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  1. #1
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  2. #2
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    Apparently there's a new record coming out?

    I stopped seriously listening and caring about these guys about the time I became a junior in high school, but I've always liked to keep an eye on what Dick does just because of his old ties to Trent and everything.

    I did hear maybe a song or two off that last record three years ago. Didn't sound like it was music for me anymore. Is anyone still a big fan of these guys?....or just Richard in general?

  3. #3
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    Re: Filter

    I saw them play a show in New York last year and they were solid. I will check out the new record for the simple fact that Jonny and Jeff from Ashes Divide are playing on it.

  4. #4
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    Short Bus was awesome. Still is.
    Title of Record was cool too: not as raw, but huge sounding instead.
    Amalgamut kind of passed under the radar, but has some good songs in retrospect.
    Anthems for the Damned was horrible: a bunch of syrupy, overproduced U2-isms.
    I saw a video for The Trouble with Angels, and it was so bad I decided to pass.
    Oh, and Army of Anyone was horrible too.
    So let's say my faith in any new Filter material being good is pretty slim.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 02-28-2013 at 02:17 AM.

  5. #5
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    Yeah I like the first three albums a lot but Anthems was terrible. I went and saw them on that tour and enjoyed it because they only played like 2 songs from that and then a bunch of songs I wanted to hear. It was a good show and I was glad to get to see them once but I haven't bothered with anything they've done since.

  6. #6
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    I personally thought Trouble was amazing, especially coming out after two mediocre records.
    This song isn't bad at all.

  7. #7
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    Trouble was a masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned. There's not a song on it I don't like. Even the b-sides on the deluxe edition are great. ("Plume?" Uuuggghhh. So good.)

    New song's alright, but I think it'll have to grow on me, just like "The Inevitable Relapse" did. I think I'll like the direction the new album's taking.

  8. #8
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    another example of Richard Patrick attempting to stay relevant by attacking the latest trends in pop music — not saying whether he's successful or not, or whether or not i like it, but i found the best songs on The Trouble With Angels were those that totally ignored trends and stuck to what Filter does best ("Clouds," say, or "No Re-Entry"). i'm looking forward to those songs on the new record too.

    "We Hate..." has a really great bridge, though. that's grade A songwriting, kids!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    "We Hate..." has a really great bridge, though. that's grade A songwriting, kids!
    Considering this is not a Mozart thread...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Considering this is not a Mozart thread...
    Mozart wrote very few songs (about 30some of his many, many attributed works), but if he were around now, he might've shared my comment after knowing the state of pop music for the last several decades!

    the bridge is the key to all great songs. it's the "next level" in songwriting. you don't need an awesome bridge for a good song, but you do for a great song. it's just... part of what we know of the pop music canon.

  11. #11
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    Listened to the song and the first thing it made me think of was random Linkin Park songs I've been sadly subjected to over the years and that made me laugh. Once I got over that, I realized what I posted earlier in the thread and that Richard just doesn't write music that appeals to me anymore really.

    ...then I sat myself down, motherfucker.
    Last edited by thefragile_jake; 03-19-2013 at 09:56 AM.

  12. #12
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    I'd rather have a kick ass chorus than a great bridge.

    Still, we're talking about Filter here, so I don't care if it's grade A songwriting. If it rocks, if it's catchy in some sort of way, it's good in my book.

  13. #13
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    @trent _reznor: My old friend @richardp atrick brought his upcoming Filter record by my studio and we managed to blow up my new speakers with it.
    @trent _reznor: He is back in action and the record sounded great (before the speakers blew!) You can get a sample here:
    @trent _reznor: I forgot how funny that dude is.

  14. #14
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    I saw that today too, kind of random....

  15. #15
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    I like how ETS engine treated BrokenSpiral's post

  16. #16
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    God, I WISH I was Trent's old friend and was hanging out at his house listening to the new Filter album, even though I don't like Filter. It's nice to tell myself that Trent forgets how funny I am, though.

