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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #481
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    New IMAX poster!


  2. #482
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    Ughhh, these two weeks are going to fly by! The goosebumps are uncontrollable! They show JGL a good portion in these trailers. Does anyone know how pivotal a part he plays in the film?

  3. #483
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    They've kept it fairly hush hush, though I did find this article that might explain a bit. Spoiler-ish of course (hasn't been posted here yet).

    Also, I've found a new article here that has new info and a few new pictures as well. Again, spoiler-ish.

    (I know all I do is post links to shit, but these articles are both pretty good reads!)
    Last edited by october_midnight; 07-05-2012 at 10:34 PM.

  4. #484
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    Well that wasn't very nice!

    Tonight is apparently the big night for critic screenings for TDKR so everyone be wary of movie news sites starting tomorrow I'd say.

  5. #485
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    Our critic screening here in Kansas City is on the 17th and I'm not able to go. I'm going to be texting everyone I know who IS getting in, like a godamn hurricane.

  6. #486
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    Sometimes I wonder if anyone in the 60's ever made fun of Adam West's Batman suit.

    I'd like to meet that person.

  7. #487
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    My inner hipsters instinct to maintain low expectaions and generally not give a fuck is finally giving way to my inner fanboys glee and excitement.

    !!! Pretty excited!

  8. #488
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    P.S. Dumbledore dies!

  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Well that wasn't very nice!

    Tonight is apparently the big night for critic screenings for TDKR so everyone be wary of movie news sites starting tomorrow I'd say.
    lol i was drunk

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    I got to see the movie this morning!

    Regarding the question of how important Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in the film, I say: he's a pretty important dude!

    Beyond that, though, being so early, I don't want to say much, because, hey, spoilers. But you guys are going to be quite pleased with this.

    EDIT: Twitter tells me there was a standing ovation when this thing let out, but I missed it because the moment that first director's credit came on screen I ran to the bathroom and spent probably the whole run of the credits emptying my bladder. Of course, it's possible there was another screening: the one dude says it was a critics screening with maybe 40-50 people, but this screening had critics and exhibitors (regional managers, film bookers, etc) and sat 100, easy.

    Also, you guys, seriously: see it in IMAX. Not lame, fake IMAX—try to find a theater that still runs full-frame IMAX film, if you can. There's a lot more IMAX-shot footage in this one and it looks amazing.
    Sick!! Cannot wait, thanks for sharing!

  11. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    Also, you guys, seriously: see it in IMAX. Not lame, fake IMAX—try to find a theater that still runs full-frame IMAX film, if you can. There's a lot more IMAX-shot footage in this one and it looks amazing.
    Yes! I'm seeing a midnight screening in IMAX.

  12. #492
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    Me too! And with reserved seating, there'll be no need to line up for 11 freaking hours. Is it just the one here, or do all IMAX theaters have like half the seats of a normal theater?

  13. #493
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    Depends. If you have the legit, or at least formerly-legit, film-running IMAX, the limited seating is a consequence of the auditorium dimensions required to accommodate the huge, six-storey tall IMAX screen.

  14. #494
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    Yeah we do, our theater was one of the chosen ones for the prologue a few months back, so I'm sure it's the real deal.

  15. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    I got to see the movie this morning!

    Regarding the question of how important Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in the film, I say: he's a pretty important dude!

    Beyond that, though, being so early, I don't want to say much, because, hey, spoilers. But you guys are going to be quite pleased with this.

    EDIT: Twitter tells me there was a standing ovation when this thing let out, but I missed it because the moment that first director's credit came on screen I ran to the bathroom and spent probably the whole run of the credits emptying my bladder. Of course, it's possible there was another screening: the one dude says it was a critics screening with maybe 40-50 people, but this screening had critics and exhibitors (regional managers, film bookers, etc) and sat 100, easy.

    Also, you guys, seriously: see it in IMAX. Not lame, fake IMAX—try to find a theater that still runs full-frame IMAX film, if you can. There's a lot more IMAX-shot footage in this one and it looks amazing.
    Fuck. Jealous. Would you say that it is not as good as, equal to, or better than The Dark Knight?

