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Thread: spaceSuicide's Horrortastic Horrific Horror Film Thread...Of Horror!

  1. #391
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    This made the fucking hair on the back of my neck stand up.
    It's a "documentary," but i took it as more of a horror movie.
    Watch it from a "what if" perspective and it might just scare the shit out of you.

    I'm terrified of the idea of aliens.
    This gets into ideas like that we are being genetically modified by interdimensional beings who EAT human consciousness.

    It worked like a found footage film for me.

  2. #392
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    Finally bought and watched The Guest. It was awesome. Definitely recommended.

  3. #393
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    anyone else caught la casa del fin de los tiempos yet?

  4. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    SERIOUSLY @marodi ?! ?!

    Are you sure you aren't thinking of Case 39 or 6 souls or something?

    I respect your opinion too,! Are you sure we're talking about the same flick?

    BTW, i DID love GOTG. I am groot!
    Oh yeah, I'm really talking about Session 9! I love the creepy atmosphere it has. I love the twist. I love everything about it; it really is a little gem!

    Case 39 I watched because of Jodelle Ferland; she always makes the creepiest of kid! The movie was a bit meh though. 6 Souls I know under the title of Shelter (which I believe is the title under which it was distributed originally). I really like this one too; Johathan Rhys Meyers is excellent in it and I love the ending.

    Have you seen John Carpenter's The Ward? It's not bad, really. It's just not that great either.

    I've never heard about La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos but now I'm intrigued. I'm going to have to hunt it down.

  5. #395
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Oh yeah, I'm really talking about Session 9! I love the creepy atmosphere it has. I love the twist. I love everything about it; it really is a little gem!

    Have you seen John Carpenter's The Ward? It's not bad, really. It's just not that great either.

    I've never heard about La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos but now I'm intrigued. I'm going to have to hunt it down.
    Wow. Yeah, i didn't even feel like session 9 made sense! But like i've said before, horror is one of the most divisive genres for sure.

    It also suffers from a LOT of bad movies. "It's not bad, really. It's just not that great either." The word i use for that is passable.

  6. #396
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    Session 9 is one of my all time favorites! So creepy and so much suspense!

    I liked The Babadook quite a lot and am happy to see that it got the recognition it deserves - its on many top10 lists and I am not talking only horror here.

    Saw As above so below - it was good, some scary moments (the woman with the white-painted face, anyone? ) and I also liked the Indian-Jones-treasure-hunt-moments.

    Afflicted disappointed me - it could be so much more.

    Wolf Creek 2 did nothing for me, the first part was much, much better imo.

    The Guest was OK, but forgettable.

    Starry Eyes - the main actress was very good, some gruesome scenes, for a crowd-funding project it was not bad at all!

    Next on the list - The Quiet Ones, The possession of Michael King, We are what we are.

  7. #397
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    Has anyone here seen Goodnight Mommy yet? I'm very excited about this one.

  8. #398
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    Anyone seen The Woman in Black 2? Is it worth seeing in theaters?

  9. #399
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    I am SO FUCKING TIRED of horror movies that aren't scary.

    I guess i'll have to wait for Insidious 3 and The Conjuring 2, Sinister 2 and Paranormal Activity 5.
    I have faith in the new directors on Insidious, Paranormal and Sinister. I have to.
    I swear to god i watch another horror movie at LEAST every 48 hours...usually every day. And every day i am disappointed.

    I'm also hoping for the new poltergeist to be scary, but i'm not holding my breath.

    Damnit, i want to actually be SCARED when i watch these movies.

    headed to the bedroom to watch "Audition" for what i assume will be today's disappointment.
    Yesterday's was The Haunting in Connecticut 2.
    The day before that it was The Orphan.

  10. #400
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    Audition has a pretty high IMDB score. Rare feature for an horror movie.
    Let us know how it was.

  11. #401
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    Society is too desensitized for horror films to actually be scary nowadays.

  12. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Society is too desensitized for horror films to actually be scary nowadays.
    I think a lot of people go into horror movies for all the wrong reasons. That is to say, they want to be scared and shit their pants and lose sleep at night. I feel as if many people go to see scary movies with incredibly high expectations. Truly scary horror films are one in a million. I used to work at a movie theater and every weekend when a hyped up horror movie came out the audience pattern was the same. They'd show up eager to see the film and leave disappointed with many completely disregarding any merits the film may have possessed. Granted, many horror films that see mainstream release are complete shit. They're made on a low budget, advertised into oblivion, and make all their money back in the first weekend and quickly die off when word of mouth affects attendance. But the same mentality also applies to horror films that are legitimately well made. The masses come to see it, they have unrealistic expectations, they leave disappointed because they never once screamed themselves hoarse or clung to their significant other while being paralyzed with fear.

    For me, a horror movie is good when it creates a suffocating atmosphere, has a good story, good acting (very rare even in the quality releases) and makes you feel a lingering sense of dread. It's not supposed to floor you with how scary it is. It's supposed to stick with you, linger in your mind, make you feel affected in some way. The term 'slow burn' comes to mind. It's suppose to haunt you like a ghost. The most recent horror movie to do this was The Conjuring, and yet even then the same audience showed up, expected it to be frightening beyond belief (it succeeded with some scares), and they left disappointed. They weren't judging the content, they were brushing it off because they themselves weren't shaking in their shoes. I agree that society is desensitized, but there is also a developed mentality with moviegoers who show up for horror movies that doesn't allow them to see beyond their 'standard' of what films belonging in the horror genre should be. That said, it was nice to see Insidious and The Conjuring get the overall positive feedback that both of those movies deserved. I feel like out of all the theatrically released horror films over the last five years those ones have been top notch.
    Last edited by mrselfdestruct94; 01-15-2015 at 06:35 PM.

