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Thread: spaceSuicide's Horrortastic Horrific Horror Film Thread...Of Horror!

  1. #1111
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    Okay so i thought Blair Witch was fucking awesome.

  2. #1112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    If you like Rob Zombie's films it felt right at home up his alley? I enjoyed it. It had flaws and issues with characters but I loved the clown designs, their names (made me think of White Zombie song titles...thank Electric Head for that) and overall feel. It wasn't supposed to be super involved or thought provoking. The troop here will never live up to the Firefly Family but damnit if Doom-Head wasn't one of the coolest designed characters in recent horror films.

    Did I really care about any of the carnival employees? No? Was I supposed to? I didn't feel like it mattered really. It was a gorefest with a subtle plot that worked well within its boundaries.
    I'm really starting to feel like Zombie needs a writer.
    It's like a band who needs a producer in a studio. You may have great ideas but you need that guy who will polish everything to turn something good into something great.
    Zombie is losing himself into his artistic and theatrical mind.

    There was no excuse for Lord of Salem to not be good. It actually should have a a great movie but the written fell extremely short.
    It was great visually but this is not a music video. It's a movie.

    Coincidentally, his only movie that didn't went overboard with theatrics is The Devil's Rejects; arguably his best and most disturbing movie.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 12-28-2016 at 12:26 PM.

  3. #1113
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    The Eyes of my Mother was pretty fucking interesting.
    What it DEFINITELY was NOT was a scary movie.
    More like a dark arthouse film.

  4. #1114
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    Kind of an aside, but still relevant...

    Is there a trick to keep the fake blood inside blood packs/bags/etc.? Temperature? I also noticed my unopened highlighter syringe that comes with the 2-disc Anchor Bay Collection release of Re-Animator is dried up.

    This release makes me especially sad, though it's probably one of the worst packaged DVD's I own:

  5. #1115
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    Get a vacutainer and be careful to..
    oh wait, that's REAL blood :P

  6. #1116
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    You all might want to track down this year's Christmas special for the British show Inside No. 9. Trust me, it's worth it.

  7. #1117
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    Sorry I'm not sure if this has been posted here before, but the trailer for Prevenge looks great!

  8. #1118
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    Yeah, it rehashed a lot, and what new it brought didn't warrant a whole movie. It fell right in the lukewarm zone, between "we're a remake" and "we're a sequel". It wasn't good at copying the original, and it wasn't good at expanding it.

  9. #1119
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    @NYRexall , while i really loved the movie, the character's decisions WERE pretty fucking laughable.
    Like from the start. "this haunted, fucked up forest PROBABLY killed my sister. it would be a great idea if we SPENT THE NIGHT HERE!"

    However, all in all, i fucking loved it. Full disclosure, i'm a huge fan of the series including the second one (and i KNOW i'm in the minority on that.) For me, this one felt like the first one but took the scares up to another level. @Khrz , i thought it DID expand on the mythos in terms of what the "witch" is and what its powers are (it seems to have power over space and time.)

    It definitely could have been better, but i certainly enjoyed it.

  10. #1120
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    Indeed, it added some new elements! But I didn't think they were important enough. All in all, all of this had already been hinted at in the first instalment.

  11. #1121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Indeed, it added some new elements! But I didn't think they were important enough. All in all, all of this had already been hinted at in the first instalment.
    i think i'm sort of a fanboy when it comes to Blair Witch, and really really WANTING to like it probably gave me some degree of bias.
    But i fucking loved it.

  12. #1122
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i think i'm sort of a fanboy when it comes to Blair Witch, and really really WANTING to like it probably gave me some degree of bias.
    But i fucking loved it.
    I think you're just enthusiastic about anything mysterious /intriguing /supernatural, and don't really mind watching anything as long as it pushes the right buttons and is simply downright fun.
    I'm the pedantic, blasé guy who is watching a movie with arms crossed, thinking "I dare you to surprise me, punk, go on, just try..."

  13. #1123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I think you're just enthusiastic about anything mysterious /intriguing /supernatural, and don't really mind watching anything as long as it pushes the right buttons and is simply downright fun.
    I'm the pedantic, blasé guy who is watching a movie with arms crossed, thinking "I dare you to surprise me, punk, go on, just try..."
    ha, yes man, i think you have me figured out.

  14. #1124
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    That being said, I'm a big fan of the two Grave Encounters films. The first one is genuinely spooky, and I love the way the sequel generally satirizes the first film while ending up being cleverly unlike any horror film before or since. It's almost like they took the whole "sequels will almost always suck" theory and turned it on its head..
    Same, although the first one's ending was kind of underwhelming, but the sequel manages to expand upon it, build up on it more while not giving anything away or explaining anything. The first one was equally satirical with its take on spooky ghost shows, the douchey host, the hack medium, etc...

