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Thread: The Playstation Thread

  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Jinsai, since this is all about you and what you want there is no real discussion to be had here, is there? Good day.
    Yeah, that made sense.

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    There has to be a balance. Microsoft is trying it but they did a poor job communicating what the fuck they're really intending on doing.
    I don't think they've done a bad job at this at all. I think they've done exactly what they've wanted to do.
    Consoles are slowing becoming your Comcast or Direct TV set top box, and Microsoft is just speeding up the process. I don't care for that.
    My biggest problem is the whole used games bs, backwards compatibility and the must connect online at least once every 24 hours.
    The only people who see used games as a problem are the gaming companies. Microsoft seem to be coming off as though consumers are directly stealing from them.
    How many people go into Gamestop and buy used thinking "let's rip EA or Activision off?
    $500 for the system and $60 a pop for a game adds up fast. If you can afford everything new plus the broadband good for you.
    They seem to be treating the very people they spend thousands of dollars marketing these games to as thieves.

    I've said in here before I think my major gaming days are over, but to me Sony looks better simply for coming across as less evil.
    At least it appears they are actually listening to consumers.

  3. #363
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    I think when everyone cheered at the end of Sony's conference, it was pretty clear what the people wanted and Sony gave the GAMERS what they wanted. XBOX One just seems so complicated and has unnecessary specifications I will never want to be a part of. Sony has did me right since the PSOne and I have never been disappointed. Bring on the holidays.

  4. #364
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    the one thing tempting me to Xbox may eventually come to playstation.

  5. #365
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    Playstation Plus continues to be infinitely better value for money than Xbox live. EU this month, XCOM!

  6. #366
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    It really is an amazing program. I'm gonna take some time to finally play some of the games I've gotten from them that I have yet to play (Sleeping Dogs, Saint's Row 2 AND 3, Deus Ex, HE, finishing Infamous 2, maybe getting a Vita and playing any of my Vita games, and many more that are slipping my mind) this summer. I'm so glad I upgraded to a 500 GB hard drive.

    Even if they'll require Plus for online play next generation, essentially making it like Xbox Live, I think it's safe to assume that they'll still have better perks and bigger giveaways.

  7. #367
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    The Playstation Thread

    I just hope ps plus on ps3 has a few more years of life in it, during the ps4 era. Not for new games, just so I can play my back catalogue. So far I've been subbed for about 8 months and completed one game.

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post

    the one thing tempting me to Xbox may eventually come to playstation.
    Yay a lot more ignorant comments on that article.

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Yay a lot more ignorant comments on that article.
    Which ones are ignorant? I mean, you're going to get a lot of bullshit in the comments section of any article talking about video games, but most of the ones in there seem to just be saying that they think it's going to happen.

    And it's not a very far fetched assumption. Microsoft has been more about purchasing timed-exclusives from third party companies than securing complete ownership, and this is EA. It's a business strategy that makes sense. Even though Bioshock eventually came out on PS3, the first installment sold terribly, and the sequels have performed much better on 360. From their perspective, the damage is accomplished by renting exclusivity, and it costs them less.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Even if they'll require Plus for online play next generation, essentially making it like Xbox Live, I think it's safe to assume that they'll still have better perks and bigger giveaways.
    Sony has actually clarified that it will be up to the publishers whether or not they will require PS+ to play their games online. Presumably, all of Sony's first party titles will require Plus, and I'd imagine most 3rd parties will go along with that too, at least when the games are new.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-19-2013 at 02:23 PM.

  10. #370
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    That's good! I didn't realize they'd said more on it. It'll be cool to see which games don't require it, but on the other hand, I can't say it'd really affect me at all either way. I plan on keeping up with Plus as long as it's worth the money.

  11. #371
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    PS+ is agood deal anyway. Ive gotten a SHITLOAD of good free games off that. I hope they keep that program up.

    Titanfall coming over is no small thing. Other than Halo, which is undermined by Destiny, Titanfall is kind of their ace in the hole. I'm an apple guy by necessity of my career, so my best option tobplay it would have been to get an XBox One. And i would if I had the extra money to toss, but if itll eventually land on playstation, that changes quite a bit.

  12. #372
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    I signed up for PS+ the day it launched.. I've only renewed twice (so thats about £80) and since 2012 they have put up 31 disc based games and 30 PSN games on PS3 and 15 for the Vita. Even if I don't play half of them, thats still just a ton of stuff to jump in and out of. plus the cloud storage is ace for Vita.
    I don't expect it to be that good when the PS4 launches as there just won't be the content, but in terms of games on my account, my PSN library is huge, so fingers crossed when the streaming stuff starts I'll be able to access a lot of stuff on that.. we'll see.

