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Thread: Filter

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Just listened to the new single after reading this new interview in which he said it was less guitar driven, more electronics and industrial.
    Disappointing. Pretty generic and boring.
    Yeah, my sentiments exactly. Rich's definition of less guitar driven: writes something on a keyboard and says, fuck man, this would sound awesome on a guitar.

  2. #62
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    "Mother E"

  3. #63
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    Not keen on Take Me to Heaven, but Mother E..yes!!!

  4. #64
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    Take Me To Heaven is pretty good... EXCEPT for that chorus ugh

    But Mother E... holy shit! Love it!

    First Filter album since Title Of Record that I'm interested to hear.
    I'm liking the production.

  5. #65
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    Not sure if I like the screaming, kind of Linkin Park-esque.

  6. #66
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    Mother E is really solid. Super stuff.

  7. #67
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    Yeah so I caved and pre-ordered Crazy Eyes. If there's one more song like Mother E, then its worth the price of admission.

  8. #68
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    Holy shit the new songs Mother E, and Nothing in my Hands kick ass!

  9. #69
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    Nothing in my hands:

  10. #70
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    yes, that's 2 interesting songs out of 3 so far, i can't imagine filter and richie being relevant today but I might be wrong!

  11. #71
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    And in typical RP fashion, he linked it on a doom metal FB group in his promo frenzy. I'm sure it really appealed to the Candlemass fans.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by tricil View Post
    Nothing in my hands:

    Best of the three, imho.

  13. #73
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    new album has leaked, very small file size and is a 128kbps rip, think i'll wait for a better one to become available before listening

  14. #74
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    The leak you're talking about sounds really good, Scotty. I gave it a whirl and, while I'm not an audiophile, I'd say it sounds exactly like it's supposed to. Better than the Deftones leak from a few days ago, at the very least.

    I'm only five songs in, but... this seems really, really strong. A hell of a lot better than their last album already. All of the singles sound better in the context of the album, especially Take Me to Heaven, which I wasn't super keen on the first few times I listened. Mother E and Nothing in my Hands are two of the best songs Rich has ever put out, no matter how you slice it. I'll probably stop by for a track-by-track review later after I listen a few more times.
    Last edited by ZeroSum; 04-05-2016 at 04:24 PM.

  15. #75
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    Cool, will download it later and give it a whirl at some point, got a busy few days coming up but that's another story

  16. #76
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    this record is quite amazing actually, some really catchy stuff in there, I guess Rich did it this time, job well done.

  17. #77
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    Damn right he did it. I'm pretty floored by this album. It's probably the best in the entire Filter catalog- like, we'll see how it holds up, but the only one that might be better is Title of Record, which is a classic, but I love the entire dark, emotional gestalt of this album. ToR has awesome melodies and songwriting, but it drags a bit because it lacks variety. On Crazy Eyes, every song seems to shine in a different way, however slightly. Incredible stuff. Rich seems very, very alive here.

    Mother E: 5/5
    The Filter song I've always wanted but never thought I would get.

    Nothing in my Hand: 5/5
    The entire last minute has a brilliant duality; it's perhaps the clearest display of Rich's NIN roots, but not in a way that it feels like he's in Trent's shadow.

    Pride Flag: 4/5
    Not sure about the chorus yet, and the lyrics are unnecessarily rhyme-y, but the verses make me want to kick someone's ass. All in all, as a Filter song that seems like its supposed to be a political statement in 2016, it invigorates me much more than it has any right to.

    City of Blinding Riots: 4/5
    What stands out at this point, to me, is how every song has a very different style. This holds true for pretty much the whole album, too. City of Blinding Riots makes me think of sleek cars racing around at night. The electronics feel capable of some sort of "crossover" appeal. A cool song, if not necessarily my favorite.

    Take me to Heaven: 3.5/5
    In the context of the album, this one just screams, "HEY! Make me the single, dammit!" When I first heard this track, I feared it would be representative of the direction of the album as a whole, but it really isn't. It's an energetic burst with a melody that sounds the most like what Filter has been doing for the past few albums, but I see hints of the craziness of the other tracks lurking within this one now. I kinda wanna make it a 4, but we'll see. Better than that godawful "What Do You Say?" single from the last album

    Welcome to the Suck: 4.5/5
    More like welcome to the awesome, AM I RITE?? Kinda doomy with a great performance from Richard. Falls somewhere between an epic, emotional track and a slow segue that transitions between two sides of the album. Tracks like this are USUALLY filler, just cool little interludes, but this one is better than that.

    Head of Fire: 4.5/5
    Feels like the whole "modern RAWK" thing they went for last time actually done right.

    Tremors: 4/5
    Punky industrial with a really cool bridge.

    Kid Blue From the Short Bus, Drunk Bunk: 5/5
    First off, what's up with this title? Definitely references the answering machine messages from "Spent", you'll see why. It references Short Bus in clever ways that are more than just "hey, remember this awesome old album?" I was going to give it a 4, but the last minute (everything after the "jesus christ" line) fucking slays harder than anything I've heard all year. Rich, keep this fucking drummer around for once, K?

    Your Bullets: 3.5/5
    More standard modern RAWK, but not quite as convincing as Head of Fire. If I had to drop a track from the album, I'd probably pick this one. It's the least interesting, I guess, and the least crucial to the album's flow. But then we'd lose how Rich sings "meaningless", so it can stay.

    Under the Tongue: 5/5
    Essentially an instrumental and jammy as fuck. Seriously, who is on the sticks here? Awesome. Sounds like a neat little jam they might do live more than it does a super crafted studio track in some regards... I love it, especially as a way to wind the album down.

