I keep hearing that the PC's have 2 advantages, 1 is in voter turnout and the other is in the geographic distribution of where their voters come from. The popular vote is neck and neck, but they're saying the NDP needs around a 3% lead in order to actually be able to take this.

I'm encouraged, I've been talking to a lot of people who are typically conservative and learning that they won't be voting that way this time. A very firm conservative that I was talking to this weekend said "I grew up in Rexdale, and it was common knowledge that if you wanted the best drugs you talked to the Fords. We can't let a drug dealer run our province". Looking around at the signs in my area (Niagara West-Glanbrook), which typically votes overwhelmingly conservative, I've seen a lot of orange signs. Not as many as blue, but a lot more than I'm used to seeing.

I've heard more talk about this election than I have past elections too.

A lot of the people I've been talking to have said that they think the key to the NDP winning is to convert more Liberals, but honestly I think at this point we've probably taken as much support from typically Liberal voters as we can, anyone still with them is probably not going to have their minds changed. I see opportunity in talking to Conservatives and reminding them of the fact that Doug Ford was the architect of what Rob Ford did during his time as mayor of Toronto. Remind them of the time he claimed that people were racist against Rob for being an alcoholic. Remind them of the fact that Doug is/was a drug dealer. Remind them of the fact that Doug was Rob's most staunch defender, and routinely lied to hide his brothers drug use. Remind them of the fact that he has very little experience in government. Remind them of the fact that he is an elite (he's both born rich, and born into a successfully well-connected political family) despite rallying against them.

Doug is incapable of admitting that he might be wrong, and it's important for our leaders to do that, because they're all human and they will all make mistakes. I don't want a leader who's going to double-down on a mistake when they're running the province.

The PCs are those most likely to vote, but I don't think that they're as firm in who they'll support this time around as they would have been under literally anyone else.