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Thread: Canadian Politics

  1. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    If it's done with respect instead of by rote, it DOES make a difference. Any land acknowledgement should be an opportunity to re-frame our current role in history as one of stewardship, not ownership. Sure, that alone does nothing to actually improve the lot of people living with the lasting impact of genocide and ongoing racist policy. But we have to be AWARE of that history and its ongoing impact today, right?

    But yeah, I agree to an extent in that most settler institutions do the bare minimum to make themselves feel good and then think that's enough.
    I think it's too much of a middle finger... we aknowledge you, bit those pipelines... sorry honey, still happening.

    We are dettached from it, it doesn't affect our day to day lives, but for those living it every day it must be very upsetting and frustrating.

    I hope it leads to greater change and an improvement in policies, but I'm not expecting much.

    Hurray for women though, Trudeau is all for feminism.

  2. #212
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    But there has definitely been an imbalance at work, at all levels; that's what the root problem is: settlers putting themselves at the centre of every conversation, every decision, without thinking of the impact it has on people who lived here for thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of years. You have to start by listening to and acknowledging those people FIRST and then respect their traditions and history. They voted for Trudeau's Liberals in droves, with the expectation that this would lead to change in attitude and governance. I'm still hopeful although it has been very slow. The limp reception for the Canada 150th celebrations gave me hope that most of us are ready to leave behind the pomp and bullshit for something better.

  3. #213
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    I personally don't think that Trudeau's leadership is going to do anything. The inquest into the missing and murdered indigenous women became of mess rather quickly. He just split the Indigenous and Northern affairs into 2 departments as if a larger government bureaucracy is going to tackle the issues at hand. I will give him some credit for planning to finally get rid of the Indian Act and get Ottawa out of the centre of every decision... but we have to wait and see how that goes.

    I do agree with you. There are many serious problems that are facing this population but I feel that things like changing names of schools and siccing the government on a star trek fan with a vanity license plate has got more to do with virtue signalling than getting to the roots of said problems.

  4. #214
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    Politics IS virtue signaling. They are one and the same thing.

  5. #215
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    I think virtue signaling is a part of politics and an even larger part of being political but surely there is more to governing a state than that.

  6. #216
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    Conservatives are trying to convince people that new legislation to prevent income sprinkling is going to kill small businesses.

    I live in a riding that elected a homophobic teenager to our provincial parliament, and the stupid is already starting to leak out.

    Politics are depressing, but at least we're not Americans.

  7. #217
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    Sadly, I think this buffon is going to be our next premier:

  8. #218
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    The problem is there is no viable alternative.

    We have that bully/clown Ford with a load of populist crap that a lot of Ontarians will go for, and we have the current populist cunt that screwed us all over with her brilliant hydro crap that will end up costing us more. Accountability? That is a foreign concept in modern politics.

    Wynne has been a disaster, and the sad thing is that the alternative is just as bad.

    It’s dangerous when these are the alternatives to run the province, it’s just a sympthom of how the civil dimension of our society is just gone.

    We’re screwed.

  9. #219
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    ^ Literally every time someone says this I picture Andrea Horwath jumping up and down in a dimly-lit corner, saying "UH — HELLLOOO?? OVER HERE!! VIABLE ALTERNATIVE, POLLING JUST BELOW THE INCUMBANT PREMIER, AHEM!"
    Last edited by botley; 04-28-2018 at 06:14 AM.

  10. #220
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    Ford getting the vote instead of Christine Elliot was a big shocker. The joke I tell myself is that at least now he won't run for Mayor.
    I see no real viable alternative either.... or that the only viable alternative is not voting.
    As stated before Wynn is a disaster, Doug Ford has 100% of the idiocy and 0% of the charm his brother had while the NDP want to spend their way into oblivion while Ontario holds the world's largest sub-sovereign debt.

    I see Ford becoming the Premier.... unless Liberals and NDP form a coalition. Can that even be done? Not sure if I have ever heard of that happening in past elections.
    June is a few months away. I suppose many things can happen.

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    ^ Literally every time someone says this I picture Andrea Horvath jumping up and down in a corner saying "UH HELLLOOO?? OVER HERE!! VIABLE ALTERNATIVE POLLING JUST BELOW THE INCUMBANT PREMIER, AHEM!"
    If only candyland was real...

  12. #222
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    Trudeau is such a dope. How and why the Canadian government would think it's a good idea to fund activists who oppose the very thing they are trying to build makes so little sense. Since when does teh govt fund activist groups?

    "We will not remove funding from advocacy organizations because we as a government happen to disagree with them," Trudeau said.

