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Thread: The Dark Knight Rises

  1. #871
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    Tom Hardy's gunna be big in Hollywood some day. He kicks some serious ass in Warrior.
    I hope you've seen him in Bronson. My favorite movie evver.
    I thought he was great in Inception, and thought he looked familiar. I didn't realize till I looked him up on imdb that he was in the awful Star Trek Nemesis. His portrayal of Bane was amazing; I may have to go watch more of his films now.

  2. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    I wonder if a Collectors expanded edition of the score will be released. The deluxe digital edition is cool.
    I've realized that this soundtrack + any mundane activity = Awesome activity. I wonder if any passers-by notice me blasting the DKR soundtrack throughout the building at night. :P

  3. #873
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    I don't necessarily agree that an inflatable Obama punching bag is WORSE than Joker-boy Shooter-tard.

    DEFINITELY dig Hathaway's catsuit, however.

    And I LOVE the illustration of Batman the Billionaire.

    But that article was a piece of shit.

    This is coming from a fan of Taibbi's, mind you. I always look forward to his "Rolling Stone" articles and enjoy them a great deal, but he dropped the ball here. I think it's safe to say that whoever writes the "Rolling Stone" sports column and the magazine's financial exposés should probably STFU about comics and art.

    I appreciated his attempt at an angle and all, but it just reminds me of the "Wall Street Journal" review of The Dark Knight that interpreted it as a vindication of Bush's wiretapping. The key difference being that BATMAN knew it was wrong, used it when he HAD to, and then DESTROYED the device and gave us BACK our privacy. How's BUSH feel about THAT?!?

    Batman's exile isn't an "Atlas Shrugged-ian strike," he's willfully taken the fall for Dent's crimes to support the greater good, rather than to withhold his awesomeness from an undeserving populace in the John Galt tradition. He isn't "refusing to leave his mansion until we stop blaming him for all of our problems," he WANTS us to blame him. It was HIS idea, ffs. He doesn't "resent the very idea" that he's "one of us," he in fact believes in the goodness of people perhaps almost to a fault. And exactly how anti-99% can a guy be when he's basically dating a working girl who's made an entire career out of robbing the 1%?

    I appreciate Taibbi's politics and journalism but reading this piece he sincerely comes across as just another troll with an ax to grind who never bothered to learn wtf he was talking about.


  4. #874
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    That article was dumb. Plain dumb. I don't ever remember seeing Batman beating up anyone of the occupy movement, unless you count drug dealers & criminals with their faces painted as occupy members. Furthermore, had the author paid one bit of attention to Begins, he would have seen that the Lamborghini driving, idiot billionaire playboy image was suggested by Alfred so people wouldn't suspect he was Batman.

  5. #875
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    I just want to point out that I wasn't the crazed otter who bit a triathlete 25 times.

    Also: Batman rules.

  6. #876
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    Admins or not, howzabout you step out from behind your elitist "facepalm" option and post your disagreements with my posts where we can all see how SHIT they really are?

    And, y'know, discuss them.

    It's a fucking DISCUSSION FORUM after all, right?

    You're welcome for the scanned content, btw.

  7. #877
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    Holy moses, Hazekiah. I'm not going to speak for the Lieutenant here, but did you stop to think for a moment that maybe he was facepalming Rolling Stone? There's nothing Randian about all the social programs that Wayne donates to at all. It's a silly angle.

    ELITISM! FASCISM! ADMINS SUCK! NO ONE APPRECIATES ME! Chill out man. It's just a discussion forum, after all.

  8. #878
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    Yeah wow, and I know the entire forum would be lost without all the long, drawn out magazine scans that most of us couldn't be bothered to waste our time with.

  9. #879
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    Fair point.

    Not entirely sure why someone would facepalm both positive AND negative articles on the same subject, but sure.

    Fair point, I suppose.

  10. #880
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Fair point.

    Not entirely sure why someone would facepalm both positive AND negative articles on the same subject, but sure.

    Fair point, I suppose.
    you tend to start conflict wherever you go on this board. people find you frustrating. you ask for conversation and discussion, but then you simply spew venom when someone disagrees with you.

    also, the magazine scans tend to take up a whole lot of space, which people might find irritating. maybe post links to the images instead of the images themselves?

    and another thing, your whole story about the night you saw the movie, and feeling the need to compare all your little bits of narrative to what happened in colorado was tasteless and offensive.

    so, there: discussion. i have offered you several points which are valid and i guarantee will be backed up by others on this board for why your posts get facepalmed, and why people tend to have a hard time talking to you.

    now, can we please go back to talking about batman? thanks.