  17. #17
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    Weren't they on the outs for a long time?

  18. #18
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    Last time I saw Filter as a headliner (also saw them open for Bush and Chevelle in '11) Richard name dropped Trent and Nine Inch Nails a few times. It was my understanding that Richard and Trent hated each other, but Richard referred to Trent as a friend and was very respectful about it. Before they played "Hey Man, Nice Shot" he talked about how he wanted the song to be a NIN song, but when Trent wouldn't allow it he decided to form Filter and it became a big hit, etc etc. He definitely seemed like he had bit of a chip on his shoulder about how no one really seems to give a shit about Filter anymore, but wanted to seem cool because he was brave enough to leave a band as huge and respected as NIN to do his own thing. Kept saying stuff about how Filter has always been an "underdog" band. I thought it was pretty funny, but it came off a lot less douchey than it could have because the band fucking tore it up. Excellent setlist, and Rich sounded awesome live. Really knows how to get the audience involved.

    I'm actually seeing them next Thursday, and I'm pretty excited. I'm not a huge Filter fan, but Title of Record is a genuinely awesome, under appreciated record, and all of their other albums have some moments of greatness. Trouble with Angels was really solid too. I don't like either of the songs we have heard from the new one, unfortunately- "We Hate It" has an awesome bridge, but lacks just about everything else, and "What Do You Say" sounds kinda generic and has atrocious lyrics, even for Filter. But Trent's endorsement makes me hopeful that the rest of the album has stuff of merit. Hopefully I'll get to hear some of it next week! I'll let you guys know how it is. I'm also seeing HTDA that weekend, too, so seeing Trent and Rich back to back like that is pretty cool.... makes me want to look up old PHM tour stuff.

  19. #19
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    pretty much agree with everything you said, ZeroSum. RP is basically an enormous douche, with or without alcohol. thankfully, he's less douchey when he has good musicians around to spice up his music and let him scream something relevant instead of, say, filling up his public Facebook with gun control crap when his wife gets yelled at for their bumper sticker — at least he's got liberal opinions to be a douche about, i guess...

  20. #20
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    The Colorado Springs show was pretty solid... First show of this little mini tour they are doing before the Summerland Tour of washed up 90s alt rock bands. The Black Sheep is a bit of a dive, and it wasn't very full, but the band had lots of energy. Dick always seems so pissed off and on edge live, but he always performs well. Definitely was the case this time, though he was a little less vocal than the other time I saw them headline. Setlist was definitely focused on their heavier songs. All the obvious singles were played, and sounded great in the live setting. "Under" and "Dose" were the highlights. They really tore those up, and extended them. They also played the two new songs we have heard so far, and they were good live. Dick kept apologizing for fucking them up, but I thought they sounded great. I think "What Do You Say" is pretty fucking bad honestly, but it was fun live. Band closed with "So I Quit" which broke down into a mini-cover of War Pigs... which was fucking sweet. Oh, and Jeff Friedl is a fucking awesome drummer. Sweet show for 20 bucks, It's always interesting to see what Dick is up to, but this band seems super small time now... It seems like they have an identity crisis in a way, like they aren't really sure who they should try and appeal to. They seem to cater to this trashy, generic hard rock crowd but I think they have a little more depth than that. It's weird to think that this was a band that has two platinum records in their past with the way they are now. Not meaning to shit talk, I enjoyed the show and will give the new record a fair share of spins I'm sure, but it's just a weird situation.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    It seems like they have an identity crisis in a way, like they aren't really sure who they should try and appeal to. They seem to cater to this trashy, generic hard rock crowd but I think they have a little more depth than that. It's weird to think that this was a band that has two platinum records in their past with the way they are now. Not meaning to shit talk, I enjoyed the show and will give the new record a fair share of spins I'm sure, but it's just a weird situation.
    I think you hit the nail on the head there. I really enjoyed The Trouble with Angels, and with this new album....I dunno. The two songs we've heard so far seem kind of shallow and insecure, like they're trying more to fit in than to evolve. I'll reserve judgement for when the album's out, but I'm less impressed than I have been so far.

