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Thread: Conspiracy Theories

  1. #361
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    The “dead internet” theory to me feels like a spooky romanticized take on how quickly things change in that space. When people are freaked out by things that they don’t understand they cling to supernatural or conspiratorial explanations

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    The “dead internet” theory to me feels like a spooky romanticized take on how quickly things change in that space. When people are freaked out by things that they don’t understand they cling to supernatural or conspiratorial explanations
    Oh it's DEFINITELY not REAL.

    It's just that it actually does a good job of pointing out some of the overarching changes that may not be noticeable without taking a step back, because they've happened incrementally.

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @marodi I swear to god the voice thing has happened with my wife and I around these Alexa tablets. It also makes me think of how hard intelligence agencies and police used to have to work to bug people's houses. But now, everyone has a listening device in their home. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that this could happen, after Snowden exposed Prism, and "collect it all" and the complicity of cell phone companies.

    Also, my mom's new tv, in the manual, it literally tells you not to have sensitive conversations near the tv. It says something like "your sensitive and personal.conversations may be part of the data sent to a third party to better our voice recognition system," no shit.

    Here's this video I watched re: Dead Internet Theory. This presenter kind of sucks and I'm sure there's a better video, but this, and the Atlantic article explained it better than I did.
    The video is interesting, but it mixes a lot of facts with a lot of speculation and misunderstandings on how technology works.

    I do agree that the "original internet" was mostly a "different experience", but obviously since 99' (when i first started to use it...) technology, algorithms, sites and users have changed a lot.
    Obviously the today's Internet is a more "controlled-environment" than it used to be, but this is because the very same boom of technology and companies and governments embracing it.

  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    The video is interesting, but it mixes a lot of facts with a lot of speculation and misunderstandings on how technology works.

    I do agree that the "original internet" was mostly a "different experience", but obviously since 99' (when i first started to use it...) technology, algorithms, sites and users have changed a lot.
    Obviously the today's Internet is a more "controlled-environment" than it used to be, but this is because the very same boom of technology and companies and governments embracing it.
    Exactly. Did you read the Atlantic article I posted a page back?

    It mirrors my thoughts on the subject.

  5. #365
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    Damn, y'all.

    I post this thing and literally say "now, I certainly don't think this is REAL," but state that there are kernels of truth used in the creation of the hypothesis, like incremental corporatization and such.

    And you guys are trying to debunk me or whatever.

    I NEVER said I thought this was REAL, but, yeah, Eleven is crazy
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-23-2021 at 08:25 PM.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Damn, y'all.

    I post this thing and literally say "now, I certainly don't think this is REAL," but state that there are kernels of truth used in the creation of the hypothesis, like incremental corporatization and such.

    And you guys are trying to debunk me or whatever.

    I NEVER said I thought this was REAL, but, yeah, Eleven is crazy
    lol, never said you're crazy bro, just my two cents about the video.

    Actually it has some good points, sadly, it tries too hard to go into the "tinfoil" arguments...

  7. #367
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    So I've been going down this weird rabbit hole: NATO and the CIA left behind covert forces trained in partisan fuckery in Western Europe after WWII: this much is apparently fact.

    But there are accusations that these NATO forces either supported, ignored warnings regarding, or outright COMMITTED, small scale terror attacks during the Cold War, which were then blamed on this party or that one, to tip the scales of power.

    Here's a bit about Italy via The Guardian; this was a faction of the Italian government making this accusation back in 2000. Of course the opposition party says it's balderdash, but it's interesting all the same.
    This IS the CIA we're talking about: the people with the actual double agents and shit, and the imperialist USA playing global chess with the USSR.
    And this is just the tip of the iceberg on this one.

    Here is some more info from Grunge that links to the Guardian article. Not exactly Reuters, I know. But they had me at Secret Armies.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-28-2021 at 09:15 AM.

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    used for the purposes of mass data collection, controlling narratives, keeping people engaged by showing them incendiary content, and making money.
    I'm in the middle of reading through this pdf made for NATO by one of their think tanks, here is a small sample:
    Today’s progresses in nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC), boosted by the seemingly unstoppable march of a triumphant troika made of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and civilisational ‘digital addiction’ have created a much more ominous prospect: an embedded fifth column, where everyone, unbeknownst to him or her, is behaving according to the plans of one of our competitors…The modern concept of war is not about weapons but about influence. Victory in the long run will remain solely dependent on the ability to influence, affect, change or impact the cognitive domain…Cognitive warfare may well be the missing element that allows the transition from military victory on the battlefield to lasting political success. The human domain might well be the decisive domain, wherein multi-domain operations achieve the commander’s effect.
    The Facebook page for this think tank group is fucking weird, trying to recruit people with puzzles or something. Here's the think tank page where you can download the pdf yourself:

  9. #369
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    That's fucking fascinating. @Wolfkiller

    They're talking about like, asymmetrical warfare through social media influence, to a degree, right? They're speaking of a war for people's minds.

