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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #211
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    Ok. Two things.

    I apologize for my support of Alex Jones. I was a big fan a LONG TIME ago. I appreciated him outing Bohemian Grove and such, but most of all, I appreciated his hatred for the Bush family.

    But I stopped listening a long time ago, like, ten fucking years ago.

    Having watched some of his videos from the time I missed, I'm just utterly stunned. He's either playing a fucking character, or has truly lost his mind, possibly from methamphetamine use or some shit.

    So, yeah, the guy who was deplatformed was NOT the AJ I knew in the '00s. THAT'S the guy I was defending. He said some dumb shit now and then, but he also exposed some real shit that's unimpeachable. FUrthermore, I thought he was going to support Obama.

    THEN, I realized that Jones would never support a political candidate, the jones of the '00s I mean. This is why his support of trump fucking baffled me. I didn't know he was yammering on about "democrats" now: he used to abhor both parties.

    But, yeah, the Jones I wasn't aware of, the Jones of the past several years, deserved to be banned. I get it now, and I apologize. I'm disgusted.

  2. #212
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    Second thing: are you guys aware of Jones vs. Rogan?
    It's fucking INSANE.

    SO: conspiracy theory - could this beef be staged? Rogan and Jones have been friends since the fucking 90s.

    Could Jones have ASKED Rogan to do this shit, or, did Rogan say "hey, I'm gonna help you get some new subscribers, old buddy. My reputation can handle it."


  3. #213
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    Ah yes Conspiracy of the few things I actively despise.

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Ah yes Conspiracy of the few things I actively despise.
    Why? What is a conspiracy?
    A conspiracy is a couple of people making a deal that they don't want everyone to know about. This happens millions of times a week, I'd reckon.

    And, like it or not, conspiracy theories have uncovered some god awful shit, like Bayer knowingly putting a hemophilia drug on the market that was infected with Hep C and HIV.

    I think that MOST conspiracy theories are utter bullshit, but others have turned out to be true: MKULTRA and MKOFTEN also come to mind.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Why? What is a conspiracy?
    A conspiracy is a couple of people making a deal that they don't want everyone to know about. This happens millions of times a week, I'd reckon.

    And, like it or not, conspiracy theories have uncovered some god awful shit, like Bayer knowingly putting a hemophilia drug on the market that was infected with Hep C and HIV.

    I think that MOST conspiracy theories are utter bullshit, but others have turned out to be true: MKULTRA and MKOFTEN also come to mind.
    Yes I know, and I'd really call the Bayer thing a scandal than a Conspiracy.

    But I can't stand people who believe into this fucking absurd ass shit. I'm not going to trust this random person about how the moon landing was fake, a person who very much has no idea how science or physics work, has done no research on it over a fucking scientist.

    I fucking hate it.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Yes I know, and I'd really call the Bayer thing a scandal than a Conspiracy.

    But I can't stand people who believe into this fucking absurd ass shit. I'm not going to trust this random person about how the moon landing was fake, a person who very much has no idea how science or physics work, has done no research on it over a fucking scientist.

    I fucking hate it.
    trust me.
    i understand.
    Make no mistake, though. The fucks at Bayer, in fact, conspired to do what they did.
    People suspected it and it turned out to be true.
    Now, it was a scandal when it was exposed, no doubt.
    But it was, in fact, a conspiracy by awful corporate fucks who, eventually, unloaded said drug on China and whatnot.

    This trump collusion that not a conspiracy theory?
    The McCabe thing in the news today...the thing with the actor from empire (whichever way it goes.)

    "conspiracy theory," the way you mean it, has become a joke, associated with the far right.

    I guess that, when i started this thread, i was referring more to the actual definitions of the words, you feel me?

    But i can VERY much understand where you're coming from.

    As i've said before, there's "conspiracy theory," as in what it generally means these days, and then there are actual ideas about people conspiring to do shit that is fucked up.

