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Thread: spaceSuicide's Horrortastic Horrific Horror Film Thread...Of Horror!

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    spaceSuicide's Horrortastic Horrific Horror Film Thread...Of Horror!

    Goofy name for somewhat grisly subject material? Good way to start it off.

    So, if you've talked to me, it's no secret I LOVEEEEE horror movies. Let's generate some random bullshitting talk and discussion on your favorites!

    Favorite horror genre? Sub-genre? Notable Actors/Actresses? Icons? Series? The list grows and grows. I'll reply to my own thread when I got time.

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    Insidious is amazing, and I really hope the continuation of the series is justified through good writing/directing. If not, well, suck.

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    The Shining > Jaws

    come at me bro.

  4. #4
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    I hope I'm not the only fan here of Gore Verbinski's The Ring - I haven't watched it in years but it had a strong effect on me when I saw it in a theater. In retrospect, I partly attribute that movie with getting me into the genre (that and Scream I would say). Prior to that, I was too scared to watch much horror. The fact that it was more implicit (and rated PG-13) gave me enough courage to check it out, and I'm glad I did. Definitely one of the best theater experiences I've had: it's the only time I can ever remember there being sustained screaming (as opposed to quick yelps during cheap scares).

    Oh, and I finally saw Sleepaway Camp a couple weeks ago! I'd known about the ending for years but that didn't make it any less great. I loved it!

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    Well this is the best thread title I've seen here by a mile.

    As for favorites of mine:

    Antichrist by Lars von Trier is a strong favorite of mine; it's not the brutality of the ending that gets me, it's the atmosphere of the entire film. The whole thing really deals with the futility of trying to find order and patterns in nature when so much of it is built on chaos, and how despite our efforts to create systems that present a sense of safety and understanding, we still will always suffer the consequences of ignoring that there are always going to be chaotic elements to reality. It's a visually gorgeous film at points, and both lead actors sell it so well.

    The Shining is an easy classic to point towards, but there's a lot of reasons why, and it stands so well amongst Kubrick's best. Both a good ghost story and a good familial horror story, it just works really well. Even though it strays at several points from the source material, I really do not care in the least; it still nails the general themes and atmosphere, if anything presenting them more developed and realized at points.

    Jaws was something I saw as a young kid (5 or 6 years old I think) and is probably why I am borderline hydrophobic and avoid anything with sharks like the plague.

    28 Days Later is probably my favorite modern zombie film, whether you want to call it zombies or not, whatever you consider it it's still a great thrill to watch. The entire sequence of empty London, desolate streets and that GSY!BE music in the background still gives me chills. The only thing that nearly ruins this movie for me is when I realized that it was completely ridiculous considering the infected vomit blood constantly, run and chase and bite and spit all the time and never stop to eat or drink (as far as we're shown), so pretty much all of them would die from exhaustion and dehydration in a matter of days. But whatever, I still adore it, and it exposed me to Christopher Eccleston outside of Doctor Who.

    The original Night of the Living Dead is still pretty effective, but Dawn of the Dead is my favorite of Romero's series. It's not really that frightening anymore and seems dated as all hell, but I just find it charming beyond belief and still get a kick out of it.

    Could you count any of David Lynch's work as horror? Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Lost Highway all have a lot of strong elements that are terrifying or built around visuals and concepts that appeal to that genre. Regardless I would have to count any of those amongst some of the more frightening films I've seen, especially Lost Highway (the Mystery Man is just amazingly upsetting).

    I guess it's more of a thriller, but Silence of the Lambs still makes my heart race like few others can. There's jack shit anyone can say that hasn't been said at this point.

    Let the Right One In stands as my favorite vampire movie (I love vampires in concept and have honestly seen very few genuinely good films dealing with them; if anyone can suggest anything beyond the more well-known ones, by all means feel free).

    Alien defines space horror for me.

    Conversely, I hate Enter Horizon. Most disappointing experience I think I've had with any horror film; I've seen this talked up tons of times as one of the scariest space horror films ever made, only to get what is an average film steeped in cliches carried by a couple decent performances that still fail to do anything interested since their characters are practically cut from cardstock.

    I loved Cabin in the Woods, even though I don't see it as an actual horror movie, I still see it as a great tribute to the genre while high-lighting a lot of the issues that come with it at this point.

    I know there's stuff I'm leaving out but that's off the top of my head. If anyone can recommend anything based on those tastes, I'll totally take them.

