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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #571
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    Seeing Street Sweeper Social Club go up in arms over this movie on Facebook is giving me SO MUCH enjoyment.

    Dudes, it's Batman. BATMAN. :P

    Anyway, going to the local premiere in about half an hour to get a good spot nice n early. Hopefully I can make some time to see this baby in IMAX before I move!

  2. #572
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    so fucking good

  3. #573
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    Anybody else do The Dark Knight Trilogy event that AMC hosted? I had a fuckin' blast! It was me, my two older brothers, and my younger sis and it was super fun. I hadn't seen Batman Begins in years, and forgot how fucking awesome that movie is. Some of the establishing shots looked particularly good in IMAX, even though none of it was shot on that film stock. Of course it was great to have the audience clap at the end of each movie, and during select moments, such as The Joker's magic trick. Also, we were given 2 different posters and a lanyard for the Trilogy, which was a nice bonus.

    Read the following at your own risk of further induced hype.

    I may edit this post later for a slightly more in-depth review, but all I will say now is that - while I expected to shed a tear here or there for this final installment - The Dark Knight Rises had me sobbing in a packed theater by the very end. I can honestly say I've never done that before. Tears of happiness are such a rare but beautiful thing. That film was immensely satisfying, and just as I was hoping/anticipating, I think Nolan takes the cake for Best Summer 2012 Blockbuster... keeping in mind that this is after a single viewing, for whatever that's worth.

    On a somewhat related note, the Man of Steel teaser was not what I expected, but in the best way. I've been cautiously optimistic, but I'm starting to have real faith, and starting to get a hint of Nolan's influence, which I really think will end up being key to reigning in Snyder's more indulgent tendencies. The coming of that film eases the bittersweet feeling of Rises for sure.

  4. #574
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    Won't be forgetting this one for awhile.

  5. #575
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    Unfuckingbelievable! Words can't properly convey how amazing and fully encompassing this movie is- my emotions ran the gamut watching this movie. Definitely worth the wait and anticipation all these months.

    Kudos to both Nolan and Hathaway for showing a glimpse of my dearest Selina as she truly is.

  6. #576
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    Spoiler warnings lifted so chat away and without tags.

    I love that we got an ending to Bruce's story and that it was a true ending while maintaining that Gotham would still have its protector. Anne Hathaway was perfect as Selina. Also, I totally picked up that Miranda was Talia since we did the trilogy screening and saw the brand from Begins show up as the marking on her back after she and Bruce hooked up. Still a nice twist and a nice way to wrap up the whole story. Bane... was excellent. The first battle between him and Batman was so one-sided, even when you see Batman getting shots in with Bane almost toying with him. I loved this movie and can't wait to see it again 35897 more times in the theatre.

  7. #577
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    The scene where Bane breaks Batman- me and the guy sitting to me just stared at each other with an ill look on our faces. Absolutely gut-wrenching. Same for the hanging scene.

    Also, holy shit Scarecrow!!

  8. #578
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  9. #579
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    Let's keep that in the news/headlines forum.

  10. #580
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    This makes the other two movies look bad...real bad.


    Good shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lutz View Post
    If you're not impressed by the first two movies this one won't win you over either.

    The only major complaint I had was the soundtrack. It's like they didn't have confidence in the scenes so they had to have a completely overbearing soundtrack to tell the audience how they should be reacting just in case they were in any doubt. Very ham fisted and not in the heavily stylised way that a director like Brian De Palma manages to pull off but in the overtly manipulative and distracting way someone like Darren Aronofsky uses his score.
    Absolutely not and no.

    Last edited by Amaro; 07-20-2012 at 05:19 AM.

  11. #581
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    Some days you just cant get rid of a bomb!

  12. #582
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    Please watch the spoilers, people.

  13. #583
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    I have to agree with Lutz. I loved the movie but man that soundtrack was over bearing. The fact that some scene's were done with minimal or no music at all just made the contrast even more obvious. There were even parts with the full orchestra blasting and characters talking (or yelling) underneath it and I had to strain to hear them clearly.

    But yeah, awesome movie. I was scared Bane wouldn't feel like much of a threat after the Jokers crazy antics. I guess in a way the character himseld didn't seem as menacing as the Joker, but the whole situation was serious enough that the drama was there.

  14. #584
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    I was skeptical that they seemingly turned Bane into a completely new character. But from the reviews, it seems to have worked out.