  16. #496
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    Well, thanks for the spoilers, time to stop reading the "NO SPOILERS" thread.

  17. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Well, thanks for the spoilers, time to stop reading the "NO SPOILERS" thread.
    Corvus is doing a good job not spoiling anything past talking about impressions of the film. Plot details are not being discussed, so those aren't spoilers. Calm down.

  18. #498
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  19. #499
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    I guess I'll drop the notice now since we're less than two weeks out.

    As of 3:00 AM EST of Friday, July 20th (that's three hours after the end of Thursday, July 19th), the spoiler ban will be lifted for this thread. What does this mean? Spoilers. Plot points. Reactions. I don't want any spoiler tagged blackouts because they hurt my eyes, so when the the thread title changes to "The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILERS)," you enter at the risk of having the movie spoiled for you. Again, I figure about two weeks out is plenty of time to issue the warning, so... you all have been warned. I don't want any messages or any posts in this thread whining about spoilers being posted after that time.


  20. #500
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    Dun dun DUNNNN!

  21. #501
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    Just couldn't resist it, could you?

  22. #502
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    Christopher Nolan gets his hands and feet in cement in front of Grauman's in Hollywood!

    Pretty psyched for this, and well deserved. Also, what does everyone think of the media now pretty much pitting it against The Avengers in literally every article? I mean, we all know it was going to happen, but it seems like 3/4 articles are just about that now. It's all a money thing with these people haha.

  23. #503
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommygunn View Post
    I may check out TDKR on rental, I have noticed a serious disconnect with Chris Nolan movies, where I dig the film the first time I see it, and then it loses it's appeal on every subsequent viewing.

    I liked TDK when I saw it on day of release, then when I got the DVD months later I had to turn it off half way through because it just couldn't hold my interest. It wasn't a lack of action, I think it's just too many characters I don't care about, with each scene feeling like filler until Heath Ledger has another bit.
    That's actually how I felt, but after my first viewing while still in the theatre. Me and my friend walked out of the theatre and we were soooo bored afterwards. I never attempted a 2nd viewing again to hopefully "get into it" as my experience with multiple viewings is, it never seems to be as good as the first time you saw it, so if I hated it right off the bat, a 2nd viewing wouldn't do it any justice.

    I have stayed so far, far, far away from the trailers, press, interviews anything about this movie at all, so with that alone I wonder if I should check it out just with no biased opinion. Just literally go in there and know nothing about it. I miss those days of movie viewing. It's really hard to stay away from trailers these days, and I find they can really ruin your movie going experience just from watching one. Take "The Amazing Spider-man" for instance, they literally gave the WHOLE movie away between all the trailers, so there was nothing new... and get ready for this... you know how those marvel/superhero movies will have an after the credit scene? The spider-man "hidden" scene was actually played IN the trailer!!! Yes, in the goddamn trailer!! What a let down. Why on earth would anyone put that in a trailer? That's terrible marketing!

    Anyway, I wouldn't pay top dollar for this movie is what I am getting at, but up until recently I had no interest in seeing this at all. I used to be a huge batman fan growing up watching the animated series, the cheesy 60s live actione one, and the Burton and Schumacher movies I saw them all in the theatre on opening weekend. Loved the direction they took it with Batman Begins, but once The Dark Knight hit... something was missing. Left an extremely sour taste in my mouth. I find the movie to be really over-hyped, and I think it's because of Heath Ledger and how he passed away shortly before the movie came out, so automatically that was gaining public press. I just don't think it's as great as a movie as everyone makes it out to be.

    With that said, I told myself I was gonna wait for a DVD release, but they actually have a $2 Tuesday cheap theatre where I live now, and I would totally pay $2 to at least check it out. $2 isn't that much of a loss if the movie sucks, it's when you start getting into the $10-20 range for a movie, that's a total ripoff.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 07-08-2012 at 08:25 PM.

  24. #504
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    ^^The Batman films are the only Nolan movies I didn't enjoy. Which is a bummer, because I'm a huge Nolan fan. I'm thinking maybe I'll rent the first two movies here soon (since I've only seen them once) and give them another shot, then decide whether or not to see TDKR.

