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Thread: Gone Girl

  1. #61
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    In theater with jinxy (Mrs eleveno) and gone girl is starting!!

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    My god that was fucking creepy. I think I don't need to see any women in next couple of days.
    Hahahahaha! I told my best friend (who has no intention on seeing it) that it will make straight men question their sexuality and not want to get involved with women.

    I read a lot of reviews before seeing it. Critics say that Tyler Perry gave one hell of a performance. I really have nothing to compare it to but I thought he was good.

    I thought that Carrie Coon (Margo Dunne) did an excellent job playing the sister.

    Lastly, I think it's kinda funny to see Patrick Fugit as a grown man. (Sorry!). Also, it's also funny to see Missi Pyle up on screen. About 13 years ago, my best friend's sister's best friend was Missi Pyle. So we all hung out a couple of times. But that was waaaaaaay back then.

  3. #63
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    Fincher did it again. It's not even his best film, but definitely one of the greatest movies of 2014.

    Can't comment too much without ruining the screenplay... and please, please do not read any detail about the plot before seeing it.

    The plot twist in the middle ( if I remember it right ) of the movie is so shocking that will get you off your "oh, I know what happens next" confort zone and leaves you with an open mouth up until the last frame.

    Rosamund Pike is brilliant, simply put. So is Affleck, but he's so apathetic that I don't know if I congratulate him or the cast director. In fact, the whole cast is splendid, with characters that float from the very lost to the very fucking disturbed. There is not a person good person in this movie.

    There's a beautiful bonus in the way the story portrays the media and vice-versa. It is almost a subplot, but totally adjacent to the plot.

    And Fincher's direction: minimalist, testimonial. You may say he just sets up the camera in a corner and let it all flows. The whole technical part of the movie is impressive as his usual, including a very correct editing where not one single scene is wasted in a movie that some may feel way too longer for a thriller ( which actually borders the horror genre ). And Trent and Atticus' score is a delicious topping in the cake.

    But the absolute star here is the story. The Academy Award for adapted screenplay is secure.

  4. #64
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    Everyone's forgetting that Minkus is in this film.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Everyone's forgetting that Minkus is in this film.
    i knew that guy looked familiar. that's hilarious. his part wasn't big but he was good.

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  7. #67
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    Man, people really resent Ben Affleck, but I thought he was amazing. He's pathetic, smug, arrogant, you sort of feel sorry for him, but he's still such a flawed person that you don't feel all that bad for him. He plays it perfectly because it's such a layered character and multi dimensional, but keeping with allusion that he's just a sad sack. I loved him in it, I think he's a much better actor than he gets credit for (especially on here), and he deserves all the accolades he's been getting and will get come awards season.

    Rosemund Pike is just a gem though. I won't say too much about her performance and character because of fear of spoiling some plot points, but I did a 180 on her multiple times throughout the film because in every scene she's in, she's so convincing. Oh, and Tyler Perry has great range, I'm not a fan of him at all, but he steals every scene in this film, haven't seen someone make the most of their minor screen time like that in a while. Not my favorite Fincher film, but it was great all around and pleasing to watch considering how much I hated Dragon Tattoo.

  8. #68
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    Saw it last night and really enjoyed it.

  9. #69
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    I really dug this movie. It starts out with a fairly standard thriller scenario but chucks in enough crazy to make it unique. Everyone involved brings their A game, and Reznor/Ross further cements their status as two of the best composers out there. Its also nice to see that the public at large went out to see this. Fincher films generally do sort of well at the box office, but this did extra well.

  10. #70
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    Somebody mentioned this is Fincher's most humorous film and I agree. More of a black comedy to be sure, but laughs and chuckles were abundant. This combined with the sense of creepiness (and suitably enhanced by TR&AR's soundtrack) made this film very enjoyable and off-beat in a good way. Didn't see the big twist coming and the way it is handled it took some seconds before it registered! Rosamund Pike played her role perfectly.

  11. #71
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    i want to see ben affleck's weiner.

  12. #72
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    Just got back from 'Gone Girl,'--fantastic movie. I am not familiar with the book, which was probably a good thing and made the film even more enjoyable for me. The 2+ hour film was totally engrossing and I didn't know where it was going, right until the end. Did he really kill his wife, if not, who did? How will it end, etc. Reznor/Ross' haunting, unnerving score was terrific and is worth listing to on its own. Fabulous,award winning performances from Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, and Carrie Coon.

