Speaking of sex trafficking and asshattery

SO: I went down this rabbit hole starting with Brian Singer, when the
wife and I were binge watching House.

And I came across this bit of hearsay: Bret Easton Ellis alleged that two of his former partners attended "underage sex parties" hosted by Bryan Singer and Roland Emmerich. I didn't know Emmerich, but he directed a bunch of summer blockbusters I got a kick out of.

There have been rumblings about such parties, in the conspiracy world, for as long as I've been interested, at least. Except, in the conspiracy theory version, there's usually some luciferian aspect, or the parties are hosted by the Rothschilds or some shit.

I'm wondering, though, if the gatherings that Ellis mentioned are the truth of the matter, that has been hyperbolized.

And, I wonder how common such things are.