    (Can't She See) Head of Fire Pt. 2: 5/5
    Seriously??? This is ethereal as fuck. Filter shouldn't be making me feel things like this. Rich really DOES have the potential to write an awesome film score.

    In short, I am shocked by this album. I am a pretty big Filter fan, largely because I love Rich's musical attitude and think he's a hell of a front man. It is stunning that their music feels this relevant in 2016. Like, I would say it is the most relevant they have ever felt, artistically. Not only is this going to be one of the best rock albums of 2016, it's going to be one of the best albums of 2016. This better get some fucking credit on a year end list or three. Richard deserves it. I've been super critical of him in the past, but he really, actually, truly delivered on all the promises for once. Really awesome to be a fan of this band right now.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroSum View Post
    The leak you're talking about sounds really good, Scotty. I gave it a whirl and, while I'm not an audiophile, I'd say it sounds exactly like it's supposed to.
    I hope not, or that we're not talking about the same leak, because there's a whole lot of clipping in there, and it really lacks dynamic.

  19. #79
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    There's 320kbps out there.

    Mother E is insanely good.
    Can't wait to hear the rest!

  20. #80
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    So the consensus is pretty good for Crazy Eyes? I've only heard one of the singles, I think Mother E, which wasn't too bad. I was following Filter pretty heavily from Short Bus through The Amalgamut, but I haven't really dug much of their stuff from Anthems of the Damned onward.

    I was thinking about just picking the cd up at best buy on friday while i'm grabbing the new deftones album as they're both on sale for under $10.

  21. #81
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    Crazy Eyes streaming in full. I'm torn.....I really want to listen to this now but I also want to wait until my vinyl copy comes in. Regardless, I'm glad to hear positive reviews so far.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    There's 320kbps out there.

    Mother E is insanely good.
    Can't wait to hear the rest!
    All I found was an upscaled 320. But what I heard is indeed promising !

    Quote Originally Posted by perceptionnexus View Post
    So the consensus is pretty good for Crazy Eyes?
    Honestly, it's old-school industrial rock, think Pitchshifter/Gravity Kills when it comes to production. Lots of sounds all around, heavy guitars and Patrick yelling. Which works, for once ! It's nothing revolutionary, and in my opinion Title of Record was actually a step further from that style, putting the emphasis on the Rock part and letting go of the busy electronic tropes.

    It's good, if not really creative. If you're hoping for Richard Patrick to actually invent something, he does not. But somehow he found a way to revive the 90ies without sounding cheesy. I like it, for the same reasons I liked the last Rob Zombie, and like I wish I could like KMFDM again. It's not challenging, but it's fun ! And it's been a while since Filter was any fun for me, so... Win ?
    Last edited by Khrz; 04-07-2016 at 03:38 PM.

  23. #83
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    Maybe this album will gel with me more over time, but initial first impressions aren't fantastic. The opening 2 tracks are great though, especially Mother E (the track that made me pre-order). But Mother E is by far the best song on the album and the most industrial sounding. Crazy Eyes has a ton of live drumming which really detracts from the industrial sound of the record. There's tons of guitars on it, where's the keyboard driven songs?! Calling this an industrial record, or Neu Industrial as Rich is marketing as, is really wishful thinking. It doesn't go far enough, Rich is a rocker, not a rivethead.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    All I found was an upscaled 320. But what I heard is indeed promising !

    Honestly, it's old-school industrial rock, think Pitchshifter/Gravity Kills when it comes to production. Lots of sounds all around, heavy guitars and Patrick yelling. Which works, for once ! It's nothing revolutionary, and in my opinion Title of Record was actually a step further from that style, putting the emphasis on the Rock part and letting go of the busy electronic tropes.

    It's good, if not really creative. If you're hoping for Richard Patrick to actually invent something, he does not. But somehow he found a way to revive the 90ies without sounding cheesy. I like it, for the same reasons I liked the last Rob Zombie, and like I wish I could like KMFDM again. It's not challenging, but it's fun ! And it's been a while since Filter was any fun for me, so... Win ?
    RP seems to go back and forth from wanting to evolve, i.e., Soldiers of Fortune, The Sun Comes Out Tonight, and wanting to return to the sound of early Filter, i.e., The Trouble With Angels and Crazy Eyes.

  25. #85
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    New album fucking smokes. First impimpression.

  26. #86
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    I'm checking out Filter with Orgy live next weekend. I'll admit, I'm more so in it for Orgy, but I gave the new Filter record a spin, and it's pretty good. Probably one of their better records.

  27. #87
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    renholder sighting on this album

  28. #88
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    Listened to it yesterday, save for "Mother E" and "Under The Tongue", which are damn good tracks, the rest will probably end up as background music in my ears while i'm at the gym. It's a decent Filter album but nothing more, like you guys said.

    I got excited after hearing "Mother E" as the first track, I was hoping this album would just be really raw sounding, simple and stripped down. Just cool guitar riffs and a drum machine. Not quite the case. Still ok for Filter, though.

  29. #89
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    Finally got round to listening to this, way better than I was expecting and other than the chorus for take me to heaven i really struggled to find anything with the whole album i didn't enjoy

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiral94 View Post
    renholder sighting on this album
    THANK YOU goddamn it's been bugging me from the beginning and I couldn't put my finger on it. Now that I think of it, even my subconscious has been poking me with thoughts like "you know what would be good right now? New APC album, that's right!"

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