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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #31
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    Can we all sit and laugh at these people?

  2. #32
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    mate add david icke on facebook, every day you will have a weird simultaneous laugh/rage at the stuff he posts
    in addition to the same old chestnuts about vaccines and banks, did you know

    sun cream gives you skin cancer
    lightbulbs poison you
    renewable energy is a scam
    al qaeda isn't in the news anymore because it never existed (despite tearing up yemen and pakistan as we speak)
    and of course reptoids reptoids reptoids

  3. #33
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    This one is kind of fun a lot on music industry and the Illuminati.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    people who believe every conspiracy theory they read, like my sister in law, drive me crazy. i can't have a rational conversation with her about fringe subjects. (she's convinced that we have teleported people to mars)

    HOWEVEr, there are some things out there that are true and/or baffling.
    Things like the fact that there was never any attack in the Gulf of Tonkin, which was our justification for the invading Viet Nam, are proof that not all conspiracy theories are bullshit.

    The whole UFO thing interests me, but now that we know that our gvmt has been actively disseminating misinformation, you never know what's real and what isn't. I saw a documentary called Mirage Men that gets into recently declassified stuff that shows the length to which the US gvmt has gone to confuse people about UFOs. They literally drove one man crazy by making him think that he was recieving alien transmissions on his computer and radio (they stole his computer and switched it with theirs.)

    I will admit that i most DEFINitely believe in interdimensional "visitors." I'm not sure about the interstellar variety.

    And fucking september 11th.
    I'm not a hardcore truther, but SOMEthing fishy happened that day.
    Why did Norad stand down, and why were they engaged in excercises that involved planes crashing into buildings on the day that such an unlikely scenario really went down?

    And my biggest question is WHAt iN THE FUCK happened to the two planes that didn't hit the towers? Why was there no debris?
    I believe that those two planes were somehow vaporized, maybe with a small tactical nuclear device.

    So yeah, i'm a conspiracy theorist, but i take it all with a grain of salt, unlike my sister in law who expects the Annunaki to arrive any day.
    nice. i enjoyed your response. and agree with alot of what you say...but...LOLOLOL..tell your sister in law to STOP waiting on the annunaki. what i have read about them is really bad. ;p plus they took all the gold bazillions of years ago, so no longer need us. honestly, reading von daniken was really neat. not sure if i buy into half of what i read, but i am certainly not into being spoon fed by a liar culture either. i prefer to keep my mind as open as possible, and entertain ideas outside of the box...i guess i am more conspiracy theorist than not.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    And my biggest question is WHAt iN THE FUCK happened to the two planes that didn't hit the towers? Why was there no debris?
    There was, just not large recognizable pieces. This is because the planes weren't similar to the debris you'd see in an accident where the plane attempted to land. These planes did not skid on the ground, bounce back up into the air, attempt to slow down, and then wreck. They didn't even hit the ground at an angle that would correspond to an attempt to land. They were flown full speed into their targets. Planes, when they are not flown by suicidal madmen, slow down when they're landing. These planes hit their targets nose-first at over 500 miles per hour. The only plane that they think was actually slowed down (by bouncing off the ground before hitting its target) was the Pentagon plane. The reason there's not much visible wreckage there is because the majority of the plane actually traveled into the building. There are overhead shots showing how far the plane actually traveled into the building (as it was exploding). Still, there is some wreckage on the outside lawn, and a clear photo of something with the United logo on it.

    We don't see the same skepticism really over the absence of WTC plane wreckage, because we all saw them explode into a fireball from a variety of angles. We can see how the plane exploded while entering the building. Although, just last year, we found a 5-foot-long part of one of the planes wedged in with a bunch of trash...

    But you seriously think they were hit with tactical NUKES?! Why would we fire a nuclear weapon at the planes! If we wanted to blow them out of the sky, we wouldn't have to use a nuke. We certainly wouldn't shoot a nuke at a plane that would have been on the cusp of flying directly into the pentagon. With flight 93 (the one that crashed in Pennsylvania) you can see a huge crater that the plane made in the ground when it hit! If it was "vaporized" why would there be a huge smoldering crater in the ground?

    In the next photo, you can see the crater from a different angle, and you can see small pieces of debris everywhere.

    here's part of the plane's engine

    additionally, with the pentagon attack, we have several eye witnesses.
    And here's the engine from the pentagon crash:

    here's the landing gear

    part of the plane exterior found on the lawn, with comparison shot to determine the origin

  6. #36
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    @Jinsai , i had never seen those photos.
    And i misspoke.