    Another good example is PRISM. My buddy Joey, god rest his soul, was yammering for years about how the NSA was gathering information on us and could listen to our conversations through our cell phones, etc.

    i made fun of him for it, endlessly.

    and then, SURE ENOUGH...

    fucksake, i wish the poor bastard had lived to see Snowden's revelations, and been vindicated.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Yes I know, and I'd really call the Bayer thing a scandal than a Conspiracy.
    What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and a scandal?


    That's why I don't dismiss ALL conspiracy theories as utter bullshit just because they sound outlandish. Most of them are, and like you I won't trust anyone who just spouts of bullshit that intelligent people have already contradicted. We landed on the moon. The earth is a sphere. Etc. But every once in a great while, something that sounds absolutely bat-shit crazy turns out to actually be true, as @elevenism has pointed out.

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and a scandal?


    That's why I don't dismiss ALL conspiracy theories as utter bullshit just because they sound outlandish. Most of them are, and like you I won't trust anyone who just spouts of bullshit that intelligent people have already contradicted. We landed on the moon. The earth is a sphere. Etc. But every once in a great while, something that sounds absolutely bat-shit crazy turns out to actually be true, as @elevenism has pointed out.
    Im not saying that none of them are true, but the matter of the fact is that Conspiracy theories will forever be tainted because of people like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh and fucking James Woods of all people. The Nazi's did it with the Manji, turning a harmless symbol of good luck into the hated image we see it as today, even though the Manji actually has some differences than a Swastika. Same thing with those ancient Ruins that also tainted by them. The complete horseshit as outweighed the ones that are actually true and I don't think it will ever be the harmless thing it used to be, say like it was when The X-Files was a brand new thing and it was more tamed.

  9. #219
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    I actually thought what also tainted conspiracy theories was also because some conspiracy theories also include beliefs in the paranormal, such as paranormal activity and paranormal investigation, which for obvious reasons can be often deemed to be stupid and crazy bullshit. It's not just when conspiracy theories become combined with paranormal investigations, but also the fact that conspiracy theories are equally dismissed/regarded as paranormal beliefs such as ghosts and aliens.

    I know I brought this up with @elevenism before, but once I saw that connection, especially on YouTube, it helped me further understand as to why conspiracy theories are subject to lots of skepticism, ridicule, derision, jeers/taunts and even irritation/aggravation/frustration from time to time. Anyway, I still sometimes find it interesting to read into, even without believing this and/or that. (And not that you have to nor should you, since gullibility/credulousness is very misleading/deceiving, but I sometimes enjoy entertaining such thoughts (Yes, imagination included, aside from plain speculation.), since sometimes as the quote says, fact can be stranger than fiction, especially if/when actually proven.)

    But yeah. It depends who you speak to, since discussing conspiracy theories is sometimes tantamount to discussing ghosts and aliens. And given some of the reactions to expect from merely bring up ghosts and aliens, it really is no wonder why it sometimes just doesn't end well as a topic of conversation.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 02-23-2019 at 03:13 PM.

  10. #220
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    So, back to where I started: have you guys SEEN the shit Alex Jones is saying about Joe Rogan, and the way he's screaming "I want WAR! This is WAR AHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUK yAAAAAAAAH!" or whatever ?

    IS there a possibility that this shit is STAGED? These guys are old friends.

  11. #221
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  12. #222
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    Alex Jones is on Joe Rogan, right now, live, doing mea culpas here and saying shit joe agrees with there.

    Maaaaan, I'm telling you guys, this whole "feud" was like pro wrestling .

  13. #223
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    Well, for the record the alien stuff isn't what upsets me about like what some one was saying. Like all that shit is so far gone and Looney toons that it's just kind of funny. Like got a will Smith movie out of it and occassional references to like area 51 and all that shit is really stupid and harmless and so it's kind of fun.

    But now there's a resuegance of measles and victims of shootings are being harassed and conspiracy narratives are being used to obscure decent reporting to shield an extremely corrupt president push deeply racist agendas and it's just not fun any more.