  25. #505
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    what I like about Nolan's Batman movies is how he's taken a completely unique and new approach to the "superhero" movie. He works from the source material like a guideline, but takes tons of liberties with character design. He's going for something more realistic and gritty than any other comic book movie I've seen, and I love that.

    Still, I have to admit I wasn't that into Begins, and I think The Dark Knight owes the majority of its greatness to Ledger for his amazing performance. Maybe that's why I'm so excited for Rises... it'll settle the issue for me. If it even comes close to being as interesting and engaging as The Dark Knight was, I have to bow down to Nolan's vision entirely. If it disappoints, I guess I'm going to fall into the camp that thinks the best part of TDK was Ledger.

  26. #506
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    That's actually how I felt, but after my first viewing while still in the theatre. Me and my friend walked out of the theatre and we were soooo bored afterwards. I never attempted a 2nd viewing again to hopefully "get into it" as my experience with multiple viewings is, it never seems to be as good as the first time you saw it, so if I hated it right off the bat, a 2nd viewing wouldn't do it any justice.

    I have stayed so far, far, far away from the trailers, press, interviews anything about this movie at all, so with that alone I wonder if I should check it out just with no biased opinion. Just literally go in there and know nothing about it. I miss those days of movie viewing. It's really hard to stay away from trailers these days, and I find they can really ruin your movie going experience just from watching one. Take "The Amazing Spider-man" for instance, they literally gave the WHOLE movie away between all the trailers, so there was nothing new... and get ready for this... you know how those marvel/superhero movies will have an after the credit scene? The spider-man "hidden" scene was actually played IN the trailer!!! Yes, in the goddamn trailer!! What a let down. Why on earth would anyone put that in a trailer? That's terrible marketing!

    Anyway, I wouldn't pay top dollar for this movie is what I am getting at, but up until recently I had no interest in seeing this at all. I used to be a huge batman fan growing up watching the animated series, the cheesy 60s live actione one, and the Burton and Schumacher movies I saw them all in the theatre on opening weekend. Loved the direction they took it with Batman Begins, but once The Dark Knight hit... something was missing. Left an extremely sour taste in my mouth. I find the movie to be really over-hyped, and I think it's because of Heath Ledger and how he passed away shortly before the movie came out, so automatically that was gaining public press. I just don't think it's as great as a movie as everyone makes it out to be.

    With that said, I told myself I was gonna wait for a DVD release, but they actually have a $2 Tuesday cheap theatre where I live now, and I would totally pay $2 to at least check it out. $2 isn't that much of a loss if the movie sucks, it's when you start getting into the $10-20 range for a movie, that's a total ripoff.
    I think all the criticism that was presented about The Dark Knight has been taken positively by Nolan and crew and used as a means of making The Dark Knight Rises as good as it could possibly be. A big gripe I always hear about TDK is Bale's Batman voice and, judging by trailers, it seems he's reverted back to how he sounded in Begins. As far as the whole Ledger thing is concerned, I do agree that there a lot of people out there that praise it just because he's dead now (see also: The Crow and Kurt Cobain/Nirvana), but I also believed in his ability to give a good performance the moment I heard of his casting. I even followed behind-the-scenes posts before its release and was blown away by how seriously he took the role. The moment I heard the first audio of him speaking I got chills. I'm planning to re-watch Begins and TDK today, but I've seen the latter multiple times and can say that the only thing that bothers me is Bale's Batman voice and Oldman's occasional accent slip when yelling. That being said, I don't think I'm going to like the films any less.
    Last edited by wight rabbit; 07-11-2012 at 02:08 AM.

  27. #507
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  28. #508
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    The entire score for "The Dark Knight Rises" can now be heard, here:

  29. #509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    The entire score for "The Dark Knight Rises" can now be heard, here:
    That score was.... Pretty good, it seemed really fast paced.
    Last edited by orestes; 07-10-2012 at 08:42 PM. Reason: No need for a spoiler tag

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