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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #751
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    That makes sense. I was pretty casual about the series till this latest one (god, 2008 was forever ago)...I pronounced him dead from the start, and any other time I saw the movie.

    I'm glad there wasn't any twisty with him, too, now that I think about it. I just didn't like the Dent/Two Face portrayal much.

  2. #752
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    Nolan has said many times there is no supernatural element at play in his Batman movies. If a person dies, they are dead, hence not even a mention of Ra's' Lazarus Pits. Shortly after TDK he said that Harvey was dead & would not be coming back to life, period. I imagine he'll have to say something similar about the ending of TDKR because of how many people are saying Alfred was imagining the whole cafe scene.

  3. #753
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Christian Bale visited the Aurora victims.

    Classy move. SORT OF wish a nurse would've bumped in to him or got in the way of the shot. 'OH GOOOOOD FOR YOUUUUU...'
    Sheesh, a guy loses his shit due to a film crew member's mistake and the world never lets him forget it! HA! By the way, I think Anne Hathaway deserves special recognition for helping us to forget this:

  4. #754
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    Some people are upset that catwoman was not really catwoman in the movie. I thought Christopher Nolan did the right thing. There were nods to catwoman without making the character dress up like a cat for no good reason. Because with the exception of "but she is catwoman" there is no logical reason to dress like a cat unless it is Halloween. It was bad enough that the whole two-face thing did not make sense out side of "but he is two-face."

  5. #755
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    Did those people even see the right movie?

  6. #756
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    Cam leaked. Looks like it was filmed with a potato. (not that I haven't already watched it all the way through)

    Also, Bane masks make any villain scarier.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 07-25-2012 at 12:53 PM.

  7. #757
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    that newman one is priceless.

  8. #758
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I think the second one is the most flawed it has a crappy ending and a gaping plot hole, it gets harder to look past every time i see it.

    My roommate has also been INSISTING that batman died, as there was no feasible way for him to escape a six mile blast radius. Also if you look at the time on the bomb, theres no way he could have cleared six miles i from gotham in that time.

    But this is nitpicking. For some reason, ive seen this three times, and they HAMMER IN that hes still alive. He fixed the auto pilot, ans theres no reason to include that line if he didnt survive. He somehow fixed the bat signal, changed his will and took the pearls witg him too. I dont even think its meant to be up for interpretation, like some. I think its just not answered as tightly as it could have been. A lot of people thought two face was still alive. Remember that nonsense?
    First off, I fucking LOVED this movie. I think I was holding my breath for the entire last hour.

    The part about the autopilot, in my interpretation, was to show that he COULD have set it to fly out to sea if he wanted to, but he felt like in the end he could do more as a symbol than a man, the same way they tried, but finally failed, to do with Dent. Alfred in the cafe at the end was simply seeing in his mind's eye what he always wanted to see when Bruce was gone before "Begins". That's my spin on it.

    Also, the link o_m posted:

    That's a movie I would watch.

  9. #759
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    Watched this last night...then immediately came home and watched the cam version.

    This flick was pure other words. The sets were huge and detailed, and Gotham looked like a megacity...or a metropolis. Watching the 13 minute BTS feature made that Wall St. scene even more enjoyable. All those extras is just insane.

    I have to say my favorite scene was in the sewer with Batman dodging the gunfire and only being "lit" by the bullets while he came at the screen. That was phenomenal.

    Hathaway and Hardy played their roles to the hilt, but the cinema cracked up on Bane's "Of course!" answer in the plane with the cracking voice. But this was one flick I lost myself in, you really want Batman to just kick Bane's ass by the end...Bane had that cocksure attitude that made him ooze "The Big Bad".

    People also applauded at the scene at the end in the cafe. Then it also happened in the cam version, and I had to laugh.

    Either way, I'm going again this weekend. Just a great comic book summer film.

  10. #760
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    I was surprised that it wasn't Batman who actually FINISHED Bane, but then, he probably wouldn't have if he refused to kill the Joker.
    And jesus, the absolute ferocity that Tom Hardy brought to the role was chilling.

  11. #761
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    What I loved most about Hardy's Bane was that he has this hulking "grr, smash!" physique, coupled with evil little beady eyes poking out from around the mask, so you expect him to be a wrecking ball of perma-aggression. Yet he usually holds back when you expect him to attack someone (even if it's just to attack them a little later than you were expecting...), like Joker he's more interested in defeating/"torturing" Batman than actually killing him, and when he talks, it's in jovial Liam Neeson-esque tones. It's that contradiction that makes him a believable leader.

    It would have been all too easy for Bane to have ended up as no more than a big masked thug, but the execution is perfect; as Poinoup said, he exudes "Big Bad"ness. Obviously they were never going to match Ledger's Joker, but in my opinion Bane was as potent a villain as we could have hoped for.

  12. #762
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    I think that's part of what makes me favor Hardy's Bane to Ledger's Joker. Both were stellar roles, and each one definitely has it's share of strengths, but I think that what gives Bane the upper hand as a strong villain/leader is that we know some of his back story; we know he's not a thoughtless killer. He has reason for doing what he does, and he's not afraid to do what has to be done. Combine that with his size and strength, and the guy is incredibly terrifying in a different way from the Joker. Not necessarily more, but in a way that I can appreciate more than a pure agent of chaos.