    I also remembered unlike Microsoft who don't have a presence at Gamescom (I think) or the Tokyo Game Show, Sony has another two press cons before their launch, which is kinda exciting. At the moment they are looking like the small nerd who just threw flour over the school bully..

  13. #373
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    A couple videos I found interesting.

    A bit cheesy (the acting) but this gives you a good idea of how the UI for the PS4 will work and look like:

    And this is cool video looking at some hands on action with PS4 Eye, which Sony hasn't really gone to much about but they should:
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 06-20-2013 at 01:13 PM.

  14. #374
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    ^^^ The PS Eye... too freaking cool.

  15. #375
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    Just invested in a 1tb hdd. Feeling pretty good about myself.

  16. #376
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    Ps4 will let you log in and play your digital games on any ps4.

    Its like they are thoroughly enjoying toying with ms...
    much nicer than the current 'activations' on the ps3/psp/vita... That stuff is just a pain.
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 07-10-2013 at 05:47 PM.

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Ps4 will let you log in and play your digital games on any ps4.

    Its like they are thoroughly enjoying toying with ms...
    much nicer than the current 'activations' on the ps3/psp/vita... That stuff is just a pain.
    And that's why i sometimes have a distaste for Sony. They aren't doing anything new, they copy, and they slam competitors when they try to push forward.

    The Microsoft petition said it best: “This was to be the future of entertainment,“A new wave of gaming where you could buy games digitally, then trade, share or sell those digital licenses. Essentially, it was Steam for Xbox. But consumers were uninformed, and railed against it, and it was taken away because Sony took advantage of consumers uncertainty. We want this back. It can't be all or nothing, there must be a compromise.”

  18. #378
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    Those people are crazy. Welcome to the internet, where brand names and personal identity have bled together to create some really weird people.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post

    And that's why i sometimes have a distaste for Sony. They aren't doing anything new, they copy, and they slam competitors when they try to push forward.

    The Microsoft petition said it best: “This was to be the future of entertainment,“A new wave of gaming where you could buy games digitally, then trade, share or sell those digital licenses. Essentially, it was Steam for Xbox. But consumers were uninformed, and railed against it, and it was taken away because Sony took advantage of consumers uncertainty. We want this back. It can't be all or nothing, there must be a compromise.”

    I just... I mean what the fuck. Are you astroturfing? Surely you can't believe what you're typing.

  20. #380
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    I don't think that anything other than low preorder numbers drove MS to change. That is the only feedback anyone listens too. 3DS sales were low, Nintendo practically halved the price, now 3DS sells. The Vita, while great, does not sell because it is too expensive.. Sony say "we are not dropping the price, but we add value".. and it continues to not sell...

    I still don't see why MS took that side away as part of their reversal.. I have a paid Spotify account, and I go to other peoples houses etc and they can use it.. while I'm there.. I just log in, and boom we have an ad-free house party.. then It immediately logs out when I leave and start listening on my phone. Netflix does the same. All they have to say is that your account is yours, just log in where you want to use it. That's all Sony is doing (and mostly does, bar the stupid activation's)

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    I just... I mean what the fuck. Are you astroturfing? Surely you can't believe what you're typing.
    why? because some of us wanted something different? we wanted a more viable alternative than hard disks? We shouldve been well into diskless gaming by now but we're not. Gamers are slow as fuck to progress.

    Instead of introducing something new and fresh, a push forward for gaming, Sony gained applause by... fucking with MS? Okay. Microsoft didn't really do a well enough job fleshing out the details of their plans but the gaming media didn't help informing audiences either.

  22. #382
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    Xbox's original plan never offered a true, long term alternative to hard disks and every current and next gen console offers a compeltely diskless possibility. But leaving at an option is the best idea in my opinion. Hard Drive and Cloud infrastructure do not provide enough memory to support ten years of increasingly high volume gaming and other digital content.

    There's no actual real difference between the feature set of the two consoles. None at all. Previously, Microsoft wanted to reduce the consumers options and by some extenstion, ownership rights. They recinded that. Now we have consoles with identical feature sets that offer no real draw back, except a PRISM enabled camera that watches and listens all the time. And make no mistake that shit is fucking PRISM enabled per todays news about how Microsoft uses our video content. It is objectively a big brother device that you are advocating for right there. have fun with it.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Xbox's original plan never offered a true, long term alternative to hard disks and every current and next gen console offers a compeltely diskless possibility. But leaving at an option is the best idea in my opinion. Hard Drive and Cloud infrastructure do not provide enough memory to support ten years of increasingly high volume gaming and other digital content.

