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Thread: The Playstation Thread

  1. #661
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    Seems cool. I'm gonna have to be sold on it though. Not cool enough to spend however much they're going to sell it for.

  2. #662
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    PlayStation Morpheus looks like an intriguing technology, but I honestly don’t see myself ever wearing that contraption to play a game. Hopefully the Morpheus folks won’t steal any of my favourite titles and make them exclusive to virtual reality headset gaming. That would suck.
    It does indeed look cool. What I'm hoping for is suite of games that are just for the headset, or well integrated, optional modes for other titles. Plus that biggest selling point would be if the headset was also compatible with PCs (because really, why shouldn't it be?)
    What I don't want is a load of expensive tech demos and an expensive headset. I'm glad its not coming this year for sure. The impressions from GDC are all really favourable that while its not the out and out best headset in terms of specs, Sony at least has the game studios behind it, the move controller is a fantastic thing (even if it never had one good game besides that jenga one..) and *should* be able to leverage a lot of media partners, without needs a massive PC etc. Anyone bleating about it not being as powerful or 'good' as other headsets do need to look back over the history of popular technology and realise its usually the most robust, cost effective solutions that take hold, rather than beefy specs.. but hey, we'll see eh? I can't imagine me buying one right away, because all my experiences with VR have resulted in nausea so far, and its a definite try before you buy scenario..

  3. #663
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    It'll be cool technology and a platform but it'll flop after lack of gaming. I really do love PS Vita but they treat it so poorly and the lack of support is hurting it. I don't see this being any different.

  4. #664
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    Just comes off way too gimmicky for me to really be interested. Willing to try it though. It will end up just like the kinect.

  5. #665
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Just comes off way too gimmicky for me to really be interested.
    It might be just a little early in the game to call it, but I do feel kind of the same about it. Sony seems to be doing well with the PS4 in the sales dept, so why not just focus the developers on making some great games for the 20+ million systems already sold at this point? The VR headset feels like it’ll be a step in the wrong direction for Sony.

    And I also agree with this,

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I really do love PS Vita but they treat it so poorly and the lack of support is hurting it. I don't see this being any different.
    The Vita had potential to be a cool little standalone gaming device. But several years in and there still haven’t been any games for it to entice me to buy a Vita. Now Sony seems to want to champion it based on the remote play function, well $200 is a bit steep for just that.

  6. #666
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    I love my Vita, it doesn't get as much love since I moved into a single room where my PS4 and TV is set up at the end of my bed... but I've had it since launch and never regretted it, its a solid device and does have some ace games, though much like the psp these are 'quirky' titles and not the big AAA games that people seem to want (yet looking at the 3DS, that also has 'quirky' titles but Nintendo.. so whatevess). Remote play does work awesomely well if your home network is good, and frankly if you haven't played Hotline Miami on the vita, you've missed out on the best version of the game.
    Obviously its not the 3DS though, and to anyone in the market for a handheld, unless they like old JRPGs, I'd say get a 3DS, then a Vita down the line. Also the PSTV, what the hell is the mess that is that? It could have been amazing to play PSP/Vita/Psone games on the TV, yet the support is utterly broken and atrocious. Even games without touch controls often don't work, and you can download titles to the device that won't boot because of.. well.. no reason really. I've got loads of Vita/PSP/PSone games on my PSN account I'd love to play on the big screen, but no way am I going to drop £80 for under 30% of those games to actually work.. That is pretty much the dumbest thing I've seen Sony do in a long time. I'd be more worried about that kind of situation than a Vita situation as at least the Vita has games.

  7. #667
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post

    The Vita had potential to be a cool little standalone gaming device. But several years in and there still haven’t been any games for it to entice me to buy a Vita. Now Sony seems to want to champion it based on the remote play function, well $200 is a bit steep for just that.
    I don't even use it for remote play. I wanted it for mobile gaming akin my younger years with the glorious Gameboy incarnations. If there's one thing Nintendo will be untouchable in is mobile gaming. No one even comes close.

  8. #668
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    Anyone feel like playing GTA V HEISTS? They're finally out! Add me on PSNFernandoDante13

  9. #669
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    If there's one thing Nintendo will be untouchable in is mobile gaming. No one even comes close.
    Yup. Nintendo is pretty much the boss in that category. They make affordable handheld systems that do some cool things. Then they crank out relatively fun games that have mass appeal in the nostalgia department. If Sony continues to insist on being a player in the “handhelds” they should take some notes from Nintendo successes.

