ben Affleck chosen BECAUSE he's boring and broey? He's so mute and ambiguous. We joked that the gummi bears were his actual method of acting. His performance further pushes my distaste for him as Batman. Was he a bad choice for this role or was he perfect? The ambiguity i think means it was a bad choice.

    I felt the same way about the leading lady. Although, i feel more that she was the correct choice, although the writing and performance make a shift after the major twist. Rather than the twist informing the audiences perceptions of the chara ter moving forward, that twist informs how the character is depicted moving forward, and that's a sort of tragedy with this exact type of role. I consider it one of the major flaws of the movie. Uer personality changes instead of being realized. There is a character arc, for sure, but thats not what im talking about.

    And this has some trademark David Fincher problems ive become all to used to. In fact, this is like an exercise in understanding why David Fincher is less than all that. There's the overlong resolution like Zodiac, the film thrives too much on its frivolities rather than its depth like Dragon Tattoo, the twist doesnt quite function in a practical sense, like fight club,vl and overall its packaging just feels a bit too neat.

    Overall I was glad to see a nuanced movie loaded with ideas and well explored themes. But it didnt knock my socks off or anything. Love TRs score.

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