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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    This maybe could be a conspiracy?

    Just saw this today and it has creeped me right the fuck out.
    Dude. I saw that thing awhile back, last year.
    It is absolutely, straight up, the most terrifying thing i've ever seen.

    I became obsessed with it, studying every angle of it. It even invaded my dreams.

    It was terrible. I'm warning you, don't spend too much time looking at it. It will get under your skin,

    i have no idea what happened.

    But the bottom line is that there is something DEAD WRONG going on here... it terrifies me.

  2. #62
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    Sorry for the double post, but is anyone here AWAKE? If you are, you know what i mean.
    People are conditioned to call us "kooky conspiracy theorists" if we question ANYTHING the government does.
    I've been accused of being an alarmist. Well, fuck. There is highly alarming shit going on.
    We have extraction drills going on in florida.
    We have a MASSIVE MILITARY BUILDUP in the southwest. We are more or less OCCUPIED down here.
    The NSA is recording ALL of are communications of ANY kind and storing them FOREVER. Google and facebook are WORKING WITH THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT to build profiles on every american.
    All of this shit is FACT.
    What the fuck is jade helm for?
    What the fuck do they know?
    It pisses me off that this thread is a joke. WAKE UP.


  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Dude. I saw that thing awhile back, last year.
    It is absolutely, straight up, the most terrifying thing i've ever seen.

    I became obsessed with it, studying every angle of it. It even invaded my dreams.

    It was terrible. I'm warning you, don't spend too much time looking at it. It will get under your skin,

    i have no idea what happened.

    But the bottom line is that there is something DEAD WRONG going on here... it terrifies me.
    Well after that build up....disapointed!

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Well after that build up....disapointed!
    What do you mean? do more than watch the video. read about the case.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    We have extraction drills going on in florida.
    We have a MASSIVE MILITARY BUILDUP in the southwest. We are more or less OCCUPIED down here.
    Oh noes! The Black Man is trying to kills ALL of us and teh constistooshun!!

    Every site (Infowars) that "reports news" like the above is xenophobic (Alex Jones) at the core. You do realize this, right?
    Last edited by Baphomette; 08-01-2015 at 01:07 AM.

  6. #66
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    Conspiracy theorists always sound like religious zealots to me. They both have their prophets and their sacred texts, and they both have trouble accepting evidence that contradicts their firmly held beliefs. People want to believe in conspiracy theories for the same reason people want to believe in a god: to feel special. They want to feel like they know something and see things that no one else sees. Oddly enough, you'll often find conspiracy theorists calling out religious types for being "sheep", which is pretty amusing considering how strongly and arrogantly they cling to their own beliefs. Also, much like religion, there's different factions of beliefs. In the world of conspiracies, nobody can seem to agree on anything. Seriously, go on YouTube right now and take a look at all the theories about what brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11. You've got everything from controlled demolition, to UFOs, to drones, to nuclear weapons, to the whole thing being an elaborate illusion projected into the minds of everyone watching. Conspiracy theorists are always begging people to take them seriously, but just like religious zealots, they tend to be tripped up by their own beliefs. That's not to say there HAVEN'T been conspiracies in the past, but the ratio of legit ones to the stuff that people talk about today is pretty insane.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Oh noes! The Black Man is trying to kills ALL of us and teh constistooshun!!

    Every site (Infowars) that "reports news" like the above is xenophobic (Alex Jones) at the core. You do realize this, right?
    i do realize that, and it's been bothering me a lot.
    not only are they xenophobic, they are right wing gun nuts. And that sucks.
    If you noticed, i posted something about it on facebook, something to the effect of "some of us who are AWAKE are LEFTISTS." remember?
    when i started paying attention to this shit, we were afraid of the RIGHT. Remember, 9/11 happened under Dubya, and so did the patriot act.
    But i've come to believe that it's not about left and right, it's US and THEM.
    All of that aside, @Miss Baphomette , you know what time it is. You've seen that Terms and Conditions movie.

    And @BRoswell , i completely agree with you about the ratio of legit "conspiracies" to the insane ones.
    I look for the kernels of truth. I look for hard facts. And it's hard to find in a sea of nut jobs.