    I remember a couple pages back someone mentioned that part of what made Bane look so scary and inhuman was the fact that he seems like he never blinks. I tried to keep that in the back of my mind through the movie, and I don't recall seeing it anywhere. Not to say he never did, but I didn't notice. He rarely (if at all) blinked, and his eyes were always piercing forward. That just makes him seem so cold and calculated. The little things like that are what defined this role for me, even down to the way he moved. He wasn't just lumbering around, he carried himself with pride and power and some theatrics, like he knew how important it was that he present himself with some humanity, as opposed to the Joker's haywire and sporadic movements. Not that there was anything wrong with it - It was perfect for The Joker, but that wouldn't have fit Bane at all.

  13. #763
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    A little easter egg in the movie I noticed upon second viewing: when Selina and Holly were walking through some wealthy family's abandoned home, the shattered picture was of Christopher Nolan.

  14. #764
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    Good catch, I'll look for it when I go see it in imax.

    Speaking of which, how much of the movie is filmed in imax?

  15. #765
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I was surprised that it wasn't Batman who actually FINISHED Bane, but then, he probably wouldn't have if he refused to kill the Joker.
    And jesus, the absolute ferocity that Tom Hardy brought to the role was chilling.

    I really feel that's what Catwoman brought to the movie. The ying to batman's yang. She could do what he could'nt do, but had to be done. And he rubbed off on her to with the gunplay earlier in the movie. And they get together in the end, it's actually not a half bad love story when you think about it.

    Anne did a good job as Catwoman, great grounded backstory, I Absolutely LOVED, that they didn't even say Catwoman out loud in the flick(although they did say Robin). for some reason it just would have been out of place to hear it spoken.

    Gonna watch a cheap cam rip tonight, possibly see it again in theatres this weekend

    Oh, and I'll probably take some flac for this, but the IMAX was not worth the extra 6 bucks.

  16. #766
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    I'm not crazy about IMAX, I'm a fuddy-duddy about aspect ratios.

  17. #767
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    My friends and i couldnt help but laugh at the line "i watched you die" as said by bruce to Ra's.

    He also says this in the first one, when the old lady at the party "introduces" him to Ra's. But he says it right in front of the old lady... that akward moment...

  18. #768
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    Was the police in the sewers thing a shootout to the chilean miners?

  19. #769
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    I think the actual IMAX footage was around an hour.

  20. #770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broadbent View Post

    Oh, and I'll probably take some flac for this, but the IMAX was not worth the extra 6 bucks.
    Ah HAYELL nah.

    Just kidding but are you sure it was a real IMAX screen? There's only 80 in the US and the rest of them aren't the 80 foot tall real IMAX screens but converted stupid things.

  21. #771
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    yeah, if you see this on a true IMAX screen (Like the one at the AMC Lincoln Center in NYC), you will understand that it is worth the extra $. it looks so, so awesome.

    also, the guy above whose interpretation of the ending is that it's Alfred's projection...sorry, but there's absolutely no way thats the intended ending. You can obviously believe whatever you want, but it was written & filmed to show that he survived the bomb incident, and went to Florence with Seilna. Hence, the autopilot line.

  22. #772
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    and the missing pearl necklace.

  23. #773
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    How did Batman survive the atom bomb, or how did he get away from the blast radius when it showed him in The Bat with 5 seconds to go on the timer? Also, the publics perception was that "Batman" died in the bomb blast. Why does Bruce Wayne get a funeral as well/how did he die in the public eye?

    These are two points that I just cant wrap my head around and are taking the enjoyment out of the movie, mainly because it seems the only purpose of this ending is for the filmmaker to have a GOTCHA moment after fooling the audience. I still liked it a lot but I don't like having these questions.
    Last edited by EPICRAGE; 07-26-2012 at 06:18 AM.

  24. #774
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    Quote Originally Posted by EPICRAGE View Post
    How did Batman survive the atom bomb, or how did he get away from the blast radius when it showed him in The Bat with 5 seconds to go on the timer? Also, the publics perception was that "Batman" died in the bomb blast. Why does Bruce Wayne get a funeral as well/how did he die in the public eye?

    These are two points that I just cant wrap my head around and are taking the enjoyment out of the movie, mainly because it seems the only purpose of this ending is for the filmmaker to have a GOTCHA moment after fooling the audience. I still liked it a lot but I don't like having these questions.
    I can only explain the first point as plain old misdirection.

    As for Batman/Bruce Wayne's death. They could have explained that he died in Gotham's occupation. He was one of Gotham's elite and would have been normally targeted by Bane's people (if he wasn't Batman). And as far as Gotham knows, Batman may not be gone for long (i.e. the ending).

  25. #775
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    I saw this again last night, and enjoyed it even more on the second viewing. Bane was absolutely terrifying to watch on screen. You could tell he felt no threat from Batman during their first fight, and was relishing every punch, kick, and taunt, and was dismayed when Batman came back. His disbelief when saying "But...I broke you..." was amazing. I can't wait to see it again. And again.

  26. #776
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    You should go by your full name, Robin Terry McGinnis!

  27. #777
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    Whoever does the porn parody is going to have a lot to work with. "I got a pearl necklace from Batman" *cue flashback*

  28. #778
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    Not specific, but there's a Dark Knight XXX​ out already.

  29. #779
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Whoever does the porn parody is going to have a lot to work with. "I got a pearl necklace from Batman" *cue flashback*
    "But...I poop from there. I mean...I broke you..."

  30. #780
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