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Thread: BioShock

  1. #241
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    Re: BioShock

    As much as I love Columbia and everything. There's something about Rapture that I like more. Can't put my finger on it though. Not a single thing wrong with either.

  2. #242
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    I'm getting the same feeling, there's something about Rapture.
    Whether it's the isolation of Rapture that made it pretty scary and really sucked you into the game. or That an underwater city is more believable than one in the clouds.
    But there's defiantly a part of me that wants to go back to Rapture. lol

  3. #243
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    I can't help but think we'll be back to Rapture someday. I don't think we'll be done with Rapture until we see the city destroy itself.

  4. #244
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    Re: BioShock

    Well, we do have three DLCs coming. Levine has referred to them as a "thank you" to the fans. So its definitely possible. I have a feeling it'll be awhile until we see any of that though.

    But wasn't Rapture going to be a trilogy? I could've sworn they said that somewhere before the second game was released. Either way, more Rapture is always welcomed.

  5. #245
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    Whoa, that ending. Jesus.
    Last edited by Clownboat; 03-30-2013 at 03:13 PM.

  6. #246
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    Finally finished, and agreed...that ending.

    I figured out about 4/5 the way through that Spoiler: Booker was Comstock but the fact that he's also Spoiler: Andrew Ryan pretty much blew my fuckin' mind. Oh, and Spoiler: RAPTURE!

  7. #247
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    Re: BioShock

    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Finally finished, and agreed...that ending.

    I figured out about 4/5 the way through that Spoiler: Booker was Comstock but the fact that he's also Spoiler: Andrew Ryan pretty much blew my fuckin' mind. Oh, and Spoiler: RAPTURE!
    What gave you that idea? Spoiler: I really don't think Ryan had a single thing to do with infinite. Seemed more like a fanfare moment, but also pointing out "constants and variables". A man, a lighthouse, and a city. I think that's the only purpose Rapture had in the story. I doubt they're connected. Seemed pretty vague, timeline wise. I got more of the impression that Columbia and Rapture are alike for reasons (Booker being the big daddy/protector, while Elizabeth taking on the role of the little sister.

    I think they were just pointing out similarities between the two worlds.

  8. #248
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    So I just got the Shock Jock vigor. Took a break to play a game with my friend and revisit the first game.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    What gave you that idea? Spoiler: I really don't think Ryan had a single thing to do with infinite. Seemed more like a fanfare moment, but also pointing out "constants and variables". A man, a lighthouse, and a city. I think that's the only purpose Rapture had in the story. I doubt they're connected. Seemed pretty vague, timeline wise. I got more of the impression that Columbia and Rapture are alike for reasons (Booker being the big daddy/protector, while Elizabeth taking on the role of the little sister.

    I think they were just pointing out similarities between the two worlds.
    It's my theory, but being the insane BioShock nerd I am, I actually sat down and wrote it out to see if there were any holes in it, and it's pretty sound.

    Spoiler: It's a multiverse, not only locations and times are parallel and coruscating out, but characters as well, as seen by the many Elizabeths/Annas. Knowing that, Rapture, and technically everything that happened in that story/timeline could be looked at as parallels of what happens in Columbia and this game. If you remember in BioShock, ONLY Andrew Ryan could operate bathyspheres (other than Jack who was a son/clone with the same DNA of course). When you're in Rapture in Infinite, there's signange saying that everything's on lockdown and that access to bathyspheres was denied to the public so only Ryan could do it...and you were able to use it.

    Think about it, if Booker/Comstock could be different versions in different realitites, they could be Andrew Ryan/Jack as well. Both were a version of the other who goes on to murder the other in a place that was created by the latter. Booker got to Columbia via one of the lighthouses (doors to other realities) and so did Jack. Maybe his plane crashed through a tear or he went through one earlier in his life at some point?. Since the realities only had slight differences from their counterparts (i.e. Lin is alive in one but dead in another, but everything else is the same...locations of furniture, building locations, etc. etc.) then Rapture could be Columbia...but underwater instead of in the sky. I could go on and on...Plasmids = Vigors, EVE = Salts. Hell, Daisy? Atlas. Lutece? Tenenbaum, maybe? Both looking after a little girl with powers. Little Sisters = some kind of version of Elizabeth. Big Daddies = Songbird. Both mechanical and protecting the girl. Elizabeth even puts on the dress that looks like the dresses the Little Sisters could be wearing. I think everyone was so focused on finding out the mysteries of Infinite that the makers could have been like 'Let's make ALL these things alike...and people won't get it for a while...even though it's kinda blatant lol.

