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Thread: The Playstation Thread

  1. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Right, but it once again shows how ridiculous Sony is with their prelaunch fodder. They do it every fucking console cycle and the same idiots that fell for the PS3's insane ports on the back, Killzone bullshit graphics, are the same ones eating up their PR stunt.
    Insane ports on the back? Is this where I'm supposed to bring up the HD DVD player for the xbox?

    is it a big deal? no, not really. But if Microsoft did it you'd be hearing it from the Sony camp, most definitely
    huh? The guy in this video hypes up this fact so spectacularly that it's bordering on hysterics. I don't care what camp he's in, he sounds like a dumb fuck.

    Why you mad bro? The guy even reiterates multiple times that he doesn't know if this is true or not, even saying he hopes it's not. Frankly, i don't know why it would effect the resolution? Doesn't make sense.
    I'm not mad, bro. I'm calling out someone for being a liar. I'm not sure who it is, but someone in this chain of bullshit is a liar. Here's the deal...

    A) This guy is legit and his speculations and sources are legit (impossible)

    B) This guy is a compulsive liar who likes to present himself as being privy to inside information (likely)

    C) This guy is gullible, and he talked to somebody who is a compulsive liar (even more likely)

    D) This is hysterical click grabbing horseshit (most likely) combined with compulsive lying (ding)

    Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say.
    Wait... do you remember how long ago the reveal was? If they needed to patch the DRM out by the time november rolled around, they could. They didn't even have a model to show at the reveal, and you think they'd already been manufacturing them?

    Yah, like the Sony corporation cares about them anymore than Microsoft does. Or that Sony didn't initially intend to have the same DRM restrictions (pretty sure they did), and even wanted to add in their shitty camera (also echoed by multiple people prior to the reveal). But go on believing Sony has your back
    I'm sure you're "pretty sure they did" because you'd like to believe that for some reason. I don't think Sony gives a fuck about me. I think they thought invasive DRM was a bad business strategy. Maybe they learned that lesson after the backlash for installing a root kit into music CDs.

    They also have come around to getting rid of region coding. They didn't do it because they cared about me and the fact that I want to play import games from Japan. They did it because past experience taught them that region coding encouraged people to mod their systems.

  2. #422
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    I didn't find the guy to be hysterical at all. Who knows how stupid his sources are, we'll see. If you want hysteria head over to that shit hole NeoGaf to see the stupid crap that ensues there every time someone tweets something.

  3. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I didn't find the guy to be hysterical at all.
    Really? "did you guys take a shit yet? Are you ready? I saved this for last because... well... Because you are going to shit yourself when you hear this."

    Short of screaming "leave Britney alone!" with mascera running down your weepy face, that's about as hysterical as this stuff gets.

  4. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Really? "did you guys take a shit yet? Are you ready? I saved this for last because... well... Because you are going to shit yourself when you hear this."

    Short of screaming "leave Britney alone!" with mascera running down your weepy face, that's about as hysterical as this stuff gets.
    That was the only part and rightfully so considering the hoolala Sony made about it and the resulting ruckus it created. If that is true it's a pretty fucking absurd PR stunt, one that will no doubtingly look bad for Sony. They don't care though, they've been doing this type of PR/Marketing forever now.

  5. #425
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    If that is true it's a pretty fucking absurd PR stunt, one that will no doubtingly look bad for Sony.
    No doubtingly?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure as fuck am not going to care.

    But go ahead and keep believing that Sony reversed positions completely at the drop of a hat to win E3 (even though they'd asserted that it could be played completely offline and even joked about the general concept of DRM months prior). They then put together all those projected movies to accompany their new presentation in the course of a few hours while they changed the script.

    If anything, that's incredibly impressive.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 10-28-2013 at 05:48 PM.

  6. #426
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    I guess my city was oddly one of the lucky 3 in Canada to get the "PS4 experience"..... they have it showcased in one of our malls here up until Jan 5th, 2014...

    Suppose I'll check it out one of these days... only about a 15-20 minute-ish bus ride away.

  7. #427
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    Eek, guess that's why we haven't seen much of the ps4's UI. It's fookin ugly and slow
    I knew it wasn't going to be very next gen from all the rumors but damn that looks like a poorly put together PowerPoint by a college freshman
    Last edited by Rabbit; 11-11-2013 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #428
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    What are you, twelve? How about you stop pulling these absurdly frivolous critiques out of your ass at every possible turn and maybe stick to the XBox thread if you hate Sony so much?

    If you need some "MS vs. Sony" fodder so badly, here's something to pacify you.

    COD: Ghosts (PS4)
    native 1080p @ 60fps

    COD: Ghosts (XB1)
    native 720p upscaled to 1080p @ 60fps

    Now GTFO.
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 11-11-2013 at 09:53 AM.

