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Thread: Happy Birthday to The Fragile

  1. #151
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    Oh man, it's time to pull this sucker out! These still give me the feels. I still remember going to get it that morning. Pretty much wore out TDTWWA single.

    *Puts on NIN hoodie and headphones*
    Last edited by poinoup; 09-22-2021 at 01:27 AM.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    Oh man, it's time to pull this sucker out! These still give me the feels. I still remember going to get it that morning. Pretty much wore out TDTWWA single.

    *Puts on NIN hoodie and headphones*
    The "The Way Out is Through" one is the one I remember most and it still gives me chills.

  3. #153
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    I really hope the vinyl gets a restock at some point soon. I thought I found a copy for retail price but the order was cancelled and I'm not about to pay an inflated price.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    I really hope the vinyl gets a restock at some point soon. I thought I found a copy for retail price but the order was cancelled and I'm not about to pay an inflated price.
    I walked in to my local record store last night, I was just going to buy vinyl crates and Sigur Ros’ Valtari if I had found it (which I did not), and I went to have a peek at the NIN section to see what they had, and lo and behold, there it was. I got The Fragile vinyl for a normal retail price! Very happy with my lucky find. I just got done reading the Bob Ezrin essay and I found it fascinating. Does anyone know of a similar book, a famous producer talking about their work experiences?

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Does anyone know of a similar book, a famous producer talking about their work experiences?
    A few that I know of, but haven't read: The Autobiography: Bowie, Bolan and the Brooklyn Boy by Tony Visconti, Soul Mining: A Musical Life by Daniel Lanois and A Year With Swollen Appendices by Brian Eno.

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    I just got done reading the Bob Ezrin essay and I found it fascinating. Does anyone know of a similar book, a famous producer talking about their work experiences?
    I would highly recommend the 33 1/3 series. Each book covers a different album, but the range of artists is very eclectic; Daphne Carr's book on Pretty Hate Machine is a part of the series.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I would highly recommend the 33 1/3 series. Each book covers a different album, but the range of artists is very eclectic; Daphne Carr's book on Pretty Hate Machine is a part of the series.
    Great recommendation! Radiohead - Kid A, DJ Shadow - Endtroducing, The Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique, Nirvana - In Utero, Slayer - Reign in Blood, Pearl Jam - Vs, Massive Attack - Blue Lines, Bjork ' Homogenic, LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver, Metallica - Black Album, Sigur Ros - (), I have a metric ton to read now! Sorry for derailing the thread a bit.

  8. #158
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    I thought the Daphne Carr PHM book was just a bunch of stories from fans and had no background info on the album?

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    I thought the Daphne Carr PHM book was just a bunch of stories from fans and had no background info on the album?
    Fair point. I mostly mentioned the Daphne Carr one because this is a NIN forum, but that is a bad example.

    The series is very hit-or-miss, with most resembling something like a longform essay you'd get in a Criterion Collection release. Certain gems, like the ones for David Bowie's Low or The Pixies' Doolittle, have interviews with numerous people that were involved in the making of the album(s).

  10. #160
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    Is aforementioned Ezrin essay online anywhere to read?

    And while we’re at it, the With Teeth essay from the definitive edition?

  11. #161
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    Every time this is bumped I'm looking for some kind of announcement in regards to the surround release. Hell, Atmos is a thing, just release it as a visual album ffs.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Is aforementioned Ezrin essay online anywhere to read?

    And while we’re at it, the With Teeth essay from the definitive edition?
    Le anyone? @Leviathant ?

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Le anyone? @Leviathant ?
    There were scans of the books that came with the DE vinyl on imgur not long after they were shipped out, but I'm generally pretty careful not to encourage dissemination of 'official' material on here, particular stuff that's still in print. Since I have these on vinyl myself, I haven't sought out a digital copy of the printed goods personally.

  14. #164
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    I can't believe that The Fragile is 23 years old today. I have vivid memories of the entire period leading up to the release and in many ways, it doesn't feel like it's been THAT long, though I was in high school at the time and high school feels like a previous lifetime. Also, Broken turns 30 tomorrow, which seems crazy. I wasn't a fan that early, though – I think I bought Broken in summer of 1998. I remember riding my bike to my town's Wal-Mart and buying Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, and Further Down the Spiral at the same time. I absolutely loved Closer when I discovered it in '95, but I didn't buy a NIN CD until I picked up The Perfect Drug single (I made sure to get the 6-track import version that included the original studio version) in '97 and I got The Downward Spiral as a Christmas present later that year. Then my obsession really began and I started to just buy every CD I could find (singles, imports, bootlegs) at Best Buy, Sam Goody, Media Play, etc.

  15. #165
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    You beat me to the punch. Also, happy belated birthday Stephen King (same bday as The Fragile).

  16. #166
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    now i feel old

  17. #167
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    1 of my favorite records by anyone ever. Personally I would've left off Starfuckers, Inc but that's a minor qualm that doesn't ruin the record. For some reason I just have never cared for the song. I'm old though, haha.

