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Thread: List of Luv

  1. #271
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    ETS again... It's been a while since i've ventured out to do any interneting, few months anyway, and it's good to see things still chugging along nicely. Im bad with names but if you think your a part of this messy outburst of emotions you probably are. I'm sure ill be back here in another six months or so for another emo outing.

  2. #272
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    @elevenism @Digital Twilight @icecream All three guys have kept me afloat these past few weeks. All of you have hearts bigger than the universe can fathom. Thank you.

  3. #273
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    Thanks @Charmingly Miserable . Me and @icecream have kept eachother afloat at times. I pray that you a are adrift and at peace

  4. #274
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    @DigitalChaos for being one of the funniest members of the board. @Ryan for being so fucking weird. @Sarah K for sharing the weirdest friendship i've ever had. Not many people can tell me to go fuck off and shame me publicly and then immediately let it go and laugh with me about other things so seamlessly. PS you're really fucking hard to mention with that damn space in your name. @Swykk I like you bro, unblock me and lets get past our differences and go back to being cool.

  5. #275
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    You want to be inside me.

  6. #276
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    A small number of people get the humor but most just think I'm an asshole.

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    A small number of people get the humor but most just think I'm an asshole.
    No one knows that feel better than I do haha

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    @Sarah K for sharing the weirdest friendship i've ever had. Not many people can tell me to go fuck off and shame me publicly and then immediately let it go and laugh with me about other things so seamlessly.
    Hahaha. I know. This is why I have very few close friends in real life. When they're being assholes, I tell them that they're being assholes. But then I'm able to move on. I don't dwell on shit forever. Unless someone REALLY fucks up. Like today.

    You've provided me with more laughter in the last month than anyone probably.

  9. #279
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    @Leviathant for his compassion and his empathy. And for keeping ETS alive because I lurv my ETS and because We Are Groot.

  10. #280
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    everyone on the board.

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    everyone on the board.
    i'm with @Lew . i love all you fuckers. i live in a town of 1900 people, most of whom seem scared of me, after living in dallas for like 24 years.
    so you guys are pretty much my crew now.

  12. #282
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    i always come back here. peri pin to lew. this is a safe house in so many ways. <3
    happy friday!

  13. #283
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    @Swykk is the best. God. I love r this place. Even with all of the manufactured drama. It's the titz.

    I'm typing with one eye closed, so I hope that this is mostly accurate.

  14. #284
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    @Hazekiah - I just thought that I'd compliment you for your sense of adventure and just doing what you want to do. In some ways, I see that you're definitely living the dream. I doubt that I'll ever be that venturing, but you do it in a way that is very inspiring and uplifting to me. I'm still glad to not be alone on getting really into stuff in that kind of way, as I too have a tendency to collect things and watch/listen to/play them over and over again. Not that you're the only one, but I still admire your vigor/gusto, as it still occurs to me whenever I follow your posts on here and Provider Module. And pardon me for repeating myself, but your positivity cheers me up from time to time.

    And well, always being one to also be something else, I also still like the way you make use of extra large fonts. Perhaps it's because I was always tempted to use them, and well, perhaps I'll do it just this once. I hope nobody minds, as it's not like I do this everywhere else on ETS.

    Keep it up, and don't change... unless it's obviously for the better.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-19-2014 at 09:21 PM.

  15. #285
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    @elevenism - Thank you for taking the time to understand me. As a matter of fact, you seemed to understand me right away, and thankfully without any negative judgement, or feeling weird. I've always thought that was cool, and was amazed that you were also among the posters I've discussed some personal topics with. You really are a good listener, or should I say reader in this case. I just wanted to make sure you know that I didn't forget about that.

    @marodi - I know it's been a while, but the same can also be said about you. Your advice and reassurance is still very much appreciated. I suppose having the similar qualms, foibles and bouts of turmoil sort of helped us seem to click right away. If I'm not mistaken, you seem to be in a happier and more peaceful state of mind. I also wish you all the best, as I hardly forget any act of kindness.

    @Leviathant - Thank you for being accommodating and supportive as always, and also taking some time out of your hectic schedule to hear me out, even though I sometimes have a tendency to ramble. I appreciate all those times you'd helped change some of my thread titles at an instant. Your understanding in the non-drinker and non-smoking thread I made is one example as to how your understanding has greatly relieved me, and I always make sure to take your advice, even if it's not directed at me. And well, as one Nine Inch Nails fan to another, it's quite the honor to have ever gotten acquainted with you. Keep up the great work.

    @jezstyle - I actually appreciate that you found me positive in spite of some of my threads and posts. Knowing that you thought that and said that alone manages to brighten up my day. I feel like it's great to encourage positive discussion anyway, as it saves a lot of time and trouble, while maintaining a calm, cool, and collected mind. (Even though I've shown some displays to be quite the opposite/absence of that.)

    @Ryan @tony.parente - Thanks for the laughs yet again, as they're also appreciated. Those laughs alone are what also makes me love lurking ETS whenever I'm not posting.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-27-2014 at 09:58 PM.

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    From that hilarious "New NIN music / Cite proper sources" thread that exploded and then got locked (lame!) after I went to bed...

    This was good for a laugh:
    @Swykk "Bill--meet Jon. Jon--meet Bill. Cue montage (riding bikes, burning copies of HTDA, pontificating on what Trent should be doing, doing karate in the garage, etc) and BFF theme song of your choosing."

    But this had me fucking rolling for a good couple of minutes: @Sarah K "LERN2GOOGLE, BRAH. There are apparently TONS of articles and stories that confirm."