    There's no actual real difference between the feature set of the two consoles. None at all. Previously, Microsoft wanted to reduce the consumers options and by some extenstion, ownership rights. They recinded that. Now we have consoles with identical feature sets that offer no real draw back, except a PRISM enabled camera that watches and listens all the time. And make no mistake that shit is fucking PRISM enabled per todays news about how Microsoft uses our video content. It is objectively a big brother device that you are advocating for right there. have fun with it.
    i like the idea of having kinect come with the console but if the privacy issues are what you guys are saying then there will be a problem. I wont jump to judgement until it's actually released.

  24. #384
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    It came forth today from the information leaked by edward Snowden, that Microsoft is apart of the PRISM program and that they've been providing the government with private video data from skype and information from all other services that they offer.

    Xbox One is just blatantly a concession of privacy at that point. I'm not knocking Kinect as a concept. I'm genuinely creeped out by the notion that a company that takes video of me and gives it to the government, wants to put a microphone and camera in my house and won't let me use their device without it. You can Han Solo dance your heart out... I'm not going to judge you. But the cards about PRISM and Microsoft are on the table you should take a good long look at what that really means.

  25. #385
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    The whole narrative of the second hand market hurting gaming is horseshit. It's a convenient excuse to pin a greedy industry's inability to innovate on a freedom we've enjoyed since the year dot and they'd quite like we didn't. Surely nobody really thinks we'll get anything in return for sacrificing that freedom? Game companies *can* profit as things stand, right here, right now, both small and large. There's ample proof of that out there. The big players are failing to turn a profit on multimillion dollar AAA titles which are 4th or 5th sequels for safe IPs and offer nothing new to gamers. Big surprise. Yeah, Sony made hay with non-features at Microsoft's expense. Neither console seems to offer anything interesting to be honest. The whole living room hub thing is perfectly possibly on today's hardware. The ps3 is almost there anyway. The Xbox could have been if they hadn't fucked that up. (Ill refrain from posting the same blog I always post at this point, of the Xbox engineer's lament)
    Last edited by jmtd; 07-12-2013 at 04:45 AM. Reason: s/Don't/Sony/

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    why? because some of us wanted something different? we wanted a more viable alternative than hard disks? We shouldve been well into diskless gaming by now but we're not. Gamers are slow as fuck to progress.

    Instead of introducing something new and fresh, a push forward for gaming, Sony gained applause by... fucking with MS? Okay. Microsoft didn't really do a well enough job fleshing out the details of their plans but the gaming media didn't help informing audiences either.
    What's the point you're trying to make here? The quote from your previous post clearly stated that PSN users can access their digital (or "diskless") games via any PS4.

    That petition is utter fanboy whinging. No one was excited about the way MS was going to lock down their games. Anyone who claims it was supposed to be "Steam for XBox" is lying and only rationalized it to be so after Sony revealed their DRM policies. People are giving credit to Sony because they take steps in favor of gamers as opposed to what MS was being called out for. It's simple -- people just hate companies that go to Orwellian lengths to prevent piracy.

  27. #387
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    seems overblown to me. if the government is spying on me i'm already on camera lmao. laptop, ipad, skype,etc.

    i really don't know what to make of all this yet. some of it seems exaggerated.

  28. #388
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    Well to be brutally honest if anyone's really concerned about privacy these days you'd better not step outside.... like ever.

    I know the whole Kinect camera "big brother" concept is creepy as fuck and I'm not condoning it at all nor is it really of any interest to me and i couldn't give a fuck less about the Xbox at this point but is it really that much more invasive than all the satellites out there monitoring your every move? CCTV?..........sure it doesn't help matters to have that ONE MORE THING constantly up our ass.......but at this point aren't we used to it? and what's there to even hide anymore? every government official knows everything about you anyways and more over they did the day you started social networking and posting on ETS.

    Don't forget to close your curtains... to avoid them peeping toms and stuff.

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    A bit cheesy (the acting) but this gives you a good idea of how the UI for the PS4 will work and look like
    I'm excited about finally getting cross game chat. That's such a good feature and it pretty much ruined a lot of the fun of playing online on ps3 compared to Xbox. They seem to have done it right this time. Also, including a headset means my more casual gamer friends who'd never invest in a headset will be able to chat with me. That's actually a pretty big deal.

  30. #390
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    PS4 will launch in North America November 15th and in Europe from the 29th of November on......

    I dunno what the price of the PS VIta was before but they have reduced it (?) down to $199 and reiterated the remote play for all upcoming PS4 titles. TONS of Indie love coming to both the Vita and PS4
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 08-20-2013 at 01:42 PM.

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