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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    It's not really clear what you're talking about here.

    Who are the "virtue-signaling people" and when are they telling you how to live your life?
    Right wing troll with 5 total posts trying to incite bullshit. Ignore and hope he disappears.

  2. #2
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    In case any of you ladies and gents are interested in your friendly French speaking Québécois opinion on the brown faced Trudeau matter, I will say that we think it's indeed disgusting but we've been saying that he is a fucking idiot (and the son of the Antichrist) since the last election. Then, we'll roll our eyes and shrug.

    We're busier keeping watch on that even stupider and potentially more dangerous Trump 2.0 wannabe called Maxime Bernier, aka Mad Max. I'm praying that my fellow Beaucerons compatriots will oust him for good.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    We're busier keeping watch on that even stupider and potentially more dangerous Trump 2.0 wannabe called Maxime Bernier, aka Mad Max. I'm praying that my fellow Beaucerons compatriots will oust him for good.
    Hope you guys oust that shithead you have for a premier, that assault on religious freedoms and mainly those who wear turbans, niqaabs, hijabs etc. is disgusting! I'm all for separation of church and state but this the wrong way to go about it.

    Similarly Doug Ford and Jason Kenney need to get gone as well.

    Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    we all know donning blackface or any sort of throwback to minstrel theater is crazy racist... except it wasn't always called out for how crazy it was, and then there's pretty recent versions of it that were excused for it; like Tropic Thunder... because that was the joke. Except.. a single photo of Robert Downey Jr in blackface could be spun as something insanely racist without the movie... and even then, you could say it's still racist.

    I don't know. At least he's owning it, apologizing, admitting he did something wrong, isn't trying to distract from the accusation... and Trudeau has never struck me as a really "racist sort of person" in general. Maybe he is. I don't know. Everybody fucks up though, and this was 18 years ago, back before we all decided Prince Harry was the greatest, super great guy, and forgot all about that time he showed up to a party dressed as Hitler with his buddy in a klan hat or some shit.

    edit: The more I'm reading about this, the weirder it gets...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-19-2019 at 06:53 PM.

  5. #5
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    I don't know what this is going to do for Trudeau's electoral chances, the Liberal track record is decidedly mixed and this may well be the tipping point towards yet another Conservative government (ugh)... I was surprised that traditional media outlets pretty quickly started to print intelligent responses like this one instead of hand-wringing and outrage for weeks on end. What has Andrew Scheer ever done for anti-racism? (Spoiler: nothing, zilch, nada, with over twenty years in politics)
    Last edited by botley; 09-22-2019 at 04:14 PM.

  6. #6
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    I dunno... I guess I just have shell shock from Trump being whatever he is... I'm used to our supreme leader being a raging proud racist that is actively encouraging racists... It seems like Trudeau doesn't want to court racists. That's good. It feels weird to see the "Conservative party" capitalizing on this, but, again, this is from a perspective from down here, where I'm thinking about fleeing from.

  7. #7
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    Look, as I said earlier in the thread, come October we may have the equivalent of a Republican supermajority up here in the legislative houses, so maybe flee somewhere else? The Moon?
    Last edited by botley; 09-22-2019 at 04:10 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Look, as I said earlier in the thread, come October we may have the equivalent of a Republican supermajority up here in the legislative houses, so maybe flee somewhere else? The Moon?
    Europe is still (super tentatively) an option I guess... though it doesn't feel great.

    Everything feels fucked right now.

  9. #9
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    No, seriously... what?

  10. #10
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    Diet Trumpism™?

  11. #11
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    Advance polls are open, people. Go do it. I voted NDP — our local candidate is amazing!

  12. #12
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    My hometown is dumb. Also, remember not to vote for the conservatives!
    Last edited by M1ke; 10-16-2019 at 05:28 PM. Reason: fixed the link

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post

    My hometown is dumb. Also, remember not to vote for the conservatives!
    i'm not sure that you posted the right link here.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    i'm not sure that you posted the right link here.
    Whoops, you're right. Fixed it now.

  15. #15
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    Credit where credit is due, Sheer stopped them from chanting it, but shame where shame is due that the conservatives clearly only win by inciting anger and fear where it doesn't belong:

  16. #16
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    Looks to me like Trudeau has now definitely lost his majority but he will remain PM — which I am fine wine with (EDIT: LOL, I may be drunk already?), particularly given an encouraging early result from Fredericton electing the first Green Party MP in Atlantic Canada! — but I don't foresee a decisive win for anybody tonight. The Bloc Quebecois are putting very solid numbers on the leaderboard, which is taking votes away from the other parties. HUNG PARLIAMENT, BITCHES
    Last edited by botley; 10-21-2019 at 09:13 PM.

  17. #17
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    I like that it looks like Liberals + NDP is going to be enough to move over the 170 mark if they work together.

    That might be one of the best outcomes I could have hoped for.