    I thought that 93 might have been nuked. But you're right, there is a smoldering crater in the ground...

    i just...the plane appeared to have been vaporized.

    I don't talk about this shit with many people. Thank you for the pics.

    But i still mantain that there were too many strange things on nine eleven for there not to have been SOMETHING fishy going on.

    I actually started writing down notes to start a thread about it a few months ago, but i didn't for fear of ridicule.

    I am a conspiracy theorist for sure, mostly because my grandfather died under mysterious circumstances (murder made to look like an accident in my opinion,) shortly after employing george w bush at Stratford of Tx. After his death, the company went to Bush's fellow skull and bonesman Robert Gow.
    I'm not gonna tell the whole story here because i've told it elsewhere on this board, but high powered men changing things to suit their wills has hit VERY close to home for me.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-18-2014 at 04:49 PM.

  7. #37
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    personally, i really enjoy reading about alternate dimensions and enjoy the idea of arcturians.
    i haven't read too much about arcturians, yet, but enough to find the whole concept plausible.
    i don't think there is anything wrong about being open to conspiracy theories and alternate concepts of reality and experience and perspective.
    i reckon it is healthier than being in the stranglehold of absolutes.

  8. #38
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    people like David Icke and Alex Jones make those of us who question the government and media version of every event look like fools.
    and that is exactly what the government wants.
    They lie to us about all KINDS of shit!

    It baffles me how many people believe every conspiracy theory they hear,
    but what baffles me even more is how many people believe everything they are told by the government.

    Let me ask you guys something, and don't be afraid of ridicule.
    Do you believe that the gvmt has told us everything about 9/11 ?

    There have been so many polls like this one...

    In November 2007 Scripps Howard surveyed 811 Americans about their beliefs in several conspiracy theories and asked this question:[17]
    How about that some people in the federal government had specific warnings of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, but chose to ignore those warnings. Is this very likely, somewhat likely or unlikely?
    • 32% "Very Likely"
    • 30% "Somewhat Likely"
    • 30% "Unlikely"
    • 8% "Don't Know/Other"

    For more of that, check this out.

    And for one of the biggest slaps in the face, read about the gulf of tonkin lie here.

    So when people KNOW that the government has lied to us flat-out to justify wars, or that big pharma companies knowingly sold hemophelia products tainted with hep and hiv (and then sold them to other countries when they couldn't get by with it anymore,) why do they continue to believe everything they are told?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Let me ask you guys something, and don't be afraid of ridicule.
    Do you believe that the gvmt has told us everything about 9/11 ?

    There have been so many polls like this one...

    In November 2007 Scripps Howard surveyed 811 Americans about their beliefs in several conspiracy theories and asked this question:[17]
    How about that some people in the federal government had specific warnings of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington, but chose to ignore those warnings. Is this very likely, somewhat likely or unlikely?
    • 32% "Very Likely"
    • 30% "Somewhat Likely"
    • 30% "Unlikely"
    • 8% "Don't Know/Other"

    This question is tricky though. The Bin Laden memo exists: So the question is not as stupid as it sounds. It depends on the word "specific". The "how" was unknown, but the "when" was known.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Do you believe that the gvmt has told us everything about 9/11 ?
    My husband was working radar air traffic control the morning of Sept 11, and I can assure you that those planes were hijacked. it was utter chaos. Missiles would have shown up on radar. That didn't happen.

    Also, as somebody who had plenty of contact with the FBI via BBSs in the 80s and early-90s, I can tell you that the FBI was so fucking stupid, they could barely check their email let alone intercept al-Quaeda messages. None of the idiots could speak Farsi or Arabic. Tons of people allegedly tried to tip off the FBI of some arab dudes learning how to take off planes but not land them, but the FBI blew it off. The FBI were a bunch of fucking idiots. Maybe they're better, now, but it's a case of much too little too late. I don't doubt that the U.S. government lies to us a lot, but this is absolutely a case of government incompetence and being caught with its pants down.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-19-2014 at 01:30 PM.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    My husband was working radar air traffic control the morning of Sept 11, and I can assure you that those planes were hijacked. it was utter chaos. Missiles would have shown up on radar. That didn't happen.