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    Scream was the very first horror film that I saw. It subsequently introduced me to the wide world of the horror subgenre known as slasher flicks. Friday the 13th, Halloween (I can't fucking wait for the box set in September!), A Nightmare on Elm Street, and the countless B-movie series' that came out in the 80's. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is always a favorite. I love the first three, The Next Generation is shit as was the recent Texas Chainsaw 3D, but I liked the remake. I hate the fact it basically ushered in the horror movie remake era of the 00's, but by itself it's a good horror flick.

    When I was a teenager I branched out and found that I really enjoyed horror flicks that leaned more so on the suspense side rather than blood and gore and jump scares. I really enjoy the original 'The Haunting' as well as the original 'House on Haunted Hill,' although I'm surprised how much I really enjoy the latter's remake from 1999. I love the classic Universal monster movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Wolf Man, although I'd say my favorite out of the bunch has to be The Invisible Man. I don't know why. It's cheesy at times, downright silly, but I've always found the story to be engaging and fun to sit through.

    I love The Exorcist, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, and a recent favorite of mine in the demonic horror subgenre has been House of the Devil by Ty West. Although demonic horror is hit and miss. A lot of movies that tackle the subject are complete shit. Recent examples being Devil's Due and Paranormal Activity. On that note, fucking hate the Paranormal Activity series. They're boring and repetitive and rely far too much on jump scares and their idiotic cliffhanger endings.

    Modern horror that I've enjoyed over the last few years: The Strangers is an excellent horror film and one of the best theatrical experiences I've ever had with a scary movie. The crowd was really into it, jumped at the right moments, screamed in fright at the right times, great experience and I love the minimalist approach Bryan Bertino brings to the picture. Speaking of which, I have no idea what he' s working on now, if anything. It's been over six years since The Strangers was released and I hope to see more from him. Drag Me To Hell was a fun movie, and I wish Sam Raimi would just go back to making more movies like that instead of bullshit like Oz: The Great and Powerful. I really enjoy the first Saw film, and the first two sequels are decent, but the rest of the series is complete nonsense. House of the Devil, The Innkeepers, The Conjuring, Cabin in the Woods, and You're Next are a few more that come to mind.

    There aren't any new horror movies I'm looking forward to. I didn't really care for The Purge but I'll probably end up seeing Anarchy just because there's nothing else out. I heard Deliver Us From Evil was shit, which is a shame because I liked The Exorcism of Emily Rose and the same director made both films. There's one coming out in late August called As Above, So Below, and I like the concept of a horror movie taking place in the Paris catacombs. Unfortunately it's a horror movie being released in late August so it's probably going to be a complete abomination.

    I also love survival horror video games and absolutely cannot wait for The Evil Within! I'm still pissed that they pushed the release date back from August to October, but I think releasing a horror game during that month makes more sense. Resident Evil 1-4, Silent Hill 1-3, Fatal Frame, and I have very fond memories playing Dino Crisis when I was a kid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrselfdestruct94 View Post
    I also love survival horror video games and absolutely cannot wait for The Evil Within! I'm still pissed that they pushed the release date back from August to October, but I think releasing a horror game during that month makes more sense. Resident Evil 1-4, Silent Hill 1-3, Fatal Frame, and I have very fond memories playing Dino Crisis when I was a kid.
    I hope it's not too off topic to mention this but have you played Amnesia? If not I highly recommend it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I hope it's not too off topic to mention this but have you played Amnesia? If not I highly recommend it.
    I'll have to check that out! Thanks!

  9. #9
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    Some favorites:

    - Friday the 13th Saga (but mostly parts 1,2,3 and 6)
    - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Even part 2 it's fuckin' wicked)
    - Evil Dead series
    - The Exorcist
    - The Shinning
    - Candyman
    and ...Blair Witch Project (yeah so what?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    I hope I'm not the only fan here of Gore Verbinski's The Ring
    Lmao it ruined my tween years so I guess you could say that I am a fan as far as horror goes. Scary ass flick.