  13. #73
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    i am so incredibly uncomfortable with this film. in good ways and bad. i was prior to the plot twist, and more so afterward.

    the primary problem is the weirdly bald misogyny staining the whole plot and the fact that the film doesn't actually comment on it at all — it's presented a bit in the sensationalized media, but otherwise essentially ignored in favour of tossing more crazy in the pot. i just see a hell of a lot of bros seeing this movie and going "YEAH FUCKIN' EXACTLY MAN." there's nothing in it to combat that reaction, and there really, really needs to be.

    (the soundtrack reminded me of Cliff Martinez's Solaris work quite often and that is just awesome!)

  14. #74
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    I've read others commenting on the film's supposed misogyny. Maybe I'm being obtuse, but I don't see it. She was a psychopath, yes, but I don't see the film, overall, as showing hatred for women.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    the primary problem is the weirdly bald misogyny staining the whole plot and the fact that the film doesn't actually comment on it at all — it's presented a bit in the sensationalized media, but otherwise essentially ignored in favour of tossing more crazy in the pot. i just see a hell of a lot of bros seeing this movie and going "YEAH FUCKIN' EXACTLY MAN." there's nothing in it to combat that reaction, and there really, really needs to be.
    But does it really have to? Just a few days before I saw the movie I realised that there is a storm of reactions against its perceived misogyny. Now that I've seen the film, I understand what prompts the reactions, but I somehow have the feeling that they are misguided. Spoiler: Rosamund Pike's character is clearly not your average woman, she's a fucking sociopath! Men who will see this movie and think "Maaaan, that's what I'm fucking telling you, all women are manipulative bitches!" are clearly already biased and will probably remain forever into bro territory. While I was watching the film, I never thought "fucking women, man!", it was mostly "Woah, Amy is a very disturbing person!"

    EDIT: Ok, do we spoiler-tag or not? I'm unclear with the acceptable spoilers timeline.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    But does it really have to? Just a few days before I saw the movie I realised that there is a storm of reactions against its perceived misogyny. Now that I've seen the film, I understand what prompts the reactions, but I somehow have the feeling that they are misguided. Spoiler: Rosamund Pike's character is clearly not your average woman, she's a fucking sociopath! Men who will see this movie and think "Maaaan, that's what I'm fucking telling you, all women are manipulative bitches!" are clearly already biased and will probably remain forever into bro territory. While I was watching the film, I never thought "fucking women, man!", it was mostly "Woah, Amy is a very disturbing person!"

    EDIT: Ok, do we spoiler-tag or not? I'm unclear with the acceptable spoilers timeline.
    Agreed, 100 percent.

  17. #77
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    Yo ya'll sorry this is so long. I've been dying to talk about gender and Gone Girl and since ya'll mentioned it....

    Spoiler: I am a cray cray feminist and Gone Girl is one of my favorite books and movies so I'll gladly tackle this discussion. I'd first just like to mention that Gone Girl has a cast of female characters that are more diverse an prominent than your average Hollywood film. For every psychotic thing about Amy there's a level headed Go to contrast with that. For every "pregnant idiot" whose easily tricked and ignorant there is Amy a genius at manipulation and observation. Then you have Boney who is just fucking wonderful isn't she.

    There are a couple of structure elements I don't think are getting enough credit. The movie is literally bookended by reverence for Amy's intelligence and deep feeling/intellect/character. Then there is the fact that Amy not only survives, but completely wins and gets everything she wants. It is obvious to me that the writer of this character loves this character and had a blast writing her. You could tell she wants her to feel truly alive, and she wants us to think Amy is the most intelligent person functioning within the story. And its true. Amy uses narratives of mysoginy within our culture to completely dupe and control everyone. It's what she does. She uses assumptions about her femininity and the box that people automatically put her in to act in a way that is predictable on the surface and impossible to defeat beneath that. But, she is also a villain so she is not concerned with how her actions do injustice to women or feminist narratives. Amy looks down on everyone. She doesn't give a fuck. But I think its obvious that Flynn does. I think in other hands Amy would end up at the bottom of some cliff or in jail but she didn't do that and its really important. At the end of the film Nick is in the position that so many women and Amy (claims) to have been put in. The ever smiling spouse giving support even though they are dying inside and everything is fucked up. It's truly a very clever gendered horror flick.

    NPR wrote this great review talking about how Amy is clearly an aberration and a great villain, and I agree with that interpretation entirely. I find it interesting that prominent male villains can assault and rape women, and abuse women as a part of their character, but female villains aren't given the freedom to be truly diabolical in the same way. Amy has very limited options when it comes to how she can fuck shit up and keep her innocent reputation. She knows exactly what she can exploit without giving herself away and I think Flynn took very careful steps to make sure that sexist sentiments weren't objectively part of her narrative, though they are certainly innate to many of her characters. Most of the criticisms I see when it comes to the topic of sexism in GG pick and choose plot elements without being honest about the full picture and context.