  9. #429
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    I actually do not have a problem with the PS4 UI (not saying I don't have some issues with it) but I will say the presentation Shuhei Yoshida did to start their GamesCom event was way better than this one in Hong Kong. The guy on here didn't really do anything outside of playing Knack and then going to the Playroom (which looks cool still), it's not like the dude explored anything. I am sure with this being launch week Sony will show off their UI. To me I have no problem with it liked the PS3 XMB way better than the Xbox 360's one and this looks like a beefed up version of that. I will admit though that the Xbox One's Metro UI or whatever the fuck is called is a more dynamic/bigger WOW factor than the PS4's UI but would you expect anything less from um a software company like Microsoft? It's like a Windows 8 version of their 360 one that "achieves" their vision of an all in one entertainment system. And seriously hasn't everyone known this since the announcement of these two consoles? So it really shouldn't be a surprised.
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 11-11-2013 at 12:23 PM.

  10. #430
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    all the videos of the UI look pretty snazzy. As long as it doesn't hide the button that plays the game, and when lots of games are installed, they are not too hard to find, then yeah. The UI is there to get you where you want to go. The XB snap looks cool too, but I feel bad for anyone forcing their loved ones to watch TV in the corner of the screen while they scream at people playing COD...

    In other PS news, my 60GB launch ps3 died the other week, which made me very sad. I picked up a super slim and stuck my bigger HD in it and boy.. its really quiet.. and small. Not sure I like the slidely, top loading-ness, but it works, and I'm so glad I had the psplus cloud saves.. or I would have lost a lot of stuff. Apart from journey.. for some reason I didn't back hat up... anywho.. Really looking forward to the ps4, hopefully reviews start going up today, sad that I have to wait a couple of weeks when all you american types can get one on Friday! thats mad, we can all just stop taking about upcoming consoles, and just.. you know.. have them..(or not)

  11. #431
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    I know that Allidin dude might get a blood vessel popped in his ass and no doubt my pal jinsai will be popping in but there's some serious bombs supposedly going to be dropped today....

    Tons of speculation about ps4 games with frame issues, and possibly stuff that's worse?

  12. #432
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    reviews are out! the consenusu on first party games seems to be that Resogun (which I'm well up for as Super Stardust is one of my most played games on Vita, even though I suck) is awesome, Killzone is a competent and good looking FPS, which doesn't quite hit the mark and you probably shouldn't buy Knack.
    I have Killzone and some money aside for another game.. so might pick up ACIV at launch as, while I didn't get on with ACIII, IV seems a bit less serious.. I really wanted Watchdogs..

  13. #433
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    In my opinion this is probably the most informative review out of any I've seen so far (still evolving):

    This is one is pretty:

    Most reviews I have seen have been generally very positive with the downside being the launch lineup. That seems to be the biggest issue that the promise is there but we just need the games. Anyways I got Battlefield 4 as my first game for it and will def be checking out Resogun, Warframe, Blacklight, and probably Contrast on the F2P/Indie side of things so personally that should hold me over for the rest of the year while I await Infamous, Watch Dogs, and Destiny. Needless to say some of the exclusives from Santa Monica and Naughty Dog.
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 11-13-2013 at 03:33 PM.

  14. #434
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    my launch game is AC 4 content to play the killzone demo and Resogun while I wait for Infamous.

    Hoping I can grab a X box one from waiting in line to satiate my non-port, non-f2p next gen needs. You gotta hand it to the xbox right now, it has the games in spades and ps4 has literally nothing. such a shame.

  15. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    my launch game is AC 4 content to play the killzone demo and Resogun while I wait for Infamous.

    Hoping I can grab a X box one from waiting in line to satiate my non-port, non-f2p next gen needs. You gotta hand it to the xbox right now, it has the games in spades and ps4 has literally nothing. such a shame.

    Worse, the perceived notion that the ps4 was going to be 50% more powerful is over. COD ghost was going to run at 720p and is for single player on the ps4 . You have to download a patch that makes the 1080p happen, crazy right?

    Apparently this was some type of push by Sony to get all games running at these resolutions, admirable but misguided considering reviews are stating the 1080p causes the game to drop frames.

    Of course there's a shit storm over at neogaf but they're mainly blaming infinity ward and not Sony. A little scapegoating if you ask me.... Clearly it's a last gen engine not fully optimized, it's a launch title. One that both Sony and Microsoft I'm sure didn't object to
    Last edited by Rabbit; 11-13-2013 at 04:16 PM.

  16. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I know that Allidin dude might get a blood vessel popped in his ass and no doubt my pal jinsai will be popping in but there's some serious bombs supposedly going to be dropped today....

    Tons of speculation about ps4 games with frame issues, and possibly stuff that's worse?
    It's a video game system, not a competitive sport.

    You have serious frame issues.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 11-13-2013 at 05:57 PM.

  17. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It's a video game system, not a competitive sport.

    You have serious frame issues.
    Yah, yah.