  15. #585
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    Watching it today. I understand if others won't obviously, but I won't let fear or guilt ruin this for me. I know that sounds self-serving and uncaring of what has happened, but I assure you it isn't. I've let fear screw me out of what could have been beneficial experiences of my life. I'm not comparing seeing a movie to that, but I'm old enough to make a stand and make up for lost time.

  16. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Please watch the spoilers, people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I guess I'll drop the notice now since we're less than two weeks out.

    As of 3:00 AM EST of Friday, July 20th (that's three hours after the end of Thursday, July 19th), the spoiler ban will be lifted for this thread. What does this mean? Spoilers. Plot points. Reactions. I don't want any spoiler tagged blackouts because they hurt my eyes, so when the the thread title changes to "The Dark Knight Rises (SPOILERS)," you enter at the risk of having the movie spoiled for you. Again, I figure about two weeks out is plenty of time to issue the warning, so... you all have been warned. I don't want any messages or any posts in this thread whining about spoilers being posted after that time.

    I gave two weeks notice on this. Please stay out of the thread until you've seen the movie so you don't get spoiled.

  17. #587
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    161 Post(s) about them shootings huh? Or the death threats against negative reviewers?

  18. #588
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    If you're trying to draw a correlation between the two, stop.


  19. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    If you're trying to draw a correlation between the two, stop.

    I'm going on the basis of information I know. I just know it was a premiere theatre.

    The death threats against reviewers isn't top news either, really.

  20. #590
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I'm going on the basis of information I know. I just know it was a premiere theatre.

    The death threats against reviewers isn't top news either, really.
    So why are you bring this all up then if it isn't top news? Headlines forum, please. The death threats don't even need to be mentioned since they originated with a bunch of self-righteous fanboys who can't respect that there are people out there who aren't as wowed the movie as others are.

    Back on topic.

  21. #591
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    holy fucking shit this movie was phenomenal!

    the ending knocked my socks off, thank god I have read NOTHING about this movie spoiler-wise. Gone in completely cold, only seen one trailer, worth the self-control (unlike Prometheus which scratched that itch)
    Last edited by owinn; 07-20-2012 at 01:33 PM.

  22. #592
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    Thought the movie was great. I'm in the minority that wasn't totally blown away by The Dark Knight, in fact I thought that movie took itself way too serious. That being said, this exceeded all my expectations. While the Joker was used as a moral vibe to have Batman and Gordon question themselves (along with Harvey Dent, something that is referenced throughout the movie), Bane was more of a "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do because I can" type of villain. I enjoyed Bane because there were no morals, nothing by the book, just pure evil and brutality. The first fight scene where he breaks Batman and basically overmatches him by beating the shit out of him set the tone that the rule book would have to be thrown out and Batman himself would have to unleash his hate and just go for it, something he eventually does when he decides to climb out without the use of the rope.

    Bane is also the baddest guy I've ever seen on a screen. From the beginning he's ruthless, doesn't compromise and not only can he outhink Batman and everyone else, he can beat everyone. I was captivated every time he was on screen because he seemed to get progressively more sadistic and darker than before. An unfair comparison for both villains, as one was there to have Batman question exactly what he was doing, the other I felt wanted to fight in all honestly and had a brawler mentality. Both had the same goal of overtaking the city with their lawless type of "justice".

    Anne Hathaway was awesome. I still love Julie Newmar from the old series, but Hathaway killed it. Sexy, badass, conscientious, and on par with Batman and Bane. She was perfect and for me stole the show. I was literally cheering each time she showed up on screen.

    I've never seen a crowd cheer so much too. Specifically when Wayne climbs out of the cell, and when Batman comes back to help out Gotham with 12 hours to go. The biggest ovation went to when the police charge Bane's army, literally everyone was screaming yes! Shit, even when Detective Blake revealed his real name, everyone gasped and clapped.

    So yes, I loved it. Going to see it again today despite the fear that some of us may have after Colorado. Really looking forward to seeing it in IMAX next weeekk.

  23. #593
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    This was really the perfect ending to the trilogy. Definitely exceeded my expectations.

    The cast is terrific and, as I predicted, Anne Hathaway is the show stealer here. Bale does a better job then in either of the two movies.

    The conservative undertones return here, stronger than even before. Sometimes they're so blatant, it's laughable... The central theme is this Atlas Shrugged - like idea that our society is upheald by the sacrifices of the wealthiest members of the population. The Randian themes continue in a portion of the movie that sees Bruce Wayne trying to become more self motivated.