    Again, a theory but one that I hold to be probably pretty spot on upon learning the ending with the multiverses.

    Another unrelated thought... Spoiler: When SongBird dies in Rapture due to the pressure of the ocean, there's blood...so it's not just a robot, but underneath something living like a Big Daddy.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 03-31-2013 at 11:56 AM.

  10. #250
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    Yo, if you've beaten the game, read this shit. It's damn well worth it. http://peripsuche.blogspot.com/2013/...-analysis.html

  11. #251
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    Re: BioShock

    I agree with you on almost all of that.

    Spoiler: I just can't wrap my head around the Ryan theory. Yeah, only his DNA controlled the bathospheres. But Elizabeth, at that point, was able to go wherever and do pretty much do whatever. Also, how are we so sure its even the same rapture? There could be several. I did pick up that the wrench was missing from the usual spot. So maybe it took place after, or it was an alternate. And if it were an alternate, maybe the bathospheres weren't on lock down.

    Just a guess.

  12. #252
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    ^^^ Some great points. Like I said, I could be off....but damned if the game didn't create more questions than answers the more I think about it. LOVE IT.

  13. #253
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    I think that Spoiler: people are reading too much/ kind of woerdly into the rapture thing. I feel like it was kind of an easter egg... and a little bit of a framing reference. The ending turns all of the games musings about exceptionalism, class warfare, and interpersonal relationships, and turns them into a means to an end to serve the larger themes of duality, redemption, and perspective. Rapture, Columbia, Finkton, Emporia, they all seem more like examples in the games "two sides of a coin" metaphor.

    I can see why gamers would instantly star cooking up wierd connections to rapture, because it expands and enhances the fiction, but i worry that raptures placement in the game ended up distra ting from what was teally going on.

  14. #254
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    Re: BioShock

    Honestly, I think the intention of an ending like that was for the fanbase to discuss and debate what it meant to them. Might not be a particular right or wrong. Because from what I've seen, quite a few people see it differently from me and one another.

    All a matter of perspective I guess. Also, that was a great read, clownboat.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clownboat View Post
    Yo, if you've beaten the game, read this shit. It's damn well worth it. http://peripsuche.blogspot.com/2013/...-analysis.html
    This was pretty good, and I got a lot out of it, but I feel like Spoiler: it leaves out the part about perspective, where the game tries to put us in the shoes of opposing ideals in order to showcase the merrits and shortcomings of both. Finally when it's revealed that you ARE comstock in some ways, the player realizes that they are as much guilty of all of it as anyone else....

    All in all it seems like a much, much denser game than Bioshock. I'm pretty glad about that.

  16. #256
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  17. #257
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    On my second playthrough, on 1999 mode this time. Overall, I loved the story and set pieces. However, I missed the puzzles and need for use of traps of BS and BS2. Other than those minor gripes, loved the game. Also loved the "timeless" songs; many times where I'd hear a song and think "that sounds familiar, is that x song?" Cool touch that added to the story.

  18. #258
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    I agree ^^. I miss having to be clever and setting traps and all that. I really like the game but I just like the overall mood of rapture much more. This one just doesn't seem challenging in any way. I don't feel the need to conserve ammo like I did in BS1 & 2. It's plentiful in this game.

  19. #259
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    Phew, just went on my first run and wow that game is beautiful! I have to say that I like Columbia a bit more than Rapture although I have to agree that Rapture has that certain something that Columbia is missing. Rapture was way more haunting and somewhat more believable and therefore creepy. I too muss the puzzles and the FPS elements feel clunky as always, but that doesn't take away from the beauty of the game. And for some reason I find Elizabeth to be one of the most likeable characters in gaming history, despite the fact that I get tired of characters like that rather quickly.

    Can't wait to play it until the end!

  20. #260
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    Great game! bit of a difficulty spike on the last part, but all in all very good in my opinion.

