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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #151
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    @elevenism , look, there is no "conspiracy" in early Planned Parenthood, since most people know that it was originally funded by Republicans pretty much to control black people from having more babies. It wasn't until after Roe v. Wade (and when PP got into the abortion business and the Republicans decided to adopt the Pro-Life platform) that the Republicans decided to go against Planned Parenthood. No conspiracy, really, it's all right there in the history books; for a long time, it was thought to be some kind of eugenics, but it was really just plain old racism.

    And cities plant time capsules all the time, it's common. And cities build stupid airports and blow lots of dumb money on them. I'd Google this shit for you, but I'm cleaning the house for a party right now.

    I think you LOOK for conspiracies because you like chaos.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-02-2016 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Regarding today's SpaceX explosion:

    Here's a full size video.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    The THEORY part is that someone or a group of people might intentionally wipe out a fuckton of the world's population.

    Have you seen the Georgia Guidestones?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    The most widely agreed-upon interpretation of the stones is that they describe the basic concepts required to rebuild a devastated civilization.[13] Brad Meltzer argues that the stones were built in 1979 at the height of the Cold War, and may have been intended as a message to the possible survivors of a World War III. The engraved suggestion to keep humanity's population below 500 million could have been made under the assumption that it had already been reduced below this number.
    The problem with wanting to believe in something, no matter how improbable or irrational, is that evidence against it is always attributed to either A) "That's what 'they' want you to think, man" or B) just not wanting to see/believe.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think you LOOK for conspiracies because you like chaos.
    I look for creepy conspiracy type nonsense for pretty much the same reason i watch horror movies.
    It's fun and scary. You are absolutely right.
    I'm not like a hardline conspiracy theorist. I am someone who is entertained by the ramblings
    of hardcore conspiracy theorists. Sometimes, however, i get in over my head and get REALLY scared, and at those points, as i said, i VERY much appreciate your logical dismantling of the thing that scared me.

    Also @allegro , i didn't mean that planned parenthood was a conspiracy, i simply meant that that quote was fairly nasty w/r/t depopulation theories.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also @allegro , i didn't mean that planned parenthood was a conspiracy, i simply meant that that quote was fairly nasty w/r/t depopulation theories.
    PP was formerly known as THIS, based on some pretty moralistic shit and it was aimed at blacks and latinos.

    I had a psych prof in college, once, who said that we are all equipped with a "Bullshit Bell" and we often do not use this Bell NEARLY enough when it comes to all kinds of things. The next time you feel yourself getting "scared" over this shit on the Internet, etc., I want you to listen for your internal Bullshit Bell which is PROBABLY CLANGING AT HIGH DECIBELS in an attempt to get your attention but you're not listening.

    Also, I don't know why overpopulation and the destruction of some of civilization is a "fear" for you. If you have ever taken a higher-level geology class you would know that we are NOT living on a totally hospitable planet, what with earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, volcanos, etc. etc. Some of the greatest civilizations in history were wiped out, completely, by natural disasters. The Earth will survive just about anything, but humans? Earth considers us nothing but cockroaches that are harming the Earth. The more that we do to hurt the Earth, the more that Earth is likely to do stuff to kill off us cockroaches. Earth is pretty fascinating, strong, and it certainly doesn't need US. In fact, it would be better off WITHOUT US. So we don't have to "do" anything to decrease population; Earth usually does that for us, in the form of natural disasters in highly-populated areas like India. This country isn't even densely populated compared to places like India or China. But, when people talk about overpopulation, those are the places that are the biggest problem, yes. We don't need any more fucking people on this planet, it's way too crowded full of humans killing off species, contributing to climate change, etc. And, eventually, Earth will adjust the "balance."

    But, here's the thing:

    The Sun is expected to go Red Giant. The Earth will not survive.

    Last edited by allegro; 09-02-2016 at 04:39 PM.

  6. #156
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    You can actually see the bird flap its wings.