    That idea was very effective. There was that part at the end where you think he's dead, and despite my long held desire to see them kill off a superhero in his own major franchise, I couldn't help but feel a bit blue-balled in that we had just started to see him getting things that he wanted. That's where Catwoman comes in, and the chemistry between the two is solid, and relatively convincing. The audience wants to see it work out, for both of there sakes.

    That said, they almost completely derail this by having Wayne sleep with Miranda Tate. There's no relationship development here, and the scene is totally pointless. I'm convinced they did it to appease the rabid comic book fan-base, but it's one of the worst scenes in the movie for both of the reasons described above. Furthermore its quite unceremonious. This is the first time (as far as we know) that Batman gets down in the ENTIRE trilogy... it feels very stupid.

    Also stupid are some of the more over the top elements of the movie. They did a bit to bring back some of the earthly elements of the first installment, but a lot of things push suspension of belief. Also, why the fuck is he still using the voice around people who know his identity? WTF? I've always hated the voice, and in this movie it's really overstayed its welcome.

    Tere are some other stupid lines here and there, but as I said I still thought it was the perfect ending. There was also a surprising amount of fan service,more than I would expect in a Nolan bBtman film. It's at least as good as it's predecessor; it lacks TDK's plotholes and clusterfuck ending. Somehow TKDR actually enhances the movie that came before. It's that kind of good.

  24. #594
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    Funny, to me the notions of self-sacrifice is more Dickensian than Randian, seeing as how Nolan has said the tone of the movie was inspired by books like A Tale of Two Cities​.

    Hell, the courtroom reminded me of something out of the Reign of Terror, with Scarecrow officiating in a position unlike Robespierre.

  25. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Hell, the courtroom reminded me of something out of the Reign of Terror, with Scarecrow officiating in a position unlike Robespierre.
    Heh, that bit reminded me a whole lot of the Quintessons from Transformers the Movie.
    Also did anyone else get a bit of a Star Wars vibe from this movie? I'm not just talking super human on life support in the case of Bane vs Vader but there was a bit of the Han Solo about Selina and there were plenty of other things but they're all so obvious and probably not worth talking about. I need to see this again. Now.
    Last edited by owinn; 07-20-2012 at 02:13 PM.

  26. #596
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    Yeah, theres nothing reallt randian about self sacrifice, but a lot of the other ideas are pretty heavily so. Especially that idea that wed be in chaos if not for the wealthiest members of society.

    Im not saying that its all Rand, and im not familiar with A Tale of Two cities, but the rand is there and you could see why they might want to justvoutright say it and wave it in peoples faces.

    The anti occupy theme gets really condescending at times too. That scene where Catwoman's girlfriend ask her, isnt this what you wanted? My friends and i had a few laughs at that...
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 07-20-2012 at 02:22 PM.

  27. #597
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    Ooops, I should have said self-preservation. I know how much Rand devotees hate the word sacrifice.

    Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Gotham didn't suddenly get thrown into chaos because wealthy apartment tenants were forcibly evicted from their homes and sentenced to exile. Gordon was issued the same sentence from Scarecrow.

    Tell me, what do you think was Bane's motive?

  28. #598
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    Absolutely loved this movie. Seeing it in IMAX was quite the amazing experience. I did hate how loud the soundtrack was though.

  29. #599
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    Banes motives were only skin deep, which is to say that he didnt have an y hidden agendas or anything. But his whole tactic of rallying people against the disparity in wealth really implies that those ideas are childish, or coming from the wrong place. I think its a stretch NOT to see any Randian subtext... self preservation, btw is central to those ideas...
    Theres even a secene where the movie tells us that without all that extra money, Bruce Wayne cant help the orphans! And he cant be batman either! Who can save us but the very rich?????

  30. #600
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    Anne Hathaway really exceeded my expectations. I didn't think she had it in her. It was good to see Catwoman playing deputy to Batman.

    How many people saw the Robin thing coming a mile off? I guessed when he had his first conversation with Batman, but don't know if that was supposed to be the case.

    It's been a good summer for action blockbusters so far. I'm not used to them, so I still find it hard to suspend belief (BW got thrown into Bane's prison, lived in captivity, and escaped, but somehow STILL had the clean slate to give to Selina - wtf?) but it didn't spoil my overall enjoyment. I'm not sure I really liked Miranda's story twist, though - it made Bane more interesting, but made her own character a bit crap. And some explanation for why the Scarecrow randomly pops up as judge would have been good.

    But I suppose it's better that we don't end up with a five hour film. Although I would have totally been ok with that film lasting longer.

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