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Thread: The Playstation Thread

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Second Son is good and looks excellent but in my opinion, Infamous 2 is better. just sayin...
    I own the first two games and haven't beat either. I'm like halfway through the first one and I've yet to ever touch 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    The second game is definitely better. Second Son is a lot of fun and looks great but I just wasn't invested in the characters/story like I was with the first two games. And there doesn't seem to be as much to do in this one, after you beat the story it's just collectibles to mop up and clear out the districts. Not really any true side missions like the other games.
    Well, that's no fun. Though the eye candy makes up for it. What draws me to Second Son is the powers you can use other than just electricity.

  2. #512
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    If I recall correctly, there's more powers in the second game, I think. Other than electricity, I mean.

  3. #513
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    Yeah there are other powers in the second game too

  4. #514
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    I beat the good karma portion of Infamous Second Son yesterday. I probably spend nearly 20 hours playing, clearing everything and exploring. Ready to do an Infamous run which would probably take me about the same.

    Love the game have had lots of fun playing it and it looks beautiful. Looking forward to the Infamous side of things and doing the Paper Trails when they come out.

    I actually found the story to be the most consistent out of the series. Is it the best? probably not i'd probably also say number 2 was but this was a pretty good story too. I actually like Delsin a lot.

    My only gripes with this game is that the main missions could have been fleshed out way more/there could have been more missions and the Cole's Legacy DLC was kinda meh IMO.

    EDIT: Forgot one but Wretch brought up. They could have made the switching of powers way easier...I actually don't mind the way they did it but man it would have been so much better if they let you freely switch.
    Last edited by Tums206_BFY; 03-25-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  5. #515
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    The extra powers are actually second sons greatest weakness. Granted it sounds great on paper and the actual powers are very cool and original, the problem is that you cannot switch them on the fly. Yoh are just left wielding the power that you most recently drained. This creates a problem because two of them are far superior for mobility and one of them them is far amd away the best for mobility and combat essentially to the point of being overpowered. But sometimes you want to change it up, or sometimes you run out of energy. Well, then stop in the.middle of your intense action gameplay and fra.tically sear h for power drain! The one you want most could be down three blocks and up a building!

    The ability to chain powers would have added a great deal of depth. Visually the game looks good. But not all the time. Sometime it looks spectacular and other times it looks pretty last gen. All of the vehicles in the game look like they were driven right off the.lot and have all together mucb less detail than vehicles in GTA games.

    The plot is completely forgetable. Delsin is great, his brother is a plank, all of the other characters are mechanical. And its much much shorter than its predecessors.

    That said it still is an infamous game and is. A great deal of fun.

  6. #516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The plot is completely forgetable. Delsin is great, his brother is a plank, all of the other characters are mechanical. And its much much shorter than its predecessors.

    That said it still is an infamous game and is. A great deal of fun.
    This pretty much sums up how I feel about the game. I was really surprised by how short it was.

  7. #517
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    Idk if anyone here did signed up or what not but supposedly invites have started going out for the Playstation Now Beta. I think I signed up for it but I haven't received anything as of yet. From what I have seen they have 9 games available for the Beta it would be interesting to see how well it works. They said it would arrive this summer my gues sis that it won't be until late summer after E3. Interested in seeing more information about it.

    Also Platinum trophy Infamous Second Son, probably put in a total of nearly 30 hours in the game my evil expert run went by way quicker though since I already had everything done minus the Bad Karma stuff and am now just doing the Paper Trails DLC. Kinda interesting wonder where it will all lead to and if a new power will be unlocked. Hopefully Sucker Punch will release a pretty decent DLC with some additional missions.

  8. #518
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    Dude, this Playstation Flash Sale is amazing. $0.99 for excellent games. Bought Gex: Enter the Gecko (yay), Urban Trial Freestyle, Gotham City Imposters and Plants vs Zombies.

  9. #519
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    Is there any "must have" games for the Ps4? I don't really think there is but I'm not entirely sure. I'm most likely gonna buy a ps4 this weekend and might just wait for Watch Dogs.