    Also, as somebody who had plenty of contact with the FBI via BBSs in the 80s and early-90s, I can tell you that the FBI was so fucking stupid, they could barely check their email let alone intercept al-Quaeda messages. None of the idiots could speak Farsi or Arabic. Tons of people allegedly tried to tip off the FBI of some arab dudes learning how to take off planes but not land them, but the FBI blew it off. The FBI were a bunch of fucking idiots. Maybe they're better, now, but it's a case of much too little too late. I don't doubt that the U.S. government lies to us a lot, but this is absolutely a case of government incompetence and being caught with its pants down.
    Amen sister!
    @elevenism you need to watch Path to Paradise (it's on youtube in its entirety. Not just you but anyone who is interested in the story of the World Trade Center. Path to Paradise was made in 1997 and it's about the first terrorist attack on the Twin Towers (funny how we barely remember this).

    You have to remember that it's a TV movie, made in Hollywood so of course it's not 100% accurate. Mostly, it tells exactly what @allegro was saying: the FBI and the CIA had plenty of warnings and red flags that something huge was going to happen at the WTC and they dropped the gun big time. So I have no problems believing that the same thing happened for 9/11.

    One of the first thing that came to my mind when I learned that the Twin Towers had crashed was the last line of this movie: one of the mastermind behind the 1993 attack is brought back to the USA to be put on trial and while he's flying (by helicopter) next to the WTC, he looks at the towers and says: "Next time, we will bring both of them down." That in a movie made in 1997.

    That's the stuff conspiracy theories are made of.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    One of the first thing that came to my mind when I learned that the Twin Towers had crashed was the last line of this movie: one of the mastermind behind the 1993 attack is brought back to the USA to be put on trial and while he's flying (by helicopter) next to the WTC, he looks at the towers and says: "Next time, we will bring both of them down." That in a movie made in 1997.

    That's the stuff conspiracy theories are made of.
    Jesus. That's creepy.

    But i will never, ever believe everything we've been told about 9/11. I'm not one of those people who believes that the planes were never highjacked, that they were holograms projected into the sky, that the gvmt was completely behing the attacks.

    But i have about 100 unanswered questions. I believe in my heart of hearts that there are things we haven't been told.

    And even if 9/11 happened EXACTLY as the gvmt says it did, its use as a pretext for an invasion of iraq was SO fucking despicable.
    The Bush administration bet on the American public's inability to distinguish Iraq from the Taliban and Saddam from Osama. And they won that bet, with ABSURD numbers of americans believing that Iraq was responsible for the attacks. That wasn't an accident.

    My remaining problems with the official story of 9/11 are things like "oh, we didn't find any body parts or luggage but we DID find this terrorist's passport intact." Or how about the woman on the news reporting that building 7 had collapsed, when, on a live feed behind her, it was still standing and THEN collapsed?

    I don't have a theory on what happened. I just know there was SOMEthING fishy about 9/11. There's just too much.

    I REALly don't want you guys to think i'm a conspiracy nut who believes that reptilian aliens run the world or any of that shit.
    I'm just very, VERY skeptical of what we are told by the gvmt. I have to be, after learning what happened to my grandfather.
    That, the tainted hemophelia drug in the eighties, and the Gulf of Tonkin thing have made it to where i just don't trust them.

    And i think that WAY too many of us believe whatever we are told.
    "Letting You" comes to mind.

  13. #43
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    Because the truth isn't as much fun as conspiracy.

    At the time of 9/11, Iraq had NOTHING to do with it. Zero. That didn't come up until WAY later. You know what DID, though? SAUDI ARABIA. Guess where Bin Laden is from? But guess where we didn't attack?

    Because we're in bed with Saudi Arabia. And Saudi Arabia = Mecca.

    9/11 made us look REALLY fucking vulnerable and REALLY fucking stupid. The other buildings fell down because TWO BUILDINGS just got hit by two jumbo jets completely loaded with jet fuel. That had NEVER happened before. And lots of the American public still can't wrap their heads around that. It's really easy to go back and use magic photo editing to invent conspiracies. But it's just as easy to show the truth with cameras held by real people to show how all those buildings were damaged. "Collapse" doesn't necessarily mean the outside and complete, ala the North and South towers. It can, however, in a construction sense, mean that the interior was beginning to show signs of collapse and had to be condemned for public safety and be pegged for demolition. Which is what happened. It was, in a sense, like an earthquake had happened. It affected architectural integrity.

    The one thing that the Bush administration was very successful at, something you're demonstrating right now, was using 9/11 to generate fear.

