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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I love seeing the knee jerk reaction of the gaming press/community. They have to be some of the most shortsighted, and silliest of the fanboy communities out there.
    funny you should say that, since your comment here seems pretty flagrantly fanboyish

    Do people honestly believe the x1 is dead?
    what publication said that? Everyone seems to be implying that Sony won e3 hands down... And yeah they obviously did.

    Do they not realize sony HAD to price this console below the X1.
    No they didn't. What kind of bullshit logic is this? By charging less they make their product more appealing to most people, but they didn't HAVE to. Why did they HAVE TO make it cheaper?

    THe PS4 doesn't come with it's crappy "move" peripheral (can't blame them), it doesn't come with any of that 3d garbage they were pushing, and it doesn't even come with it's "eye".
    good. I'd rather not be forced to pay for stuff I don't want.

    The x1 comes with kinect, which from all accounts looks completely insane and ramped up from the one on the 360. Sure, for this demographic (people that actually follow E3) that may not be a big deal, but in the real world the Kinect moves units, lots of them. It brings in serious numbers for microsoft and the xbox brand.
    I don't care about Kinect, and I don't give a fuck if it sells units. You do, and yet you started this off complaining about fanboys...

    Not to mention in terms of overall package the x1 is delivering a more robust experience.
    Robust? Jesus Christ... You're like an adbot

    Is that worth $100 more? Maybe not for some. But to think that games on the PS4 wont have serious DRM implement when it's been a battle cry industry wide to curb used games (as if studios give a fuck if gamestop doesn't make money) is a serious oversight by the gaming press.
    what exactly is the oversight here? Are you actually trying to defend this drm bs in some vague and confusing way?

    This industry will never gain respect if it continues to constantly blow up over every misunderstood detail/scenario/trade show.
    derp. Unless Microsoft changes their strategy completely, this isn't just a reaction to a show. They could have skipped the show altogether and filled people in on twitter. The reaction would have been the same. This isn't just a bunch of people bashing a bad performance at a trade show, they're bashing the proposed (and clearly outlined) business model that they'll be standing behind for the next decade or so.

    It's laughable.
    yes, it is
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-11-2013 at 05:49 AM.

  2. #2
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    The price for this holiday could be a big factor.
    Just think about the parents who want to get their kids the new call of duty + console.
    even if you add the camera for parity the ps4 plays the same game, the same way, cheaper. If Sony can market that, well.. It just adds up. I remember when my parents got me my first playstation for Xmas, I think I'd asked for an n64.. Psx was cheaper (plus my dad wanted Toca)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Robust? Jesus Christ... You're like an adbot
    You could be on to something here; he might be on the payroll for some 'reputation management':

  4. #4
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    what publication said that? Everyone seems to be implying that Sony won e3 hands down... And yeah they obviously did.
    Yeah, knee jerk reaction.

    By charging less they make their product more appealing to most people, but they didn't HAVE to. Why did they HAVE TO make it cheaper?
    I agree it makes their product more appealing. They had to do it because given the current numbers in the last few years they would have been obliterated pricing it at the X1s $500.

    good. I'd rather not be forced to pay for stuff I don't want.
    This is a give and take. I can agree with you in terms of the PS stuff because they were so awful, poorly implemented, and no one cared about it. Regardless if you don't like the Kinect it did prove popular and from what has been shown, the new one could be a nifty little device even if you are not a fan of the original kinect games.

    I don't care about Kinect, and I don't give a fuck if it sells units. You do, and yet you started this off complaining about fanboys...
    The point isn't that you care about Kinect. The point is that it's an added technology to the console, one in which Sony does not have. It's a reason why the X1 is priced higher. A price that can be justified considering the popularity Kinect has shown to have.

    what exactly is the oversight here? Are you actually trying to defend this drm bs in some vague and confusing way?
    It's an industry issue that wont be going away any time soon. I guess bravo to sony for trying to fight for freedom? lmao, but I have to ask are they really or is this just smoke and mirrors? They still give the power to the publishers to lock you in.

    derp. Unless Microsoft changes their strategy completely, this isn't just a reaction to a show. They could have skipped the show altogether and filled people in on twitter. The reaction would have been the same. This isn't just a bunch of people bashing a bad performance at a trade show, they're bashing the proposed (and clearly outlined) business model that they'll be standing behind for the next decade or so.
    Yah, well justified or not the gaming community overreacts too quickly to everything and backtracks constantly. We'll see what happens.

  5. #5
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    ^ Amazon says Dec.31st.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    ^ Amazon says Dec.31st.
    That's the default "we don't know" date for upcoming merch on Amazon. I'm pretty sure Sony said November back when they first had their unveiling.