  7. #157
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    @Deepvoid Nasa Cuts Live ISS Feed as Object Appears

    And this happens all the goddamn time. A strange object will come into view and like, immediately, some type of "sorry we're having technical difficulties" screen replaces the feed.

    Now, i'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

    Speaking of the ufo subject, Ancient Aliens is the biggest bunch of disinformation and ridicule fuel i have ever seen in my life.
    It is well documented that our government has purposely worked hard to bring ridicule to enthusiasts (see Mirage Men on Netflix.)

    I don't know if there are "aliens" visiting earth or not. All i know is that 1: Ufo sightings, as in, literally unidentified flying objects, are at an all time high. I attribute this to the incredible advances in smartphone technology.
    And 2: The US government works to actively discredit these sightings. Now, this could be 100% due to the fact that many of the sightings are of next gen military craft.

    There are 100 billion to ten TRILLION planets in our tiny galaxy alone. There are at least 100 billion galaxies. this means that by the most conservative estimate, there are TEN BILLION TRILLION planets in the universe. Therefore, i believe that the idea that we are alone in the universe is ridiculous and naive and arrogant and stems from early judeo christian beliefs that god made this one planet and that's it.

    That being said, the nearest star to earth is 25 trillion miles away. So, for me, if aliens came here, they wouldn't just appear as pretty lights in the sky and like avoid detection. If they came 4.22 light years, i would imagine that they would fucking make themselves known.

    So i just don't know what to think about the whole alien question. But i DO find UFOs, the ones that can't be explained away, quite fascinating.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    The problem with wanting to believe in something, no matter how improbable or irrational, is that evidence against it is always attributed to either A) "That's what 'they' want you to think, man" or B) just not wanting to see/believe.
    And see, @Archive_Reports , i obviously haven't looked in the right place for information about the georgia guidestones. I have instead looked at ZOMGTHISISSOCREEPY youtube videos.
    And i agree with you, the "that's what they want you to think" is one of those things that can trump anything by throwing logic and reason out the window. It's similar to the early church explaining anything that contradicted its explanation of history by saying "well, that's the work of satan!" This continues today. Hard line young earth creationists say that fossils are the work of the devil.
    It's also akin to last thursdayism, where you can't prove that the universe wasn't created last thursday, or five minutes ago. I guess it can also be read as a form of solipsism.

    Still, i will continue to derive entertainment from "conspiracy theories," and if i get too scared, i will remember what you said, @allegro . I'm sure you've realized this by now, that i don't know what i would do without you
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-02-2016 at 04:37 PM.

  9. #159
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    Yeah the murals reminded me a lot to Diego Rivera's work, Jose Clemente Orozco did some good ones too!

    My parents have a print of this one, notice "La catrina" (a female Grim Reaper) in the crowd...

    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 09-03-2016 at 06:13 PM. Reason: typo

  10. #160
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    I agree 100% with the general sentiment that the earth is drastically overpopulated and overburdened with the way we currently use its resources. Maybe these current population numbers would work if we weren't the society we are, but we've done such unimaginable and irreparable damage to this planet that it's really hard to argue that a population decline would be bad.

    That said, while I find the notion of a forceful mass-reduction terrifying, I also still find it extremely far-fetched. What I do think we need is to create incentives for adoption over childbirth, and for not having children altogether. We will never be at a rate where we're suddenly at risk of going extinct due to a lack of people screwing and popping out new kids, so why not provide incentives to at least stop squeezing them out in such unnecessarily high numbers?

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I agree 100% with the general sentiment that the earth is drastically overpopulated and overburdened with the way we currently use its resources. Maybe these current population numbers would work if we weren't the society we are, but we've done such unimaginable and irreparable damage to this planet that it's really hard to argue that a population decline would be bad.