    Those are typical of the "not that good, but Fucking A for effort" movies I like.

  15. #1125
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    @Khrz and @NYRexall

    I like everything you have to say, except, the thing is, that IT WAS FUCKING GREAT! :P

    I did NOT like Grave Encounters, personally.

    OK, honestly, i would like them to try to make another Blair Witch and do a better job-Once more, with feeling.
    Spoiler: according to the writer, the witch was NOT in the movie. So that creature was one of the witch's VICTIMS. IT WAS HEATHER!

    THAT shit throws another layer onto the mystery, doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?

    For me, the writing failed. But at the same time, i got everything i wanted out of it-the vibe of the original, but with scarier "scares."

    So, fuck yeah, works for me. Did you guys see the part with the sticks and they were like shaped like the sticks were shaped in the first one?


    Like @Khrz said, i am just easily amused when it comes to this type of shit.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-07-2017 at 03:44 PM.

  16. #1126
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    But @NYRexall
    Did you see the part with the sticks? They were in the shape of the sticks from the first movie.
    It was fucking great!

    I also agree with the stupidity of the premise and the characters.

    With Blair Witch, i liked SCENES. It could have been fucking youtube videos instead, about 15 minutes worth.
    I think i could have done a better job writing it, for fuck's sake.
    Like it seemed as though they were thinking about going meta or something, but then didn't.

    This movie should have been WAY, WAY better than it was.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-07-2017 at 10:47 PM.

  17. #1127
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    In all honesty, Blair Witch was a barely passable horror movie, a D or C-, that i gave a LOT of fucking leeway to because it was called Blair Witch.

    I have standards for horror movies too. And there is something about both horror and comedy-fright and laughter i think are connected-that makes them INSANELY fucking subjective.

    Like i can't STAND slasher movies or home invasion movies in general but some of them get the best reviews.

    And It Follows, goddamn it was lame, and people went nuts over it.

    Do you guys agree that the quality of a horror movie is more subjective that a drama? (same with comedy)

    And if so, why is that?
    @Khrz ? @NYRexall ? @Space Suicide ? @Deepvoid ?

    Also, have you guys seen any good horror flicks lately?

    I have one: The Eyes of my Mother. But it wasn't really a horror movie, more of an artsy piece, but i would suggest it.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-07-2017 at 10:48 PM.

  18. #1128
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post

    This one, right? I guess I don't see it as that big a deal; it's the Blair Witch symbol, I think. I'd have actually liked it a lot more if they'd have come up with new creepier designs all the same

    I agree, but I went into this already kind of knowing it was going to be a let down and a cash grab remake, so overall it was passable. It was way more entertaining than It Follows, 31, The Witch, The Forest and other horror film abortions that have come out as of late..
    i was being semi-sarcastic about the sticks

    And good goddamn @NYRexall , i LOVEd The Bay.
    That one was a true diamond in the rough.

  19. #1129
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    I agree that preferences over horror movies vary a lot of more between horror fans.
    We all have different standards when watching horror movies. I've pretty much stopped looking for that movie that will scare the crap out of me.
    That just doesn't happen anymore unless I've smoked pot but that in itself goes to show you that the movie may not be so great if you need to be high to be scared.

    I've watched Blair Witch 2 on shrooms and it scared the living hell out of me. Yet, the general consensus is that it's a terrible movie.
    The Grudge and Paranormal Activity are two movies that come to mind that I've watched after smoking and I got legit scared.

    Nowadays, I'll still appreciate the efforts put in horror movies but it always falls short.
    I mean Lights Out was great but did it scare me? Not really but I still loved it.

    Conveying a scary feeling through a TV screen is a pretty tough job especially when the viewer is older.
    Horror movies are great when you're in your teenage years. That's when I fell in love with the genre.

    Maybe I should start smoking pot again. It'll be legal in a few months in Canada so yeah maybe ... haha!


    Just found out that they did a feature film on the VHS segment "Siren"
    I'm gonna check it out today.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 01-08-2017 at 09:57 AM.

  20. #1130
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    In all honesty, Blair Witch was a barely passable horror movie, a D or C-, that i gave a LOT of fucking leeway to because it was called Blair Witch.

    I have standards for horror movies too. And there is something about both horror and comedy-fright and laughter i think are connected-that makes them INSANELY fucking subjective.

    Like i can't STAND slasher movies or home invasion movies in general but some of them get the best reviews.

    And It Follows, goddamn it was lame, and people went nuts over it.

