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Thread: Europe lurches to the Right

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  1. #1
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    Only problem being: the ball's in London now. The EU can't act until the British apply for a leave.

    You can imagine how EU leaders feel about Cameron deciding to take a few months time until his party finally figured out who will follow him...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    Only problem being: the ball's in London now. The EU can't act until the British apply for a leave.

    You can imagine how EU leaders feel about Cameron deciding to take a few months time until his party finally figured out who will follow him...

    Its hilarious how how the Leave leaders keep passing the buck on "taking control" on this.

    Legally the referendum is advisory. Parliament still have to vote on it and can call a referendum. Whenever Article 50 is invoked legally nothing can change with our EU relationship for two years. It's looking more likely that this won't happen. We may stay in this stalemate for some time.

  3. #3
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    Im not surpised by the result at all. People forget how much difference the English channel has made to our mindset.
    Charles De Gaulle knew this too. He knew Englnd had a different mindset.
    But i think people really need to stop catastrophising, the left leaning media are like acting like manic, delusional, depressives.
    The Guardian website has become a fucking joke.

    The markets will stabilize, Scotland will not have a referendum for many years, Westminster will never allow it, Nicola Sturgeon SNP leader does not even have a majority government, and Scottish conservatives who have made a comeback recently will never vote to leave. Over a million Scots voted to leave the Europen Union too. Higher than expected.
    i do agree were there a referendum tomorrow they would leave...but the relationship is so complex.
    Even if they did leave it would make no difference to the U.K, it would not really effect the economyl

    I didnt vote to leave, im upset we left, i had no problem being in the European Union. And i cannot be fucked for the anxiety inducing chaos we have to be subjecting to..this uncertain feeling. Im certain by December things will be ok.
    But its such a leap in the dark.

    The only thing im genuinely depressed how powerful the conservatives will be now, and urgh Boris Johnson as PM.
    David Cameron was an ineffectual blip in history. No one will remember him, he was weak forgettable.
    The conservatives have not been this powerful since Margaret Thatcher.
    Last edited by Exocet; 06-27-2016 at 08:15 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    The conservatives have not been this powerful since Margaret Thatcher.
    And if the people who voted Leave think they will spread the wealth back to those needy areas like the EU did then they can think again

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    The markets will stabilize[...]Im certain by December things will be ok.
    Of course, UK won't turn into Greece just because it left the EU.
    The problem isn't if the UK will make it through, but at what cost. Politically, socially, economically, your nation has entered a really thick fog for the foreseeable future. It's a bit early to be doomsaying maybe, but it's way too early to be optimistic as well. Saying that by December things will be okay doesn't mean much, that's not the worrisome time frame, it's not a matter of a few months. Things will be okay by December, the problem is will be things okay two years from now, and again, at what cost ?

    Markets stabilize, they're gyros, they always do. The question is, where will they stabilize, at what level ?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Of course, UK won't turn into Greece just because it left the EU.
    The problem isn't if the UK will make it through, but at what cost. Politically, socially, economically, your nation has entered a really thick fog for the foreseeable future. It's a bit early to be doomsaying maybe, but it's way too early to be optimistic as well. Saying that by December things will be okay doesn't mean much, that's not the worrisome time frame, it's not a matter of a few months. Things will be okay by December, the problem is will be things okay two years from now, and again, at what cost ?

    Markets stabilize, they're gyros, they always do. The question is, where will they stabilize, at what level ?
    The pound has already rebounded, UK/US trade deal wont take long to rearrange, they have acctually all been very supportive post Brexit, Canada/Australia/Russia/China/India are all being co-operative. no one (other than Europe) is going to give the U.K too much of a hard time rearranging things.
    Merkel says she wants things to go smoothly.
    I know many in Europe DESPISE the British now because of this..i worry there are people in Brussells who will actively work against the U.K out of spite.
    That cunt Martin Schulz comments worry me the most.

    im more concerned with rising racism against minorities, and reconnecting with the working class who voted for this, thats something else, and Boris Johnson running the new U.K government. And the Labour party sorting itself out. I feel Jeremy Corbyn MUST go.

    despite the harsh Auesterity measures George Osbornes financial cabinet are very capable, they did wonders for the U.K economy past 5 years, they are a strong bunch. Im not too worried.
    Im certain London will retain its position too but this year will be rocky.

    I dont know whats next for Europe though.

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