Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
i've a new favorite conspiracy theory:

Australia doesn't exist, and anyone claiming to be Australian is a government operative, or being paid, or under mind control.

If you go to "Australia," they take you to a city in New Zealand, where paid actors pretend to be "Australians" and say "G'day, mate! Crikey! Let's have a smoko, and then a walkabout" or whatever. OR, they take you somewhere in South America.

Of course, then, the airlines are in on it.
There's also a good chance that you'll be drugged on the plane, so that you'll, like, "hallucinate" the "Australian Experience" or some shit?

The kangaroos are robots. I'm not shitting you.

These people have had a fucking CONVENTION to discuss this "truth."
@Erneuert , so are you gonna come clean, now? How much are they paying you? :P
I am an illusiooooooon.