  10. #370
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  11. #371
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    Like minded enthusiasts should check out the documentary series While The Rest Of Us Die. Deeply fascinating. It is on season 2. Last night's episode was about the US Food industry corruption and poor health due to it. Last week just went into depth about what we already know - how corporate and wealthy elite line pockets and the common US citizen is in debt and poverty out the ass from said corruption.

    Here is a season 1 episode from last year

  12. #372
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    I mean, is it a conspiracy theory that corporate overlord gatekeepers are trying to ruin everything that brings joy when you see shit like this consistently?

  13. #373
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    my wife was telling me all about her searches for a place she wants to go. as she's talking, I'm looking at the google headlines and one of the ads on the headlines was "15 great places to visit in ____".

    I know that they also pull data from phones near you for advertising - they figure if you're around that person a lot you must really like them and have similar interests - but damn was that freaky fast.

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    my wife was telling me all about her searches for a place she wants to go. as she's talking, I'm looking at the google headlines and one of the ads on the headlines was "15 great places to visit in ____".

    I know that they also pull data from phones near you for advertising - they figure if you're around that person a lot you must really like them and have similar interests - but damn was that freaky fast.
    Don't worry, though. It's not as if they'd SHARE the information they collect with anyone.
    I mean, when have big tech companies/our government ever done anything IMMORAL, or ILLEGAL, right? :P

    There's this horrifying 2013 doc called Terms and Conditions May Apply, that makes a (damn good) case for the idea that we've all unwittingly opted in to a " real time surveillance state."

    (what am I remembering that from, the "imMORal, or iLEEGal" bit? Heavy Metal? Lion King? DAMN my brain is turning to mush.)
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-15-2021 at 11:07 AM.

  15. #375
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    fun conspiracy theory:
    It's 'Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest'. And when Seacrest dies, it'll be 'Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest starring Finn Wolfhard'.

  16. #376
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  17. #377
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    Just gonna drop this link in here, since it probably wouldn't be received very well in news threads...
    Overextending and Unbalancing Russia

  18. #378
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    'roos are now an endangered species, because people like @Erneuert eat them.

    They put them on the "barbie."

    They say "Ay Toiler, pute anotha rue ahn the bahhbie.'

    That's what they do.

  19. #379
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    OH shit.

    Edit: this isn't some conspiracy theory video, btw.
    This is a reputable.independent news outlet that broke away from The Hill, featuring former white house and pentagon correspondent Saagar Enjeti, and Krystal Ball, formerly of MSNBC /huffington post.

    This, to me, PRETTY much confirms state sponsorship of 9/11, or at LEAST sponsorship by Saudi Intelligence.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-13-2022 at 12:20 PM.

  20. #380
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    I'm calling you out in this thread because I can't send you the last part of my PM to you until you clean out your inbox!

    It says "elevenism has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

    Clean your damn room you conspiracy believing hippie!

    Or you'll never read the stunning conclusion of Hurray!, Lizard Shit, Fuck.

    Last edited by burnmotherfucker!; 06-03-2022 at 06:00 AM.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post

    I'm calling you out in this thread because I can't send you the last part of my PM to you until you clean out your inbox!

    It says "elevenism has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

    Clean your damn room you conspiracy believing hippie!

    Or you'll never read the stunning conclusion of Hurray!, Lizard Shit, Fuck.

    Oh, fuck me.

    Yeah, I'm REALLY bad about that. I talk WAY too much, and I'm a hoarder.

    So I guess, then, that there will be a 52 assholes.

  22. #382
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    This one is about 10% "conspiracy theory," 10% highly plausible speculation, and 80% grim, heartbreaking fact about just HOW fucked up the music industry is, and has been for the past 100 years or so.

    And quite a bit of it revolves around the presence of organized crime.

    I knew about payola and death clauses, but good lord.
    This gets into extortion, money laundering, chart manipulation and, I don't want to spoil everything, but, again, damn. It's ROUGH.

    I really think a lot of you guys, being seriously interested in music, will find this one quite interesting, albeit fairly disheartening.