    For instance I've seen a few articles state that GG is fucked up because it makes it seem like rape victims are easily believed and sympathized with and that it reinforces the idea that a lot of people "cry rape", but they forget to note that in this story Amy is not taken simply at her word, but she goes to extreme lengths to create "irrefutable" evidence because she knows her word would not be enough. She mutilates herself in more way than one. Also, she is not sympathized with in the media as a rape victim, but first and foremost a victim of kidnapping after the entire country thought she was murdered. There is one situation in which Americans actually believe and side with rape victims and that is when they are white women/girls and are also kidnapped. People gave a shit about rape when it was Elizabeth Smart. Nothing about the rape narrative in this film reinforces false notions. I think it brings truths to light.

    What critics are also ignoring is some subtle things here and there like the fact that Amy states, when she still plans on killing herself that she will end up dead with the abused and dead women who suffered at the hands of men. She also hits herself with a hammer because she knows it will be so believable that she has been beaten by a man, and then we find out that the "friend" (lol) she makes has been abused. Though Amy is completely taking advantage of the abuse that so many women go through and she hides behind it to manipulate, she is our villain after all, its important to note that she is keenly aware of how prominent those injustices are.

    Then there is the critique that she is every straight dude's nightmare. Your damn right she is. And she wants everyone she hurts to know that. She uses that weakness and fear against them and in the end she inflicts that specific pain on them without getting caught. I don't think its fair to expect Flynn to cater to the lowest common denominator of idiot dudes. I certainly don't want to be beholden to that when I write and I think for people who are smarter and less hateful of women than that already she gives more than enough nuance and details in this story to make up for the fact that some idiot can walk away from it hating women more.

    One of my favorite little details is the fact that every man in the movie is duped by Amy and pretty easily, but the women not so much. The male cop hates Nick even after finding out hes innocent, while Boney even when she finds the diary has doubts and isn't 100% that hes murdered her. Furthermore she gives Nick a chance when it comes to her judgement through out the entire film while that male cop just fucking hates Nick. Nick is obviously duped by Amy as is Desi. Go on the other hand though she has only known Amy's "good" side has always not liked her and thought something was off about her. Then you have the person who takes Amy down in the second act and is the reason for Amy's lowest point. It is the girl who convinces the dude to steal from Amy because she noticed all her vulnerabilities. Seriously though the men come across as ignorant easily manipulated buffoons compared to the women in this movie and its because they are so used to living comfortably (in a gendered sense), while Amy has been boxed in and defined her entire life. Nick feels the hell of that reality when he actually starts to be scrutinized.

    And then there is the shit with Desi which I appreciate the most. Flynn could have easily made him a very sympathetic character whom Amy completely victimizes but she doesn't do that. Instead we get a male villain who is basically "nice guy syndrome" on crack. He is the creepiest mother fucker and tries to imprison her with notions of chivalry and gentlemanly behavior, and he obsesses with a projected version of her that doesn't exist. It's funny and ironic because Amy used that persona to make America fall in love with her, and it bites her in the ass when this freak tries to use it to control her, though he doesn't even realize what he's doing. Anyways I think its so great that no one really feels bad for the dude because he's not this innocent bunny. Flynn could have easily gone that route but instead she decided to do more interesting gender commentary.

    Anyways I'm just sort of frustrated because this movie is getting more flack than your average Hollywood movie, which 90% of the time are so low on female characters and when they have prominent female roles it is a token character (sometimes a great one sometimes a bad one), but it is usually only one, and women are constantly victimized in mainstream narratives but we hardly ever get a bonafide female villain who feels just as alive as the best male protagonists and villains out there. The other thing is that this movie is actually aware of gender constructs and tropes. It plays with them and deconstructs them in very nuanced ways. It subverts them but it also lets the characters revel in them when it suits them. I am happy though about the fact that people do care about female representation, its very refreshing in that sense. I just hope that more of the flack goes to movies that actually deserve it.
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 10-10-2014 at 03:12 AM.

  18. #78
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    I loved the book and the film was PERFECT
    I have a lot to say about it but the shitty hotel Internet and awful mobile for typing... I will discuss when home

  19. #79
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    I'm so pleased to see it doing so well in the UK, it will still be going a few weeks time when I get to actually see it hopefully.

