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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #631
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    I just got back and I absolutely loved it. My only complaint was that they brought up that his name was Robin.

    They could have left that out, and just showed him putting on Batmans cape & cowl. Personally I feel that would have been a more fitting end. He doesn't need to be Robin, because Batman is an eternal symbol, once played by Bruce Wayne, now played by John Blake.

  2. #632
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    A lot of critics noted that too.
    I thought Hardy was channeling Sean Connery through most of this.

  3. #633
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    Love the trilogy, TDK is probably still my favorite then Begins but this one is good. I think the pacing was odd at times but other than that I thought Batman appeared "Jason Voorhees" style too many times. Helping catwoman and saving Blake are the two main times. Seemed like Rises had more close relations with Begins given the League of Shadows connections which is absent from TDK entirely. Not that it really matters but just something i noted.

    Other than a few gripes (wish Crane wore his mask during sentencing) it was perfect closure to the trilogy. I like to compare it to the original Star Wars trilogy actually in terms of trilogies.

  4. #634
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    As would I, fucking LOVED this movie...still can't get over how good it was and how much I wanna see it again. So...I'm going tonight again.

  5. #635
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Just got back myself as well. Am I the only one who hated Bane's voice? I could have used closed caption at some points.....
    I had no problem understanding him.

  6. #636
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    Me neither. After seeing the 7 min prologue a few months ago (before they changed it to make it more clear), THAT was muffled as hell. I was looking forward to the first time he spoke last night in the final movie to see how much they'd changed it, and was infinitely clearer this time around.

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    I had no problem understanding him.
    Me neither. There literally was not one sentence that I couldn't understand. I don't understand why people are having a hard time?

  8. #638
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    ^ Maybe more low end in some theaters over others. I didn't have the easiest time hearing every word...but I definitely got most of it. I thought I'd be bothered or annoyed by the voice itself, but I quite liked it. Bane was just portrayed very right overall, I feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by owinn View Post
    I thought Hardy was channeling Sean Connery through most of this.
    My girlfriend said the same kinda thing.

    I'd go see this again in theater or IMAX if I wasn't tight on money. I'll definitely get it on Blu-ray though.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-21-2012 at 12:19 PM.

  9. #639
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    I only occassionally had hard tome understanding Bane. But i did think his voice was silly and out of place. It sounded SUPER bizarre in the audio mix.

    And i hooe they avoid any spin offs. Flash freeze this shit an lockin a vault. They made three great movies, and that only happens once every ten years or so. Time to leave this one alone.

  10. #640
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    One random thing regarding our Imax showing: There were no trailers. Surprisingly, as soon as the lights dimmed, the movie immediately started. I wondered if this was an anomaly, a way of cutting time to allow for more viewings or anothe reason. I've heard some describe seeing the new Superman trailer, so, I was confused. Anyone else get trailers before their Rises showing?

  11. #641
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    I just saw it. I loved it. I did have trouble understanding Bane but I guess that means I am going to have to watch the movie again.

    The one part that really bothered me was: how the hell did Bruce Wayne get back to the US? He was in a foreign country with no money, no passport, no ID. Then he had to get back in to a locked down city with no resources or anything. Then he had to figure out where catwoman was and find a shadowy place to walk out of. I guess anyone can be Batman even if they have NO way of getting home.

    I thought this film had a more realistic feel then the others in the trilogy. Maybe because more of the action occurred in the daytime. Or it felt more like Batman was more of an underdog physically. Which is where he always excelled in the other movies, regardless of the situation he could always kick everyone's ass. In this movie he was worn out and out matched. Even rich men don't have the fountain of youth. The movie did allot to beat him down so it was more satisfying that he was finally recognized as the hero he always was.

    Or maybe it felt more realistic because Gotham looked more like Manhattan then it did before.
    Last edited by Bluegirl; 07-21-2012 at 01:03 PM.

  12. #642
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    I liked this film quite a bit. I dont think it tops The Dark Knight at all, but overall it was a solid film. There was things i disliked, mainly the huge focus on characters that weren't Bruce Wayne or the villains. The twists were mostly fine, I had no problem with the Robin thing. The Tate twist was expected. Banes voice did sound weird in the audio mix, it just seemed really dubbed or something.