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    And for some reason I find Elizabeth to be one of the most likeable characters in gaming history, despite the fact that I get tired of characters like that rather quickly.

    Can't wait to play it until the end!
    I agree with this statement. She was actually helpful throughout the game and, thanks to the writing & voice actor, sympathetic: Both child-like naivety and growing world-weariness through the game that was quite tragic. Just about done with the 1999 mode, though a challenge in some parts, I found one particular fully upgraded vigor to be OP, in my opinion. Also, aside from two fights, I didn't find the rails to be as useful/necessary as I hoped. Nonetheless, the story, and sets, were amazing. Obviously I enjoyed the game enough to immediately jump back into it. I liked the series in this order: 1. Bioshock, 2. Bioshock: Infinite, 3. Bioshock 2. All great games and arguably my favorite gaming series: Mixing amazing set-pieces, challenging/ambiguous political/religious themes and interesting game-play.

  22. #262
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    I'm taking my time with this. I Spoiler: only just caught up with Elizabeth again at Fink Manufacturers. Can anyone tell me how far into the game I am? How much is left as well? I don't want it to end.

  23. #263
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    Re: BioShock

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I'm taking my time with this. I Spoiler: only just caught up with Elizabeth again at Fink Manufacturers. Can anyone tell me how far into the game I am? How much is left as well? I don't want it to end.
    About halfway-ish. Still have much to go though.

  24. #264
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    So far, I love the game. The environments and the sounds are perfect. I am finding enemies are insanely fast but auto-aim is helpful. I'm not so sure how much back-tracking is possible as the "side missions" seem to require a lot of rummaging.

  25. #265
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    Back tracking is pretty much possible all the way, but it can be a real bitch. For one of the Spoiler: cipher books, I went quite a ways before remembering that I saw it but said 'I'll get it after I kill these guys' but didn't actually GET IT. Took a while to get all the way back.

  26. #266
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    It's a great game, but the world and characters aren't as engrossing or memorable as Bioshock 1's. I liked it though, even if it started to wear thin a bit towards the end, and I really don't know what to make of that ending...

    Planning on starting a second playthrough on the 1999 difficulty.

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    I agree with this statement. She was actually helpful throughout the game and, thanks to the writing & voice actor, sympathetic: Both child-like naivety and growing world-weariness through the game that was quite tragic.
    Exactly. Even the German voice actor is doing a decent job with her. I think I'm almost done with the game (just went for Lady Comstocks grave) but things like her slowly rising awareness make her an essential story device and she IS helpful and in no ways a crutch like most characters in games that you have to look after. I just love how she eventually stops and looks at things and generally interacts with the enivornment.

  28. #268
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    I want to give 1999 mode a go but am terrified of having to do the Siren fights and final battle. The rest of the game was a breeze but those particular fights gave me so much trouble on Normal...

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by xmd 5a View Post
    I want to give 1999 mode a go but am terrified of having to do the Siren fights and final battle. The rest of the game was a breeze but those particular fights gave me so much trouble on Normal...

    If you want to beat the Siren (and pretty much all other 1999 enemies, later in the game), simply max-out/upgrade the charge vigor, max-out your salt infusion and equip all melee-related gear (e.g. the one that sets enemies on fire, the brittle skin gear and the one that gives salt upon death). I did this and plowed through the latter part of 1999 mode, especially the 3 Siren battles: Rammed her 3 times in about 5 seconds and she was gone before anyone could touch me. Further, when fully maxed, the charge vigor makes you momentarily invincible. Like I posted, earlier: The charge vigor is OP at the moment. I was surprised when I initially tried it out of desperation (I had tons of trouble with the siren on hard difficulty and used charge as a last resort, after I ran out of ammo).

  30. #270
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    I guess I'll try that? Because damn, that siren fight on 1999 is making me want to smash my controller. The problem is I've been (apparently) upgrading the wrong things. I have about 2000 dollars left, and I guess I could upgrade the charge attack, and my Salts are pretty close to maxed out, but not quite. I don't think I can afford to fully upgrade the charge attack, but maybe if I go scrounging around for loot that I might have missed I can do it.

    The problem then is that if I get knocked out, I'll go back to the checkpoint. Frustrating.

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