  10. #670
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Yup. Nintendo is pretty much the boss in that category. They make affordable handheld systems that do some cool things. Then they crank out relatively fun games that have mass appeal in the nostalgia department. If Sony continues to insist on being a player in the “handhelds” they should take some notes from Nintendo successes.

    The Sony handhelds have been awesome. Sony doesn't need to take notes from Nintendo, they need to keep pushing for something different.

    I've tried Playstation Now on the Vita, and it actually works. If they build the library and make the subscription service something that is a LOT bigger, this will make the Vita work, especially if publishers keep making Cross-buy vita versions of games.

    There aren't many games unique to the service that are worth worrying about.... but there are some. They cater to the kind of game I like, and the idea may be unrealized, but the Vita is a different niche than the 3DS.

    While we're on this topic... seriously though, fuck Nintendo for buying the rights to the new Monster Hunter game. The 3DS would still do fine without securing exclusive rights to the ONE game that made the PSP so successful in Japan.

  11. #671
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    Anyone else try Shareplay?? Tried it last night and apparently my internet isn't nearly fast enough for it to work at all. Pretty bummed out.

  12. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiralout View Post
    Anyone else try Shareplay?? Tried it last night and apparently my internet isn't nearly fast enough for it to work at all. Pretty bummed out.
    Worked surprisingly well the two times I tried it. Do you have your PS4 hard wired to the internet?

  13. #673
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    Yeah I was using a wired connection. I think my internet just sucks....might be about time to upgrade.

  14. #674
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    got my copy of Bloodborne early.

    So far, it's amazing. Subtle improvements to the combat design, the atmosphere is incredible... Maybe it's just because I was playing that Lords of the Fallen rip-off game, but this is the first game I've gotten on my PS4 that completely utterly justifies my purchase. I'm less than an hour in and I absolutely love this game.

  15. #675
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    Not jealous, nope... not at all...

  16. #676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    got my copy of Bloodborne early.
    As a fan of the souls games I’ve been curious about Bloodborne. Does it have character building and leveling?

  17. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    As a fan of the souls games I’ve been curious about Bloodborne. Does it have character building and leveling?
    For starters, Bloodborne has the most detailed character-customization I've ever seen as far as visual design goes. You could spend hours just fine-tuning the design of your character's nose. I'm about to start over again, but I haven't found the place you go to yet where you spend your "souls," or what they're called now (blood echoes)

    In the beginning of the game you choose from three right-handed melee weapons. The first is a kind of large blade that snaps open. The other is a sword that turns into a whip (if you've played with Ivy in Soul Calibur you get the idea)... I haven't tried the third weapon. Then there's two guns to choose from in the start... a pistol or a pole arm. I got the pistol. The gun seems to be used in mid combat to stun the enemy, creating all these possibilities for combos (which grow when you consider "opening" your weapon while you're attacking). I'm not sure if you ever replace these weapons with completely different ones, but I did run into ways to customize and "fortify" them, though I haven't dug into that yet.

    The game also (finally) gives you the option to play online or offline from the loading screen. No more pulling the cable out or going into your settings and disabling online to avoid getting griefed... although at this point they've still got the online servers down until tuesday.

    Graphically this is stunning. In every way it's just an absolutely beautiful game.

    And yeah, it's still really hard, but the challenge has been adjusted. It seems like some of the enemies can one-hit kill you if you're not careful. There's also a new mechanic where it seems you have a chance to come back to life if you can quickly hit the enemy that just hit you? Not sure how it works yet... I haven't been able to pull it off, but I've seen my life bar hover for a couple seconds before draining out. I wish games still came with instruction books...

    The attributes that you can level up have also been changed. I already felt that was one of the bigger gripes I had with Dark Souls II was that it had too many attributes, some of which practically nobody ended up using. In Bloodborne it looks like you can level up Vitality, Endurance, Strength, Skill, Bloodtinge, and Arcane. I think those last two are the equivalent of faith/sorcery, but I'm not sure. THere's another parameter in there called Insight, but it's separate from the others, and I don't know what it does. Either way, my character currently has 0 insight.

    Another really great change? There's two modes of rolling/dodging now. If you're trying to escape from the enemy, your rolling is the traditional DS style... if you're locked on and currently engaging an enemy, you now have a quick dash. It seems like the combat has been sped up and massively tweaked. For the first time I'm actually excited about PvP in a souls game.

