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Thread: The little things that piss you off...about music.

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I remember about ten years ago when the industry was really starting to reel from the effects of illegal downloading, and every new release on CD would come with some bullshit DVD that jacked up the price of the album considerably. They'd also scatter a bunch of bonus tracks across multiple regions so you'd have to drop serious money to scoop up all the songs from a particular musician. The Cure's 2004 self-titled album and, especially, The Smashing Pumpkins 'Zeitgeist' album were the worst offenders of this bullshit.

    As a lover of music, that kind of crap really pisses me off.
    i liked it when bands were actually getting their stuff mixed in 5.1 properly and you'd get a DVD with that on it, but otherwise, most of the DVD contents were pretty shitty.

  2. #92
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    Was "forced" to listen to radio for a while... some new hit from Taylor Swift, with heavy open hi hat (or what it is) on friggin FIRST beat, from beginning till the end. What on earth are the producers thinking, is it supposed to make it... what, groovy?? It annoys me! And the same thing happened with some Rihanna song years ago. Crap! First beat sucks! OK, thanks. :-)

  3. #93
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    There's a prog rock song I really liked until the last time I listened to it and focused on the consistent crash cymbal being played throughout. It may have just been the mix, but it really sapped my enjoyment for it.

  4. #94
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    Speaking of the music industry vs "illegal downloading": Does anyone remember "Copy Control"?, lots of CD's i own from 2003-2005 have that shit, i remember playing the CD in your computer was a bitch and all the programs got all fucked because they didn't wanted you to pirate the thing, i understand if they want to avoid piracy but it just shows how the record industry would do anything (even fuck computers up). I also hated the damned logo and it looks ugly in the CD's today:

    As for the "extra DVD" they tried to put on albums so we would buy: It was a novelty at first that quickly became old, i still listen to the CD's every now and then but hardly or never play the DVD's...

  5. #95
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    Yeah that copy control was a bitch! Even years later some Warner Bros Cds just won't play on my computer, mighty pissed off when I bought the Stooges 'Fun House' only to discover I couldn't put it on my ipod. Had to download it so I could do so.

  6. #96
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    Well i have two things.

    !st off, I remember when I was in 9th grade, and the school was doing some spring fest and there was a talent show for music.

    I signed up to play some NIN and what wrote down was rather long so I had to cut it down to this:

    Terrible Lie
    The Frail
    In This Twilight

    I was good to go, and I had to send the lyrics for "approval" and "appropriate" .

    I get it back only to find out the didnt want me to sing HLAH,THTF Terrible Lie and Hurt, and gave me no reason for such a stupid reason.
    I was not happy about that, but i did manage to get Hurt back in.

    So what was it I did Instead?

    March of the Pigs
    In This Twilight

    They Didnt bother to look at those lyrics.
    So what I am saying is, I hate how school thinks every little song that is in some way in even the slightest way offensive to everyone.

    I almost wanted to blast out Closer to show them what I felt about them, or starfuckers.

    Now the 2nd thing that pisses me off...

    People telling people, "you should kill yourself because you like this band" or any shit in that matter.

    What the fuck did they do to you? Did Chad Krouger fuck you as a child?
    Did Fred Durst give you a nookie?
    Did Scott Stapp ruin Christ for you?

    Look if you don't like the band, thats fine, if I like and you give me shit about it, you mean nothing to me.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Did Fred Durst give you a nookie?
    ROFL, i laughed so hard!

  8. #98
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    I hate it when I'm talking to a girl or reading a dating profile and she says "I love music! I listen to pretty much everything!", but then find out that "everything" is pretty much limited only to Hip Hop and Country Pop. And then to further kill it for me, they only listen to the radio singles.

    And then there's the old favorite when someone says "Nine Inch Nails is awesome! I love Fuck You Like An Animal! And have you heard their cover of that Johnny Cash song? Wait, The Downward Spiral? What's that? Closer? No, I've never heard that song... Dude, seriously, what the hell are you talking about?"

  9. #99
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    And here's something I posted about in Little Things That Piss You Off...