    That said, while I find the notion of a forceful mass-reduction terrifying, I also still find it extremely far-fetched. What I do think we need is to create incentives for adoption over childbirth, and for not having children altogether. We will never be at a rate where we're suddenly at risk of going extinct due to a lack of people screwing and popping out new kids, so why not provide incentives to at least stop squeezing them out in such unnecessarily high numbers?
    Perhaps a tax incentive could be given to those who sacrifice their right to reproduce.
    I, too, agree that the world is overpopulated. It's part of the reason i never had a child and never will.
    Incentives for adoption are also a GREAT idea.
    There are plenty of kids who need a home, and plenty of adults who want kids.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Perhaps a tax incentive could be given to those who sacrifice their right to reproduce.
    I, too, agree that the world is overpopulated. It's part of the reason i never had a child and never will.
    Incentives for adoption are also a GREAT idea.
    There are plenty of kids who need a home, and plenty of adults who want kids.
    Yeah, if you can write off having kids, maybe you should also be able to write off the same credit - or more - for having a sterilization procedure done.

    And a very quick google search suggests that there are currently ~400,000 kids in foster care; 100,000 of whom are available for adoption. How anyone could, in good conscience, bring yet another new life into the world in circumstances like that just baffles me.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Yeah, if you can write off having kids, maybe you should also be able to write off the same credit - or more - for having a sterilization procedure done.

    And a very quick google search suggests that there are currently ~400,000 kids in foster care; 100,000 of whom are available for adoption. How anyone could, in good conscience, bring yet another new life into the world in circumstances like that just baffles me.
    i've never thought about it like this. These are great ideas.

  14. #164
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    The COST of adoption is crazy high. That's one prohibition. The other one is that a lot of these foster care kids have various problems that most adults are not equipped to handle. Also, the ones who are busy overproducing are often doing so due to religious reasons (go forth and multiply).

    Anyway, whatever, none of this is a conspiracy. A lot of us don't have kids not because it was a concerted effort to avoid overpopulation or because the world is a horrible place but, simply, we just didn't want any.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The COST of adoption is crazy high. That's one prohibition. The other one is that a lot of these foster care kids have various problems that most adults are not equipped to handle. Also, the ones who are busy overproducing are often doing so due to religious reasons (go forth and multiply).

    Anyway, whatever, none of this is a conspiracy. A lot of us don't have kids not because it was a concerted effort to avoid overpopulation or because the world is a horrible place but, simply, we just didn't want any.
    this is true, and yes, it is drift.

    I didn't think it mattered much, as this thread is rarely ever used anyway because people fear being ridiculed.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Yeah the murals reminded me a lot to Diego Rivera's work, Jose Clemente Orozco did some good ones too!

    My parents have a print od this one, notice "La catrina" (a female Grim Reaper) in the crowd...

    That is awesome! Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central

    G and I have a really cool Peruvian retablo that we love, see below picture I took

    Last edited by allegro; 09-03-2016 at 01:18 PM.

  17. #167
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    oh WOW @allegro
    i freaking ADORE that!
    I want one!!!

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    oh WOW @allegro
    i freaking ADORE that!
    I want one!!!
    The artist, Claudio Jimenez Quispe, a really cool guy, he makes the little figures out of a mixture of potatoes and flour. They're not cheap, though, the bigger ones are fairly expensive, the smaller ones are less, each takes him HOURS AND HOURS to construct. We got ours at an annual art fair here by our house.

  19. #169
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    Oh dear lord, apparently people really are treating the SpaceX accident as an intentional sabotage based on the "UFO" in the video footage.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Oh dear lord, apparently people really are treating the SpaceX accident as an intentional sabotage based on the "UFO" in the video footage.
    Well of course!
    The people who live on mars probably want their privacy, so they sent a craft to sabotage it, right?

    That being said, SpaceX i think WAS trying to appeal to the UFO community by using the word "anomaly," which has long been like a ufo buzzword, and even the like prefered gvmt term. I think they WANT people to think that Space Aliens are involved because it raises their profile.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-03-2016 at 05:14 PM.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Well of course!
    The people who live on mars probably want their privacy, so they sent a craft to sabotage it, right?