    "The people don't want war, but they can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." -- Hermann Göring

    But while we're looking at one hand (Iraq) we're forgetting to look at the dangerous hand (Saudi Arabia). Get it? Saddam Hussein as a target was smoke and mirrors, a pawn so the American people wouldn't demand that we go after Saudi Arabia, which of course we can't do or we'd have World War III that we'd never win. But 9/11 was a big fuckup that we missed. It was NOT Pearl Harbor.

    edit: By the way, they did find body parts. Lots and lots of body parts. Google it and you can find photos, even. Oh, and about that passport.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-20-2014 at 10:54 AM.

  14. #44
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    And weren't the non existent weapons of mass destruction the main reason to invade Iraq?
    Last edited by marodi; 10-19-2014 at 08:12 PM. Reason: I'm stoopid

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    And weren't the non existent weapons of mass destruction the main reason to invade Iraq?
    Smoke and mirrors, again, so we wouldn't look at Saudi Arabia. Americans are bloodthirsty people. Eye for an eye. Full of anger for those two buildings full of murdered people, so we wanted vengeance. The Bush administration knew this. The Bush administration was getting pressure to "do something." The next thing, they knew, would be questioning the STUPIDITY of the FBI and CIA. They needed a diversion, a scapegoat. They knew that they couldn't go after Saudi Arabia for financing Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and all of the terrorists on board those planes, not without starting WWIII (and ruining its financial / oil relationship with the Saudis). Instead, this whole "WMD" thing was invented. Of course, Saddam denied it, and he was right; he didn't have any. But, now Americans could have their vengeance. They thought this would be another quick-and-dirty Desert Storm, a show of American planes, power, in and out, quick and dirty, the Iraqi people would rejoice and thank us for their liberation. Of course, that never happened. LOL.

    Edit: here, read this:
    Last edited by allegro; 10-20-2014 at 07:55 AM.

  16. #46
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    So @allegro , are you saying that we decided to invade Iraq because we couldn't invade SA and Egypt?
    THAT would make a lot of sense to me.
    I have always wondered why we really invaded iraq, when it posed very little threat to us.

    So instead of 9/11 being the pretext for invading Iraq, we just tried to use Iraq as a scapegoat?

    Ewwwww...i said we. Not we, the Bush administration

    edit: @allegro , i can't find any images or information about body parts or suitcases at the shanksville site.
    I still think that plane was shot down, and since @Jinsai changed my mind about a small nuke vaporizing the plane, i'm kind of at a loss.
    Rumsfeld slipped up and SAID 93 was shot down. The local newspaper (i don't feel like digging it up, too much shit to wade through , but i bet you remember,) had eyewitnesses claiming they saw another plane that day and heard a loud bang.

    Where did the wings go? The engines? Maybe in the nearby woods?

    And why were there three debris sights spanning eight miles if the plane crashed nose first into the ground?

    And what about that red bandanna, and Ziad Jarrah's visa...that's the passport to which i was reffering.

    Okay, my automatic spellcheck isn't working for some reason so now everyone knows that i can't spell.

    But at any rate, i REALLY think 93 was shot down.

    Last edited by elevenism; 10-22-2014 at 05:13 PM.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    edit: @allegro , i can't find any images or information about body parts or suitcases at the shanksville site.
    I still think that plane was shot down, and since @Jinsai changed my mind about a small nuke vaporizing the plane, i'm kind of at a loss.
    Rumsfeld slipped up and SAID 93 was shot down. The local newspaper (i don't feel like digging it up, too much shit to wade through , but i bet you remember,) had eyewitnesses claiming they saw another plane that day and heard a loud bang. Where did the wings go? The engines? Maybe in the nearby woods?
    1. When a plane is fully-loaded with fuel and it is deliberately crashed into the ground, the debris isn't like normal airplane crash debris. See also the PM link below.
    2. If it was shot down, that would have shown up on radar and seen by air traffic controllers. That didn't happen.

    The F-16s had been quickly scrambled (we know this because my husband was actually working those F-16s on radar), but what people didn't realize at the time was that none of them were armed. yeah, that's how unprepared we were. The only option they had was kamikaze mission.

    Any missiles launched from the ground would have been seen on radar by lots and lots of air traffic controllers.