    Regarding Final Fantasy XV... it's confusing because of the title I guess. Originally, FF Versus XIII was intended to be part of this three game launch with XIII, Versus, and a PSP game that was originally called FF Agito and was later rebranded as Type-0 and not released outside of Japan. Anyway, the original teaser trailer for Versus was shown 7 or 8 years ago just as the PS3 was launching. The only original connection between the games was that I guess they were supposed to be set in the same world. That's been changed I think, and at this point there's really no connection at all, and people really don't know much about it. Up until today, a lot of people assumed it was vaporware.

    I think it's a good move to change the title to XV and simplify things. Honestly, this has been my most wanted game since the first gameplay trailer. It looks incredible, and I'm glad it's finally coming out.

    some extra info. apparently the PS4 will also ship with a 500 gig HDD
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-11-2013 at 12:32 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    ^ Amazon says Dec.31st.
    That is a placeholder date. They do this with lots of things.

    Also specs have just been announced: 500GB HD comes with a headset, doesn't come with the camera thing. Which also i guess means it doesn't need the camera to be on all the time.

  8. #8
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    Oh sweet good to know they are going the same route with the HD ^^^^^vvvvvvvv
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 06-11-2013 at 01:38 AM.

  9. #9
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    I fucking love Jinsai's posts. I lol.
    Last edited by Amaro; 06-11-2013 at 07:39 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: The Playstation Thread

    So, apparently they want 100 to reserve. I can't afford it... Probably going to have to wait until spring... Ah well...

  11. #11
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    Pretty excited to get a PS4; "The Order" looked quite interesting. Also, it's funny that many games have been influenced by "Mad Max" (from "Borderlands" to "Rage"); yet, I don't recall a "Mad Max" game before yesterday. It was a brief teaser, so, I'll reserve judgment as it's rare that movie-to-game adaptations work. Glad to see the "The Elder Scrolls" MMO will be available for this console. Good stuff!

  12. #12
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    Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 most of this generation and the PS3 had a pretty awful launch with the price and the overall beginning of things. They did everything in their power to tip things in their favor this generation, nothing more. They did it as well.

    People wanted offline (though I'm sure most, not all, but most people have online capabilities every day anyways), guaranteed free used games (I doubt Xbox One games outside EA titles will have fee bullshit that often) and they tossed it out for a cheaper price than PS3 as they seen the issue with it last time.

  13. #13
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    I believe this was brought up a couple pages ago but it has been confirmed that the PS4 is not region locked for games. Though developers have the option to do so, sorta how it already is on the PS3.

  14. #14
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    I'll admit that I really have rooted for Playstation my entire life. Not because I give a shit about Sony as a company, but I root for them because Sony really HAS delivered some of the best games I've ever played across every console generation, and I know that they will continue to do so. So when i see them throw the smack down like they did yesterday it gets me giddy.

    I mean who doesn't like to watch a Corporate brawl like what went down yesterday. Finally an E3 that didn't put me to sleep.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    I'll admit that I really have rooted for Playstation my entire life. Not because I give a shit about Sony as a company, but I root for them because Sony really HAS delivered some of the best games I've ever played across every console generation, and I know that they will continue to do so. So when i see them throw the smack down like they did yesterday it gets me giddy.

    I mean who doesn't like to watch a Corporate brawl like what went down yesterday. Finally an E3 that didn't put me to sleep.
    I think I agree with you on all fronts. I don't really care for the Sony brand so much because I think the company is run well, but they delivered for me in every generation. Something the Xbox and the 360 couldn't do, despite the fun I had playing on those consoles. The Xbox One had some great potential, and Microsoft kinda screwed it over for themselves. I'm sure they still have some potential down the road to learn from their mistakes, but it'll take a little while.

    I just got back from going out for a bit. I aaalmost pre-ordered a PS4, after the guy at Gamestop told me there were only two out of 28 available pre-orders left, but then I decided I'd wait it out an extra month, to see how the reception is, and see when they announce the inevitable holiday bundles (and hopefully some kind of PS4 + Vita bundle, that'd be pretty rad). I may change my Watch Dogs pre-order to the PS4 copy, though, just to start my entry into the next gen on the right foot.

    So, there won't be backwards compatibility for disc games, but what about the games I've bought digitally through the PSN? Are those still gonna be downloadable and playable from my PSN account, since that account's going to transfer over?

  16. #16
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    Well priced digital downloads is where it should come down. Both Sony and MS have ridiculous prices for 'full' games. I will buy a download of a game if it is cheaper, and its not a game I'm getting really excited for, (I want the collectors addition! ZOMG Tin box! etc). Smaller games like Remember Me, Sleeping Dogs etc..

    Steam has very strict DRM, but they earn trust through price and service. If either MS and Sony can get the digital prices down, more fluid sales etc, then all the used game, DRM etc goes out the window, because hey, its all tied to your account.