  11. #11
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    I dont find many horror films scary at all, hardly ever, but The Blair Witch Project was the horror film which had the longest most traumatic effect on me mentally. Simply cannot understand how some people did not find that extremely disturbing. i think people are lazy and cant use their imaginations. also think there was a case of a film being hyped so much people wanted to go against the grain and act like hard men and pretend they did not find it scary, some need blood and guts whatever...

    but with the Blair Witch...No other film puts you in the main characters terrifying positions like that masterpiece. i felt i was in the tent with Heather. absolute torture.
    Afterwards I had trouble leaving the lights in my house off, i would get visions of Mike standing in the corner of the room with his back to me and heather screaming. you know someone is chasing Heather, right behind her, you are going on this torturous maze through the house every second it just gets worse.
    you are watching people have a complete mental breakdown. its powerful.
    those fucking handprints on the wall..... that depressing isolated, dilapidated house in the woods at the end.
    seeing it, i could feel child's voices and sounds getting closer to me in the tent.
    josh screaming (or was it josh?) either way its creepy...that shot of them leaving their car in the woods ....
    I still cannot visit woods on my own. im a grown man, call me names whatever, and certainly would never ever do it at night.
    very obvious choice i know. It became big because early audiences had never seen anything so terrifying, again im not one of those people that gets swept up with hype easily. i rarely find any horror films scary....But that film FUCKED with me. its not dated one bit, i saw it the other week on tv its just as disturbing. with the exception of that eerie industrial sounding music at the end there is no music, it all appears very real.

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    ^I agree the film is great because you have to use your imagination and because of the locations, that's why the film is subjective and obviously it will be gold for some and crap for others...

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    Alexandre Bustillo's Inside (À l'intérieur) is incredible and unsettling.

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    The Orphanage
    The Devil's Backbone

    Both so well done, great tension and creepiness without over the top gore or cheap scares.

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    To answer my own questions in this thread I created, I'd have to say my most preferred horror genres are psychological and slasher films. I typically lend my favorites to horror icons we've all known and loved. Let's spout some random facts...

    The Child's Play and Chucky films are my favorite horror films. So fun, unsuspecting and well done puppetry.

    I honestly hate the Firday the 13th films outside of the first two. Jason is single-handedly the MOST boring, overrated slasher villain of all time. I also hate shock horror films. They're such garbage and have little to no substance. A Serbian Film is trash and I honestly detest the Human Centipede franchise. Shock with no substance is in bad taste to me since it has no heart or direction.

    Now back to the loves,

    The 2003 remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre I love to death. I appreciate and enjoy the original film but that remake made for a whole much satisfying view for me. Only movie I'd ever felt uneasy and to think the part I'm referring to is when Andy is being carried downstairs and his fingernails rip off trying to stop his and Leatherface's descent. Ew.

    However, I really do LOVE TCM2 and III: Leatherface. The third film is wicked shit. With the likes of Viggo Mortensen and Ken Foree! <3

    I also really love the underrated and forgotten Pumpkinhead film series. I'll probably snap up the blu-rays that Shout! Factory are making for the series' first two films in the Fall for sure.

    The Halloween Blu-ray Collection coming out in September is going to be amazing. I definitely will try to get it:

    Even includes the Rob Zombie remakes! <3

    Poltergeist was an incredible film and one of my most famous ghost related films to date.

    I enjoyed the 2007 Funny games remake with Michael Pitt even though it gets shat on. Good psychological fuckery shit there.

    Glad to see candyman love @henryeatscereal

    I got more to chat up but this is all I'll say for now.

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    I am a huge horror fan, but one of the select few movies that really got to me kind of stands alone in my mind:


    If you haven't seen it, you are missing an absolutely amazing film.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sebek View Post
    The Orphanage
    The Devil's Backbone

    Both so well done, great tension and creepiness without over the top gore or cheap scares.
    Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm not a fan of horror films but those two are awesome. Also, Pan's Labyrinth is tops for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Glad to see candyman love @henryeatscereal
    The movie is seriously underrated, i think it's a timeless classic more on the "Psychological" side of things like you would say, i even like it more than "Hellraiser" (which i love also...) and i never want to see a boring Hollywood remake with new actors, the movie is perfect as it is...
    Glad to also see you like "TCM III: Leatherface" i still own my VHS copy to the date...

    I saw that Halloween set on Amazon and obviously i want it! and i might get flamed but i f'n love Halloween III (season of the Witch), another underrated movie in my opinion...

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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    The movie is seriously underrated, i think it's a timeless classic more on the "Psychological" side of things like you would say, i even like it more than "Hellraiser" (which i love also...) and i never want to see a boring Hollywood remake with new actors, the movie is perfect as it is...
    Glad to also see you like "TCM III: Leatherface" i still own my VHS copy to the date...