    I don't even like calling them "conspiracies" or "conspiracy theories."

    It's more like "Disturbing Facts."
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-01-2015 at 01:49 AM.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    All of that aside, @Miss Baphomette , you know what time it is. You've seen that Terms and Conditions movie.
    Oh, I totally agree about the NSA stuff. Still don't know how it's possible to ANALYZE all of that data but I do believe it's being collected.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Oh, I totally agree about the NSA stuff. Still don't know how it's possible to ANALYZE all of that data but I do believe it's being collected.
    Yeah to track your purchases to pander to your interest and spam you so you spend more money on crap. Its called tracking and sometimes its useful.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Oh, I totally agree about the NSA stuff. Still don't know how it's possible to ANALYZE all of that data but I do believe it's being collected.
    yeah, i really don't think they have any idea what to DO with it yet.

    My fear is what might happen when they DO figure it out. I can't remember if it was Terms and Conditions or another flick, but google has bragged that they can predict where a user will go out to eat dinner a month in advance.

    They have the POTENTIAL to track our every move. We have already become a surveillance state.
    But if they were able to analyze it, they would be able to prevent a lot of things that have happened recently.
    @Miss Baphomette ,you should check out the new season of America's Book of Secrets on netflix.''

    edit: BTW @BRoswell ... sometimes i think people post those outlandish theories just to get attention, to get views on their youtube channel.
    Being an INTELLIGENT "truther" takes a lot of work. You have to dig through at least one metric fuckton of bullshit for each kernel of truth.
    It's like, ok, is this piece of information CONFIRMED by anyone? Are there multiple eyewitnesses, making it at least a possibility? Was it reported in the news somewhere? Is it verifiable by anything other than some flimsy fringe website?
    If not, then you keep digging. I...keep...digging. Till i...Feel...Something

    Also, sadly @ziltoid 's views probably represent the majority of the country.
    Go back to sleep America. We have everything under control.

    That's the way it is. If you question the government or the official narrative of ANYTHING, you are branded as a "kooky conspiracy theorist."
    And that's by design. I saw a news story the other day about how cool it is that google can now keep a record of EVERY WHERE YOU GO using your cell phone. And the newscaster is talking about it like it's all cool. You can turn it off though (yeah fucking right. you can make it so YOU can't see it.)
    MY reaction to a story like that is palm meeting face. Also, have you noticed that facebook is automatically tagging people in photos right now, and they boast a 93 percent success rate?
    Surely they haven't shared that database with the gvmt, right? Of course not!
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-01-2015 at 04:21 AM.

  11. #71
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    sorry for double post, but check THIS

    Everyone talks about 9/11, no one talks about this. The fucking SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT and the CITY insisted on a private investigation because they didn't believe the official narrative.

    But it came out right before 9/11 and no one paid attention.

    Similarly, there is so much about JFK, but the story of RFK's murder has way more holes in it, in my opinion.

    False flags happen.

    No one cares about the Gulf of Tonkin incident because it was so long ago, but it should scare the shit out of every one of us. The reason we went to Vietnam was an ABSOLUTE FUCKING LIE.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    What do you mean? do more than watch the video. read about the case.
    i did...


  13. #73
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    Plane came down in england yesterday, everyone on board killed - members of bin ladens family

    I'm sure people will have fun with that!

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    i did...

    hmmmm. too each his own.
    but for some reason, that shit gave me the FEAR.
    I don't even like talking about it. i can't put my finger on why. exactly. i have no theory as to what happened.
    I think THAT'S what scares me about it. I can't figure out ANY possible way that she got in that cistern.
    And the movements she makes with her hands and body are so fucking bizzare.
    I wasted probably like 50 hours of my life researching that shit and i swear to god it started to drive me insane.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Dude. I saw that thing awhile back, last year.
    It is absolutely, straight up, the most terrifying thing i've ever seen.

    I became obsessed with it, studying every angle of it. It even invaded my dreams.

    It was terrible. I'm warning you, don't spend too much time looking at it. It will get under your skin,

    i have no idea what happened.

