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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #661
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
    Bingo.They likely drained (exsanguinated) the corpse and put the scientist's blood in.

    My favorite scene was any scene with Michael Caine. He owned this movie.

    Also, anyone else enjoy the fan service of Batman and Catowman running off together into retirement?
    You know, it took me a min or two to question if that was actually Bruce and Selina or alfred's imagination. I guess I was fucking high from the whole ending.

    Would you guys have been pissed if Nolan did kill off Bruce?

  2. #662
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    I really want to believe that that is the end of the Batman character, that Wayne lives the rest of his life in peace, especially knowing that he set the example that Blake follows. Killing him in that explosion would have been both a bummer and kind of stupid, which is rare because sometimes the bummer ending is often better than happy endings.

  3. #663
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Would you guys have been pissed if Nolan did kill off Bruce?
    YES. Because it's MISTER WAYNE.

  4. #664
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    When the bomb went off, I was thinking that alot of my friend's predicitions came true. I told them that I would have been pissed if it happened. But when the scene hit, I wasnt mad, just sad really. I guess that is why the ending was so bad ass for me, Nolan threw in a curve ball, even though many may have thought that it was cliche or whatever.

  5. #665
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    I found out one thing from that scene, that I'd always suspected but never figure out until then. If someone with the visual knack that Christopher Nolan has, can't make a nuclear explosion look cool, nobody can.

  6. #666
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    You know, it took me a min or two to question if that was actually Bruce and Selina or alfred's imagination. I guess I was fucking high from the whole ending.

    Would you guys have been pissed if Nolan did kill off Bruce?
    I went for a second round today, under the impression that the ending was left for the interpetation of the audience.... but i lweft the second viewing sure that it wasnt. What with all the stuff he left in his will, etc.

    I mentioned this earlier, but by starting to give Bruce some thing to live for, in the form of Catwoman, they made it really hard to not want tosee him succeed.

  7. #667
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    Just got back from this and OMG was it just amazing on all ends. The acting was superb; all of the actors/actresses played their part very well but I would have to say that JGL stole this fucking film. He was the most pivotal character in this whole movie. The emotion, the heart, and the sense that he was building up to be a protector of Gotham. He took a lot of risks and was pretty much in the middle of everything. I would have liked to see Batman a bit more though. It felt like I was watching a film that was not even about Batman at all and I kind of liked that. Shit, I think this movie would have been great on it's own if it didn't even involve Batman and that is what is so great about Christopher Nolan. Here is a finale to the trilogy, and the whole time I wasn't even really thinking about Batman or wanting to see him in most cases. I was more drawn into Bane and his sadistic attitude to just bring chaos to Gotham and no one standing in his way. Hathaway did a great job going in and out of her sassy attitude when she needed to, and GOD TOM HARDY.... there are no words. At the end when him and Batman are going at it and he is punching relentlessly and then punches the pole, I was like "WHATTTT".

    I can go on and on about this movie... but in a nutshell JGL, Tom Hardy, and Hathaway were just flawless and I am already amped and ready for a mother fuckin' Robin film starring JGL. The ending was perfect.

  8. #668
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Would you guys have been pissed if Nolan did kill off Bruce?
    No, in fact after the bomb went off, I actually did think he really killed him off. I was shocked that he had the balls to go through with it and that WB let him do it.

    But then we found out it was all a trick, and that made me kind of disappointed. I was glad that a movie could still trick me though, that doesn't happen too often anymore.

  9. #669
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  10. #670
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    I personally teared up a bit when Alfred told the Wayne family at the Plot that he had failed. It got me going.

    Looking back now, Bane wasn't so bad of a villain after all. He is far from one of my favorite Batman villains (not even in top 5) and yet I actually enjoyed it.

  11. #671
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    I also gotta say this. I saw the prologue in IMAX several months ago, and after that I downloaded a shitty bootleg of it and watched that endlessly. I can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it was to see it on an IMAX screen after so many months of watching it in shit quality on a 20 inch monitor.

  12. #672
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    I echo everyone's sentiments regarding the ending, and especially Michael Caine straight KILLING it in this last film. Just got back from my second IMAX viewing. It was even better the second time. So much. This movie fucking rules.

  13. #673
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  14. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    One random thing regarding our Imax showing: There were no trailers. Surprisingly, as soon as the lights dimmed, the movie immediately started. I wondered if this was an anomaly, a way of cutting time to allow for more viewings or anothe reason. I've heard some describe seeing the new Superman trailer, so, I was confused. Anyone else get trailers before their Rises showing?
    i took this as having something to do with Aurora/Gangster Squad being pulled.

  15. #675
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    Loved the film I thought it was a fitting finale to Nolan's part in the series! I saw yesterday with a friend on IMAX and today with another friend on AMC's ETX which is something they have which I thought had better sound and bigger screen then the IMAX but the picture wasn't as crisp. Still loved it!!!!! Can't wait for this on Blu-Ray.