    This hyprocrisy would be hilarious if it wasn't so mind boggling.

    Last edited by mfte; 04-26-2018 at 02:06 PM.

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    Trudeau is such a dope. How and why the Canadian government would think it's a good idea to fund activists who oppose the very thing they are trying to build makes so little sense. Since when does teh govt fund activist groups?

    "We will not remove funding from advocacy organizations because we as a government happen to disagree with them," Trudeau said.

    This hyprocrisy would be hilarious if it wasn't so mind boggling.

    This is a funny thing to read.

    I live in an area where our conservative MP is trying to whip everyone into a frenzy, stating that Trudeau is stifling freedom of religion, because the summer jobs program makes applicants agree that they won't use the funding to advocate or support anything that goes against the charter of rights and freedoms, which includes a womens right to choose.

    The conservatives in my area are saying that this is religious persecution of Christians because most churches are anti-abortion.

    It's just funny to me, that the conservatives are lashing out at him for rejecting applications because they want to use the funding to support anti-abortion groups, while he's simultaneously getting criticism here for allowing the funds to be used for something that the government is in opposition to, but isn't a charter issue.

    He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

    EDIT: Evidence:

    Next time my daughter goes to youth group, I'll see if the letter that my MP has had posted in the church is still up. If it is, I'll post a snapshot of it here. He somehow integrates the payment made to Omar Khadir in there, it'd be hilarious if it weren't obvious that the people in my community fall for this crap.
    Last edited by M1ke; 04-26-2018 at 05:01 PM.

  14. #224
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    But you're making the assumption that all "churches" would use funding for anti-abortion groups. I am definitely not for graphic anti abortion pamphlets or discriminatory hiring policies based on someone's sexual preference etc... but I feel there could have been a better way to prevent funding going to organizations that did promote those things that did not include what some people view as discrimination when it comes to the diversity of their beliefs. So when this anti pipe line activism funding headline came up it felt somewhat hypocritical. Is that not reasonable? I will admit that I do have my own personal bias against Trudeau as well.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    But you're making the assumption that all "churches" would use funding for anti-abortion groups. I am definitely not for graphic anti abortion pamphlets or discriminatory hiring policies based on someone's sexual preference etc... but I feel there could have been a better way to prevent funding going to organizations that did promote those things that did not include what some people view as discrimination when it comes to the diversity of their beliefs. So when this anti pipe line activism funding headline came up it felt somewhat hypocritical. Is that not reasonable? I will admit that I do have my own personal bias against Trudeau as well.
    I'm not making any assumptions. The conservative MP's are accusing him of religious discrimination because of this attestation:

    The liberals say that churches can agree to this:

    Conservatives are stating that this attestation combined with the fact that the liberal government settled with Khadr proves that Trudeau loves Muslims and hates Christians, it's not my assumption at all, it's what the MP is my area is arguing.

    I have mixed feelings about how Trudeau is leading our country, but the amount of hate he gets is disproportionate to his mistakes. There really is nothing he can do that he wouldn't be accused of being the most awful man in the world over.

  16. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    NDP want to spend their way into oblivion while Ontario holds the world's largest sub-sovereign debt.
    Unlike the Ontario Liberals and Progressive Conservatives, the Ontario NDP have fully costed their platform and they project running surpluses on their budget. They are therefore the only ones whose policies would NOT run up the debt. The PCs had a platform that made sense financially, but Doug Ford scrapped it by killing their plan to put carbon tax revenues into Ontario services. Idiotic, really, because carbon pricing is coming whether he wants it or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    I see Ford becoming the Premier.... unless Liberals and NDP form a coalition. Can that even be done? Not sure if I have ever heard of that happening in past elections.
    June is a few months away. I suppose many things can happen.
    It hasn't happened in Ontario since the 1980s, but with all the weirdness of this election cycle including new electoral riding boundaries... yeah, many things can happen.

    Horwath is now polling AHEAD of the incumbant in popularity. If left-leaning Ontarians want to stop Ford (and let's face it, that has to be our first priority): I say vote NDP.

    Because even if he forms government with a minority of seats, Ford can do less damage than he could with a majority.
    Last edited by botley; 04-28-2018 at 06:29 AM.

  17. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Unlike the Ontario Liberals and Progressive Conservatives, the Ontario NDP have fully costed their platform and they project running surpluses on their budget. They are therefore the only ones whose policies would NOT run up the debt.

    Have you got a news source that shows these projections and has done some analysis on the accuracy of their budget by any chance? It would be helpful for me.

