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Thread: Sexy Batman & Chums

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Saying garbage like "my woman"

    Sorry, I couldn't help it.

  2. #332
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    Ok everyone relax.

    The soundtrack leaked. It's sounds beautiful

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    The soundtrack leaked. It's sounds beautiful
    I've been loving all the 90 second samples they've released – especially what I assume is Lex's theme ("The Red Capes Are Coming") and Wonder Woman's ("Is She With You?"). Hans is a legend and Junkie XL is coming off 2 excellent scores: Fury Road (which deserved an oscar nomination for "Brothers in Arms" alone) and now Deadpool. Really, really psyched to hear the rest of their work!

  4. #334
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    I guess the Temptations are sexist and misogynistic, now.

  5. #335
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    Listening to the score thanks to @Conan The Barbarian and goddamn it really is good. Must There Be a Superman? really took me by surprise in a fantastic way. Bare minimum this movie is going to look and sound incredible, if nothing else.

    Edit: After hearing Do You Bleed? I'm convinced every song with a question mark is the best
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 03-12-2016 at 04:50 PM.

  6. #336
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    I've listened to the soundtrack and I want to share my interpretation and impressions of it with you (the trailers for this film have most likely influenced these).

    The soaring, hopeful, realization of tremendous power and responsibility sounds characterize Superman. It gives the impression of an Olympic God. They also give the impression that Superman is essentially a good being who cares for the well-being of those who live on this planet.

    Batman's music is characterized by the darker, gothic notes. A hard, stoic knight, watching over the city at night. And then you hear Batman's fighting spirit shown by the rolling hard hitting percussion elements. They're like these little hard punches. Batman's like this determined little scrapper who never lets up in his battle to defeat Superman. He's relentless. His punches are like non-stop hammers, striking a god.

    Then you have the electronic synth riffs that indicate Batman's use of technology to even the odds and amplify his offensive and defensive power. It's like Round 2 and now Batman is doing damage against Superman. It's almost sick in a way.

    I also heard strains of Luthor in another track which carried a nefarious baroque style of orchestration. Like a dark court jester genius at work.

    What really impressed me was that you could hear the battle playing out in certain pieces and that you could hear Batman and Superman in the same song, doing battle in the music.... like two forces clashing... gaining advantage, in turn, like a power struggle.

  7. #337
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  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    "You're not brave... " What's the 2nd part of that sentence?

    Also: FUCK YEAH. My excitement for this movie is reaching scary levels. I need to reign it in, distract myself, manage expectations, etc.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 03-15-2016 at 01:34 PM.

  10. #340
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    If I'm not mistaken, 'You're not are brave.'

  11. #341
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    Nice . Loving it. The simple act of showing the endoskeleton does a lot to sell this version of Batman – reminds me of a sketch Jim Lee made of the armor beneath the surface of Bats' costume back when he was just starting on the Hush storyline.

  12. #342
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    Saw it! What a ride. Pretty intense for me.

    I got emotional and glassy-eyed during my first viewing of Man of Steel (and still do), but tears were quietly streaming from my face during Dawn of Justice. Somehow, I wasn't really expecting that even though I've always been a sap.

    Some scattered, spoiler-free thoughts:
    -Wonder Woman's 1st appearance in costume got the biggest cheer of the night.
    -Eisenberg is the most interesting on-screen Lex yet: he's creepy, frightening, weird, and believably megalomaniacal / maybe mentally ill.
    -Wonder Woman is a delight, but my fav version of the character (for now). Really looking forward to seeing her fleshed out in her own movie.
    -Affleck delivers duh.
    -The elder statesmen of the bunch, Laurence Fishburne & Jeremy Irons, are effortlessly great. Fishburne especially wears the role of Perry like an old, reliable pair of jeans.
    -The surreal moments, of which there are a notable few, are some of the most memorable. I long to discuss these after the movie opens.
    -Chris Terrio's script is pretty fucking on point. Some quality writing, especially when it comes to how Bats and Supes relate to each other on a human/emotional level.
    -I fucking love Lex's musical theme. The first time you hear it is one of my favorite scenes.
    -I almost always say that IMAX sound impresses me more than IMAX imagery for these big event movies, but for once it's the reverse – probably because this film used an IMAX camera instead of post-conversion. It's very apparent which scenes were shot in IMAX (not unlike The Dark Knight I suppose), and those scenes are stunning. Best use of the format I've seen in years, which I didn't think I'd say.
    *note: I saw this in IMAX, not IMAX 3D.

    Mild spoilers:
    Spoiler: -There's a good, unexpected nod to Dark Knight Returns.
    -The death of Bruce's parents is magnificently portrayed – the gun disintegrating the pearls is perfection.
    -There's no post-credits scene which I think is smart for 2 reasons: a.) it differentiates them from the MCU, and b.) it does not undermine the actual ending/it feels like a more complete story as opposed to a "And next time on Dawn of Justice..." type thing.