    Good stuff. @elevenism will be proud. Just the kind of snarky wit I love me some at ol' ETS
    oh i'm all over this! i need some laffs this morning. thanks for the tip, @NYRexall
    And thanks for the props, @Kris . I try to spread love everywhere i go and pride myself on not judging people too much. As St Francis said, it is better to understand than to be understood.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-19-2014 at 08:57 AM. Reason: this computer sucks

  17. #287
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    @henryeatscereal - Oh crap. I can't believe that I forgot to mention you in this thread again. You're also among my favorite fellow Nintendo, Seinfeld and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans. I also like how we seem to like most of the same bands. Like elevenism, you also seemed to click with me in an instant. Oh yes, and I still thank you for the "Likes" on most of the videos I've shared so far. Perhaps we have a similar sense of humor too?

    @elevenism - Oh yes, and I had no idea that you were Nintendo fan before I saw you post in the Mario thread I've made. Nintendo fans and I often seem to mix very well together. Then again, I've also been a Nintendo fan for about as long as I can remember.

  18. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    @henryeatscereal - Oh crap. I can't believe that I forgot to mention you in this thread again. You're also among my favorite fellow Nintendo, Seinfeld and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans. I also like how we seem to like most of the same bands. Like elevenism, you also seemed to click with me in an instant. Oh yes, and I still thank you for the "Likes" on most of the videos I've shared so far. Perhaps we have a similar sense of humor too?
    Thanks man you know i'm all about the turtles, maybe i don't share your love for the "4 Non Blondes" but i certainly understand it... thanks for the vids, i'm an old school fan of videogames as you know and i appreciate the thought...

  19. #289
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    @kleiner352 - It seems like what you've told me has actually helped. I'm still having bouts with feeling out of place and that people in general would be far better off without me, but it's advice and reassurance such as yours that help me "find my way". I also came to a realization that I've always based self-worth on what can be given and done for others, right up there with accomplishments, but have just recently learned that such a thing also isn't necessarily true at all times, or even most times, and I'm still trying to get used to that mindset.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me out with that even though that was for a brief moment with a stranger. I suppose that's why having good listeners and readers always helps whenever it comes to moral support. To me, it definitely should be appreciated and remembered.

    @Charmingly Miserable - I also wanted to be sure that I didn't forget you as well, and I'm sorry for not getting back to mentioning you sooner. Thank you for also being willing to hear me out. As of now, I suppose things are okay though. I just need to remember to take life one day at a time. It's just so easy to forget whenever I'm caught up in all those thoughts and emotions though, but I also still thank you for being a good reader as well. It's still very much appreciated.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-26-2014 at 11:54 PM.

  20. #290
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    Kinda late on this, but i do wanna give a shout-out to @elevenism for an awesome PM conversation we had a while back. Good to know people care, and are still feeling.

  21. #291
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    I am still here at this hotel. The Internet here sucks, so little to no ets. I MISS you guys. I would start a list but it would be too long and wouldn't work on this half assed service. I will go so far as to say that my heart hurts a little being cut off from everyone right now. It's like @Sarah Know was saying, we have something VERY special here. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to catching up with you soon.
    @Sarah K , I didn't mean to facepalm your post, I meant to like it.
    @Charmingly Miserable , @eversonpoe , @Kris , @henryeatscereal , @icecream , @kleiner352 , @marodi , @NYRexall , @Big Fat Matt , @heavenly_bearded , @Millionaire , @Hazekiah , and SO many more of you folks...thank you so much for being my virtual community these past couple of years since I left all my friends in dallas.

    Not being able to get on ETS easily from this hotel for the past 6 weeks has made me realize how important you all are to me.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-11-2014 at 04:13 PM.

  22. #292
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    Crappy Internet double posted the same post as above. @Big Fat Matt , I just read my pm for a memory jog, and man, thanks for listening.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-10-2014 at 04:05 AM.

  23. #293
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    @Kris for liking nearly goddamn everything i post and for being there to talk.

    And @Ryan , you are so fucking funny man.

  24. #294
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    I suppose that aside from literally liking and just agreeing with what you had to say, I have been able to relate to your posts a lot more than I thought. Thank you for yet another mention in this thread as well.

  25. #295
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    I miss @elevenism .

  26. #296
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    I'm here @Charmingly Miserable , i just haven't been around much because of those surgeries.

  27. #297
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    Sorry for the double post, but i had to add this.

    Lots of luv for @Jinsai .
    Some of you may have read in the little things that piss you off thread that i ordered a video game in
    "great shape!!!"(that just happens to be my favorite video game of all time) and received a scratched-up-to-the-point-that-it-doesn't-work copy instead. It fucking SUCKED.
    First i had to find an old PS1 or 2. The way everything panned out, it took me MOnthS to get hold of the motherfucker.
    Then i had to find the game, which didn't arrive for a couple of weeks.
    And then it didn't work. I was furious.

    Enter @Jinsai . He realized that he had the game, that his copy really IS in good shape, and is selling it to me for a very reasonable price.
    It makes me SO fucking happy.

    Thanks, @Jinsai !

  28. #298
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    np man! Package is in the mail

  29. #299
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    i heart @allegro , @elevenism , @eversonpoe , @Sarah K , and @orestes for consistently insightful and thoughtful posts/responses.

    i love the new board. people actually LISTEN (read: read ... i've always wanted to do that!) and engage themselves in things appropriately with no apparent need for validation or likes or whatever.


  30. #300
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    I love me.

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