    New disc based games should cost more, just because of used games, printing costs, lack of drm, but when say, Ni No Kuni launched, I could either buy it for £45 in a shop, or a locked digital download for £60. Same with Remember Me, Tomb Raider, Call of Duty, Fifa... and I can re-sell the disc if they game is bad? its a no-brainer. If that was reversed? I would definitely be favouring the download stores
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 06-12-2013 at 02:28 AM.

  17. #17
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    I think when everyone cheered at the end of Sony's conference, it was pretty clear what the people wanted and Sony gave the GAMERS what they wanted. XBOX One just seems so complicated and has unnecessary specifications I will never want to be a part of. Sony has did me right since the PSOne and I have never been disappointed. Bring on the holidays.

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    the one thing tempting me to Xbox may eventually come to playstation.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post

    the one thing tempting me to Xbox may eventually come to playstation.
    Yay a lot more ignorant comments on that article.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Yay a lot more ignorant comments on that article.
    Which ones are ignorant? I mean, you're going to get a lot of bullshit in the comments section of any article talking about video games, but most of the ones in there seem to just be saying that they think it's going to happen.

    And it's not a very far fetched assumption. Microsoft has been more about purchasing timed-exclusives from third party companies than securing complete ownership, and this is EA. It's a business strategy that makes sense. Even though Bioshock eventually came out on PS3, the first installment sold terribly, and the sequels have performed much better on 360. From their perspective, the damage is accomplished by renting exclusivity, and it costs them less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Even if they'll require Plus for online play next generation, essentially making it like Xbox Live, I think it's safe to assume that they'll still have better perks and bigger giveaways.
    Sony has actually clarified that it will be up to the publishers whether or not they will require PS+ to play their games online. Presumably, all of Sony's first party titles will require Plus, and I'd imagine most 3rd parties will go along with that too, at least when the games are new.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-19-2013 at 02:23 PM.

  21. #21
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    Playstation Plus continues to be infinitely better value for money than Xbox live. EU this month, XCOM!

  22. #22
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    It really is an amazing program. I'm gonna take some time to finally play some of the games I've gotten from them that I have yet to play (Sleeping Dogs, Saint's Row 2 AND 3, Deus Ex, HE, finishing Infamous 2, maybe getting a Vita and playing any of my Vita games, and many more that are slipping my mind) this summer. I'm so glad I upgraded to a 500 GB hard drive.

    Even if they'll require Plus for online play next generation, essentially making it like Xbox Live, I think it's safe to assume that they'll still have better perks and bigger giveaways.

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    The Playstation Thread

    I just hope ps plus on ps3 has a few more years of life in it, during the ps4 era. Not for new games, just so I can play my back catalogue. So far I've been subbed for about 8 months and completed one game.

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    That's good! I didn't realize they'd said more on it. It'll be cool to see which games don't require it, but on the other hand, I can't say it'd really affect me at all either way. I plan on keeping up with Plus as long as it's worth the money.

  25. #25
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    PS+ is agood deal anyway. Ive gotten a SHITLOAD of good free games off that. I hope they keep that program up.

    Titanfall coming over is no small thing. Other than Halo, which is undermined by Destiny, Titanfall is kind of their ace in the hole. I'm an apple guy by necessity of my career, so my best option tobplay it would have been to get an XBox One. And i would if I had the extra money to toss, but if itll eventually land on playstation, that changes quite a bit.

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    I signed up for PS+ the day it launched.. I've only renewed twice (so thats about £80) and since 2012 they have put up 31 disc based games and 30 PSN games on PS3 and 15 for the Vita. Even if I don't play half of them, thats still just a ton of stuff to jump in and out of. plus the cloud storage is ace for Vita.
    I don't expect it to be that good when the PS4 launches as there just won't be the content, but in terms of games on my account, my PSN library is huge, so fingers crossed when the streaming stuff starts I'll be able to access a lot of stuff on that.. we'll see.

    I also remembered unlike Microsoft who don't have a presence at Gamescom (I think) or the Tokyo Game Show, Sony has another two press cons before their launch, which is kinda exciting. At the moment they are looking like the small nerd who just threw flour over the school bully..

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    A couple videos I found interesting.

    A bit cheesy (the acting) but this gives you a good idea of how the UI for the PS4 will work and look like:

    And this is cool video looking at some hands on action with PS4 Eye, which Sony hasn't really gone to much about but they should:
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 06-20-2013 at 01:13 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    A bit cheesy (the acting) but this gives you a good idea of how the UI for the PS4 will work and look like
    I'm excited about finally getting cross game chat. That's such a good feature and it pretty much ruined a lot of the fun of playing online on ps3 compared to Xbox. They seem to have done it right this time. Also, including a headset means my more casual gamer friends who'd never invest in a headset will be able to chat with me. That's actually a pretty big deal.

  29. #29
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    ^^^ The PS Eye... too freaking cool.

  30. #30
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    Just invested in a 1tb hdd. Feeling pretty good about myself.

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