    Popular Mechanics Debunks Flight 93 Myths.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-22-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I REALly don't want you guys to think i'm a conspiracy nut who believes that reptilian aliens run the world or any of that shit.
    I'm just very, VERY skeptical of what we are told by the gvmt.
    I hear you but 9/11 isn't just a narrative supplied by the Government, it ties together multiple strands of history - Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Khalid Sheik Mohammed's entire lives were building up to it. The US support for Israel, the bases in Saudi Arabia, the attacks in the 90s carried out by OBL, the "Jihad against Jews and Crusaders" press release in the mid to late 90s etc

    Allegro is also bang on in that the US intelligence services were extremely incompetent, a total lack of interdepartmental cooperation and the fact that nobody took Alec station or John O'Neill seriously.

    At the time the US was in the wake of stuff like the OKC bombing and Columbine, the emphasis seemed to be on domestic threats and terrorism, Europe also tolerated a lot of radical Islamist activity in a way they don't now - in Germany pre 9/11, it was actually fairly easy to prepare to fight abroad as long as you didn't target Germany itself (and where did a few of the 9/11 hijackers first network? Hamburg), British Muslims went to fight in Bosnia and didn't face prosecution when they returned and so on.

    Nobody was really taking the threat that seriously, even as OBL escalated with his bombings of the USS Cole and the Kenyan embassy

    It all ties up multiple strands. On a more random, chin stroking note, if the USG wanted to drum up support for a war in the Middle-East, it's curious how they didn't drum up any kind of panic or anti muslim sentiment before 9/11 (I remember at the time the attack happened, it was so much more shocking and terrifying when we didn't know who had done it or why - I remember people being genuinely baffled, whereas today whenever something happens it's assumed straight away it was Islamists).

    Clinton actually wanted to go in after OBL and Taliban during his reign, but IIRC was blocked from doing so (and then a couple years later the Taliban drop in to have talks regarding a pipeline - plenty of actual dodginess behind the scenes).

    And at the end of the day, why didn't Bin Laden ever disown the attacks? Yep it's a tremendous thing to take credit for, but even more powerful would be to expose the USG as murderers and liars of their own people on such an unbelievable scale. But he never did

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    The F-16s had been quickly scrambled (we know this because my husband was actually working those F-16s on radar), but what people didn't realize at the time was that none of them were armed. yeah, that's how unprepared we were.
    A. JESUS.

    B. i'm not playing anymore, conspiracy theories are definitely more fun

  20. #50
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    These conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11 are a terrible disservice to the victims, to the victims' families, to everybody who worked those skies to bring planes down safely that day (which, by the way, had never happened before in the history of the United States), to the scores of rescue workers who were injured, lost their lives, later died of cancer, etc. It's just BULLSHIT. Look, FUCKING EVIL TERRORISTS DID THIS SHIT. Plain and simple. They MURDERED thousands of innocent people. And to suggest otherwise just gets these murdering fuckers off the hook and shifts the blame. Stupid fuckers like Alex Jones perpetuate this shit for one reason: self-promotion to sell advertising to get money.

    And, @Sutekh , spot on.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-22-2014 at 05:47 PM.

  21. #51
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    lol, funny how you see 9/11 was a lie type tshirts but not "OSAMA IS INNOCENT"

    probably wouldn't go down too well

  22. #52
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    I have a "whatever i do, blame it on Al Queda" shirt, that was funny because bush seemed to blame everything that went wrong in the us on al queda at the time.

    I got some weird looks for it though. I don't think many people got it.

    as far as the 9/11 thing, i doubt i'll ever believe that we have the full story, but that being said, i've never seen things like those photos @Jinsai posted because 99.999 percent of things i find about 9/11 on the internet are conspiracy ideas.
    I hate to keep this going but, many 9/11 survivors and family members have questions about the accuracy of what we've been told.
    I'm really done now, for real.

    If we are going to have a conspiracy theory thread, then maybe we should talk about something less sensitive?

    How about JFK?
    I spent most of my life in dallas, have been to the 6th floor and dealy plaza several times (hell, i tagged ELEVENO on the fence there,) and interviewed an eyewitness visible in the Zapruder sequence for the college newspaper.
    I also went to the conspiracy museum when it existed.

    Also, like many of you, i've seen about 100 docs on the subject. What do you guys think?
    I think that reptilian aliens from Nibiru...just kidding.

    I think that Oswald WAS the lone gunman but that he had way more ties to the USSR than we were lead to believe, and that, perhaps, it was an act of war.
    And i think that this was downplayed because LBJ and co DIDN'T want WW3.
    Remember , WW1 was started with an assasination.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-22-2014 at 06:40 PM.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    many 9/11 survivors and family members have questions about the accuracy of what we've been told.
    Did you read the link I provided up there in Post #45?