    "There can be no true despair without hope." - Bane

  16. #676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluegirl View Post
    The one part that really bothered me was: how the hell did Bruce Wayne get back to the US? He was in a foreign country with no money, no passport, no ID. Then he had to get back in to a locked down city with no resources or anything. Then he had to figure out where catwoman was and find a shadowy place to walk out of. I guess anyone can be Batman even if they have NO way of getting home.

    if this bothered you, don't read any Batman comics from the past 15 years or so. He's been portrayed as a perfect genius who can do anything and has a perfect contigency for EVERY situation (until the DC relaunch, where they've finally brought him slightly back to earth). But yes, that bit was a tad silly. But they got a little loose with how much time went by at that point in the movie so the audience could buy it. Plus, the whole "holding Gotham hostage" thing was basically just a plot device to allow Bruce to recover & escape in a realistic amount of time relative to his back breaking.

    Anyone able to explain to me how that failsafe thing Gordon was carrying disabled the bomb? The movie moved pretty fast for me at times. And while we're at it, why did Bane want to get caught in the beginning? And that was the CIA, correct? Nice use of Littlefinger there!

  17. #677
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    The device Gordon used was basically just a signal scrambler. When placed within close proximity of the bomb, it blocks remote signals from getting through.

    Bane wanted to get caught because Pavel (sp?) had accepted the CIA's deal instead, and Bane needed to find out how much information Pavel had given them in whatever contact they'd had.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I mentioned this earlier, but by starting to give Bruce some thing to live for, in the form of Catwoman
    I don't think it was even that, really. He wasn't becoming newly attached to Selina Kyle, 'therefore I must live!' What was happening is he learned the hard news from Alfred about Rachel, the departure of Alfred, the fall of the city to Bane's hands courtesy of Wayne Enterprises' toys, and everything else, and in that prison he had to confront himself, to extricate himself from 'Batman', to 'find himself', to finally grow up. Because really this whole thing's been about Bruce in a state of arrested development, forever fixated on the death of his parents and on the girl that he was attached to, who was there when he was young and then who'd moved on even when he couldn't.
    Last edited by Corvus T. Cosmonaut; 07-22-2012 at 02:47 AM.

  18. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    i took this as having something to do with Aurora/Gangster Squad being pulled.
    This happened at my 12:01 IMAX showing too.

  19. #679
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    Saw it yesterday on IMAX for the first time. Incredible shots!!!! One thing I noticed about films when watching on a huge screen is the quality is pretty terrible compared to blue ray or am I crazy? I certainly am ignorant when it comes to quality of movies or anything in that area.Also, why are movies not as clear as blue rays are?

    I know there are some smart people in here so go ahead school.

    I don't have a lot to say about the movie that has not been said. I thought it was really good and I need to see it again to understand all the little details. Very good movie but I do not think it was as good as the dark knight.


    I had to do it.
    Last edited by Rdm; 07-22-2012 at 05:13 AM.

  20. #680
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    Because Blu-Ray discs aren't blown up to a 60-foot-diagonal screen.

  21. #681
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    if this bothered you, don't read any Batman comics from the past 15 years or so. He's been portrayed as a perfect genius who can do anything and has a perfect contigency for EVERY situation (until the DC relaunch, where they've finally brought him slightly back to earth). But yes, that bit was a tad silly. But they got a little loose with how much time went by at that point in the movie so the audience could buy it. Plus, the whole "holding Gotham hostage" thing was basically just a plot device to allow Bruce to recover & escape in a realistic amount of time relative to his back breaking.

    Anyone able to explain to me how that failsafe thing Gordon was carrying disabled the bomb? The movie moved pretty fast for me at times. And while we're at it, why did Bane want to get caught in the beginning? And that was the CIA, correct? Nice use of Littlefinger there!
    Just to further expand on this: the prison was in Mexico so given Bruce Wayne's connections, he could have easily sneaked back into the country.

  22. #682
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Saw it yesterday on IMAX for the first time. Incredible shots!!!! One thing I noticed about films when watching on a huge screen is the quality is pretty terrible compared to blue ray or am I crazy? I certainly am ignorant when it comes to quality of movies or anything in that area.Also, why are movies not as clear as blue rays are?

    I know there are some smart people in here so go ahead school.

    I don't have a lot to say about the movie that has not been said. I thought it was really good and I need to see it again to understand all the little details. Very good movie but I do not think it was as good as the dark knight.


    I had to do it.

    Some of it probably has to do with the projector. On an IMAX screen, everything really should be in bitchin hi-res, but it's true that the stuff shot on the Reds are still to lo-res for an Imax screen, so it could be the stretch.

  23. #683
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    I was personally kind of disappointed. To me the movie felt poorly paced and none of the attempts at humor worked for me, and in fact didn't really seem to for anyone in the midnight showing I attended. I distinctly recall nearly the entire audience being very receptive to the Joker's antics when I saw TDK at midnight, but the few comedic elements here just came of as silly and elicited only a few sparse chuckles.

    A few points:

    - The movie had no room to breathe. It moved along at a breakneck pace hardly every lingering on any shot for more than 10 seconds. To me it felt like a two hour and forty-five minute trailer.