  11. #881
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    now, can we please go back to talking about batman? thanks.
    I think if Batman were a sandwich, he would be a pizza within a philly cheese steak.

    Seriously though, I thought Bane's voice was a little strange but as the film went on, it grew on me. His actions were also well done, I really thought Bane had Batman after Talia stabbed him.

  12. #882
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    Quote Originally Posted by REPLICA View Post
    I think if Batman were a sandwich, he would be a pizza within a philly cheese steak.

    Seriously though, I thought Bane's voice was a little strange but as the film went on, it grew on me. His actions were also well done, I really thought Bane had Batman after Talia stabbed him.
    is that the kind of sandwich you have to eat with utensils? because it sounds really messy.

    i'm wondering if they'll have a different audio mix option on the home video (can't believe i just used that term) release; specifically, hardy's original on-set voice with subtitles.

  13. #883
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    is that the kind of sandwich you have to eat with utensils? because it sounds really messy.

    i'm wondering if they'll have a different audio mix option on the home video (can't believe i just used that term) release; specifically, hardy's original on-set voice with subtitles.
    Yes it is. But then again... There is a Philly cheese steak pizza.... I might have to think about it.

    I don't believe I have heard his original set voice, I'll have to look in to that one.

    EDIT: Maybe he might be a Lobster Roll...
    Last edited by REPLICA; 08-10-2012 at 04:20 PM. Reason: Batman sandwiches

  14. #884
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    you tend to start conflict wherever you go on this board. people find you frustrating. you ask for conversation and discussion, but then you simply spew venom when someone disagrees with you.

    also, the magazine scans tend to take up a whole lot of space, which people might find irritating. maybe post links to the images instead of the images themselves?

    and another thing, your whole story about the night you saw the movie, and feeling the need to compare all your little bits of narrative to what happened in colorado was tasteless and offensive.

    so, there: discussion. i have offered you several points which are valid and i guarantee will be backed up by others on this board for why your posts get facepalmed, and why people tend to have a hard time talking to you.

    now, can we please go back to talking about batman? thanks.
    I think you just spoke for everyone on this board, good job! I was contempalting being the one to step up and say something like this, but I didn't want to start a war that the admins would look down upon. But Kudos for the response! Someone needed to say it.

  15. #885
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    you tend to start conflict wherever you go on this board. people find you frustrating. you ask for conversation and discussion, but then you simply spew venom when someone disagrees with you.
    Really. SHOW me these conflicts I've started. SHOW me this venom I've spewed in the face of disagreement.

    Unlike many of the truly contentious bastards who often pop up here, I generally stay away from topics I don't have nice things to say about and, in fact, pretty much use this site ENTIRELY for the discussion of bands and movies I like and to share on-topic media regarding those bands and movies.

    How incredibly frustrating that must be for everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    also, the magazine scans tend to take up a whole lot of space, which people might find irritating. maybe post links to the images instead of the images themselves?
    Maybe they could just scroll down? Compared to the consumption of time and finances involved in my procurement and sharing of said scans it doesn't seem like too much to ask. I make them big enough to read and small enough not to stretch out the pages, I guess I don't really see the problem here.

    Aaaand, just to keep things a bit more on-topic for this thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    and another thing, your whole story about the night you saw the movie, and feeling the need to compare all your little bits of narrative to what happened in colorado was tasteless and offensive.
    I in NO WAY WHATSOEVER compared anything about my opening day adventures with this movie to what went down at the theater shooting. I simply related what happened in the course of my moviegoing experience, and since I don't live under a rock and it was national news, the news of the shooting, its fallout, and discussing it with my friends was a part of that tale.

    If you're that easily offended or find it in bad taste then perhaps you shouldn't be frequenting a site devoted to the artist behind such tasteful and inoffensive ditties as "Big Man with a Gun," ffs.

  16. #886
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Compared to the consumption of time and finances involved in my procurement and sharing of said scans it doesn't seem like too much to ask. I make them big enough to read and small enough not to stretch out the pages, I guess I don't really see the problem here.
    What kinda weirds me out is your consistent opinion that we should be so grateful that you 'took the time' to scan these and forked out all that money. Again, almost no one cares...seriously, if you decided to just up and save all that hard earned money and not scan all these magazine articles that we really don't give a shit about, no one here would probably lose too much sleep.