    Spoiler: -The more I think about it, the more I think Bruce's dystopia dream is not only some sort of premonition, but possibly/hopefully a set-up for the plot of Justice League 1 & 2, and the only scenario that would make a 2-part movie interesting for me. I want to discuss that scene more than any other.

    I really want to see this movie again. With an even bigger crowd.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 03-22-2016 at 01:59 AM.

  13. #343
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    Glad to hear it ^. Finally got around to listening to the soundtrack, and I'm loving it. The first reactions posted on twitter have been overwhelmingly positive as well. Can't fucking wait for this film.

  14. #344
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    39% on Rotten Tomatoes so far. Somehow I knew it was going to be terrible (the trailers were really bad). The rating will probably go up as we get closer to the weekend, but I don't think by much:

  15. #345
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    Odd, fan reaction is the total opposite. But if you like to base your opinions on what critics have to say, more power to ya.

  16. #346
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    I generally agree with critics way more than fans. The unwashed masses are by and large, stupid. Would love to be wrong about this one though. I'd like it to be awesome, but I just have a bad feeling.

  17. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I generally agree with critics way more than fans. The unwashed masses are by and large, stupid. Would love to be wrong about this one though. I'd like it to be awesome, but I just have a bad feeling.
    Todays critics aren't that much better though. I thought the trailers looked meh, the critics had to be on board big time for me to put down some cash to see this in theaters..... i'll skip it, wait for it on vod.

  18. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    39% on Rotten Tomatoes so far. Somehow I knew it was going to be terrible (the trailers were really bad). The rating will probably go up as we get closer to the weekend, but I don't think by much:
    It's now at 47 percent on Metacritic...

    Man of Steel got 55 percent and I really liked it. I considered it to be one of the better modern superhero movies.

    If it's in the Man of Steel zone I will be happy, but seeing some of the reviews kind of alarms me.

  19. #349
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    The negative reviews are a bit troubling, but I loved Man of Steel​ despite what the critics thought of it. I'm still optimistic.

  20. #350
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    These so called "critics" are nothing more than 22 year old bloggers with journalism degrees, more often than not. IDGAF what they say. People seem to just have it out for everything Zach Snyder has done since The Watchmen anyways. (ill admit Sucker Punch was a mess though, although it was visually stunning though)

    Man of Steel kicked ass too, IMO.

    Goddamn entitled millennials, fuck all the comparisons on how it doesnt live up to Marvel movies.
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 03-23-2016 at 11:43 AM.

  21. #351
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    Critics hate the thing you love=Critics don't know shit!
    Same critics hate this thing you hate=yay critics!

  22. #352
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    I wouldn't go as far as to bundle every critic into a wonderful ball of hate and classify them as being naive, or too young to give an unbiased, honest opinion. Some can be biased, but there are many that do give an intellectual insight of what is being portrayed on the screen. Problem is, people are so easily swayed by others opinions these days, room for originality is growing thinner.

    I look at it as: Watch the movie. If you like it, cool, if you hate it... Cool. There is always room for constructive criticism, but I've come to realize in these recent days in age, opinions are shot down by close minded people. I love to see what some of the top rated sites for movies, and even music for that matter give my favorite artists or movies I've been looking forward to, but it will in no way stop me from seeing or listening to something I have been looking forward to for years.

    Yes, Marvel has set the bar for these comic uni's to come together and make some sense as far as connecting all of these movies together. I enjoy both Marvel and DC for what they are, and DC's universe does not bother me one bit. Yes, I would like to see some more cohesion, but I look at it as I am seeing all of these characters I have grown up with and have grown to love on the big screen and let's just take a minute to appreciate what we are getting at all. Some new movies may not hold up to the few classics from the past, but they are being done pretty dam well even if we don't always get what we want.

  23. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Odd, fan reaction is the total opposite. But if you like to base your opinions on what critics have to say, more power to ya.
    Not that I base my opinion on a critic's opinion, but they are a pretty good barometer, and they are not as biased as comic book fans. The trailers I saw were a hot mess and these opinions are confirming my suspicions.
    -They should had left Doomsday out, it feels as if he/it was tacked on the last minute.
    -The "comedy" lines in one of the trailers looked super forced.
    -With the abundance of superheroes in the movie (Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg), it makes you think that there won't be much room for character development.
    This quote, from Rotten Tomatoes, kinda sums it up how I feel in general about recent superhero movies:
    "Filled with scenes of gloomy characters confronting their demons or wrestling with insipid moral quandaries, this joyless slog isn't a superhero film so much as it is an excruciating therapy session with huge explosions and guys in capes"

    To me, the superhero movie genre needs to take a break and come back with fresh ideas, but I don't think we'll be getting a break any time soon.

    Check this good critique from Digg:

  24. #354
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    And that's a valid opinion, but all I'm saying is that people liked it, didn't love it. It's flawed.