    Do you guys agree that the quality of a horror movie is more subjective that a drama? (same with comedy)

    And if so, why is that?
    @Khrz ? @NYRexall ? @Space Suicide ? @Deepvoid ?

    Also, have you guys seen any good horror flicks lately?

    I have one: The Eyes of my Mother. But it wasn't really a horror movie, more of an artsy piece, but i would suggest it.

    Never seen the original Blair Witch so never seen Book of Shadows nor the latest

    Like most music, television shows and movies horror is subjective. I can't state anything @NYRexall hasn't stated already for a concise answer to what you asked.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 01-08-2017 at 08:59 PM. Reason: typo

  21. #1131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Never sene the original Blair Witch so never seen Book of Shadows nor the latest

    Like most music, television shows and movies horror is subjective. I can't state anything @NYRexall hasn't stated already for a concise answer to what you asked.
    I don't know what to think-whether or not to tell you to watch the original blair witch project.
    It was fucking AMAZING for its time (when there was literally nothing else like it.)
    The fucking HISTORY channel did a fake documentary saying that even though the MOVIE was fake, the "blair witch" mythos was 100 percent legit.
    Seeing the thing in the theater in that climate, it was fucking stunning. Also, i'd say at least 25% of the audience thought that the movie itself was real.

    But now, in a sea of found footage movies, i don't know how TBWP stacks up. It is VERY subtle.

  22. #1132
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    Martyrs was fucking amazing, even though it was pretty much everything I hate when it comes to horror I just couldn't take my eyes off the fucking screen. That's the most brutally ambiguous and unnerving piece of art I've seen in awhile.

  23. #1133
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    See, i don't care for the violent shit.
    That isn't horror for me.
    All it makes me feel is bad for the people to whom the violence is being done.

  24. #1134
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    @elevenism everything NYRexall is saying about Martyrs is true it is experience like no other, and this comes from a jaded horror movie fanatic.

  25. #1135
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    See, i don't care for the violent shit.
    That isn't horror for me.
    All it makes me feel is bad for the people to whom the violence is being done.
    Same here, I hate torture porn.

    This is not torture porn. This is not gratuitous. And seriously, if you can go beyond the violent parts, this will blow your fucking mind. I think it's in fact right up your alley, man.

  26. #1136
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    So...A Serbian Film. Torture porn, or dark art of the most deviant order?
    That's a debate for those who have seen it!

    I've had I described to me and decided it wasn't for me. Contrary to Martyrs, I don't see the point. Martyrs has a point, I failed to understand A Serbian Film's point, or to consider its point important enough for me to suffer through more than an hour's worth of human atrocity.

    Irreversible and Martyrs are fucking brutal, but their violence has a very clear purpose. I didn't want to go through a movie which would put me through this just for the heck of showing me it could. That's how I perceived it anyway.
    Last edited by Khrz; 01-11-2017 at 01:22 PM.

  27. #1137
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    ASF is definitely atrocity to the extreme, but it's important to remember that the kind of shit that happens in that movie does in fact go on in the real world.
    Yeah. That's the Not Fun part

    That's why I'm not a fan of torture, rape, actual suffering and anguish. That's not why I watch horror. I'm here to see a guy have his hands swallowed and chewed by a corpse's belly while said corpse's head goes its own way on its brand new spider legs. I'm here to see an impossible creature bred inside a poor guy's guts haunt the spaceship and hunt down the six remaining passengers. I'm here for the mad spirits infecting a bunch of friends in a remote cabin in the woods.

    Rape, torture, terror, anguish... Not so much. @elevenism and I are more like fantasy fans, Twilight Zone style. We want the alien and the unknown and the weird. We're not here to face how atrocious the real world can actually be.

    Which makes movies like Martyrs and Irreversible all the more peculiar to me : they were worth it. They were everything I hate, and I don't regret having watched them for a second.

  28. #1138
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    Well this just looks terrific.

  29. #1139
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    The casting descriptions leaked for the next Friday the 13th are... interesting.

  30. #1140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post

    Well this just looks terrific.
    It's out. I'm watching it right now. Just paused on the third story for a food/bathroom/Internet break.

    Really liked the first story, but didn't care for the second one (the St Vincent one. Mild spoiler: Spoiler: It's not really a horror tale, more of an awkwardly-handled black comedy that isn't quite funny. The music and visuals are nice, but it's a shame about the writing.). Liking the third one right now, as well.

    EDIT: Finished it. Yeah, the Annie Clark one is the weakest story. It's a great anthology, though.
    Last edited by slave2thewage; 02-18-2017 at 11:28 AM.

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