    I'll break down some specifics

    Bad scenes-

    -Ra's al Ghols return. i know he was like part of bruces imagination or whatever, but the way he literally disappeared was just goofy.
    -When the whole police force is trapped for like 3 months, it was a bit much.
    -When Alfred leaves, i just wish he had sticked around. I always liked his ubreakable loyalty to Wayne
    -Scarecrows return. why wasnt he in costume and what happened to him? he was in all three movies so i figured he'd be more important.
    -I hated Peter Foley in the movie. every scene he was in was annoying. (expect i guess the scene he died in, that one was pretty good)
    -Banes death was too quick. he was this huge hulking menace and then it was like BAM. dead.
    -Talia al ghouls death was cheesy

    Good scenes-

    -Banes intro was fairly satisfying and quite a spectacle.
    -The first fight scene with Bane and Batman in that sewer, it was as brutal and intense as it should have been. The comic book fan in me really loved the homage shot when Bane literally breaks Batman over his knee. Plus the cracking of the mask was cool.
    -When the little boy sings before the football game and there is that montage over it
    -When Bruce Wayne literally rises out of the prison, its an emotionally satisfying moment.
    -Most scenes with John Blake were good
    -Catwoman was badass and i liked seeing both her and batman working together
    -The scene when Batman takes the bomb and you think he's dead
    -The last like, two minutes of the film, were a perfect end to the trilogy

    At the end of the day, not a perfect film but a damn good one. And a solid trilogy to rewatch in movie marathons for years to come.

  13. #643
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    I caught a 10am showing today. Overall, I greatly enjoyed. As was already mentioned, it had a great balance on story intrigue/drama and action. I actually got teary-eyed during the scene with Alfred. It was least to me.

    Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle = SCHWIIIIING!!! I've always had a boner for even more so.

    The sorta re-treading of old story with League of Shadows and Harvey Dent was just about right. Not too overbearing.

    My one and only beef with the movie is that I couldn't really take Bane seriously...solely because to me when he spoke, he sounded like he was trying to imitate Sean Connery. Especially the Connery spoofs from the SNL Jeopardy skits.

  14. #644
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    One random thing regarding our Imax showing: There were no trailers. Surprisingly, as soon as the lights dimmed, the movie immediately started. I wondered if this was an anomaly, a way of cutting time to allow for more viewings or anothe reason. I've heard some describe seeing the new Superman trailer, so, I was confused. Anyone else get trailers before their Rises showing?
    Yes, I saw trailers for The Hobbit, Man of Steel, Oz: The Great and Powerful and Resident Evil 17: Electric Boogaloo in 3D.

  15. #645
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    Neither IMAX screen here showed any trailers either...and if someone could post a link to a cam version of RE 17: Electric Boogaloo 3D, I'd be eternally grateful.

  16. #646
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    I don't think I could've asked for a better way to end this trilogy. Not only the best Batman movie ever made but the best superhero movie and best trilogy of all time.

  17. #647
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    What did some of you find so great about The Dark Knight? I don't wanna go off the topic of this movie, but I'm interested. Maybe draw contrasts to this movie...
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-21-2012 at 02:20 PM.

  18. #648
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    Did anyone else catch this? Apparently Bane's voice was inspired by a bare-knuckle boxer and gypsy.

    The voice that Hardy gave him was definitely unusual, but I liked it. It had the right amount of menace, and for lack of a better word... foreign-ness. In other words, it gave me the sense that he was't American or English, but that he had clearly led an international life. Most of the time I didn't have trouble understanding him, and when I did, it wasn't necessarily because of the muffle effect they gave him. I missed a few words from everyone in that movie. I usually put on subtitles when I watch stuff at home, just to avoid missing things and having to rewind. All the dialogue I didn't catch is just an excuse to watch this movie over and over!

    I don't know about anyone else, but Rises officially won me over after Bane and Batman's first showdown - "The Breaking" if you will - after that scene (and even during), all I could think was "That was better than anything in the past 2 movies." I actually involuntarily screamed when it sounded like Bane pinched or broke something in Batman's kidney area. Unreal. As soon as Bats stepped on to that catwalk, I was shitting myself with terror. I can't remember the last time I felt that particular kind of dread watching a movie. Brilliant scene.

    What really put Bane over the edge for me was seeing that single tear roll down his face when Talia was explaining that he was her protector. It added just right the amount of complexity to him. He's still evil as fuck, but that moment of physical and emotional vulnerability was very well-placed.

  19. #649
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    Well damn, Orestes, I feel robbed. I heard either Ozone or Turbo broke their neck making the latest Resident Evil (in 3D, no less). Another thing: I guess I'm in the minority in that I did not mind the score or its volume. I love Hans Zimmer's work and felt it enhanced the movie. Finally, Alfred's break-up scene with Bruce was heart-breaking. I was unsure if he'd ever confess to burning Rachel's letter and was shocked when he did. The fallout was understandable on both ends, but, damn, it was sad.

  20. #650
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    I just got back from seeing this. Pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed it more than I initially thought. This was probably the grittiest one of the trilogy, as far as I'm concerned. Bane wasn't as bad of a villain as I thought and Catwoman was all right but still missed that extra oomph I wanted.