    Dude in that one video wasn't far off huh?

  18. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Yah, yah.

    Dude in that one video wasn't far off huh?
    Yeah, because the Wii U version of Call of Duty runs at the highest resolution, and I still don't give a fuck if Sony was planning on implementing DRM.

    Nobody cares about the stupid shit you care about.

  19. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, because the Wii U version of Call of Duty runs at the highest resolution, and I still don't give a fuck if Sony was planning on implementing DRM.

    Nobody cares about the stupid shit you care about.
    You don't listen apparently nor can you read well either it seems. He put a disclaimer in about the wii comment and he didn't believe that particular rumor himself. But keep getting angry about your consistently wrong rebuttals, long walls of text rebuttals.

    You don't care about anything that ends up on the wrong side

  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    You don't listen apparently nor can you read well either it seems. He put a disclaimer in about the wii comment and he didn't believe that particular rumor himself. But keep getting angry about your consistently wrong rebuttals, long walls of text rebuttals.

    You don't care about anything that ends up on the wrong side
    Long wall of text? Nobody cares about the stupid shit you care about. You care about stupid shit. You are an infant.

  21. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Long wall of text? Nobody cares about the stupid shit you care about. You care about stupid shit. You are an infant.
    I'm simply posting the gaming related news of the day, news that's out there and being talked about by a lot of people. You're the one coming in cursing and flailing around like a little girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No. It wouldn't. It would be as much of a "something" as Microsoft's non-existent DRM is at this point.

    With regards to people making a big fucking deal about the upgrade program requiring the disc.... They ALREADY explained that was the way it was going to work. This whole "oh, you're not going to believe this super top secret info we got our hands on" bullshit is exactly that: bullshit. How did people think it was going to work? You just say "oh, I have the PS3 version, can I have the PS4 version too now?" and expect no system by which to verify it?

    Additionally, with regards to that video you posted in the other thread... if the online infrastructure is fucked up, fine, but that shouldn't affect the resolution the game runs at. This is a bunch of last-minute rumor mongering bullshit. When the new Call of Duty game launches and runs at 1080p, we can all move on to forever ignoring this person. If it turns out that the Wii U version is the ONLY one that runs at 1080p, well, then we have a new source for all things unexpected in the video game industry... and for news about things that make no fucking sense.

    Also, if Sony was planning on implementing DRM all along, and it was central to their network plans, then they have had PLENTY of time to resolve that prior to launch. You don't need a blatant patch to resolve that even. Sony picked the launch date, and Microsoft is rushing to meet it.

    People will believe anything. The PS4 will have a perfectly functioning online network on day one, it will not fuck with the resolution of CoD, the Wii won't have the best version of Call of Duty, Killzone Shadow Whatever will run at 1080p and play online, and this guy's "super secret sources" are either liars or they don't exist.

    EDIT: Shuhei Yoshida even took (literally) one second out of his day to say that video was "so stupid"

    as if it was necessary. That video is complete bullshit on so many levels, I feel bad for the people dumb enough to believe it.
    For someone that doesn't care.... Yah.

  22. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I'm simply posting the gaming related news of the day, news that's out there and being talked about by a lot of people. You're the one coming in cursing and flailing around like a little girl.

    Oh no! I'm cursing! Watch out I might say the word fuck.

    I'm not the one defending a video game system. The Xbox is a fine video game system. So is the PS4. They're video games. You are a child who cares about stupid shit.

  23. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh no! I'm cursing! Watch out I might say the word fuck.

    I'm not the one defending a video game system. The Xbox is a fine video game system. So is the PS4. They're video games. You are a child who cares about stupid shit.
    You're one of the main posters on both threads about the new consoles? Wtf you talking about? Haha, you've talked in length about various topics and mishaps during this launch... Ya care bro, at least enough to talk about it.


  24. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    You're one of the main posters on both threads about the new consoles? Wtf you talking about? Haha, you've talked in length about various topics and mishaps during this launch... Ya care bro, at least enough to talk about it.

    you care about stupid shit that nobody cares about.

  25. #445
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    I can't tell which one of you is trolling the other

  26. #446
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    I tried out a demo of Knack, it was definitely a really weird performing game. Hated the control responsiveness.

  27. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I tried out a demo of Knack, it was definitely a really weird performing game. Hated the control responsiveness.
    apparently it's a huge disappointment.

  28. #448
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    I feel sorry for you guys and no I'm not being a sarcastic, smug smartass either.

  29. #449
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  30. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post

    I feel sorry for you guys and no I'm not being a sarcastic, smug smartass either.
    Dang, 0.04%?!??!!?!!???!?

    You heard it folks, as much as 0.04% (holy shit!) of the PS4's are malfunctioning. Let all of us who worship the altar of Sony go home now and hang it the fuck up because we lost the console war.
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 11-14-2013 at 01:18 PM.

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