  18. #18
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    I'm not really sure if this counts as politics or not, but they finally fired Don Cherry.

    Long overdue if you ask me, but surprised to see it actually happen.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I'm not really sure if this counts as politics or not, but they finally fired Don Cherry.

    Long overdue if you ask me, but surprised to see it actually happen.
    I live in seattle & we get hockey night in canada. always enjoyed coaches corner but coach is pretty old. in his prime he could've gone up against charles barkeley!

  20. #20
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    Good riddance. He’s always been a xenophobic dog whistle nightmare.

  21. #21
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    Fired on Veterans day for standing up for veterans. People are such flakes these days. Wear a fucking poppy and stand silent for 2 minutes ONCE A YEAR. Never forget.

    t's becoming increasingly evident that if you're white then you cannot speak freely, even if it is the truth. I love everyone... but it's true that I see almost no "immigrants" wearing poppies. Many muslims refuse to wear a poppy because they believe WWI was detrimental to the muslim community and supportive of the jewish community etc... their words not mine.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Fired on Veterans day for standing up for veterans. People are such flakes these days. Wear a fucking poppy and stand silent for 2 minutes ONCE A YEAR. Never forget.

    t's becoming increasingly evident that if you're white then you cannot speak freely, even if it is the truth. I love everyone... but it's true that I see almost no "immigrants" wearing poppies. Many muslims refuse to wear a poppy because they believe WWI was detrimental to the muslim community and supportive of the jewish community etc... their words not mine.
    Don Cherry has a long history of racist, sexist and xenophobic comments. This latest anti-immigrant rant was not the first occasion, and it's pretty surprising it's taken this long for him to get booted.

    It's fine to support our veterans and to encourage people to buy and wear a poppy. He specifically centered out immigrants as "you people" not wearing poppies.

    He was not fired for standing up for veterans, he was fired for falsely centering out immigrants as not supporting veterans.

    I agree that we should all be standing up for our veterans, and doing more to support them, and I think there is an interesting conversation to be had around why fewer and fewer people are buying poppies. Don put the blame for that issue on immigrants. That's called xenophobia. He should have been taken off the air years ago.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Fired on Veterans day for standing up for veterans. People are such flakes these days. Wear a fucking poppy and stand silent for 2 minutes ONCE A YEAR. Never forget.

    t's becoming increasingly evident that if you're white then you cannot speak freely, even if it is the truth. I love everyone... but it's true that I see almost no "immigrants" wearing poppies. Many muslims refuse to wear a poppy because they believe WWI was detrimental to the muslim community and supportive of the jewish community etc... their words not mine.
    Immigrant or not, it's none of your business how someone else "supports the troops", nor is it Cherry's. Want to buy a poppy and wear it? Fine, buy a poppy and wear it. Ever consider that maybe some people buy poppies and don't wear it because they don't need the social validation of their donation? Or that there are other ways to "support the troops" besides buying a poppy? Or maybe there are other causes they chose to donate money to?

    Besides how do you know who is an immigrant? Are they wearing a sign? Do they have a name tag? Of course this is rhetorical. I already know the answer.
    Last edited by cdm; 11-12-2019 at 11:21 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Fired on Veterans day for standing up for veterans.
    No, he was fired for not apologizing for being racist. If you can't understand that, I'm not sure we can have a productive conversation. But let's ask the question, aside from saying shitty thing about people, what actual work has he done to support veterans? Any free tickets to any local Legions? Or donated funds to charity? Or lobbied politicians for better treatment of veterans?

    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    People are such flakes these days.
    Yeah, like people who get upset at racists being fired...

    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    t's becoming increasingly evident that if you're white then you cannot speak freely, even if it is the truth.
    Ha ha ha, no. People can still say the same shit they've always said just now they are being help accountable. Something long over due.

    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    I love everyone... but it's true that I see almost no "immigrants" wearing poppies.
    Everyone not indigenous is an immigrant to Canada. So, when people say shit like "immigrants" (and seemingly mean just "brown people"), it's very easy to call them racists... because they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Many muslims refuse to wear a poppy because they believe WWI was detrimental to the muslim community and supportive of the jewish community etc... their words not mine.
    Got a source for that? Because a lot of Muslims did fight in WW1, as British soliders. Like, 885,000 of them (according the British Legion).

  25. #25
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    I didn't want this to turn into such a debate, but religion and race are not the same thing. Don cherry has honored every recently fallen Canadian soldier on coaches corner and has flown overseas to visit troops.

    People are very confused on what racism is, what prejudices are, what stereotyping is, and what discrimination is. There are a lot of "white" muslims and "brown" christians. Like seriously why is it so hard for people to understand this? Ironically I think most people are racist for thinking all muslims are brown; which I myself know not to be true but many of you are arguing that all muslims are brown, therefore to say muslims refuse to wear a poppy is equal to saying brown people refuse to wear a poppy.