    The "use of explosives" is a total crock of shit. I've seen some amazing interviews and documentation from renowned architects and engineers, including the guy who designed the WTC, showing the design and schematics from those towers (I was at those towers shortly before they opened, then in them several times after they opened, ate lunch at the top a few times) and the fact that the buildings stood for as long as they did after jumbo jets fully loaded with jet fuel exploded in them is an architectural marvel, which saved literally thousands of lives. The intense heat from the burning jet fuel eventually melted the steel core on the floor where the jet crashed, which compromised the outer steel shell; the design of the towers was based on a "tube" effect that's kind of like a snake with supports slung through the middle; the trusses and supports melted and the concrete floors simply pancaked all the way down. These idiots online showing slo-mo collapse video and bleating about "dust cloud explosions not coming out from every floor" are discounting things like the very structure of the building, itself, the tight outer structure, the lack of windows (office residents constantly bitched about this for years), etc. And they also discount how many people survived and got out of those buildings. On any average morning at 9 a.m., over FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE worked in those two buildings, and the morning of September 11th was no exception.

    re JFK, I've been obsessed since I was a kid in the 60s (yeah, I was really little when Kennedy was shot, younger than John-John, watched JFK's funeral on TV, remember grandma crying). (Oh shut up, I'm the same age as Henry Rollins.) My opinion, based on tons of reading, tons of documentaries, tons of research: Oswald was the lone gunman, and Russia had nothing to do with it. Oswald was a TOTAL reject; even Russia didn't want him. He was a total failure.

    @elevenism , dude, we have to teach you how to do better online research :-)
    Last edited by allegro; 10-25-2014 at 11:03 PM.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @elevenism, dude, we have to teach you how to do better online research :-)
    sometimes i don't wanna.

    so @allegro , you think that Oswald acted completely alone?

    The eyewitness i met told me that he was CERTAIN that there was only one gunman.
    I don't question that.
    I just wonder if someone put him up to it.

    He was a failure, yes, but a decent shot and a russian sympathizer who was pro cuba.
    Don't you think it's possible that russia tried to use him?

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    sometimes i don't wanna.

    so @allegro , you think that Oswald acted completely alone?

    The eyewitness i met told me that he was CERTAIN that there was only one gunman.
    I don't question that.
    I just wonder if someone put him up to it.

    He was a failure, yes, but a decent shot and a russian sympathizer who was pro cuba.
    Don't you think it's possible that russia tried to use him?
    No. He wanted attention. He was a marksman in the U.S. military, but even the military didn't want him. The Soviets rejected his request for citizenship and shipped him off from Moscow to Minsk, the fucking Ukraine, the most boring place on the planet, to get rid of him. Then, he was being monitored by the KGB all the time. He wasn't a Russian sympathizer, he was a Marxist and an anti-capitalist.

    8 things you may not know about Lee Harvey Oswald
    Last edited by allegro; 10-22-2014 at 09:03 PM.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    No. He wanted attention. He was a marksman in the U.S. military, but even the military didn't want him. The Soviets rejected his request for citizenship and shipped him off from Moscow to Minsk, the fucking Ukraine, the most boring place on the planet, to get rid of him. Then, he was being monitored by the KGB all the time. He wasn't a Russian sympathizer, he was a Marxist and an anti-capitalist.

    8 things you may not know about Lee Harvey Oswald
    I meant Russian sympathizer as a synonym for marxism and socialism...that he symathized with their ideology.
    I watched a really interesting episode of frontline the other day entitled Who Was LHO...i bet you've seen it, but if you haven't, you should watch it.

    in that list you linked, the "mixed feelings" about Kennedy has always been the most interesting.
    Why would a leftist kill a leftist leader?
    But his feelings about Cuba could have fueled that fire.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-23-2014 at 08:11 PM.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Why would a leftist kill a leftist leader?

    (insert spooky music here)

  28. #58
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    Yahoo "News" "reports" new horseshit about a woman who said she worked for NASA and saw images of "...two men in space suits – not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer."

    Read this and other nonsensical claims here.

  29. #59
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    i have questions as to why our military needs to dress up like civilians and practice infiltrating small town america, including the town where half of my family lives.

    but i guess i should just go on pretending it isn't happening. it's PROBABLY fucking safer that way.

  30. #60
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    This maybe could be a conspiracy?

    Just saw this today and it has creeped me right the fuck out.

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