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    Is there any "must have" games for the Ps4? I don't really think there is but I'm not entirely sure. I'm most likely gonna buy a ps4 this weekend and might just wait for Watch Dogs.
    Resogun would be the only one I've played so far that I would call "must have" but I haven't played all that many PS4 games yet. I really need to get moved into my house so I can start gaming on a regular basis again.

  11. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    Is there any "must have" games for the Ps4? I don't really think there is but I'm not entirely sure. I'm most likely gonna buy a ps4 this weekend and might just wait for Watch Dogs.

    depends on what you like i guess. Second Sons is pretty sweet. Looks great, plays like the first 2. the AR dlc is interesting. I like baseball so Mlb the show is a must have for me. It's the only baseball game in the sony world and the probably the best available in all platforms. Resogun is fun little time waster. Don't Starve is not exclusive to PS4 but it is fun and cheap. Didn't play Bound by Flame, but saw it at my friends house. It looked cool, but he only demoed it for a sec before we hit the bar.

  12. #522
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    I ended up getting Second Son and it has blown all my expectations out of the water. I also upgraded my FFXIV to the PS4 version which looks way better than the ps3 version.

  13. #523
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    My favourite game of last year is getting put on the PS4. This makes me a happy happy bunny.

    also anyone check out the interactive P.T. Spoiler: Silent Hill trailer? looked prettttty nice.

  14. #524
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    Tearaway looks nice! Played a bit last year at Pax seemed interesting but today with the PS4 reveal would def consider getting it.

    -Bloodborne looks great! never played Demon Souls or Dark Souls so don't know how big of an influence that will have on this game but would be willing to give this game a try.
    -Housemarque's Alienation seems like Dead Nation which I liked and Resogun as well so will definitely check that out
    -Silent Hills with Kojima, del Toro, and Reedus looks like it could be great.

  15. #525
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    Anybody play P.T.?? Pretty damn scary, but I cant beat it. Spent like 3 hours on it last night stuck in a looping hallway with a bell that goes off at midnight.

    Anyone else?

  16. #526
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    I went through the hallway a couple of times but I pussied out last night and stopped when that door in the hall opened by itself.

  17. #527
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    Do any of you guys with a PS4 have any experience with playstation now? Is it working now, and can you play the digital content you have downloaded/purchased on your PS3? That's really the only thing keeping me from getting a PS4 right now, although I'll be keeping my PS3, so it's not a deal breaker.

  18. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    Do any of you guys with a PS4 have any experience with playstation now? Is it working now, and can you play the digital content you have downloaded/purchased on your PS3? That's really the only thing keeping me from getting a PS4 right now, although I'll be keeping my PS3, so it's not a deal breaker.
    Um if this is the sole reason you are holding out on getting a PS4 you might be waiting a bit. The PS Now Beta is still running I haven't used it yet so personally I can't tell you how well it runs, I am not a huge fan of the pricing they got going at the moment. I'm hoping they move to a monthly subscription (and keep the a la carte option for those who may not wanna subscribe) but who knows. Hopefully though digital content you have downloaded on PS3 could be played at no charge but I'm not sure what the deal is with that..... My PS3 remains alive isnce I have a few games to play on there that obviously I can't play on PS4.

  19. #529
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    I have zero interest in it. The pricing has a huge part of it. You might as well buy the games. 4 bucks to rent a game that you could buy for 5? That's insane.

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    Um if this is the sole reason you are holding out on getting a PS4 you might be waiting a bit. The PS Now Beta is still running I haven't used it yet so personally I can't tell you how well it runs, I am not a huge fan of the pricing they got going at the moment. I'm hoping they move to a monthly subscription (and keep the a la carte option for those who may not wanna subscribe) but who knows. Hopefully though digital content you have downloaded on PS3 could be played at no charge but I'm not sure what the deal is with that..... My PS3 remains alive isnce I have a few games to play on there that obviously I can't play on PS4.
    Yeah, that"s pretty much what I've been reading, and I'm in the same boat as you it seems. ^ I agree @Piko

    Update: I got a PS4 today, Fry's had a pretty good deal that started yesterday: $499 for console, extra controller, your choice of COD ghosts or last of us, and a $20 psn card. I picked up that gold headset too (why not), so now I'm updating/downloading some stuff. Can you not pause certain downloads in order to let one finish like you can on PS3, or do they just all go at the same time?
    Last edited by bruised; 09-06-2014 at 02:07 PM.