    But the bottom line is that there is something DEAD WRONG going on here... it terrifies me.
    i haven't watched the video and don't really care to, but have read a lot about it in the last hour since I saw your post. Very unnerving really. How the F could she have gotten into the water tank in the first place?

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    This maybe could be a conspiracy?

    Just saw this today and it has creeped me right the fuck out.
    Bipolar persona acting strangely? Yeah, that's a real mystery. I don't mean to diminish the tragic loss of a young life, but...really? It was either an episode, she was on drugs (that she either knowingly or unknowingly took), or both. Is it really that hard to believe that?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Bipolar persona acting strangely? Yeah, that's a real mystery. I don't mean to diminish the tragic loss of a young life, but...really? It was either an episode, she was on drugs (that she either knowingly or unknowingly took), or both. Is it really that hard to believe that?
    I believe she was indeed suffering from a mental illness that can explain her behavior in this video (which is still creepy, by the way).


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    i haven't watched the video and don't really care to, but have read a lot about it in the last hour since I saw your post. Very unnerving really. How the F could she have gotten into the water tank in the first place?
    That is still unexplained. To the best of my knowledge, she could not have gotten in there by herself.

    On another note: since I've very very old, I remember clearly the 80s. I remember when the Irangate scandal was all over the news. But I never truly understood who did what, when and where, with whom and who knew what... until last night when I read a nice little article by a French author who explained everything; a sort of Irangate/Contras for Dummies. And now I understand where @elevenism is coming from.

    Related to that: Gary Webb's life was literally destroyed when he wrote Dark Alliance, to the point that he ended up killing himself. While there were errors in what he wrote, the basis of his claims was later proven to be true. The movie Kill the Messenger was made about this story.

  18. #78
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  19. #79
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    hre's a youtube

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Bipolar persona acting strangely? Yeah, that's a real mystery. I don't mean to diminish the tragic loss of a young life, but...really? It was either an episode, she was on drugs (that she either knowingly or unknowingly took), or both. Is it really that hard to believe that?
    no drugs in her system.
    also, i'm extremely bipolar and i don't act THAT strangely.

    But for me, the really creepy part is how in the fuck she got on the roof (which was protected by an alarm) and into the cistern (which was so hard to access that workers had to CUT it open.) It would have been hard for someone ELSE to drag her up that little ladder and put her in there.

    Add to this the fact that serial killer Richard Ramirez lived on THAT FLOOR of the hotel, as did serial killer Roger Unterweger. (you should know that guy, @Ryan . And nut up and watch the video. Watch it over and over and get obsessed with it and have nightmares about it and shit like i did )
    And the Black Dahlia lived there too.
    You can also throw in the disproportionate number of murders and suicides at the Cecil hotel over the years.

    And finally, one more creepy coincidence. There was a TB outbreak a few blocks from the hotel about a week after they found her body. A TB test kit is called a LAM-ELISA.

    So, @theimage13 , you can't take away all the weirdness from this one so easily.

    I don't think this is a conspiracy.
    At the risk of being laughed at, this whole thing borders on the supernatural, or perhaps some awful evil as yet undiscovered natural synchronicity.

    I will say this...i watch a lot of youtube countdowns, and my tastes lean toward the dark side.
    If this story is on one of the countdowns (and it's on a LOT of them,) i turn it off.
    This case really, really got hold of my mind, time, and imagination. For days, it was the only thing i talked about, and all i did was research it.
    Then i had awful nightmares about it.

    Like i said before, there is just something fucking WRONG with this.

    There is, appropriately, a horror movie about this case called The Bringing. It's still in production i think.

    We should totally go there and try to solve it and make a documentary about it.