    Can I ask what is everyone's problem with Ben Affleck?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I'm so pleased to see it doing so well in the UK, it will still be going a few weeks time when I get to actually see it hopefully.

    Can I ask what is everyone's problem with Ben Affleck?
    dude, i have no idea. i've always thought he was a pretty good actor, and he kills it in this.

  21. #81
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    I don't understand people saying the movie is biased. Yeah, Amy is batshit insane and I think Fincher purposely played that up to a ludicrous level. Here's the thing, though--Nick is plenty unlikable. Besides lying and being generally detached, he cheated on his wife! Maybe I am making this a bit personal, but it's because I've been on the other side of that, and that's the worst thing you can do to your spouse.
    I felt absolutely dead inside for a long time after. I still have trust issues.

    Nick and Amy deserve each other. Affleck and Pike were both excellent.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I'm so pleased to see it doing so well in the UK, it will still be going a few weeks time when I get to actually see it hopefully.

    Can I ask what is everyone's problem with Ben Affleck?
    Gigli, Daredevil, Paycheck and Jersey Girl.

    (to be fair, he has connections with Kevin Smith and his films, which is good, although Jersey Girl...don't know what happened there).

    ps. he was ok in Argo. Other than that, his movies are not that remarkable. Either Good Will Hunting, Argo or Gone Girl is his best work.
    Last edited by cahernandez; 10-10-2014 at 10:42 AM.

  23. #83
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    I think you're forgetting The Town.

    Also, Ben Affleck as a director? Awesome.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    dude, i have no idea. i've always thought he was a pretty good actor, and he kills it in this.
    you could have dragged any dude off the street to play his role in Gone Girl and it would have played exactly the same. it's actually a great role to show exactly what's not to like about his "acting," tbh.

    i guess he's a like-or-hate-him sorta actor. he just plays Ben Affleck every time (like a myriad of other typecast big stars).

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    you could have dragged any dude off the street to play his role in Gone Girl and it would have played exactly the same. it's actually a great role to show exactly what's not to like about his "acting," tbh.

    i guess he's a like-or-hate-him sorta actor. he just plays Ben Affleck every time (like a myriad of other typecast big stars).
    Affleck is kind of inherently polarizing, isn't he? I'm not the biggest Affleck fan, though I actually think he's very good in Jersey Girl & think he'll be a good Batman. I loved him in Gone Girl of course, and don't think anyone else could have played the role with his authenticity.

    I see where you're coming from, but I think you're underestimating Affleck and under-appreciating acting in general. I come from the school of thought that says acting is about being present, and Affleck (along with the rest of the stellar cast) is very present in Gone Girl. In other words, they're bringing themselves to the role where/when they need to, which is exactly why Fincher hired them. As Finch has stated before, he's hiring the actor with that essential quality you can't beat out of them with a tire iron when you're on take 40 at 2am. Affleck has been in the trenches with the media, Pike is a real only child, Perry is king of his own empire + worth millions, etc. - these people have essential qualities in their DNA indicative of their respective characters. See also: Michael Kelly as Stamper in House of Cards.

    Just thinkin' out loud

  26. #86
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    Posted this in the OST thread but it also applies here.

    There is a film critic in Ireland that I have been following for a few years that does really good 15-20 minute critiques of movies (usually ones that have been out a few years).

    This week he did one about Gone Girl and talks about the score about 10 minutes in or so.

    That is only partially why I think it is a good listen the other is his conclusion on Gone Girl which completely changed the movie for me.

    I warn you though. Do Not Listen to the podcast until after you have see the film.

    I hope you guys like it as much as I have.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I think you're forgetting The Town.
    And Dogma and Hollywoodland and State of Play (the movie, not the British series). Ben Affleck isn't as bad as a lot of people seem to think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I've read others commenting on the film's supposed misogyny. Maybe I'm being obtuse, but I don't see it. She was a psychopath, yes, but I don't see the film, overall, as showing hatred for women.
    Really? I don't see that at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    And Dogma and Hollywoodland and State of Play (the movie, not the British series). Ben Affleck isn't as bad as a lot of people seem to think.

  30. #90
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    Saw it today, gotta say i loved the movie!, didn't expected less from Fincher...

    I think Affleck was a great casting choice: an "unpopular" and "always controversial" guy that gives this love and hate relationship to the viewers, nice.
    Also liked the "Affleck's attorney", it reminded me a lot to OJ's lawyer (Johnnie Cochran) and i was happy to see good 'ol "Doggie Howser" playing the psycho boyfriend, lol, one of the best movies i've seen on this year...

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