  18. #168
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    I listened to this so many times on my move/drive from Kansas to Arizona. We had two cars so I was able to drive by myself and listen to it as many times - and as loud - as I wanted. It was great.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    1 of my favorite records by anyone ever. Personally I would've left off Starfuckers, Inc but that's a minor qualm that doesn't ruin the record. For some reason I just have never cared for the song. I'm old though, haha.
    Should’ve put 10 Miles High its place. Or let the CD version have 10MH after TMHBM, not just a teaser.

  20. #170
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    I remember the day that album came out. I was all of 19: I guess a whole bunch of us were 18-20.

    My dear friend Abstract, who lived a few houses down from me, called me and asked if I had like $4 and 23 cents or something, (he had most of the money), and we drove to the CD Warehouse to get it.
    Then, we smoked joints and listened to it in my Volkswagen Quantum...ALL of it. Then, we did it again, and AGAIN.

    I immediately wrote SUCH a batshit crazy 10/10 TF review for the college paper, that the former white house correspondent serving as our advisor told me it had "better be a DAMN GOOD ALBUM," or my paid position as A&E editor would be in jeopardy. idk if she got around to listening to it, but I kept my job.

    the one thing I remember about the text is something like "reznor provides dark nursery rhymes for final days of the Millennium, and perhaps, the end of humanity itself."
    The headline said NIN: NINETEEN NINETY NINE with backwards Ns, of course.

    I wish to god I still had that review.

    Edit: Starfuckers was fucking incredible to ME, being that, well, it's drum and bass. It's NIN drum and bass.
    My only problem with that one, along with TPD, is that it's like "hey, junglists! I CAN do this, if I want...but I'm not going to."
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-25-2022 at 05:40 AM.

  21. #171
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    Oh yeah and THEN, I went to the theater to see Final Destination, because, well, you know.

    Surely I'm not the only one...

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    My only problem with that one, along with TPD, is that it's like "hey, junglists! I CAN do this, if I want...but I'm not going to."
    I’m trying to react to that by posting that Simpsons clip of the family watching extensive acrobatics and Bart saying “I can do that but I don’t wanna,” but it’s criminally absent from YouTube for some reason.

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh yeah and THEN, I went to the theater to see Final Destination, because, well, you know.

    Surely I'm not the only one...
    Did you get World Coming Down by TON at the same time as TF? I became a fan a little after The Least Worst Of was released so I was a tad behind.

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    Did you get World Coming Down by TON at the same time as TF? I became a fan a little after The Least Worst Of was released so I was a tad behind.
    You know what? I actually got World Coming Down from the last 6 CDs for 1 cent scam I pulled. I got it asap, though.
    I actually fell in love with Type O, live, on October Rust. I liked it before the show, but not enough to GO to the show: thank god my beautiful goth princess HS gf and her girlfriends drug me to that gig.

    Jesus, I was just tripping out on Facebook about Broken being 30: my original fellow NIN fanatic C-Lo tagged me in a post.
    We were TWELVE��.
    I understand what @sonic_discord means about time, too: yes, it seems like a different life, but it ALSO somehow feels like it was just YESTERDAY that we got dropped off at the mall, and.each got our Broken cassette, and then I spent the night at his house and we rented an NES game or some shit.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-25-2022 at 06:35 AM.

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    You know what? I actually got World Coming Down from the last 6 CDs for 1 cent scam I pulled. I got it asap, though.
    I actually fell in love with Type O, live, on October Rust. I liked it before the show, but not enough to GO to the show: thank god my beautiful goth princess HS gf and her girlfriends drug me to that gig.

    Jesus, I was just tripping out on Facebook about Broken being 30: my original fellow NIN fanatic C-Lo tagged me in a post.
    We were TWELVE��.
    I understand what @sonic_discord means about time, too: yes, it seems like a different life, but it ALSO somehow feels like it was just YESTERDAY that we got dropped off at the mall, and.each got our Broken cassette, and then I spent the night at his house and we rented and NES game or some shit.
    We should have a NIN/TON marathon playing in the background while watching The Walking Dead, lol.

  26. #176
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    YOOOOOOOOOOOO back in stock (for now): EDIT: out of stock again

    I've also seen Broken pop up recently...we might be in for a restock of back catalog stuffs in time for the holidays.
    Last edited by cdm; 10-18-2022 at 02:21 PM.

  27. #177
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    That time of year again. Happy birthday to Stephen King and The Fragile.

  28. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    That time of year again. Happy birthday to Stephen King and The Fragile.
    Best album ever.

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erneuert View Post
    That time of year again. Happy birthday to Stephen King and The Fragile.
    Just finished the new Stephen King book. For the most part it's a good one. Definitely a horror story.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    1 of my favorite records by anyone ever. Personally I would've left off Starfuckers, Inc but that's a minor qualm that doesn't ruin the record. For some reason I just have never cared for the song. I'm old though, haha.

    Yeah, if starfuckers was left off and in the new flesh and ten miles high were on it would be even more of a masterpiece. Oh well.

    Still can't believe it's been that long. Still remember the day like it was yesterday... I was overwhelmed by it.. it was so massive. It took weeks to deconstruct it to a tangible thing in my head. It's still sounds modern (same as spiral) like it could of been made recently. It's so compelling and massive.. still. It's the pet sounds of my generation (i was 19 when it came out some I'm a gen x millenial hybrid I guess) I still listen to it and hear new shit.. it's also taken on new meaning as I mature and grow. A masterpiece...

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