    I also think that a time when real conversation is necessary conspiracy theories are kind of polluting. Any reasonable conversation about policy solutions becomes quickly derailed if reptilians or shadow government's and such are introduced...and sometimes it feels like that's by design. In those cases we are out matched by an over powered villain and so there's nothing we can do about it and therefore we don't have to do anything about it, if you get what I mean.

  14. #224
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    Pretty good read

    Why we are addicted to conspiracy theories

  15. #225
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    A) The book The Great Derangement by Matt Taibbi has an interesting take on conspiracy theories.


    PS - I know the times don't line up, but it's a funnier one that I've read.
    Last edited by allegate; 08-27-2019 at 08:12 PM.

  16. #226
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    I wasn't too sure of posting these in the Random NIN Thoughts or NIN Spotting thread, since topics like these aren't usually taken so well, and it would seem like it would probably fit in here much better. I actually found this video and channel when I was lurking around the comment section of Tori Amos's Caught a Lite Sneeze video.

    @elevenism - And of course, I certainly had you in mind as soon as I watched these videos, and I'd love your take on it, as I'd know you'd absolutely be all over something like this.

    Oh, and I also forgot to mention that this channel has also done videos on 11:11.

    As for the actual channel itself:

    All from looking up a Tori Amos video, but of course, it's YouTube so anything goes.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-10-2019 at 11:35 PM.

  17. #227
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    are you ok?

    i apologize in advance for the harsh words, I probably shouldn't have used them.

  18. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    I think conspiracy theories have been given a bad name.
    There's a good reason for that: most of them are complete nonsense and are easily debunked.

    It's funny to me how many "freethinkers" listen to the same people over and over again and never think to question what underlying motives those people may have for peddling conspiracy theories. Like I said before in this thread, the difference between conspiracy theorists and religious fanatics is razor thin. People will fall in line with whoever promises them "truth" because it doesn't actually require them to think.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 11-17-2019 at 01:25 PM.

  19. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    I wasn't too sure of posting these in the Random NIN Thoughts or NIN Spotting thread, since topics like these aren't usually taken so well, and it would seem like it would probably fit in here much better. I actually found this video and channel when I was lurking around the comment section of Tori Amos's Caught a Lite Sneeze video.

    I probably shouldn't be in this topic, but I needed a laugh and got it. This was hilarious, thanks.

  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    Meh, a lot of them are retarded but the Dems losing they're shit because hillary didn't win is not a theory. The media and Democrats have colluded and it's not a theory. And no I don't watch fox, I think they're liars too. The media has divided everyone and I think it's on purpose. I know I'm not stupid enough to fall for it but so many people I admire a d respect have.

    The Russian narrative was a smoke bomb Hillary threw down to sliter away. The Dems are corrupt, Trump is corrupt, the media is corporate owned left wing garbage. Politics are a nightmare right now. That's not even addressing pc culture and the fact everyone under 30 is a pussy. I never thought the very people I hated,.right wing Christian's from the 2000s I'd have more in common with than liberals of today. Bizzaro backwards world.
    You sound like you're a lot of fun to be around.

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    I think conspiracy theories have been given a bad name. Its been a clever propaganda tool. So legit news has thumbed it's nose for 40 years, conditioned people to expect that they, and only they can give the real news. Well one day they lose, one day what they want doesent happen. No problem, we conditioned them to believe conspiracy is not real. They then pump conspiracy after conspiracy as a bait and switch. Pretty fucking clever.

    I always thought the fans of a guy who made year zero were smarter than to believe what they see on tv. They're not. They bought it. Propaganda is powerful in America. Fucking backwards bizzaro world.
    Yeah, well, I thought most of Year Zero sucked, so watch me be a total fucking rebel

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    Really why? It's a badass album.
    Childish "revolutionary" lyrics, unnecessary ARG to push the music (that still delivered a clearer message than the album), pop hooks that didn't deliver....