    I saw that Halloween set on Amazon and obviously i want it! and i might get flamed but i f'n love Halloween III (season of the Witch), another underrated movie in my opinion...
    Thank you! Halloween III: Season of the Witch is a damn good film. It gets so much crap because Michael Myers isn't in it, but once you look past that and accept it's supposed to be different and has nothing to do with Halloween or Halloween II, on it's own it's an excellent entry in the series.

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    For me, The Exorcist will remain my all time scariest horror movie. I'm still uncomfortable watching the whole thing.

    Other favorites:

    The Amityville Horror (1979)
    The Haunting (1963)
    The Changeling (1980)
    Halloween (the first 2 and the Zombie remakes)
    A Nightmare on Elm Street (and the third one)
    Burnt Offerings (1976)
    The Omen (1976)
    Let's Scare Jessica To Death (1971)
    The Blair With Project (but only for that bloody ending that I still can't watch again)
    Event Horizon
    The Ring
    The Others (2001)

    and many more I can't think of right now. I tend to prefer the supernatural type of horror because of the "unexplained" aspect of it. A movie like the above mentioned Martyrs will leave me disgusted and disturbed but will not scare me while a movie like Picnic at Hanging Rock, while not a horror movie, will scare the living daylight out of me.

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    I also forgot "Amityville Horror", an excellent film unlike the shitty Ryan Reynolds remake

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    Candyman still scares the shit out of me, and I'm 29. Mom bought that one for me when I was 7, I still have dark bathroom issues.

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    i'm a horror nut but i can't STAND b horror movies or slasher films...i like the supernatural shit, and there has been a very nice wave of it.

    The Conjuring, Insidious 1 and 2, Oculus, Here Comes The Devil, Sinister, Mama, Fourth Kind, Antichrist (but to me that is almost to artsy to be horror,) Ju On, Three Extremes, We Are What We Are, Let The Right One In, and yes, i LOVE Paranormal Activity AND The Blair Witch Project...oh, and The Devil Inside was so fucked up i almost walked out, lol

    oh and fucking event horizon
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-16-2014 at 05:19 AM.

  24. #24
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    sorry for double post, but in lieu of working, part of my daily routine is to scour the internet for supernatural horror films that are actually scary.

    i'll go for a little gore, but i got so used to blood and gore working as a nurses assistant in a wound care hospital that it doesn't do much for me.

    can anyone turn me on to some movies that i am missing here?

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    ^Grave Encounters freaked me out, personally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by substanceabuse View Post
    I am a huge horror fan, but one of the select few movies that really got to me kind of stands alone in my mind:


    If you haven't seen it, you are missing an absolutely amazing film.
    An excellent movie, I was just about to mention it!

    I would add to the list:

    Hight tension (Haute tension)
    Sleep tight (Mientras druemas)
    Session 9
    The Road

    And I also think that Event Horizon is a underrated masterpiece!

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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    ^Grave Encounters freaked me out, personally.
    see that one didnt quite do it for me...
    i'm very picky

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    sorry for double post, but in lieu of working, part of my daily routine is to scour the internet for supernatural horror films that are actually scary.

    i'll go for a little gore, but i got so used to blood and gore working as a nurses assistant in a wound care hospital that it doesn't do much for me.

    can anyone turn me on to some movies that i am missing here?
    Here are some Aussie goods you may enjoy:

    Snowtown is not in the supernatural category. It is based on a true story. It creeped me out a bit, and hit the right buttons for me.
    Razorback is a monster flick. A wild boar goes on a murderous rampage. One of those movies you'll either love or hate.
    Rogue is another monster film. This time with the more appropriate hungry hungry crocodile. Also it's made by Greg McLean who was responsible for Wolf Creek.
    Along those lines is another croc film, Black Water. I love the soundtrack to this movie. The very talented Rafael May, who also worked on the soundtrack for
    Road Kill
    . Which is a supernatural horror centered around a haunted truck.

  29. #29
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    I only find out about this thread now??
    Huge horror movie fan here..

    I saw Escape from Tomorrow yesterday.
    Gorilla-style movie that was shot at Disneyland without permission. Concept was nice. I could see where the director wanted this movie to end up but unfortunately it was not masterfully executed.
    Cinematography could have been exceptional considering you're at Disneyland and shooting in B&W but it fell short on that point as well. The movie started off with a bang but doesn't have enough substance to keep you interested all the way through.
    A classic case of style over substance.

    @slave2thewage Grave Encounters was awesome. The sequel ... not so much.

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    oh yeah i dug escape from tomorrow.
    grave encounters...meh.

    i like shit like the conjuring that REALLY honestly scares the living fuck out of me.

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