  21. #531
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    I got a PS4 for 280 bucks by getting good at a game at Dave & Busters. So... now what to play? I just got Destiny, also Diablo III (also from Dave and Busters), Resogun, and... what else should I look at picking up?

  22. #532
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    Transistor is good, as is Fez if you've not played it already. Exclusive wise I guess Infamous (I've not played it but thats the biggie). Killzone is a competent shooter that looks stunning, but the story made me want to chew through my couch. Ground Zeroes is good but wait til its on offer/cheap. Check your cross buys for stuff like Dead Nation, Flower, Flow etc as I've got a lot of my old ps3 stuff on there that way. the free to play stuff is a bit dry, I liked Warframe for what it was..
    Looking forward to Bloodborn, Driveclub etc though otherwise the release schedule for everything this year is kinda making me sad.

  23. #533
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    Yeah there isn't a whole lot exclusive wise other than inFamous. It's a fun game and it looks fantastic, but it's pretty short and the story is pretty weak. The standalone DLC they released called First Light actually has a better story than the main game in my opinion. It's only 10 bucks so that might be worth checking out for you.

  24. #534
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    Played the P.T. (aka Silent Hills) demo... wow, this really could be amazing... even though I have NO idea what the hell is going on here.

  25. #535
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    So with all those awesome entertainment updates for the xbox one, I was wondering how's the PS4 as a multimedia device? I know there's a netflix app, but what if I want to stream photos / videos from my mac?

  26. #536
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    As a guy who has had every console the last several years: all of them offer the same media options. The difference in multimedia orientedness is a false perception created by the different advertising strategies of the two companies. You can do the same shit on the ps4, ps3, 360, and one. There is absolutely no difference at all. I cant give you a single tangible example.

  27. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    As a guy who has had every console the last several years: all of them offer the same media options. The difference in multimedia orientedness is a false perception created by the different advertising strategies of the two companies. You can do the same shit on the ps4, ps3, 360, and one. There is absolutely no difference at all. I cant give you a single tangible example.
    Well, for example you can watch TV right on your Xbox. Which I think is cool but totally unnecessary considering you can also directly hook your digital tv box to your tv without having the xbox switched on all the time just because you want to watch tv. I don't want to buy an apple tv just because I want to stream photos and movies to my tv from time to time.

  28. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    You can do the same shit on the ps4, ps3, 360, and one. There is absolutely no difference at all. I cant give you a single tangible example.
    I heard that you can't hook up an external hard drive to the PS4 through the USB. Not sure if that's actually true or not cause I still use my PS3 for that.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominik View Post
    Well, for example you can watch TV right on your Xbox. Which I think is cool but totally unnecessary considering you can also directly hook your digital tv box to your tv without having the xbox switched on all the time just because you want to watch tv. I don't want to buy an apple tv just because I want to stream photos and movies to my tv from time to time.
    There IS a rumor that playstation is addkng this though

  30. #540
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    I got my first PlayStation in 96 and it still works great (memory cards, controllers, games), the thing can’t be killed! I estimate 2000+ hours of gameplay on the machine easily.

    I stood in line for 6 hours to buy my PlayStation2 launch day in 2000. It all still works great today.

    I have had 3 PlayStation3s, and they have each died with under 500 cumulative hours of usage on any one of them, the most recent one lost was last week. I’m sitting on a small mountain of PS3 games that I’ve bought over the years and I’d love to play, but christ, it feels like I’m throwing money straight into the trash to buy yet another one of these things. Not to mention how much of a kick to the balls it is to have 60+ hours invested in a game and then out of the blue the PS dies taking your time with it. And they still want $270 for a new one. Maybe there will be some deals closer towards the holidays.

    I’ll probably give the PS4 a few more years before I buy one.

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