    That being said, SpaceX i think WAS trying to appeal to the UFO community by using the word "anomaly," which has long been like a ufo buzzword, and even the like prefered gvmt term. I think they WANT people to think that Space Aliens are involved because it raises their profile.
    I kind of feel like they used it because they're pretty good with transparency and wanted to fess up without literally using the words "look, we just don't know what the fuck happened yet".

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I kind of feel like they used it because they're pretty good with transparency and wanted to fess up without literally using the words "look, we just don't know what the fuck happened yet".

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    That is awesome! Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central

    G and I have a really cool Peruvian retablo that we love, see below picture I took
    Very nice, i love the "calacas" (skulls), maybe we should start a threat to show all our artsy stuff (just like the show your collection tread...)

    Anyway i'll try to stay on topic from now on, lol...

  24. #174
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    so i am making french toast, and it had me wondering "why the fuck is it 'french' toast?".
    ah, but there are also: french braids. french fries. french kisses.

    so, does the 'french' imply that the thing or action is more refined? lol. @Khrz answer for your country ;p @allegro ??? @elevenism ???

    anyway, couldn't think of where else to put this. sorry if it is drifty.

  25. #175
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    @Lew i think i know the answer to this because i wondered the same thing myself once and looked around online, but it would be more appropriate to let @Khrz answer

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Lew i think i know the answer to this because i wondered the same thing myself once and looked around online, but it would be more appropriate to let @Khrz answer
    Ha! Lol it was a lazy ass holiday monday here so I thought i'd throw down here rather than google...
    Curious to see what y'all have to say

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Lew i think i know the answer to this because i wondered the same thing myself once and looked around online, but it would be more appropriate to let @Khrz answer
    Well you guys are in a better place than I to explain that, because we have no idea what you're talking about. To us, fries are belgian, condoms are english, chocolate is swiss, croissants are viennese, etc...
    I mean, we're glad that part of our reputation is associated with the french kiss, we'll keep that one. But the freedom fries shit, it left us as dumbfounded as a bully stomping on someone else's lunch to teach us a lesson... We had no idea that was supposed to be french, and we really didn't care...
    So, I don't know, you sort out your own preconceptions, guys !

  28. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well you guys are in a better place than I to explain that, because we have no idea what you're talking about. To us, fries are belgian, condoms are english, chocolate is swiss, croissants are viennese, etc...
    I mean, we're glad that part of our reputation is associated with the french kiss, we'll keep that one. But the freedom fries shit, it left us as dumbfounded as a bully stomping on someone else's lunch to teach us a lesson... We had no idea that was supposed to be french, and we really didn't care...
    So, I don't know, you sort out your own preconceptions, guys !
    Ha! Lol...freedom fries was so hysterically funny I almost died from the irony.
    Keeping the kiss though, eh?
    How French of you
    Ah, thanks for the giggles. I needed it.

  29. #179
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    just spent the last few minutes reading over an article (with lots of pictures) about the history of french fries, and now I'm absolutely desperate to get my hands on some this very second. i'm seriously thinking about jumping in my car and racing to the nearest mcdonalds. honestly, french fries are fucking INCREDIBLE.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    just spent the last few minutes reading over an article (with lots of pictures) about the history of french fries, and now I'm absolutely desperate to get my hands on some this very second. i'm seriously thinking about jumping in my car and racing to the nearest mcdonalds. honestly, french fries are fucking INCREDIBLE.
    you appreciate the deliciousness of the time of your post, yes? ;p (edit: hey!!! it said 11:11 when i first read it. wtf conspiracy shite is this now?)

    french fries, smothered in gravy and cheese curds, are my manna.

    i don't think they are french though, lolololol, i think the french have something called pommes frites.
    also, plsthanx, the history of french fried potatoes...???

    i hope you got some last night.
    fries, that is.

    ugh. sorry everyone. i am loopy today. oldest started GRADE FUCKING TEN. and i am kinda reeling here.

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