Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
Tattoo You came out after Some Girls, and it was pretty great. The Stones aren't the best example of graceful aging, but they never turned into an abomination, and there's actually some of the more recent stuff that's not as bad as we originally thought it was. Love is Strong actually isn't as bad a song as people were making it out to be when it was released.

Bowie was writing awesome stuff into his older age (even if I'm not that big of a fan of The Next Day). Tom Waits has always been awesome. Scott Walker just keeps getting better. Bob Dylan has put out some really classic stuff in recent years.
Some of Voodoo Lounge, Bridges to Babylon and the four songs on their Forty Licks compilation aren't too bad at all actually. Whatever the lead single was off of their last proper album wasn't too bad either.

And quite honestly The Who have been putting out some work that is nowhere near an embarrassment as some people have said. Losing Entwistle really hurt their edge but it didn't hurt Townshend's song-writing or Daltrey's voice which is still quite powerful after all these years. Watch the recent Quadrophenia: Live In London show, they really did the album justice to how it sounded when it came out. Or at least as best as they could 40 years later.