    It's feature length, extremely well done, and there are apparently more episodes coming.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-06-2022 at 07:49 PM.

  23. #383
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    Please wake up, well meaning liberals. Our enemies aren't in Russia or China.

  24. #384
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  25. #385
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    pretty sure this is going to be a conspiracy theory shortly.

  26. #386
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    i've a new favorite conspiracy theory:

    Australia doesn't exist, and anyone claiming to be Australian is a government operative, or being paid, or under mind control.

    If you go to "Australia," they take you to a city in New Zealand, where paid actors pretend to be "Australians" and say "G'day, mate! Crikey! Let's have a smoko, and then a walkabout" or whatever. OR, they take you somewhere in South America.

    Of course, then, the airlines are in on it.
    There's also a good chance that you'll be drugged on the plane, so that you'll, like, "hallucinate" the "Australian Experience" or some shit?

    The kangaroos are robots. I'm not shitting you.

    These people have had a fucking CONVENTION to discuss this "truth."
    @Erneuert , so are you gonna come clean, now? How much are they paying you? :P
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-06-2022 at 12:29 AM.

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i've a new favorite conspiracy theory:

    Australia doesn't exist, and anyone claiming to be Australian is a government operative, or being paid, or under mind control.

    If you go to "Australia," they take you to a city in New Zealand, where paid actors pretend to be "Australians" and say "G'day, mate! Crikey! Let's have a smoko, and then a walkabout" or whatever. OR, they take you somewhere in South America.

    Of course, then, the airlines are in on it.
    There's also a good chance that you'll be drugged on the plane, so that you'll, like, "hallucinate" the "Australian Experience" or some shit?

    The kangaroos are robots. I'm not shitting you.

    These people have had a fucking CONVENTION to discuss this "truth."
    @Erneuert , so are you gonna come clean, now? How much are they paying you? :P
    Good god, haha!

    The internet is the worst thing to ever happen to this species, I swear.

    Can confirm, we’re legit.

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i've a new favorite conspiracy theory:

    Australia doesn't exist, and anyone claiming to be Australian is a government operative, or being paid, or under mind control.

    If you go to "Australia," they take you to a city in New Zealand, where paid actors pretend to be "Australians" and say "G'day, mate! Crikey! Let's have a smoko, and then a walkabout" or whatever. OR, they take you somewhere in South America.

    Of course, then, the airlines are in on it.
    There's also a good chance that you'll be drugged on the plane, so that you'll, like, "hallucinate" the "Australian Experience" or some shit?

    The kangaroos are robots. I'm not shitting you.

    These people have had a fucking CONVENTION to discuss this "truth."
    @Erneuert , so are you gonna come clean, now? How much are they paying you? :P
    You know what though this theory actually makes a lot of sense! I mean, I myself have never even SEEN Australia. And just think of how much the government has to gain by this fiction.

    But, to play devil's advocate for a minute. What about didgeridoos? How do they fit in? Because I HAVE heard one before. Or do you think that every recording of a didgeridoo was just a fake done by none other than Aphex Twin himself in order to fool us all. Which of course means that AFX is high up in the government.

    And this whole thing about all of them being paid actors makes a lot of sense too. I mean think about it. Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Margo Robbie are all actors. And what do they have in common?

    Wait, forget the theory. Now I just want to go there whether or not it is real. Sign me up for that hallucination!

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by muad'nin View Post
    Good god, haha!

    The internet is the worst thing to ever happen to this species, I swear.

    Can confirm, we’re legit.
    I saw where this one dude "debated" three Australians, as to.whether or not they were paid actors. :P

    But, yeah: part of the theory has with the charge that England didn't REALLY take all those criminals to some island continent: they actually just killed them.

    But yeah, this one is.fucking great.

    How do we know you aren't a CIA agent?

    Better yet, considering the declassified documents of US mind control experiments, how do YOU know? Lolol
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-07-2022 at 09:27 PM.

  30. #390
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    Ok so...I hate to bring this up, because it's corollary to shit like pizzagate and Qanon. I abhor the demonization of Abromavic: she's one of my favorite artists of all time. Is she into the occult? Well, yeah. She isn't part of some evil cabal that eats babies or whatever, though.

    But FUCKSAKE. This is WEIRD.
    I saw the bondage bears on the news and thought "yeah, edgy, miscalculated."

    But there are a couple of things I can't explain away, here: ESPECIALLY the fucking child porn court documents with the Adidas x Balenciaga purse.

    I have no theory for this, but, at the VERY least, whoever designed these photo shoots is a fucking weirdo.

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