  18. #678
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    I can't wait for that game. I loved Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, this looks to be even better.

  19. #679
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    thats sounds awesome. I'm pumped. I loved Demon's and Dark Souls, yet never got a chance to play DS2, will prolly pick up the PS4 version once I'm done with Bloodborne though. I'm curious as to how big the game is, Once you boil them down to a speed run, you realise that Demons and Dark Souls are not actually very big places, they are just networked and interwoven in a lovely way. They are almost like 'true' 3D Metroidvania games where only mastering the environment through skill and exploration gets the most out of them. After the huge wastelands (not a dig, I love the game, but yeah.. phew, big places...) of Dragon Age Inquisition, I'm looking for something compact and detailed.

  20. #680
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Once you boil them down to a speed run, you realise that Demons and Dark Souls are not actually very big places, they are just networked and interwoven in a lovely way.
    Except for Dark Souls 2... that game was actually pretty huge, especially when you factor in the DLC (which will come with the PS4 version)

    EDIT: so far, for me at least, Bloodborne is the hardest game in this genre that I've ever played... There really is not much room for error
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-20-2015 at 03:20 PM.

  21. #681
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    I bought Shadow of Mordor a few weeks ago when it was on sale on the playstation store, and I gotta say, it's one of the worst and most frustrating games I've ever fucking played. I've never played a game that made me want to throw my controller through the TV, until I played this one. I'm so confused why every single person I know who's ever played it talked it up so much. I really wish I could get my money back on this one.

    Just had to get that out of my chest.

  22. #682
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I bought Shadow of Mordor a few weeks ago when it was on sale on the playstation store, and I gotta say, it's one of the worst and most frustrating games I've ever fucking played. I've never played a game that made me want to throw my controller through the TV, until I played this one. I'm so confused why every single person I know who's ever played it talked it up so much. I really wish I could get my money back on this one.

    Just had to get that out of my chest.
    I can't disagree more. Why is it one of the worst games you ever played?

  23. #683
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I can't disagree more. Why is it one of the worst games you ever played?
    It's just so unbelievably frustrating for me. It seems to be a game made exclusively for hardcore gamers or something, which I am not. I hate how much work you have to go through to kill the Orcs, only to have their spot endlessly be repopulated. I'm at the part now where you have to kill the four war chiefs and it's absolutely impossible. I can't even get to the war chief's bodyguards to kill them because they too are constantly surrounded by dozens and dozens of other Orcs who all kill me before I can even get a good swipe at the leader. And once I finally killed one of the war chief's two body guards, i swear to god they both came back to life in the next twenty minutes putting me back at the beginning. At that point I just said fuck this game.

    I realize 50% of my problem is that I'm probably just bad at that game, but after having wracked up 25 hours of gameplay now, I should have gotten better. But I haven't. The game just seems to not have a learning curve. And it's just so fucking stuffed with so much bullshit. Just let me play the goddamn game and quick shoving all this dungeons and dragons type shit in my face. I don't care about Orc rankings. I don't give a shit about Rune stones or Power points and that shit. I just want to play the games story.

    I don't know. I'm not a hardcore gamer. And I hated this game. It's awful to me. I have gotten zero enjoyment out of it.

  24. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    It's just so unbelievably frustrating for me. It seems to be a game made exclusively for hardcore gamers or something, which I am not. I hate how much work you have to go through to kill the Orcs, only to have their spot endlessly be repopulated. I'm at the part now where you have to kill the four war chiefs and it's absolutely impossible. I can't even get to the war chief's bodyguards to kill them because they too are constantly surrounded by dozens and dozens of other Orcs who all kill me before I can even get a good swipe at the leader. And once I finally killed one of the war chief's two body guards, i swear to god they both came back to life in the next twenty minutes putting me back at the beginning. At that point I just said fuck this game.

    I realize 50% of my problem is that I'm probably just bad at that game, but after having wracked up 25 hours of gameplay now, I should have gotten better. But I haven't. The game just seems to not have a learning curve. And it's just so fucking stuffed with so much bullshit. Just let me play the goddamn game and quick shoving all this dungeons and dragons type shit in my face. I don't care about Orc rankings. I don't give a shit about Rune stones or Power points and that shit. I just want to play the games story.