    I enjoyed it!

  21. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    Did anyone else catch this? Apparently Bane's voice was inspired by a bare-knuckle boxer and gypsy.

    The voice that Hardy gave him was definitely unusual, but I liked it. It had the right amount of menace, and for lack of a better word... foreign-ness. In other words, it gave me the sense that he was't American or English, but that he had clearly led an international life. Most of the time I didn't have trouble understanding him, and when I did, it wasn't necessarily because of the muffle effect they gave him. I missed a few words from everyone in that movie. I usually put on subtitles when I watch stuff at home, just to avoid missing things and having to rewind. All the dialogue I didn't catch is just an excuse to watch this movie over and over!

    I don't know about anyone else, but Rises officially won me over after Bane and Batman's first showdown - "The Breaking" if you will - after that scene (and even during), all I could think was "That was better than anything in the past 2 movies." I actually involuntarily screamed when it sounded like Bane pinched or broke something in Batman's kidney area. Unreal. As soon as Bats stepped on to that catwalk, I was shitting myself with terror. I can't remember the last time I felt that particular kind of dread watching a movie. Brilliant scene.

    What really put Bane over the edge for me was seeing that single tear roll down his face when Talia was explaining that he was her protector. It added just right the amount of complexity to him. He's still evil as fuck, but that moment of physical and emotional vulnerability was very well-placed.
    I found my movie buddy!


    I completely follow ya. On all counts, but I too around or by thE fight scene was realizing to myself "My god...this is many times better than the others. Bar none." Sheesh!

    I LOVE the prison segments...Bruce healing, and finally getting out after failing. Just...awesomely shot.

    Let's also talk about how perfect his batsuit looked. So refined, huh?

  22. #652
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    Random question about the opening plane hijacking sequence: I understand that the purpose was to kidnap that nuclear scientist. However, what was the point of the blood transfusion to the carcass? Was it some attempt to convince the world that the scientist had died in the plane wreck? Seems odd that they would have enough blood for the corpse, even if they managed to drain the blood out of said corpse. Further, wouldn't dental and/or fingerprint records be used to identify the body? You rarely, if ever, hear of a body being identified by the blood found in it, especially in wreckage: Teeth are used unless the wreckage is completely incinerated. I know nit-picky, but, just curious on thoughts. It did nothing to ruin the movie for me or anything. It was just odd.

  23. #653
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    However, what was the point of the blood transfusion to the carcass? Was it some attempt to convince the world that the scientist had died in the plane wreck?
    Bingo.They likely drained (exsanguinated) the corpse and put the scientist's blood in.

    My favorite scene was any scene with Michael Caine. He owned this movie.

    Also, anyone else enjoy the fan service of Batman and Catowman running off together into retirement?

  24. #654
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    Yea, when I left the theater after the exciment finnally left me. I wondered as well, guess we will have to wait for the commentary.

    Great film by the way, I teared a bit after the movie. That ending was fantastic and this has replaced star wars as my all time trilogy.

  25. #655
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluegirl View Post

    The one part that really bothered me was: how the hell did Bruce Wayne get back to the US? He was in a foreign country with no money, no passport, no ID. Then he had to get back in to a locked down city with no resources or anything. Then he had to figure out where catwoman was and find a shadowy place to walk out of. I guess anyone can be Batman even if they have NO way of getting home.
    Yeah that bit annoyed me.

  26. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    I don't know about anyone else, but Rises officially won me over after Bane and Batman's first showdown - "The Breaking" if you will - after that scene (and even during), all I could think was "That was better than anything in the past 2 movies." I actually involuntarily screamed when it sounded like Bane pinched or broke something in Batman's kidney area. Unreal. As soon as Bats stepped on to that catwalk, I was shitting myself with terror. I can't remember the last time I felt that particular kind of dread watching a movie. Brilliant scene.
    Even though I've read Knightfall, I still let out a yelp when Bane broke Batman over his knee. Absolutely gut-wrenching to watch.

  27. #657
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    I had trouble taking Bane seriously because he dressed like a power bottom; All Batman had to do was switch the amyl button on his gimp mask and roll him over.

  28. #658
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    Let my collectiing of TDKR hot toys begin.

  29. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
    Also, anyone else enjoy the fan service of Batman and Catwoman running off together into retirement?
    I thought that was great!

    I am going to have to watch this movie at least another two times in theaters.

  30. #660
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    I loved this...saw it in IMAX today. For me it goes Begins then TDKR then TDK. I don't think TDK holds up as well after a repeated viewing, Ledger totally carries that movie. This and LOTR are absolutely the top notch trilogies ever IMO.

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