    Their live shows ARE pretty fun, though, and Richard's a cool dude. I think he just needs a little bit of inspiration to push him into some new territory. But who knows, we might even get that on the new record after all.

  22. #22
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    Yeah, I mean, the fact that Trent gave the new album his praises is the only thing really giving me hope for the new record right now. You're very right about the new songs seeming shallow and insecure... Once again, they were enjoyable live, but a lot that was because 1. The band gave them a lot of extra energy and excitement, and 2. I was hammered. As actual songs, they're very unimpressive. No real depth whatsoever- Just some loud, driving riffs that don't really distinguish them as Filter, and some of the worst lyrics Rich has written by far (Saying a lot since Filter almost always sucks lyrically, and extra disappointing because Trouble seemed to offer at least a slight step forward for him in that area). The only thing I REALLY like about the two songs is the bridge in "We Hate It"... and I guess the "Sit yourself down sit yourself down mother fucker" part is enjoyable in a funny way. Either way, I could see those being the worst two songs on the album and the rest being as good as Trouble. I suppose time will tell.

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    Their new album leaked - haven't downloaded it yet because that song "What Do You Say" was atrocious and I'm afraid the rest will be just as bad...

  24. #24
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    Just finished my second listen- it's not all that bad. A bit of a let down after The Trouble With Angels, which I thought was incredibly solid, but still a good one. What Do You Say is pretty bad, but it's probably the worst track here. Towards the middle, a couple of the songs seem like faceless radio friendly hard-rockers, but when Richard makes his presence felt, the album is usually pretty good. I'd probably give it around a 3/5- it's worth a spin.

    Oh, and the title track is fucking sweet. I just about puked when I heard the auto tune at the beginning, but its over after about 3 seconds and the rest of the track is pretty impressive.
    Last edited by ZeroSum; 05-27-2013 at 08:02 PM.

  25. #25
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    I think "The Trouble With Angels" was better.

    This new one has a few good tunes, but I just don't understand why every track is filled with so many "ooohhh, woooohhh, ooooohhh, woooohhhh" or stuff like that. I can understand a few "yyyyeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh" here and there, but I find a little annoying the abuse of all those "woh, oh, ooohh..... wowooohhhooohhh...." in so many songs, wtf.

    I know Trent does these things sometimes too, and I don't mind it ("Into The Void"), but I don't know, I find it kind of ridiculous how much it's done on this album. The same goes for the autotune (or vocoder, or whatever it is) unnecessary abuse in some tracks.

    I like "What Do You Say" though (and I'll probably like the whole album better after a few more listens).

  26. #26
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    I'm hoping I like it more after a few listens...So far, I'm not really sure if I like it. Nothing's grabbed me yet, and I'm up to "This Finger's For You." Maybe I need to be in the right mood at the right time, but so far, this definitely isn't living up to The Trouble with Angels. I like the the title track, though.

    The album isn't terrible, but I don't know if it's for me yet.

  27. #27
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    Just finished my first listen. "Trouble" was better but this is still a solid effort. I think it's less subtle. More straight forward in your face hard rock.

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    This is much better than I was expecting, surprise is my favourite track after first listen

  29. #29
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    just heard Filter plays Pukkelpop along with NIN, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Deftones, The XX, Crystal Castles, Neil Young,....

  30. #30
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    I was a huge fan of filter for the first 2 albums. I thought the 3rd album was good, but nothing compared to short bus and tor. Since 08, they have been sort of bland. Nothing really sticks out to me anymore, all of their records sorta blend together in my memory. I just listened to the new record, its ok. Also, did he really use auto tune in 'Watch the sun come out tonight"?
    Last edited by NINisamazing; 06-15-2013 at 11:23 PM.

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