    I like the noise breakdown in Great Destroyer. Me I'm Not was cool. I liked Zero Sum. Not even close to being my favorite NIN thing, and it's weird to hear someone group fans into "people who appreciate Year Zero" but whatever

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    I meant people have been shown through year zero how the media is fucked and government are liars. Just because bush was bad doesent mean the Dems are saints. I find it weird that nails fans are just so quick to believe the mainstream media. It's been strange watching fellow Democrats just tow the corporate media line and not question anything. Just "yup Maddow said it and she's gay so it's true" just weird. And if you question it " you're a Russian bot fox news lover I hate you die"

    Iove year zero and it's def Influenced me to read a lot of material that made me skeptical of media and government.

    I don't think anyone is saying the Dems are saints.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Villain View Post
    A lot of people are very tribal. Each sides media takes each event and slants the narrative in a way that benifits the outcome they are trying to control.
    No. I'm not part of that team play bullshit. I just hate Trump because he sucks.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Childish "revolutionary" lyrics, unnecessary ARG to push the music (that still delivered a clearer message than the album), pop hooks that didn't deliver....

    I like the noise breakdown in Great Destroyer. Me I'm Not was cool. I liked Zero Sum. Not even close to being my favorite NIN thing, and it's weird to hear someone group fans into "people who appreciate Year Zero" but whatever
    that breakdown in TGD is/was so good. Really energized me towards the band again.

  26. #236
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    The thing is, some of us live in the real world.

    The whole "well both sides aren't saints so you're all fucking stupid sheep for siding with any of them" is ridiculous and detached from reality. A lot of Democrats are like stubbing your toe and getting a papercut in that spot between your fingers, whereas a lot of Republicans are like having rusty jumper cables attached to extremely sensitive parts of your body and connected to a car battery, all while someone else shoves ice picks under your nails beats you with a sock full of quarters. I would venture to say that a very, very large portion of career politicians at the DC level are kind of shitty, but the difference is that one party seems to stand for at least *trying* to make things better, while the other one pines for the days that you could tell a colored person to go use a different water fountain and make cars that get eight miles to the gallon.

    I'd like to hear your suggestion for how distrusting journalists will magically fix this. Oh, and if no one's to be trusted, how do YOU choose between what is or isn't true if you haven't personally witnessed it and every circumstance surrounding it?

    (And off-topic, but Year Zero was a great album, and the ARG may not have been necessary but it was fucking fun.)

  27. #237
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    Conspiracy theorists are just as tribal as political/social/religious entities. The people you should question the most are the ones you actually trust. I don't mean that in a paranoid way where everyone is out to get you, but in a way that, when they're full of shit, you automatically can tell.

    I forget who said it, but I remember reading an interview with someone who mentioned that the creation of the internet allowed people with insane theories to connect with other people who believed them, thus causing them to believe their theories to be valid. It's really the same thing you experience in a religious ceremony or even a concert. It's not a god or holy spirit driving you. It's just a collective mindset coming together and feeding off of itself. You believe in it because you're a part of something and that vindicates how you feel. There's nothing particularly logical about any of it. It's purely driven by emotional responses and a feeling of community. That's fine when it comes to art, but when it comes to politics or religion or conspiracies, it becomes something that rots and contaminates the mind.

  28. #238
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    Moon is made out of cheese and anime girls are real.

  29. #239
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    News sources can spin information, but if they peddle a flagrantly false story it is a huge controversy, and that even goes for Fox News. Their talking heads aren't news outlets. You're also focused on cable news it seems... let's talk about newspapers. You can trust that the front page stories on legitimate newspapers are vetted and truthful.

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    You can trust that the front page stories on legitimate newspapers are vetted and truthful.
    YOU can, sure. (S)he can't. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, one of the richest men in the world, who would be reduced to poverty if the wrong political thing happened. So he makes his editorial staff lie about everything in order to keep us all *thinking* they're reporting the news while really he's just trying to protect his profits by any means necessary, including inventing news stories.

    (For the love of god, don't take anything I just wrote seriously. Just dropping a conspiracy theory.)

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