  25. #355
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    Some other thoughts:
    -I liked Holly Hunter's character a lot more than I thought I would.
    -I'll see Scoot McNairy in anything, and he's a fine addition to BvS.
    -The batmobile stuff was kinda disappointing. I like the design, but the chase scene was a bit lacking.
    -The development/evolution of Clark and Lois's relationship was a pleasant surprise.
    -The functionality of the new (non-armored) batsuit combined with the visual nod to Frank Miller makes it special. Like the batmobile, there's a bit of a marriage between the comic book aesthetics and the realism of the Nolan movies. In other words, Batman looks really cool while taking a believable amount of damage. As soon as that beatdown (which you'll recognize from the last trailer) ended, I immediately wanted to watch it from the start again. It's an Arkham video-game fight come to life in a great way.

    Spoiler: Cyborg's scream!!!

    It also recently occurred to me that we got a live-action Mercy Graves (in the form of Tao Okamoto) before a live-action Harley Quinn. By a mere few months, but still... weird!

    I like this movie. It feels like a sequel to Man of Steel, which wasn't a given. It makes you hungry for more Batman, in a good way. It's a very healthy 50/50 split between Clark/Superman and Bruce/Batman if you ask me.

    RE: Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic etc. They're definitely good barometers, and in my experience, the best thing to do is to absorb their ratings (sans judgement of said ratings), while keeping in mind your own sensibility above all.

    For example, when The Counselor came out, it had what? A 30% on RT? But I read some good things from people I trust, and I liked the cast/crew, so I gave it a shot. I ended up seeing it twice in theaters and even bought the script which I never do. It's one of my favorite movies. So, I guess it doesn't hurt to dig into a few trusted sources when looking at a RT or Metacritic score. More than that, I just thought I would like it.

    I've seen some posts in this thread that say something along the lines of having a bad or good feeling about the movie – I'd say there's a 99% chance that feeling will be right, because we know what we like: we've had a lifetime of developing our taste!

    The older I've become, the more comfortable I've become with that taste, and reading reviews that I agree with or not has become an interesting way for me to measure what I prioritize in a movie-going experience.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Not that I base my opinion on a critic's opinion, but they are a pretty good barometer, and they are not as biased as comic book fans. The trailers I saw were a hot mess and these opinions are confirming my suspicions.
    -They should had left Doomsday out, it feels as if he/it was tacked on the last minute.
    -The "comedy" lines in one of the trailers looked super forced.
    -With the abundance of superheroes in the movie (Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg), it makes you think that there won't be much room for character development.
    This quote, from Rotten Tomatoes, kinda sums it up how I feel in general about recent superhero movies:
    "Filled with scenes of gloomy characters confronting their demons or wrestling with insipid moral quandaries, this joyless slog isn't a superhero film so much as it is an excruciating therapy session with huge explosions and guys in capes"

    To me, the superhero movie genre needs to take a break and come back with fresh ideas, but I don't think we'll be getting a break any time soon.

    Check this good critique from Digg:

    I haven't seen it yet, but I totally agree with the sentiment that some of these superhero movies throw in too many super heroes and villains.... quantity over quality. stick to some core characters and make an awesome movie. I hate it when they just throw in all these characters and then the story becomes unfocused and turns into a mess. fingers still crossed for this one.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    These so called "critics" are nothing more than 22 year old bloggers with journalism degrees, more often than not. IDGAF what they say. People seem to just have it out for everything Zach Snyder has done since The Watchmen anyways. (ill admit Sucker Punch was a mess though, although it was visually stunning though)

    Man of Steel kicked ass too, IMO.

    Goddamn entitled millennials, fuck all the comparisons on how it doesnt live up to Marvel movies.
    Really, then explain what I fucking do:

  28. #358
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    to be fair i haven't been a fan of the critics on RT for some time now. even though they are usually more right than wrong they've been horribly wrong a lot of times lately. they have a circle jerk for Marvel, while i find most marvel flicks that come out now boring as shit, copy paste films that should be slammed for lack of creativity.

    so, here are these critics basically judging this film up against happy Marvel flicks and saying "why cant' this be more like a jolly marvel movie"

    maybe this is a good thing. i'll still wait for it on VOD/Dvd though.

  29. #359
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    will go and see it tonight. judging from the critics, positive and negative alike I am really looking forward to this. A 2,5 hour long dark superhero movie with pretty much no humor? I loved Watchmen and if BvS is anything like it I will enjoy it eventhough the trailers included some cringeworthy moments.

  30. #360
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    ^ Yeah, agreed. Although Marvel does it very well for the most part, the absence of humor in superhero films definitely doesn't bother me. A more serious tone is simply more appealing to me (even when I know it's taking itself almost too seriously).

    I have my IMAX tickets for tomorrow night. Kinda wish I would have bought them for tonight, but whatever.

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