  13. #403
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    @mrselfdestruct94 , without getting too deep into this, i pretty much agree with you.

    And Insidious and ESPECIALLY the Conjuring ARE the horror movies that i think are actually scary. They are the two best, followed by Paranormal Activity.

    I just don't see why there can't be more of that caliber.

  14. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    The Guest was OK, but forgettable
    Does not compute. I think it's a perfect throwback movie that gets its references down pat. I had a blast watching this. Sorry you didn't dig it.

  15. #405
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    I remember the first Paranormal Activity movie. I smoked one right before watching it. It scared the living crap out of me.

    The Grudge is still to date one of the scariest movie I've ever seen.
    The Ring had its moment.
    Blair Witch kept me on the edge of my seat.

    I'm watching Annabelle as we speak. Never been less scared. 45 minutes in.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 01-16-2015 at 07:09 PM.

  16. #406
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    Just bought this.

  17. #407
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    Watched The Guest this weekend. I thought it was awesome as well. Very entertaining.
    Loved the throwback music, especially in the Halloween maze scene.

  18. #408
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    Probably not a popular one around here, but i ordered "Blair Witch" on Blu Ray last week, i'm not ashamed to say it's among my favorites horror movies ever!

  19. #409
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    If anyone here has cable TV (preferably HD or additional channels) this week on Chiller is a Nightmare on Elm Street week. Every film is going to be shown from tonight till Saturday.

  20. #410
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    Blair Witch was fucking great.

    A few hours ago i caught this one from last year called Honeymoon. It's one of the good ones, for damn sure.
    It managed to be pretty creepy with VERY few effects.

  21. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Blair Witch was fucking great.
    Yes it is, i watched last night and i still like this movie, that's the great thing about it not having any "effects" or "monsters", you imagination is the one that does all the trick and this time it was even more terrifying than last time i saw it, i recommend the Blu Ray since it comes with the infamous "Curse of the Blair Witch" documentary on the extras...

  22. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Yes it is, i watched last night and i still like this movie, that's the great thing about it not having any "effects" or "monsters", you imagination is the one that does all the trick and this time it was even more terrifying than last time i saw it, i recommend the Blu Ray since it comes with the infamous "Curse of the Blair Witch" documentary on the extras...
    Hey man i thought about you yesterday. There is a movie called Honeymoon that i think you would really enjoy. It's all in your imagination too.
    I also saw another one called Willow Creek, which is pretty much Blair Witch with bigfoot.

    If you liked TBWP, i think you would like both of those...especially Honeymoon.

    Actually, i would like to recommend Honeymoon to everyone. It's scary and has almost NO effects or monsters or anything of he like. It's almost purely psychological, except for lights and and a little makeup. It would be scary on a theater stage.

  23. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    It's scary and has almost NO effects or monsters or anything of he like. It's almost purely psychological, except for lights and and a little makeup.
    This is why I love "The Orphanage."

  24. #414
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    the orphanage did kick ass.

    Who would have thought that a bag over a kid's head could be so disturbing?

  25. #415
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    Just scenes in an empty room, IMPLIED horror, scared the shit out of me.

    But GAHHHHHHHH that kid ...

    Last edited by allegro; 01-22-2015 at 09:55 PM.

  26. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is why I love "The Orphanage."
    When it came out in theaters a friend and I saw it in the newspaper when we were looking for "Some horror movie to go and see... Like, a really SHITTY horror movie! Hmm, 'The Orphanage'... that sounds like it'll be stupid!". We were basing it on the name alone, assuming it was some bad US slasher flick. Then we got to the theater and saw the poster and were all like "Aaah shit... produced by Guillermo del Toro. Dammit, this is going to actually be good."

    But we saw it and were glad we did!

    One of the most terrifying, or at least stomach-churning horror movies I ever saw (not sure if anybody has mentioned it yet), was 'À l'intérieur', or 'Inside', a French movie about a pregnant woman whose home is broken in to by a woman who wants to steal her unborn baby. I just read the Wikipedia plot description because I hadn't seen it since it came out in 2007, and holy fuck, I forgot how fucked up it was.

  27. #417
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    Gonna be watching Dracula Untold and Ouija tonight.
    Reviews for Ouija are not very good but hopefully it will be watchable.

  28. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Gonna be watching Dracula Untold and Ouija tonight.
    Reviews for Ouija are not very good but hopefully it will be watchable.
    Nope, Ouija sucks balls. Probably the worst horror i have seen in a long time!

  29. #419
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    All this Blair Witch talk made me think about this video.
    Apparently the man was never found.

    Also, has anyone seen this?

    Last edited by Deepvoid; 01-23-2015 at 12:29 PM.

  30. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Gonna be watching Dracula Untold and Ouija tonight.
    Reviews for Ouija are not very good but hopefully it will be watchable.
    i thought Ouija was watchable.

    i mean, it's not like...good or anything, but you know.

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