    I really don't like Reggae, I never have. I just don't "get" it, you know? I can appreciate it for what it is, but I still strongly dislike almost everything about it. My band mates, on the other hand, fucking love it. They used to joke around that the only reason that I hate it is because I suck at playing it. And they're partially right; I'm not a good Reggae drummer. It's just not a part of who I am as a musician.
    One of the few contemporary songs we do is I'm Yours by Jason fucking Mraz, and every time my guitar starts it, I want to shove his guitar up his ass sideways. In simplest terms, that song makes me want to douse myself in kerosene, light myself on fire and throw myself in a pit of starving, rabid dogs. But we don't just play the song... oh, no, we throw in Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright, too. So he's turned it into a Reggae Medley, and it's the only song in the entire show where I don't smile once for the entirety of it. Lucky for him, I'm professional enough that I want to play a song as well as I can regardless of my personal feelings for it.
    Another song that he occasionally does is Jammin'. Now, a few weeks ago, we were playing a show up in Maryland and without warning, he starts playing it. About halfway through it he turns around to me with a huge grin on his face and says "dude, you sound fucking GOOD on this song now!" And my first thought was "shit, now there's no reason for him not to do more fucking Reggae". And wouldn't you know, we played it again at the next two or three shows we did after that night.

    I'm screwed.

    I should mention that we're a Blues/Funk/Soul/R&B band. We're like The Blues Brothers with only three people. We're not a goddamn Reggae band. Sure, Eric Clapton does Reggae, but he can do whatever the hell he wants and we're not Eric Clapton. It's also frustrating when he decides to bust out a Pearl Jam song during the show. Sure, it gets a big reaction, but it still sounds like shit because the bass player and I don't know what the hell we're doing and it detracts from what we actually do. So for the rest of the night, we're trying to play originals, Stevie Ray Vaughan, James Brown, Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Robert Johnson and stuff like that, and people keep asking for more 90's Alternative/Grunge music. That's the only time (aside from goddamn Jason fucking Mraz) that I don't enjoy being a musician. I arguably dislike situations like that more than playing for a crowd that just doesn't care about what we're doing at all regardless of what we play. Still, it's better than drunk assholes screaming for fucking Freebird and Journey.

    So what's worse in your opinion: people who don't care about what you're doing at all, or people who want to hear you play, but don't want to hear what you actually play?

  10. #100
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    ^^^hmm, I'd say people not giving a shit at all is worse. Are you all equals in your band or are you paid by someone else? If equals I think you need to delineate some ground rules, or start playing something they hate to balance it out.

    My peeve about music is bands who don't write the band or album name on the actual CD. My 3 year old tends to chuck our CDs about and sometimes when they come out of their case I have trouble working out which cd it is

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Speaking of the music industry vs "illegal downloading": Does anyone remember "Copy Control"?, lots of CD's i own from 2003-2005 have that shit, i remember playing the CD in your computer was a bitch and all the programs got all fucked because they didn't wanted you to pirate the thing, i understand if they want to avoid piracy but it just shows how the record industry would do anything (even fuck computers up). I also hated the damned logo and it looks ugly in the CD's today:

    As for the "extra DVD" they tried to put on albums so we would buy: It was a novelty at first that quickly became old, i still listen to the CD's every now and then but hardly or never play the DVD's...
    Oh my god fucking foo fighters did that on one of their albums, I had such a problem trying to put it on my mp3 player at the time I had to pirate it to avoid all the hassles.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    I remember about ten years ago when the industry was really starting to reel from the effects of illegal downloading, and every new release on CD would come with some bullshit DVD that jacked up the price of the album considerably. They'd also scatter a bunch of bonus tracks across multiple regions so you'd have to drop serious money to scoop up all the songs from a particular musician. The Cure's 2004 self-titled album and, especially, The Smashing Pumpkins 'Zeitgeist' album were the worst offenders of this bullshit.

    As a lover of music, that kind of crap really pisses me off.
    You also referring to infamous trend of Dual Disc versions (2004-2007?)? I have the [With_Teeth] dual disc release...

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Same here. I didn't mind the Dual Disc era 1.) because it didn't last very long, and 2.) at least a good 97% of all Dual Discs had content on them worth ponying up for. Like 5.1 surround sound mixes and bonus video content.

    TDS and WT being two of my favorite Dual Discs, obviously
    Yeah, I have the Downward Spiral also. I haven't cracked out the albums in awhile and I totally forgot I even had it.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    ...As an aside, the SHM-CD version of The Fragile is worth ponying up for, as well. Even on my car CD player, I was hearing new things from it.
    Excuse me, but this part is not true. All SHM nin releases have same tracks, bit for bit, as regular releases.

  15. #105
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    More power to you and your car then!

  16. #106
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    That when you buy a mp3 download of an album you don't even get a PDF of the artwork.
    Come ON
    I think I got one once (Lady Gaga's Born This Way)

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