    I've very rarely gotten more involved in politics than posting things on social media and talking to friends and family, but I'm going to try and step it up somehow this cycle. I've started printing some of the posters from and I'll probably be making a call to my local NDP rep to try and see what volunteering might look like.

  18. #228
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    Yes, the media release is here, and the whole platform (PDF), with ways to donate and get involved linked on that website.

  19. #229
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    The people in my area were huge on that whole "Farmers Feed Families" movement that was big a few years ago. They might not want to hear this:

  20. #230
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    Haha, the idiot who became the PC Leader on a promise to clean up the party and take it back from corrupt "elites" just got caught buying votes for the candidates he liked.

    I guess we really can't trust the rich to police themselves. Who'd of thought that?

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    If only candyland was real...
    Momentum continues to swing in the NDP's favour — their polling numbers keep going up, while the other parties' stay stagnant — but whether they form government or simply win enough seats to stop a PC majority is largely dependant on how big voter turnout will be.

    Here is a fabulous essay this independent journalist made with a bunch of great reasons (FB link, sorry) why having Doug Ford as our Premier would be truly disastrous for the province. You should all go vote your asses off (and tell all your friends to, as well) so he doesn't win.
    Last edited by botley; 05-30-2018 at 07:27 AM.

  22. #232
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    I keep hearing that the PC's have 2 advantages, 1 is in voter turnout and the other is in the geographic distribution of where their voters come from. The popular vote is neck and neck, but they're saying the NDP needs around a 3% lead in order to actually be able to take this.

    I'm encouraged, I've been talking to a lot of people who are typically conservative and learning that they won't be voting that way this time. A very firm conservative that I was talking to this weekend said "I grew up in Rexdale, and it was common knowledge that if you wanted the best drugs you talked to the Fords. We can't let a drug dealer run our province". Looking around at the signs in my area (Niagara West-Glanbrook), which typically votes overwhelmingly conservative, I've seen a lot of orange signs. Not as many as blue, but a lot more than I'm used to seeing.

    I've heard more talk about this election than I have past elections too.

    A lot of the people I've been talking to have said that they think the key to the NDP winning is to convert more Liberals, but honestly I think at this point we've probably taken as much support from typically Liberal voters as we can, anyone still with them is probably not going to have their minds changed. I see opportunity in talking to Conservatives and reminding them of the fact that Doug Ford was the architect of what Rob Ford did during his time as mayor of Toronto. Remind them of the time he claimed that people were racist against Rob for being an alcoholic. Remind them of the fact that Doug is/was a drug dealer. Remind them of the fact that Doug was Rob's most staunch defender, and routinely lied to hide his brothers drug use. Remind them of the fact that he has very little experience in government. Remind them of the fact that he is an elite (he's both born rich, and born into a successfully well-connected political family) despite rallying against them.

    Doug is incapable of admitting that he might be wrong, and it's important for our leaders to do that, because they're all human and they will all make mistakes. I don't want a leader who's going to double-down on a mistake when they're running the province.

    The PCs are those most likely to vote, but I don't think that they're as firm in who they'll support this time around as they would have been under literally anyone else.

  23. #233
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    ^^ Yes — agreed with all of that, absolutely!

    Here is another great takedown of the PCs (and this is from a columnist in a conservative-leaning newspaper, the Toronto Sun). Ontario NDP are looking like the party of integrity.
    Last edited by botley; 05-30-2018 at 10:01 AM.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    ^^ Yes — agreed with all of that, absolutely!

    Here is another great takedown of the PCs (and this is from a columnist in a conservative-leaning newspaper, the Toronto Sun). Ontario NDP are looking like the party of integrity.
    You know it's dire when The Sun is criticizing the PC party and Ford especially.

  25. #235
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    Oof, not a good day for Doug Ford. Sadly, I don't think this news will budge his base's support for him at all.

  26. #236
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    Rural folks are pretty much locked in to vote PC in my area, they haven't given up on this John Yakabuski guy since he took the reigns from a Liberal in 2003.

    I'm in the Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke electoral district, it's only been around since 1999.

  27. #237
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    Yeah, the polls are coming in too close for me to think he isn't going to win.

    I was talking to people on facebook (I know, big mistake) who were arguing that you can't vote for the NDP, because the Liberals have arranged a trade if the NDP wins, and that they would trade Kathleen Wynne to the NDP and she would still be our premier.

    I'm not even kidding. You can't make this shit up, but these die-hard PC supports believe it.

  28. #238
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    Well, here's a positive sign:

    Let's hope this trend continues and we get a high turn-out tomorrow.

  29. #239
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    For fuck sakes Ontario!

  30. #240
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