    I don't know. I'm not a hardcore gamer. And I hated this game. It's awful to me. I have gotten zero enjoyment out of it.
    If anything I hear people complain it's too easy. In actuality, the game is quite difficult at the beginning since you lack the skills and know how to actually dispose of the uruks and warchiefs. Once you start leveling and getting the skills unlocked to do crowd control you're going to kill them all without effort. You need to utilize stealth aspects and really use the environment to your strengths. If there's a morgai fly nest shoot it, if there's a cage with a Carigor in it open it. The moment you unlock the branding technique you're going to make the entire army do your bidding. The last time I popped the game in at the second world I had every warchief and all but 2 captains branded.

    The game makes you take a step back with the nemesis system, since when you lose the game remembers it. That's why you need to gain intel, interrogate and use the smaller uruks to your advantage. Honestly if you're having an issue in a fight, RUN AWAY.

  25. #685
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    So, after my Bundle purchase I have a $20.00 Amazon gift card and inFAMOUS: Second Son is on sale for $26.01. With the gift card and Prime I could have the game in two days and for $6.01 plus tax. Yay or nay?

  26. #686
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    For that it's worth it easily. Fun game, it's just real short compared to the first two

  27. #687
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp
    It's just so unbelievably frustrating for me. It seems to be a game made exclusively for hardcore gamers or something, which I am not. I hate how much work you have to go through to kill the Orcs, only to have their spot endlessly be repopulated. I'm at the part now where you have to kill the four war chiefs and it's absolutely impossible. I can't even get to the war chief's bodyguards to kill them because they too are constantly surrounded by dozens and dozens of other Orcs who all kill me before I can even get a good swipe at the leader. And once I finally killed one of the war chief's two body guards, i swear to god they both came back to life in the next twenty minutes putting me back at the beginning. At that point I just said fuck this game.

    I realize 50% of my problem is that I'm probably just bad at that game, but after having wracked up 25 hours of gameplay now, I should have gotten better. But I haven't. The game just seems to not have a learning curve. And it's just so fucking stuffed with so much bullshit. Just let me play the goddamn game and quick shoving all this dungeons and dragons type shit in my face. I don't care about Orc rankings. I don't give a shit about Rune stones or Power points and that shit. I just want to play the games story.

    I don't know. I'm not a hardcore gamer. And I hated this game. It's awful to me. I have gotten zero enjoyment out of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    If anything I hear people complain it's too easy. In actuality, the game is quite difficult at the beginning since you lack the skills and know how to actually dispose of the uruks and warchiefs. Once you start leveling and getting the skills unlocked to do crowd control you're going to kill them all without effort. You need to utilize stealth aspects and really use the environment to your strengths. If there's a morgai fly nest shoot it, if there's a cage with a Carigor in it open it. The moment you unlock the branding technique you're going to make the entire army do your bidding. The last time I popped the game in at the second world I had every warchief and all but 2 captains branded.

    The game makes you take a step back with the nemesis system, since when you lose the game remembers it. That's why you need to gain intel, interrogate and use the smaller uruks to your advantage. Honestly if you're having an issue in a fight, RUN AWAY.
    Shadow of Mordor is one of the easier games I have played in the last year or two. I wish the world was a bit bigger, but the fighting mechanics are really smooth, and some parts may be challenging, but I wouldn't call any part in the game impossible unless you were trying to tackle some higher level Orcs. Having to be a hardcore gamer to be good at it is not true. Don't get me wrong, there have been many missions where I wanted to break the game, but it made me wanting to come back for more because every time I ran the mission, I found out new routes and learned from it every time. Once you get more familiar with your surroundings and level up more, it's a breeze. Also, when I tend to find harder missions with tons of Orcs, using Carigors, fly nests, and STEALTH. What I would do is... get as many surrounding Orcs as I could where the warchiefs are located, and use anything you can to chain weakness and fear. Fear would work best for me when surrounded because you can get the warchief to run away. There are been so many missions where I was able to kill them one on one. Parrying and blocking are a must as well because you can continuously chain attacks endlessly.

    The end boss fights were super easy and a huge letdown for me. That was really my only gripe with the game, aside from the world not being big enough.

  28. #688
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    That new suspend/resume feature with version 2.50 is awesome! It's like I never turned of my ps4, or did I...?

  29. #689
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    It's pretty nifty. Not used to it yet though. Always in the habit of quitting games before shutting down.

  30. #690
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    After upgrading my internet to 100mbps down and 5 up, the share play functions still doesn't work for me. PS4 still reads on average 11 down and 1 up. Anyone else experience this problem? I've contacted Playstation and my ISP and nothing they suggested helped.

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