    Watch the video @Ryan one with that creepy, sad music that people put in youtube videos about tragedy.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Bipolar persona acting strangely? Yeah, that's a real mystery.
    Yeah, that's not typical bipolar behavior. Schizophrenia possibly but it still doesn't explain how she got inside the water tank.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Yeah, that's not typical bipolar behavior. Schizophrenia possibly but it still doesn't explain how she got inside the water tank.
    Bipolar disorder doesn't make it to where you can get through locked doors with alarms on them or get into shit that workers have to use tools to cut open to remove your dead body.
    Bipolar disorder doesn't make a 5 ft or so tall woman of 100-120 lbs able to scale a sheer steel cylinder that is mounted on large concrete blocks and is eight feet tall, then open a heavy ass lid, then lower herself down into the tank and CLOSE the lid, a feat that would have been insanely difficult if not impossible according to the September issue of The Daily Maverick. I think ( i HOPE) @theimage13 just watched the elevator video and doesn't know the story.
    I am fairly offended, as someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder for 30 years.

    I would hate to think that if i died a mysterious and tragic death and no one had ANY fucking idea how i died, that people would say "Ha! Didn't you hear? He had BIPOLAR DISORDER! Mystery my ass!"

    The whole bipolar issue REALLY pisses me off in this case.
    The police couldn't solve the case, so they ruled it an accidental drowning (with bipolar disorder as a "significant factor.")
    Obviously, they just needed SOMETHING to write down.
    It doesn't make any sense at all to include a fucking MENTAL disorder as part of the PHYSICAL cause of death.
    That's like a death certificate that says MURDER...Coprophagia (feces-eating disorder.) important to note.

    Whatever happened, i don't think it was a fucking accidental drowning.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-03-2015 at 05:46 AM.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    no drugs in her system.
    also, i'm extremely bipolar and i don't act THAT strangely.

    But for me, the really creepy part is how in the fuck she got on the roof (which was protected by an alarm) and into the cistern (which was so hard to access that workers had to CUT it open.) It would have been hard for someone ELSE to drag her up that little ladder and put her in there.

    Add to this the fact that serial killer Richard Ramirez lived on THAT FLOOR of the hotel, as did serial killer Roger Unterweger. (you should know that guy, @Ryan . And nut up and watch the video. Watch it over and over and get obsessed with it and have nightmares about it and shit like i did )
    And the Black Dahlia lived there too.
    You can also throw in the disproportionate number of murders and suicides at the Cecil hotel over the years.

    And finally, one more creepy coincidence. There was a TB outbreak a few blocks from the hotel about a week after they found her body. A TB test kit is called a LAM-ELISA.

    So, @theimage13 , you can't take away all the weirdness from this one so easily.

    I don't think this is a conspiracy.
    At the risk of being laughed at, this whole thing borders on the supernatural, or perhaps some awful evil as yet undiscovered natural synchronicity.

    I will say this...i watch a lot of youtube countdowns, and my tastes lean toward the dark side.
    If this story is on one of the countdowns (and it's on a LOT of them,) i turn it off.
    This case really, really got hold of my mind, time, and imagination. For days, it was the only thing i talked about, and all i did was research it.
    Then i had awful nightmares about it.

    Like i said before, there is just something fucking WRONG with this.

    There is, appropriately, a horror movie about this case called The Bringing. It's still in production i think.

    We should totally go there and try to solve it and make a documentary about it.

    Watch the video @Ryan one with that creepy, sad music that people put in youtube videos about tragedy.
    Ghosts/demons. The end.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Ghosts/demons. The end.
    This is what i am afraid to say.
    Did you watch the video?

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This is what i am afraid to say.
    Did you watch the video?
    Yeah, what the hell is she doing with those hand motions at the 2 minute mark?

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    EMOTIONAL disorder
    Bipolar disorder is not an emotional disorder. It's a mental disorder. Very different.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Yeah, what the hell is she doing with those hand motions at the 2 minute mark?
    being possessed?

  28. #88
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    Kojima troll campaign, duh.

  29. #89
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    @Ryan is this creepy ass shit haunting you like it did me?

    i DO have a theory that doesn't involve the supernatural though. it's not very plausible but it's possible.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-03-2015 at 05:47 AM.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Ryan is this creepy ass shit haunting you like it did me?

    i DO have a theory that doesn't involve the supernatural though. it's not very plausible but it's possible.
    Yeah I can't stop thinking about it haha

    what is your theory?

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