  17. #887
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    I'm not expecting or asking for anyone to bow down and kiss my feet for it -- if I minded the money spent or time expended all that much I wouldn't bother in the first place -- but people are treating it like an imposition on THEM that they have to deal with all those on-topic contributions.

    Which is obviously utterly ridiculous, of course.

    Does anyone see ME complaining about animated .gifs or making-of clips or techno score-remixes?

    They could at least simply say quietly to themselves, "Well, it was nice of him to share" and move along instead of harassing me about it.

  18. #888
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    Take it to another thread, please. Much appreciated.

  19. #889
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    That article very articulately explains the atlas shrugged comparison i made a few pages back... and I think peoples refusal to acknowledge the conservative nature of these films is basically just a form of denial. They're well made, great movies, but I don't think people want to associate their favorite super hero with elitist, randian allegories.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 08-11-2012 at 12:19 PM.

  20. #890
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    Not sure if this has been posted before but news of parts of Bane's backstory has been left out according to this:

  21. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    That article very articulately explains the atlas shrugged comparison i made a few pages back... and I think peoples refusal to acknowledge the conservative nature of these films is basically just a form of denial. They're well made, great movies, but I don't think people want to associate their favorite super hero with elitist, randian allegories.
    Bruce Wayne /=/ John Galt.

  22. #892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    That article very articulately explains the atlas shrugged comparison i made a few pages back... and I think peoples refusal to acknowledge the conservative nature of these films is basically just a form of denial. They're well made, great movies, but I don't think people want to associate their favorite super hero with elitist, randian allegories.
    Given that the greatest heros of the last movie are poor Alfred, who's a servant of a not-clear but probably not-very-posh background; a not-filthy-rich orphan; a cat burglar and a corrupted police officer - I'm going out on a limb and say it's not elitist.

    Also, linking it to Rand in any way is completely overlooking the social commentary of the movie: the 'villains' of the piece rise up from the sewers. Literally. The streets were swept clean, Gotham's authority seems highly focussed on fighting crime and little else (given that benefits seem quite important and a boy's home is quite dependent on a private donor) - it's the minimal state's wet dream. (And don't forget out Hero, Teh Bat, actually helped this come about.) It's Bane who rises up against this situation and points out where it all went wrong.

    There's more, I think, but in essence I think people don't disparage the idea because they're liberalis, but because even if there are parallels to be made, those are not the only ideas or themes and I think to most viewers they don't seem to be the most important ones.

    edit: Oh, and the thing that I found most annoying about the whole thing? That superheroes used to be nerdy everymen. No they didn't! Comic books are modern day epics, and there's nothing everyman about Hercules, King Arthur, Robin Hood or supersmart Peter Parker. In fact, the most famous 20th century everyman is NOT a superhero, but a Hobbit in a catholic morality play. So there! Stupid article.
    Last edited by Elke; 08-12-2012 at 02:34 AM.

  23. #893
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  24. #894
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    I lol'd. ^

    I can't say this has happened more than a handful of times in my life, but I'm experiencing genuine cravings to see this movie (again). It's like I got a fever..and the only more DKR.

  25. #895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    I lol'd. ^

    I can't say this has happened more than a handful of times in my life, but I'm experiencing genuine cravings to see this movie (again). It's like I got a fever..and the only more DKR.
    I feel the same way. I only felt the need to see TDK once but Ive seen this one twice in 2 weeks and really want to see it again. Cant get this damn movie out of my head.

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  27. #897
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    TDKR is #3 in this weekend's box office, and just over $835 million in worldwide gross...I think it should safely pass the $1 billion mark.

  28. #898
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    Just saw this for a second time, and even sitting in the very front row (we got there late) didn't ruin the experience for me. I feel sad that this movie is being criticized so much, I was entertained and hooked throughout the whole thing, which for a movie of that running time is quite a feat to accomplish these days. Really, the only thing that bothered me during the movie - the thing that took me out of its spell and made me stand back and nitpick instead of staying immersed in the story - was Talia's death scene, which I found to be hammy and silly. ("My evil plan cannot be stopped!" *dies a weird shrugging death*) But I have nothing but praise for Bane, and Anne Hathaway's portrayal of Catwoman was excellent and totally reaffirmed my faith in her and Nolan. I'll see it one more time before it exits theaters, and then I can't wait to do a marathon of all three!

  29. #899
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    Batman retiring to protect a public servant and put the faith into a District Attorney rather than his bourgeois costume is not similar enough to Galt.

    Different motivations; less condescension.

  30. #900
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