    Immigration isn't just about race, I am free to stereotype that I will likely never see a white hindu immigrate from Jamaica to Canada with a thick Australian accent and dreadlocks. I will likely see a brother with a good taste in clothes and music with a wicked Jamaican accent and if he is religious then its likely Christianity. That's not racist.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post

    Got a source for that? Because a lot of Muslims did fight in WW1, as British soliders. Like, 885,000 of them (according the British Legion).

    Yes I am well aware that the entire world was at war. Here are some snippets, google the rest on your own and discover there is some conflict within the Islamic community with honoring our veterans. In the end Muslims, wonderful people, will support and help anyone in need, but are free to not wear a poppy.

    Firstly, the defeat and eventual dismantling of the Ottoman Empire marked the end of a unified Islamic global power who could protect the lives and honour of the Muslims, and history has shown how the Muslim lands have suffered from this lack of leadership.
    Secondly, the victorious Allied powers introduced new policies into the Muslim lands, amongst them the infamous Sykes-Picot treaty which inspired the destructive division of Islamic land leading to the unstable modern Middle East and all the problems which have originated from it. The Balfour Declaration, which proposed the idea of a Zionist state in Palestine, also emerged in this time – and we have seen the resulting decades of violence and war that has torn this blessed land apart. Such policies could only be introduced because of the destruction of the Ottoman State at the hands of the Allied powers. In short, the First World War stands out as the direct cause of so many of the devastating problems that we see destroying Muslim lands and lives today. I cannot bring myself to celebrate the “victory” which caused these disasters.
    Another reason I am unwilling to support the poppy appeal is the institution of the Armed Forces. The British Army is hardly a golden standard of moral integrity, and there are many examples to demonstrate this. Today, the illegality of the Iraq war (according to UN regulations) is well recognised, as are the atrocities committed by British soldiers during the conflict, not least the systematic brutal torture of Iraqi citizens in British military bases.

    Last edited by snaapz; 11-12-2019 at 12:39 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post

    Everyone not indigenous is an immigrant to Canada. .
    Can you clarify this?
    When you say indigenous do you mean first nations?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    Can you clarify this?
    When you say indigenous do you mean first nations?
    Those indigenous to Canada would include all aboriginal peoples of the First Nations, but also the Métis, and the Inuit.

    When @MrLobster says everyone else is an "immigrant", that very broadly extends the term to include anyone settling on the land today who isn't within those groups. It's fair to say also that people here who are descended from the African diaspora brought to North America during the transatlantic slave trade are in a separate category, as they are not a settler (at least not by choice). Colonialism is as much a part of Canadian history as our participation in wars.

    Anyhow, making prejudiced assumptions about the circumstances under which people (as in the phrase "you people") arrived here, or what symbols they choose to or choose not to display... that's bigotry. Whether it's prejudiced on the basis of race, colour, creed, whatever... it's still bigotry. Stereotype an entire group, and you are behaving as a bigot.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Those indigenous to Canada would include all aboriginal peoples of the First Nations, but also the Métis, and the Inuit.

    When @MrLobster says everyone else is an "immigrant", that very broadly extends the term to include anyone settling on the land today who isn't within those groups.
    So some who is a 5th generation Canadian is considered an immigrant? That makes no sense in regards to the dictionary definition of the term. I came here when I was a kid. My family and I are immigrants. Surely there is a difference between us and some who's family has been here for generations no?

    For the record I am happy to see Cherry go and am surprised that it has taken this long. His anti-intellectualism, bigotry, boorish celebration of violence and divisive rhetoric expired a long time ago.

  29. #29
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    Where I live it's clear who is an immigrant based on their wardrobe and accent. Why can't I say that? I welcome diversity, I love culture and I have made the effortless effort to bond with my friends and learn some spanish, arabic, tamil and even some czech. When I attended college (Fanshawe) I befriended several middle eastern friends and often went to their place to study, nicest friends I've had!

    My current community.

    My 3 year old son attends Little Sprouts twice a week in this area, it's a general community center.

    A large majority of the instructors and other enrolled kids/parents are immigrants, they often speak Arabic and many of the posters and art is english and arabic (even though we are supposed to exercise english and french here).

    My family and I go to the mall across the street each Saturday for lunch. I see a lot of people wearing poppies, I have noticed that none of the muslim women, men, or children, wear a poppy.

    My now 5 year old son was raised in Markham, which feels like 90% Chinese population but officially they say 50%. I LOVED IT THERE and I loved the culture. Again my son was enrolled in little sprouts where it was him in an english program with some Chinese influence.

    I would shop at TNT grocery store and I can tell who was and who was not born in Canada.

    There are many white russian and jewish immigrants too, and I can identify them as well.

    How am I racist for observing that?

    As for the poppy debate, it's true. Our veterans deserve to never be forgotten and deserve respect by all Canadian citizens.

  30. #30
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    How am I racist for observing that?
    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    Where I live it's clear who is an immigrant based on their wardrobe and accent.

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