    - Talia'a reveal and the movie just dumping Bane in favor of her was extremely anticlimactic, especially because he was far and away my favorite character. She was not a very compelling villain and having her be the "big bad" for the last 10-15 minutes sucked a lot of the tension out of the movie for me. Also found it kind of silly that not only did she stab Batman in the back, but that she also twisted the knife.

    - The only part of the movie I truly enjoyed was the first fight between Bane and Batman in the sewers. Bane was extremely menacing and his taunts were very sharp during that sequence.

    - John Blake's "I know you're Batman because I saw that look in your eye" was just lazy writing and had me rolling my eyes hard.

    - I did not buy Alfred's falling out with Bruce. It seemed way too quick and forced, and also his little speech about his fantasy of seeing Bruce with a woman somewhere telegraphed the ending a bit too much.

    - Catwoman just did not connect with me. She was by far the weakest character in my opinion and her one liners had my girlfriend turning to me rolling her eyes more than once.

    - Bruce's back being fixed by kicking his vertebrae into placing and hanging around for a couple weeks was just ridiculous.

    - How about Batman spending what must have been hours setting up a line of gasoline going to a giant bat symbol on the bridge when clearly time was of the essence? "I know there's a Nuclear bomb and all but think of how cool this flaming Bat symbol is going to look!"

    - Did not care about John Blake and his orphan bus and didn't feel it was at all necessary to continue cutting back to that during the film's climax. Also, I could not believe the conclusion of this trilogy hinged on the most tired of plot devices, the ticking red clock countdown! Ugh.

    - The movie had very little faith in it's audience. A few of the flashbacks were completely unnecessary and Blake's real name being "Robin" instead of say "Dick Grayson" was pretty insulting in my opinion.

    I could go on and on, honestly. Really just bummed out in general as I was extremely excited for this movie and was 99% sure I was going to love it. This was a huge disappointment and I felt very uncomfortable in the theater because I couldn't believe I wasn't having a good time. I feel like there were a lot of cool ideas but for the most part the movie missed the mark.

    Oh well.

    Also, an amusing anecdote: I shaved my chest hair into the shape of the bat symbol before I went for shits and giggles and before the movie started some people came into the theater to get the crowd pumped beforehand and asked anyone dressed as Batman to stand up. I stood up, unbuttoned my shirt, and displayed my bat shaped chest hair to which the girl said "OH MY GOD THIS GUY! THIS GUY WINS FOR SURE!" and threw me a T-shirt. Before I sat down she has me turn and display my chest to the entire audience, haha! Was the highlight of the evening for me :P.
    Last edited by Pemulis; 07-22-2012 at 12:16 PM.

  24. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    lol, I loved this part. It's the best possible response to what JGL said to her - if you've ever seen any movie at all, you know that cops offering protection never works.

  25. #685
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    Empire magazine caught up with Christopher Nolan to talk about his "Dark Knight" trilogy and asked him to give advice to the director Warner Bros will hire for the next "Batman" installment.

    He said: "The only advice I would have is that... when I first met with Paul Levitz of DC Comics prior to 'Batman Begins,' he explained to me clearly that Batman, of all superheroes, has thrived on reinterpretation and almost is strengthened by it. And I'm talking about over the years in the comic books but also in the movies.

    So when the time is right, whenever someone does whatever the next iteration of the character is, they simply need to be true to whatever it is they want to see, to what they believe in, not worry too much about what everyone else is telling them it should be.

  26. #686
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    It was good, but a little disappointing at the same time. Catwoman was kinda whatever. Didn't bother me nor was I amazed. The movie would've been better if they had cut out a little bit. I like what they did, but it felt a lot of the parts were dragged on. Good job with Bane though. But when Talia was revealed, I agree, it was very anticlimatic for Bane.

    If I had to rank them, this would be ranked last.

  27. #687
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pemulis View Post
    The movie had very little faith in it's audience. A few of the flashbacks were completely unnecessary and Blake's real name being "Robin" instead of say "Dick Grayson" was pretty insulting in my opinion.
    There was never meant to be a robin or a dick grayson. His name was an obvious nod to the books. Blake was set up to be the next batman in gotham, no one else.

  28. #688
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    Not necessarily even Batman. He could be any whatever Creatureman he chooses. What with the 'death' and memorialization of Batman in the City of Gotham following the nuclear incident it would seem unwise to take up the same mantle.

  29. #689
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    How about that new Bat Signal on the top of police headquarters at the end of the movie? I think the overall point was that The Batman will endure, even if it isn't Bruce Wayne underneath the cowl. Robin will be the new Batman, just like Dick Grayson did when Bruce "died" recently in the comics.

  30. #690
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    The more I think about Catwoman, the more I think how displeased I was with the character. Don't get me wrong, Anne Hathaway did a great job with the character... but I don't think they even called her Catwoman throughout the whole movie. She was just..... there.

    My ranks...

    The Dark Knight
    Batman Begins
    The Dark Knight Rises

    I almost want to put Batman Begins on top, but when I think about The Joker..... god was it done perfectly.

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